Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

WTF are you talking about popeye?

Popeye? call me Mr. Squid.

The movie preview Choke stupid. The chick was telling the dude to hit her (because she was turned on), and the dude asked her if she wanted to be hit with a knife.

She said no......hitting with a knife is stabbing.

Face it you young 18 yr old're no match yet, because many of us have a LOT more experience on you.

BTW.....I'm 44, and a 20 yr military vet.
Tyrone Betrand Charles Riqaud?

DEFINITELY sounds gay to me. I mean.....Hollywood designer gay.

Liberace gay in fact!

Its Rigaud, pronounced Rig-o and its French, the Bass is of mixed descent, but 100% Afro-American and not gay, still craving for your gay Bass wet dream?
Back to the topic.....

If you're gonna say homosexuality breeds pedophilia, you're gonna have to say the same for Catholic priests, Mormons (Warren Jeffs kind), Congress, and a whole bunch of others. doesn't cause pedophilia. Matter of fact, if you say homosexuality causes it, you're gonna have to say heterosexuality does it also.
... Homosexuals are homosexual and pedophiles are pedophiles. They are not mutually inclusive terms.

A homosexual who is also a pedophile is both, IMO. Some try to negate the homosexuality altogether, but that's nothing but agenda driven nonsense.

But your statement above clearly states that you believe homosexuals are also pedphiles because they are homosexuals, and I'm calling bullshit.

It's only reasonable to recognize that not all homosexuals are prone to desire children for sexual gratification... however with that said homosexuals are proven to have advanced their thoughts which focused on deviant sexual gratification to action... and there are vastly more pedophiles within the homosexual community as a function of percentage than the hetero community... this is the crux of the sourced report by the OP. It does not suggest that ALL homosexuals are pedophiles, per se, only that homosexuals have a substantially higher likelihood of molesting a child than their hetero-counterparts.

The only distinction between a homosexual that engages in sex with an adult and one that engages with children is one that involves legalities... as both are comprised of individuals that obsess on deviant sexual behavior. But what you must realize is that the principle-less steps that the Western culture has taken to normalize deviant behavior to accommodate the homosexual, will and must inevitably do the same for the pedophile.

"What the FUCK?" you may be asking... But it's a function of that most sacred of all leftist twisted concepts: Fairness. Our generation has accepted homosexuality, thus the next will embrace it and all that comes along with it and it will do so in the name of fairness for the lowly pedophile...

Try this:

Using any of the clichés that were and continue to be used to justify the normalization of the homosexual deviancy, advocate for the normalization of pedophilia... "Pedophiles are people too..." "Pedophiles don't CHOOSE to be pedophiles..." and so on... Now take a contesting position and lay out the reasoning why pedophilia is wrong and why we, as a culture should not normalize it.

Inevitably the argument comes down to what? It has and must come down to the only distinction between the two deviancies: The intellectual means of the child to consent, right? And that argument has and must always come down to the arbitrary determination of the age at which the child is able to consent; a discussion which has and must always return to the authority of whom?? Those who know best... The Social Scientists... those who study the human mind, right?

So what you're faced with here is a function of what? Opinion, right? And many of those who study the human mind are of the opinion that 'adult child sex may actually be good for some children...' this, in effect the opinion of the following 1998 study: A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples," Psychological Bulletin, 1998, Vol. 124, No. 1, 22-53 by the American Psychological Association, or APA which was roundly and soundly pummeled by Dr. Laura Schlesinger... it should be noted that in the intense two week period in which Dr. Schlesinger invested the entirety of her radio program to discrediting this study, the most vociferous opposition to her contest of that study was heard from the homosexual lobby...

The 'report' has since been buried and you'll find little mention of it, period and it's nowhere to be found on the web... due to the intense public outcry against its 'findings.'

But what that tells us is that at the MOMENT... the culture is not prepared to rationalize 'adult/child' sex. At the moment the culture still maintains a shred of reason, at least sufficient to recognize that such is not just wrong but so wrong that the very notion itself is anathema to a majority of the population. But such was the case regarding homosexual deviancy in my own grandfather’s day... The idea that a Park dedicated to children’s fantasy would set aside a day to celebrate queers, would have been the stuff of unspeakable fiction; wholly unthinkable; that the SCOTUS would actually strike down Sodomy laws... "Are you kiddin'? No chance…"

One doesn't have to look around too hard to see it coming. Pre-teen and teenage girls and boys are being sexualized throughout the media... Thong underwear is being sold for prepubescent little girls and the sexual awakening of children is getting lower all the time.

In my own life, just this week, my wife and I have a close friend that is a foster mom. One of her foster kids is a 12 yr old girl... as a result of our Friend grounding this kid for lying to her, the kid disobeyed her foster mom and went to a dance to which she had been forbidden from attending due to her being grounded; she got arrested at the dance, so this began a whole investigation as a matter of course and it was through the investigation process that a supervising State psychologist laid the blame on our friend, claiming it was her fault for being too strict... and that the kid (A 12 yr old girl) 'needs to have more time to be with boys...'

So we can be certain that it is only a matter of time before the debate turns to lowering the age of sexual consent... and many of you that are in here today contesting pedophilia, will be somewhere in the future clamoring on about 'the Neanderthals' who are contesting the viability of normalizing sexual consent for 12 year olds, or worse...

I know you believe that accepting homosexuality is an enlightened choice... but it’s not enlightened in the least. It’s the antithesis of enlightenment. It is a principle-less notion which once accepted, can and will only lead to greater demands for more; more acceptance of greater and greater levels of sexual deviancy. The bad news here is that your own grandkids and or great grandkids are on schedule to be in the deviant 'Area of Operation' and your tolerance of this deviancy is only making it more of a certainty.
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Popeye? call me Mr. Squid.

The movie preview Choke stupid. The chick was telling the dude to hit her (because she was turned on), and the dude asked her if she wanted to be hit with a knife.

She said no......hitting with a knife is stabbing.

Face it you young 18 yr old're no match yet, because many of us have a LOT more experience on you.

BTW.....I'm 44, and a 20 yr military vet.

Me a punk? I bet you I can whip your ass you fucking faggot, I have plenty of experience in whipping ass, especially beating up the faggots here in Philly.
Back to the topic.....

If you're gonna say homosexuality breeds pedophilia, you're gonna have to say the same for Catholic priests, Mormons (Warren Jeffs kind), Congress, and a whole bunch of others. doesn't cause pedophilia. Matter of fact, if you say homosexuality causes it, you're gonna have to say heterosexuality does it also.

Of course pedophiles can be heterosexual, but why are they more predisposed to wanting little boys and why are they fighting to lower the age limit for anal sex?
Me a punk? I bet you I can whip your ass you fucking faggot, I have plenty of experience in whipping ass, especially beating up the faggots here in Philly.

Obviously you've got no brain, so therefore all you know is brute force.

Ever hear of akido? It's a really nice art to practice.

Tell ya what punk ass, if you're interested, I live in Amarillo. I'll even meet you at a bar so that you can medicate all the bruises I'd put on you afterwards. Hell, I may even buy you a beer after I beat your ass.

Oh yeah.....I also spent 5 years in Security Forces for the Navy.

Talking about gays and violence I see. Maybe YOU are one of the causes of pedophilia Billy Butt-bunny.
concession to what? That you don't matter beyond your little hole in the ground out in the mountains? Hey, again.. Bring your ruby ridge pussy ass down from the wilderness and start trying to push your silliness around.. See what happens to ya.


Sis you've already conceded the debate... let it go. Ya lost, it's not like there was a viable alternative... Leftists lose... It's nature's way.
Back to the topic.....

If you're gonna say homosexuality breeds pedophilia, you're gonna have to say the same for Catholic priests, Mormons (Warren Jeffs kind), Congress, and a whole bunch of others. doesn't cause pedophilia. Matter of fact, if you say homosexuality causes it, you're gonna have to say heterosexuality does it also.

There's no one of any intellectual means that is arguing that 'homosexuality causes pedophilia.'

Both Homosexuality and pedophilia are sexual deviancies... thus those prone to one are prone to another; meaning that someone who has entertained the notion of having sex with a person of their own gender has little regard for biological protocols of the natural order, let alone cultural thresholds of acceptable behavior; they have already proven themselves as being prone to setting aside common sense and obliging their base sexual instincts, without regard for their own best interests or those with whom they engage in sexual contact.

Homosexuality is abnormal behavior which our culture has recently sought to normalize; and in so doing set ourselves up for having to explain why the queers get to have their fun and the child molesters can't do the same... In case you missed it, the entire basis of the advocacy to normalize homosexuality was that to not accept them was simply not FAIR.

I covered most of the perils in this piece: post 344 of this thread.
Only punks attack those that they THINK won't fight back Abelian Sea.

Same with homophobes incidentally........
There's no one of any intellectual means that is arguing that 'homosexuality causes pedophilia.'

Both Homosexuality and pedophilia are sexual deviancies... thus those prone to one are prone to another; meaning that someone who has entertained the notion of having sex with a person of their own gender has little regard for biological protocols of the natural order, let alone cultural thresholds of acceptable behavior; they have already proven themselves as being prone to setting aside common sense and obliging their base sexual instincts, without regard for their own best interests or those with whom they engage in sexual contact.

Homosexuality is abnormal behavior which our culture has recently sought to normalize; and in so doing set ourselves up for having to explain why the queers get to have their fun and the child molesters can't do the same... In case you missed it, the entire basis of the advocacy to normalize homosexuality was that to not accept them was simply not FAIR.

I covered most of the perils in this piece: post 344 of this thread.

Interestingly enough......if homosexual behavior exists in the animal world (it does, remember the penguins that were having gay relations a couple of years back in the zoo), then it is NOT abnormal, other than to those that either don't practice it, or have been brainwashed into thinking it is abnormal, because of their own prejudices.

And......homosexuality was forbidden to the Levites because they were the priests of Israel (which incidentally is where most of the references are by the way, in Leviticus).

No.....the only thing that God had said was to not commit sodomy, because that was the quickest way for the human race to kill itself off. We didn't have condoms that were capable of blocking STD's back then. People were also told to not eat pork back then, because the pigs had a chance of being infected with trichinosis. Now? We've got ways of not killing ourselves off that way, so, I kinda think that God would allow it on a case by case basis.
Leftists lose? Tell that to Clinton. He won.......twice.....

Don't get caught up in the hype... Clinton's winning an election lead us to the normalization of sexual deviancy and directly to the APA study which found that 'adult child sex may actually be good for some kids...' It lead directly to 9-11 and the current collapse of the equity markets... Leftists lose sailor; it's nature's way.

What you need to understand is that Socialism is the ideaology of the terminally stupid... it will never win and this is wholly without regard for its means to advance through a culture.

I'd say that a determination wherein a parasite wins because it has secured a position in a host which it must destroy and and as a result, inevitably perish, is a short sighted determination, at best.
I'd say that a determination wherein a parasite wins because it has secured a position in a host which it must destroy and and as a result, inevitably perish, is a short sighted determination, at best.
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Bush Jr.
Sis you've already conceded the debate... let it go. Ya lost, it's not like there was a viable alternative... Leftists lose... It's nature's way.

I guess you have a problem reading then? I don't see where I conceded anything to a nancy boy like you, dude. Maybe that was your limp wrist whispering sweet nothings into your ear? Or, perhaps just another delusion causes by your ruby ridge schizophrenia? Regardless, I assure you that you will discover what nature's way is if you ever decide to get off your delusional ass and do more than talk tough on an internet message board.
Interestingly enough......if homosexual behavior exists in the animal world (it does, remember the penguins that were having gay relations a couple of years back in the zoo), then it is NOT abnormal, other than to those that either don't practice it, or have been brainwashed into thinking it is abnormal, because of their own prejudices.


This retarded logic of justifying what is morally right with humans by looking at animal behavior is mooted by the fact that animals practice cannibalism and infantcide, things that wouldn't be considered as normal by homos, but its funny to see the hypocrisy and cherry picking that dumb homos and neo-libtards use. It just shows the lengths that these idiots go through to rationalize that which cannot be rationalized.
Interestingly enough......if homosexual behavior exists in the animal world (it does, remember the penguins that were having gay relations a couple of years back in the zoo), then it is NOT abnormal, other than to those that either don't practice it, or have been brainwashed into thinking it is abnormal, because of their own prejudices.

Ahhh... yes; we're faced with yet another progressive advocacy for humanity to regress; in this instance to regress towards behavior typical of the animal kingdom... Cannibalism is also quite common among the lower species; perhaps we should reconsider the taboos on that as well?

And......homosexuality was forbidden to the Levites because they were the priests of Israel (which incidentally is where most of the references are by the way, in Leviticus).

No.....the only thing that God had said was to not commit sodomy, because that was the quickest way for the human race to kill itself off. We didn't have condoms that were capable of blocking STD's back then. People were also told to not eat pork back then, because the pigs had a chance of being infected with trichinosis. Now? We've got ways of not killing ourselves off that way, so, I kinda think that God would allow it on a case by case basis.

Yes, it's amazing how the experience of humanity is so quickly set aside by the enlightened among us. Early tribal cultures recognized that queers tended to die... and what's more they tended to take others with them... and beyond that, they noticed that tribes which tended towards accepting homosexual behavior didn't last long... so the thinking was that 'queers=BAD NEWS FOR THE TRIBE.'

Fast forward 5000 years and we find people explaining that there's nothing wrong with it... why its actually preferred! In fact these enlightened souls will often tell us that in fact, everyone is actually queer and the best way to spot queers is to look for those contesting queer behavior!

That queer behavior results in destruction of one's life should be a fair sign that it's a bad idea and that animals can be found engaging in the same behavior, hardly sets up contravening evidence. But I do believe that we can learn some things from the study of the animal kingdom...

When I was in the 6th grade I had a science teacher that was probably the first card carrying socialist I ever encountered. He was into every facet of social science... he introduced us to the very popular (at that time) studies regarding the 'population explosion.' One of those studies revolved around the study of mice and how they reacted under the stress of over population.

When there was plenty of food and area for the mice to live, everything was fine; each pairing off in little mice families; procreating and otherwise having a ball. But things got ugly when the procreating resulted in shortages of food and sufficient living area; the mice began to enage in homosexuality and cannibalism... Nature determined that the best way for these poor dumb bastards to fix the problem of having more mice than food and living area to support them was to take the weakest links in the mice chain and orient their sexual cravings towards mice of their same gender; thus preventing them from procreating; at the same time, the stronger mice would turn to killing these weaker queer mice and converting them into sustenance... in fairly short order, the population was back down to that with which the study had begun.

I don't recall the name of the study, but I'm sure someone will come up with it; it was all the rage in the mid-60s US Leftist Indoctrination Centers; AKA: US Public Schools.

All I'm saying is that maybe its not a great idea to normalize deviant behavior, because there is a reason that these taboos exist(ed) and that God was for them, is probably not the best reason to be against it...

Now do I believe that I'll convince you people? ROFL... HELL NO! My thinking is that if you were capable of understanding; ya would! I'm just here doing my due diligence so that when the balloon inevitably goes up, I can do what has to be done with a clear conscience...

It's all good... We all have to do what we think is best; because when it's all said and done, he who has the most effective fire power wins anyway and being effective is SO much harder to do when one isn't sure that he's done or is doing the right thing.
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