Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Shogun will continue with his redundant rants and insults for which there is no end in sight. Its useless and part of his retarded strategy to wear out the opponent and mask his inability to debate with facts.


chucky bass accuses someone of "redundant rants"!

I tellya, Irony never gets old.
Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to be The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexuality was published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, if featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.

Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

Publius Infinitum said:
This member truly IS the gift that just keeps on giving.

The OP asserts that a "Study shows link between homosexuality and Pedophilia" and this member has reeled at the notion THAT SOMEONE WOULD EVEN SUGGEST THAT HOMOSEXUALITY HAS EVER BEEN LINKED TO SEX WITH CHILDREN!

This member has consistently demanded that homosexuality is a perfectly NORMAL lifestyle with absolutely NO ties to any desire in queer men to have sexual relationships with young boys...

Above, this member has sourced a book, which she claims proves that the Japanese Samurai were a pack of homosexuals, that the entirety of the Samurai was founded upon the homosexual lifestyle... and FINALLY, when she gets around to posting the queer sites prelogue to the book which she has repeatedly advanced as evidence, we find that EVEN IN HER OWN SNIPPIT, it speaks to what we're lead to believe was the customary Japanese cultural pedophilia... celebrating such as being based upon "instructing the young men (Post pubescent but not yet adult BOYS, so 12-17 year old boys) in matters of honor and excellence.

The best part is that she seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that she has just advanced evidence which establishes the homosexual cultural need to seek young boys with which to satisfy their twisted deviant sexual desires...

Look back over my posts and you'll find where I've repeatedly spoken to the Clinton (oral sex isn't sex) era APA report which came out at the height of the US homosexual revolution; which stated in effect that: 'adult/child sex may actually be beneficial to some children.'

Friends, she didn't mean to but she was clearly oblivious to the fact that her own posted source spoke to the normalization of adult/child sex... but that is what she's done. This member clearly has absolutely NO PROBLEM with adult men engaging in sexual relationships with young boys... the only issue that stands between her and her ability to legally bed a pubescent 12 year old boy is the law that would land her queer ass in prison for 30 years...; a law which provides that a 12 year old boy can't consent to sex with anyone... so all she needs to do is to establish with a sufficient number of citizens to change the law on the basis of that that APA Report that states... 'adult/child sex can actually be GOOD for some children... and we know that is true because the Samurai culture provided teaching honor and excellence through temporary adult/child homosexual relationships...'

...which is in point of fact, yet another piece of evidence which readily indicates that homosexuals are intrinsically linked to pedophilia.

Hey, you asked for an education on the historic FACT of homosexuality.

Well when you idiots are pushed hard enough you eventually get around to admitting what the history of Homosexuality is... Frankly initially I thought you'd go to prove the Greek Homosexuality was rooted in pedophilia, as that is the path most of your sisters take... but this one works fine. :cool:

Great job Sally... ya twisted little cock pocket.
Hey, you asked for an education on the historic FACT of homosexuality. Thanks for admitting that you were wrong. Now, regarding your sidestep accusation of homosexuality and pedophilia, AGAIN, feel free to take your goofy ass to Virginia.


Waaaah waaaah, I can't support my position with facts and I'm a lose and whiner. I will ignore the link that Bass posted where homos were pressing the government to lower the age for anal sex and pretend that the homos that are pressing for it are not pedos looking for some child meat to shag.
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Waaaah waaaah, I can't support my position with facts and I'm a lose and whiner. I will ignore the link that posted where homos were pressing the government to lower the age for anal sex and pretend that the homos that are pressing for it are not pedos looking for some child meat to shag.

Well, since IM THE ONLY ONE offering evidence besides blathering shit (see both Samurai evidence and VIRGINIA HETERO PEDOFILIA above) I guess it's lost on you how stupid your post is.


back to the field, watermelon lips!
dude. shut the fuck up. You, of all people, don't impress anyone with that prison education of yours.

hey shirt lifter, it can't be that hard to refute the Bass if what you think he says is BS, so man up and do it, slapping you silly isn 't always fun, its pathetic and boring at times. Stop acting like Rocky trying to fight back and just stay down.
Well, since IM THE ONLY ONE offering evidence besides blathering shit (see both Samurai evidence and VIRGINIA HETERO PEDOFILIA above) I guess it's lost on you how stupid your post is.


back to the field, watermelon lips!

back to the cave in Europe Neanderthal Man.
hey shirt lifter, it can't be that hard to refute the Bass if what you think he says is BS, so man up and do it, slapping you silly isn 't always fun, its pathetic and boring at times. Stop acting like Rocky trying to fight back and just stay down.

Scroll up. I'm the only one posting evidence in this thread.



Now you know better... do I need to post a pic of the men who brought us this nation so that we can play "find the negro"?

I so wish I didn't think that was really, really funny.

I'm so ashamed. :doubt:
I so wish I didn't think that was really, really funny.

I'm so ashamed. :doubt:

I'm not. It's assholes like the Bass who think that becoming the racist bastard that he sees in some white people is any kind of solution to cohabitation. Fuck him. Facts are facts. If he wants to say that the Blues is an African American invention then I'll waste no time agreeing. If he wants to say stop lights and peanut butter are Negro concepts then, hellyea, we can agree. If he wants to pretend that white people DID NOT bring about this great fucking nation then he can kiss my white ass on his way out the door back to Africa where, shocker, blacks have yet to do more than hunt each other like gorillas in the fucking mist. I WANT multiculturalism but asshole like The Bass are exactly like assholes in the klan: Stupid to a fault and ignorant all day long.
Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to be The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexuality was published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, if featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.

Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

Publius Infinitum said:
This member truly IS the gift that just keeps on giving.

The OP asserts that a "Study shows link between homosexuality and Pedophilia" and this member has reeled at the notion THAT SOMEONE WOULD EVEN SUGGEST THAT HOMOSEXUALITY HAS EVER BEEN LINKED TO SEX WITH CHILDREN!

This member has consistently demanded that homosexuality is a perfectly NORMAL lifestyle with absolutely NO ties to any desire in queer men to have sexual relationships with young boys...

Above, this member has sourced a book, which she claims proves that the Japanese Samurai were a pack of homosexuals, that the entirety of the Samurai was founded upon the homosexual lifestyle... and FINALLY, when she gets around to posting the queer sites prelogue to the book which she has repeatedly advanced as evidence, we find that EVEN IN HER OWN SNIPPIT, it speaks to what we're lead to believe was the customary Japanese cultural pedophilia... celebrating such as being based upon "instructing the young men (Post pubescent but not yet adult BOYS, so 12-17 year old boys) in matters of honor and excellence.

The best part is that she seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that she has just advanced evidence which establishes the homosexual cultural need to seek young boys with which to satisfy their twisted deviant sexual desires...

Look back over my posts and you'll find where I've repeatedly spoken to the Clinton (oral sex isn't sex) era APA report which came out at the height of the US homosexual revolution; which stated in effect that: 'adult/child sex may actually be beneficial to some children.'

Friends, she didn't mean to but she was clearly oblivious to the fact that her own posted source spoke to the normalization of adult/child sex... but that is what she's done. This member clearly has absolutely NO PROBLEM with adult men engaging in sexual relationships with young boys... the only issue that stands between her and her ability to legally bed a pubescent 12 year old boy is the law that would land her queer ass in prison for 30 years...; a law which provides that a 12 year old boy can't consent to sex with anyone... so all she needs to do is to establish with a sufficient number of citizens to change the law on the basis of that that APA Report that states... 'adult/child sex can actually be GOOD for some children... and we know that is true because the Samurai culture provided teaching honor and excellence through temporary adult/child homosexual relationships...'

...which is in point of fact, yet another piece of evidence which readily indicates that homosexuals are intrinsically linked to pedophilia.

Shogun said:
Hey, you asked for an education on the historic FACT of homosexuality.

Well, ... IM THE ONLY ONE offering evidence

There is rarely any more effective evidence that leftists in all their 'alities' are idiots, than that evidence freely advanced by the leftists themselves...


:dig: Keep it up sis... :dig:

:woohoo: YOU'RE DOING GREAT~ :woohoo:
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I'm not. It's assholes like the Bass who think that becoming the racist bastard that he sees in some white people is any kind of solution to cohabitation. Fuck him. Facts are facts. If he wants to say that the Blues is an African American invention then I'll waste no time agreeing. If he wants to say stop lights and peanut butter are Negro concepts then, hellyea, we can agree. If he wants to pretend that white people DID NOT bring about this great fucking nation then he can kiss my white ass on his way out the door back to Africa where, shocker, blacks have yet to do more than hunt each other like gorillas in the fucking mist. I WANT multiculturalism but asshole like The Bass are exactly like assholes in the klan: Stupid to a fault and ignorant all day long.

The Bass is a racist? Neoliberal tards are good for making accusations and using emotive, useless rhetoric to back it, not facts. A retard is the one who has taken the Bass' statement completely out of context for the sake of arguing, thats call a strawman.
Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to be The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexuality was published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, if featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.

Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

There is rarely any more effective evidence that leftists in all their 'alities' than the freely advanced evidence advanced by the leftists themselves...


:dig: Keep it up sis... :dig:

:woohoo: YOU'RE DOING GREAT~ :woohoo:

dude.. you've been schooled. enjoy your new education. Feel free to ignore the link to the Virginia Dept of Health too, yo.. It's no mystery why you'd feel the need to be so selective with your pedophile accusations.

The Bass is a racist? Neoliberal tards are good for making accusations and using emotive, useless rhetoric to back it, not facts. A retard is the one who has taken the Bass' statement completely out of context for the sake of arguing, thats call a strawman.

Yes. you are a fucking racist. You seem to think being as much of an asshole to whites as you think whites are to you validates your racism. You can cry strawman just like you've cried about evidence. Scroll up, bitch. It's about as ironic as your accusation of name calling.. while opening up your goofy little, uneducated rant with name calling. Trust me. You've failed.
I'm not. It's assholes like the Bass who think that becoming the racist bastard that he sees in some white people is any kind of solution to cohabitation. Fuck him. Facts are facts. If he wants to say that the Blues is an African American invention then I'll waste no time agreeing. If he wants to say stop lights and peanut butter are Negro concepts then, hellyea, we can agree. If he wants to pretend that white people DID NOT bring about this great fucking nation then he can kiss my white ass on his way out the door back to Africa where, shocker, blacks have yet to do more than hunt each other like gorillas in the fucking mist. I WANT multiculturalism but asshole like The Bass are exactly like assholes in the klan: Stupid to a fault and ignorant all day long.

Well said.:eusa_clap:
Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to be The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexuality was published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, if featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.

Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

Publius Infinitum said:
This member truly IS the gift that just keeps on giving.

The OP asserts that a "Study shows link between homosexuality and Pedophilia" and this member has reeled at the notion THAT SOMEONE WOULD EVEN SUGGEST THAT HOMOSEXUALITY HAS EVER BEEN LINKED TO SEX WITH CHILDREN!

This member has consistently demanded that homosexuality is a perfectly NORMAL lifestyle with absolutely NO ties to any desire in queer men to have sexual relationships with young boys...

Above, this member has sourced a book, which she claims proves that the Japanese Samurai were a pack of homosexuals, that the entirety of the Samurai was founded upon the homosexual lifestyle... and FINALLY, when she gets around to posting the queer sites prelogue to the book which she has repeatedly advanced as evidence, we find that EVEN IN HER OWN SNIPPIT, it speaks to what we're lead to believe was the customary Japanese cultural pedophilia... celebrating such as being based upon "instructing the young men (Post pubescent but not yet adult BOYS, so 12-17 year old boys) in matters of honor and excellence.

The best part is that she seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that she has just advanced evidence which establishes the homosexual cultural need to seek young boys with which to satisfy their twisted deviant sexual desires...

Look back over my posts and you'll find where I've repeatedly spoken to the Clinton (oral sex isn't sex) era APA report which came out at the height of the US homosexual revolution; which stated in effect that: 'adult/child sex may actually be beneficial to some children.'

Friends, she didn't mean to but she was clearly oblivious to the fact that her own posted source spoke to the normalization of adult/child sex... but that is what she's done. This member clearly has absolutely NO PROBLEM with adult men engaging in sexual relationships with young boys... the only issue that stands between her and her ability to legally bed a pubescent 12 year old boy is the law that would land her queer ass in prison for 30 years...; a law which provides that a 12 year old boy can't consent to sex with anyone... so all she needs to do is to establish with a sufficient number of citizens to change the law on the basis of that that APA Report that states... 'adult/child sex can actually be GOOD for some children... and we know that is true because the Samurai culture provided teaching honor and excellence through temporary adult/child homosexual relationships...'

...which is in point of fact, yet another piece of evidence which readily indicates that homosexuals are intrinsically linked to pedophilia.

Shogun said:
Hey, you asked for an education on the historic FACT of homosexuality.

Well, ... IM THE ONLY ONE offering evidence

Publius Infinitum said:
There is rarely any more effective evidence that leftists in all their 'alities' are idiots, than that evidence freely advanced by the leftists themselves...


dude.. you've been schooled. enjoy your new education.

Oh... I am always about the learnin'... And I encourage you to keep educating me... do you have any other information which you'd like to share to prove that YOU ARE ADVOCATING THAT THE US CULTURE CHANGE TO ALLOW HOMOSEXUAL MEN TO ENGAGE IN OPEN SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUNG BOYS?

:dig: Keep it up sis... :dig:

:woohoo: YOU'RE DOING GREAT~ :woohoo:
Oh... I am always about the learnin'... And I encourage you to keep educating me... do you have any other information which you'd like to share to prove that YOU ARE ADVOCATING THAT THE US CULTURE CHANGE TO ALLOW HOMOSEXUAL MEN TO ENGAGE IN OPEN SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUNG BOYS?

:dig: Keep it up sis... :dig:

:woohoo: YOU'RE DOING GREAT~ :woohoo:

Again.. Would you like to address the Virginia health and human services "isn't she a little YOUNG" campaign or is this where you pretend that, during the age of the gay samurai, ONLY GAYS were out fucking people younger than 18?


digging a hole, indeed!

I'm not. It's assholes like the Bass who think that becoming the racist bastard that he sees in some white people is any kind of solution to cohabitation. Fuck him. Facts are facts. If he wants to say that the Blues is an African American invention then I'll waste no time agreeing. If he wants to say stop lights and peanut butter are Negro concepts then, hellyea, we can agree. If he wants to pretend that white people DID NOT bring about this great fucking nation then he can kiss my white ass on his way out the door back to Africa where, shocker, blacks have yet to do more than hunt each other like gorillas in the fucking mist. I WANT multiculturalism but asshole like The Bass are exactly like assholes in the klan: Stupid to a fault and ignorant all day long.

I don't disagree with you. No question that he's off the charts. I'm just sitting here and enjoying.

Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to be The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexuality was published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, if featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.

Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

Publius Infinitum said:
This member truly IS the gift that just keeps on giving.

The OP asserts that a "Study shows link between homosexuality and Pedophilia" and this member has reeled at the notion THAT SOMEONE WOULD EVEN SUGGEST THAT HOMOSEXUALITY HAS EVER BEEN LINKED TO SEX WITH CHILDREN!

This member has consistently demanded that homosexuality is a perfectly NORMAL lifestyle with absolutely NO ties to any desire in queer men to have sexual relationships with young boys...

Above, this member has sourced a book, which she claims proves that the Japanese Samurai were a pack of homosexuals, that the entirety of the Samurai was founded upon the homosexual lifestyle... and FINALLY, when she gets around to posting the queer sites prelogue to the book which she has repeatedly advanced as evidence, we find that EVEN IN HER OWN SNIPPIT, it speaks to what we're lead to believe was the customary Japanese cultural pedophilia... celebrating such as being based upon "instructing the young men (Post pubescent but not yet adult BOYS, so 12-17 year old boys) in matters of honor and excellence.

The best part is that she seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that she has just advanced evidence which establishes the homosexual cultural need to seek young boys with which to satisfy their twisted deviant sexual desires...

Look back over my posts and you'll find where I've repeatedly spoken to the Clinton (oral sex isn't sex) era APA report which came out at the height of the US homosexual revolution; which stated in effect that: 'adult/child sex may actually be beneficial to some children.'

Friends, she didn't mean to but she was clearly oblivious to the fact that her own posted source spoke to the normalization of adult/child sex... but that is what she's done. This member clearly has absolutely NO PROBLEM with adult men engaging in sexual relationships with young boys... the only issue that stands between her and her ability to legally bed a pubescent 12 year old boy is the law that would land her queer ass in prison for 30 years...; a law which provides that a 12 year old boy can't consent to sex with anyone... so all she needs to do is to establish with a sufficient number of citizens to change the law on the basis of that that APA Report that states... 'adult/child sex can actually be GOOD for some children... and we know that is true because the Samurai culture provided teaching honor and excellence through temporary adult/child homosexual relationships...'

...which is in point of fact, yet another piece of evidence which readily indicates that homosexuals are intrinsically linked to pedophilia.

Shogun said:
Hey, you asked for an education on the historic FACT of homosexuality.

Well, ... IM THE ONLY ONE offering evidence

Publius Infinitum said:
There is rarely any more effective evidence that leftists in all their 'alities' are idiots, than that evidence freely advanced by the leftists themselves...


dude.. you've been schooled. enjoy your new education

Publius Infinitum said:
Oh... I am always about the learnin'... And I encourage you to keep educating me... do you have any other information which you'd like to share to prove that YOU ARE ADVOCATING THAT THE US CULTURE CHANGE TO ALLOW HOMOSEXUAL MEN TO ENGAGE IN OPEN SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUNG BOYS?

Again.. Would you like to address the Virginia health and human services "isn't she a little YOUNG" campaign...?

Oh absolutely and I thank you for asking... I think that God has a 'special hell set aside for those people that abuse children, sexually or otherwise... and where an adult sexualizes a child, there should be a short trial; it shouldn't take more than ten minutes... which seeks to establish that the charge of sexual activity was engaged in by an adult with a child are factual and at the end of that trial, where the facts are substantiated, that adult should be taken to the public square and hung by the neck until they are long since dead. Such trials and the summary executions should by televised so that those who seek to sexualize children can see their own certain fate and PERHAPS make adjustments to their list of goals, as a result.

That some other twisted sicko beside the lowly queer desires to get off on children does NOT MAKE IT LESS A VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THOSE CHILDREN WHEN A FAG DOES IT and that the child consented makes absolutely NO DIFFERENCE... so when you start talking around the edges that a 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 or 12 year old should be able to consent to sex with an adult, rest assured I won't be far behind to straighten your sick ass out.

But let's remember that you're the one that has proven that homosexuality is HISTORICALLY linked to cultural pedophilia...

:dig: Keep it up sis... :dig:

:woohoo: YOU'RE DOING GREAT~ :woohoo:
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The FACT remains that child molestation is no more a ramification of homosexuality than it is of HETEROSEXUALITY. Despite your gay hating narrow mind, I assure you that pedophile gays are no more dominant of that deplorable behaviour than EVERY OTHER MOTHERFUCKER THAT WAS HISTORICALLY FUCKING KIDS. Good grief, you are trying to spin that black eye I gave you regarding gay samurai as if, AT THE VERY SAME TIME IN HISTORY, heteros were not out fucking kids as well. Do you need me to kick you in the fucking throat with some MORE evidence that will send you crying back to the arms of your soap dropping buddy?


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