Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

I specifically said IN THE WILD every time I discussed this -because homosexual activity among animals in a zoo, caged or domesticated setting -IS a known phenomenon. And every article about gay penguins were discussing penguins in a zoo or domesticated setting. Oddly enough, the ones at the Central Park zoo broke up due to a female penguin that lured one of them away -so I guess even then it wasn't a situation of a homosexual who was ONLY attracted to other males -as opposed to going for whoever would take him.

What I want to know is whether the fact that caged or domesticated animals or those in a zoo can and do end up only trying to mate with another male and appear to be truly homosexual while in the wild true homosexuality is not seen -says something about the nature of human civilization itself.

Its totally ridiculous using animal behaviour to justify human behaviour, are humans not above animals?
humans are animals! Plus we have evolved from apes.

Wrong, humans didn't evolve from apes, humans and apes share a common ancestor back in the deep past but humans didn't evolve from apes and are both millions of years separated from each other. Humans can reason and think rationally, animals don't, so justifying human behavior by looking at what animals do is ridiculous. Are human cannibals justified in their behaviour because cannibalism is common in the animal world?
Wrong, humans didn't evolve from apes, humans and apes share a common ancestor back in the deep past but humans didn't evolve from apes and are both millions of years separated from each other. Humans can reason and think rationally, animals don't, so justifying human behavior by looking at what animals do is ridiculous. Are human cannibals justified in their behaviour because cannibalism is common in the animal world?
Evolution 101: How Did Humans Evolve?
As stated in this we evolved from ape like creatures, us and chimapanzees!Prime example Lucy!
You said humans evolved from apes, Lucy wasn't an ape. Still this is off-topic, humans cannot use animal behaviour to justify their behaviour, thats the point.
Of course Lucy wasn't not an ape or a human, she was part of the evolution process, hence why it is called evolving. Human didn't turn into humans on the seventh day! Why do you think elephants look similar to mammoths.
Of course Lucy wasn't not an ape or a human, she was part of the evolution process, hence why it is called evolving. Human didn't turn into humans on the seventh day! Why do you think elephants look similar to mammoths.

You mean...the Bible is a lie?
It is mythology!

She says withoutthe slightest means to support it... a desperate lunge at vialidating her own 'feelings' which when tested, consistantly fail to produce anything approaching a well reasoned, intellectually sound, logically valid argument.

I've always been FASCINATED by this notion that man 'evolved' from apes...

Does anyone have any 'feelings' on what nature decided to leave some apes unevolved? How is it that Apes are still pretty much the same as they've always been and humans managed to get on the fast track to stress and indigestion?

It can't be the 'oppossing digit' thing... as the Ape's have'em... has anyone given this any 'feeling?'
hehehehe... dude.. you are a stupid, STUPID man.

Sis, you are very possibly, the least intellectually able person on this entire site. You're reasoning is equivilent to that of a 12 year old child. And while there's nothing wrong with having the intellectual means of a 12 yr old child, IF YOU'RE A 12 yr old CHILD... the question becomes :gives: what a 12 year old has to say?

Of course, on the off chance that you're a 9 year old child, that's good news... and while it's great to see that you're working a full order of development above your peers... the fact remains that the best advice that can be given to you is the simple admonishment to simply :anj_stfu:

Sis, you are very possibly, the least intellectually able person on this entire site. You're reasoning is equivilent to that of a 12 year old child. And while there's nothing wrong with having the intellectual means of a 12 yr old child, IF YOU'RE A 12 yr old CHILD... the question becomes :gives: what a 12 year old has to say?

Of course, on the off chance that you're a 9 year old child, that's good news... and while it's great to see that you're working a full order of development above your peers... the fact remains that the best advice that can be given to you is the simple admonishment to simply :anj_stfu:

Listen, nancy. it's quite a rip to see you talk about someone else being "least intellectually able" given the last samurai examples that STILL seem to have a glowing red five finger bitchslap on your face. Trust me, lil daisy, you can't out shit talk me any more than, APPARENTLY, you are able to provide evidence for your stupid rants.

Now, please.. keep your ice cream truck child molester rhetoric to yourself. Sure, sure.. you may feel like venting after the last time I used your posts like toilet paper but anger like that will lead to a stoke dude.. And, not the kind of stroke that puts a twinkle in the eye of your mucho macho soap dropping butt buddies.
Listen, nancy. it's quite a rip to see you talk about someone else being "least intellectually able" given the last samurai examples ...

Oh ya means this one? >>

Shogun said:
Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to be The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexuality was published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, it featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.

Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

Publius Infinitum said:
This member truly IS the gift that just keeps on giving.

The OP asserts that a "Study shows link between homosexuality and Pedophilia" and this member has reeled at the notion THAT SOMEONE WOULD EVEN SUGGEST THAT HOMOSEXUALITY HAS EVER BEEN LINKED TO SEX WITH CHILDREN!

This member has consistently demanded that homosexuality is a perfectly NORMAL lifestyle with absolutely NO ties to any desire in queer men to have sexual relationships with young boys...

Above, this member has sourced a book, which she claims proves that the Japanese Samurai were a pack of homosexuals, that the entirety of the Samurai was founded upon the homosexual lifestyle... and FINALLY, when she gets around to posting the queer sites prelogue to the book which she has repeatedly advanced as evidence, we find that EVEN IN HER OWN SNIPPIT, it speaks to what we're lead to believe was the customary Japanese cultural pedophilia... celebrating such as being based upon "instructing the young men (Post pubescent but not yet adult BOYS, so 12-17 year old boys) in matters of honor and excellence.

The best part is that she seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that she has just advanced evidence which establishes the homosexual cultural need to seek young boys with which to satisfy their twisted deviant sexual desires...

Look back over my posts and you'll find where I've repeatedly spoken to the Clinton (oral sex isn't sex) era APA report which came out at the height of the US homosexual revolution; which stated in effect that: 'adult/child sex may actually be beneficial to some children.'

Friends, she didn't mean to but she was clearly oblivious to the fact that her own posted source spoke to the normalization of adult/child sex... but that is what she's done. This member clearly has absolutely NO PROBLEM with adult men engaging in sexual relationships with young boys... the only issue that stands between her and her ability to legally bed a pubescent 12 year old boy is the law that would land her queer ass in prison for 30 years...; a law which provides that a 12 year old boy can't consent to sex with anyone... so all she needs to do is to establish with a sufficient number of citizens to change the law on the basis of that that APA Report that states... 'adult/child sex can actually be GOOD for some children... and we know that is true because the Samurai culture provided teaching honor and excellence through temporary adult/child homosexual relationships...'

...which is in point of fact, yet another piece of evidence which readily indicates that homosexuals are intrinsically linked to pedophilia.

Shogun said:
Hey, you asked for an education on the historic FACT of homosexuality.

Shogun said:
Well, ... IM THE ONLY ONE offering evidence

Publius Infinitum said:
There is rarely any more effective evidence that leftists in all their 'alities' are idiots, than that evidence freely advanced by the leftists themselves...


Shogun said:
dude.. you've been schooled. enjoy your new education

Publius Infinitum said:
Oh... I am always about the learnin'... And I encourage you to keep educating me... do you have any other information which you'd like to share to prove that YOU ARE ADVOCATING THAT THE US CULTURE CHANGE TO ALLOW HOMOSEXUAL MEN TO ENGAGE IN OPEN SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUNG BOYS?

Shogun said:
Again.. Would you like to address the Virginia health and human services "isn't she a little YOUNG" campaign...?

Publius Infinitum said:
Oh absolutely and I thank you for asking... I think that God has a 'special hell set aside for those people that abuse children, sexually or otherwise... and where an adult sexualizes a child, there should be a short trial; it shouldn't take more than ten minutes... which seeks to establish that the charge of sexual activity was engaged in by an adult with a child are factual and at the end of that trial, where the facts are substantiated, that adult should be taken to the public square and hung by the neck until they are long since dead. Such trials and the summary executions should by televised so that those who seek to sexualize children can see their own certain fate and PERHAPS make adjustments to their list of goals, as a result.

That some other twisted sicko beside the lowly queer desires to get off on children does NOT MAKE IT LESS A VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THOSE CHILDREN WHEN A FAG DOES IT and that the child consented makes absolutely NO DIFFERENCE... so when you start talking around the edges that a 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 or 12 year old should be able to consent to sex with an adult, rest assured I won't be far behind to straighten your sick ass out.

But let's remember that you're the one that has proven that homosexuality is HISTORICALLY linked to cultural pedophilia...

Shogun said:
The FACT remains that child molestation is no more a ramification of homosexuality than it is of HETEROSEXUALITY. Despite your gay hating narrow mind, I assure you ...

Publius Infinitum said:
Well you started off assuring this board that there was NO LINK between the sexual deviancy of homosexuality and the sexual deviancy of pedophilia... so I wonder what your present assurances might be worth?

To be sure, anyone that engages insexual activity with a child is a sexual deviant... just as a person that engages in sexual activity with a person of their own gender is a deviant.

You however have sought to assure this board that homosexuality is NOT deviant; that homosexual males are NOT prone to desire sexual relationships young boys, yet you source evidence which speaks SPECIFICALLY and EMPHATICALLY of how normal and natural it was for Japanese Samurai to seek short sexual relationships with young boys on the absurd rationalization that such was a means of teaching honor and respect... IT WAS A MEANS TO GET OFF ON THE INNOCENSE OF A LITTLE KID!



ROFLMNAO... :clap2: This is absolutely precious! (Albeit in a creepy sorta way...)

This member begins her screed by declaring that there is ABSOLUTELY NO LINK between Homosexuality and Pedophilia... and to PROVE it SHE PROUDLY SOURCES an example of THE CULTURE OF HOMOSEXUALITY REVOLVING AROUND ADULT HOMOSEXUALS PURSUING LITTLE BOYS!

And THIS in opposition to the Opening Premise that Homosexuality is linked to Pedophilia... LOL IT's CLASSIC!

The whole thing is absolutely HYSTERICAL (in no less than two contexts and on several levels...).

:dig: Keep it up sis... :dig:

:woohoo: ~YOU'RE DOING GREAT!~ :woohoo:
Yes, that one. You know.. the one where you insisted that there were no gay samurai and then, after I stomped a mudhole in your ass, you tried to pretend that the history of such is evidence BEYOND every other piece of fact I can bitch slap you with regarding heteros and their similar affinity for the underaged. Again, need a list of people who were out marrying 14 year old at the same time frame in hisotry? Step lightly little girl.. All you have to do is say the word and I"ll have evidence of just how widespread marrying off 14 year olds was in western europe in those days.


again, you FAIL.
Yes, that one. You know...

Yeah I DO KNOW... it's THIS ONE>>>

Shogun said:
Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to be The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexuality was published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, it featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.

Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

Publius Infinitum said:
This member truly IS the gift that just keeps on giving.

The OP asserts that a "Study shows link between homosexuality and Pedophilia" and this member has reeled at the notion THAT SOMEONE WOULD EVEN SUGGEST THAT HOMOSEXUALITY HAS EVER BEEN LINKED TO SEX WITH CHILDREN!

This member has consistently demanded that homosexuality is a perfectly NORMAL lifestyle with absolutely NO ties to any desire in queer men to have sexual relationships with young boys...

Above, this member has sourced a book, which she claims proves that the Japanese Samurai were a pack of homosexuals, that the entirety of the Samurai was founded upon the homosexual lifestyle... and FINALLY, when she gets around to posting the queer sites prelogue to the book which she has repeatedly advanced as evidence, we find that EVEN IN HER OWN SNIPPIT, it speaks to what we're lead to believe was the customary Japanese cultural pedophilia... celebrating such as being based upon "instructing the young men (Post pubescent but not yet adult BOYS, so 12-17 year old boys) in matters of honor and excellence.

The best part is that she seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that she has just advanced evidence which establishes the homosexual cultural need to seek young boys with which to satisfy their twisted deviant sexual desires...

Look back over my posts and you'll find where I've repeatedly spoken to the Clinton (oral sex isn't sex) era APA report which came out at the height of the US homosexual revolution; which stated in effect that: 'adult/child sex may actually be beneficial to some children.'

Friends, she didn't mean to but she was clearly oblivious to the fact that her own posted source spoke to the normalization of adult/child sex... but that is what she's done. This member clearly has absolutely NO PROBLEM with adult men engaging in sexual relationships with young boys... the only issue that stands between her and her ability to legally bed a pubescent 12 year old boy is the law that would land her queer ass in prison for 30 years...; a law which provides that a 12 year old boy can't consent to sex with anyone... so all she needs to do is to establish with a sufficient number of citizens to change the law on the basis of that that APA Report that states... 'adult/child sex can actually be GOOD for some children... and we know that is true because the Samurai culture provided teaching honor and excellence through temporary adult/child homosexual relationships...'

...which is in point of fact, yet another piece of evidence which readily indicates that homosexuals are intrinsically linked to pedophilia.

Shogun said:
Hey, you asked for an education on the historic FACT of homosexuality.

Shogun said:
Well, ... IM THE ONLY ONE offering evidence

Publius Infinitum said:
There is rarely any more effective evidence that leftists in all their 'alities' are idiots, than that evidence freely advanced by the leftists themselves...


Shogun said:
dude.. you've been schooled. enjoy your new education

Publius Infinitum said:
Oh... I am always about the learnin'... And I encourage you to keep educating me... do you have any other information which you'd like to share to prove that YOU ARE ADVOCATING THAT THE US CULTURE CHANGE TO ALLOW HOMOSEXUAL MEN TO ENGAGE IN OPEN SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUNG BOYS?

Shogun said:
Again.. Would you like to address the Virginia health and human services "isn't she a little YOUNG" campaign...?

Publius Infinitum said:
Oh absolutely and I thank you for asking... I think that God has a 'special hell set aside for those people that abuse children, sexually or otherwise... and where an adult sexualizes a child, there should be a short trial; it shouldn't take more than ten minutes... which seeks to establish that the charge of sexual activity was engaged in by an adult with a child are factual and at the end of that trial, where the facts are substantiated, that adult should be taken to the public square and hung by the neck until they are long since dead. Such trials and the summary executions should by televised so that those who seek to sexualize children can see their own certain fate and PERHAPS make adjustments to their list of goals, as a result.

That some other twisted sicko beside the lowly queer desires to get off on children does NOT MAKE IT LESS A VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THOSE CHILDREN WHEN A FAG DOES IT and that the child consented makes absolutely NO DIFFERENCE... so when you start talking around the edges that a 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 or 12 year old should be able to consent to sex with an adult, rest assured I won't be far behind to straighten your sick ass out.

But let's remember that you're the one that has proven that homosexuality is HISTORICALLY linked to cultural pedophilia...

Shogun said:
The FACT remains that child molestation is no more a ramification of homosexuality than it is of HETEROSEXUALITY. Despite your gay hating narrow mind, I assure you ...

Publius Infinitum said:
Well you started off assuring this board that there was NO LINK between the sexual deviancy of homosexuality and the sexual deviancy of pedophilia... so I wonder what your present assurances might be worth?

To be sure, anyone that engages insexual activity with a child is a sexual deviant... just as a person that engages in sexual activity with a person of their own gender is a deviant.

You however have sought to assure this board that homosexuality is NOT deviant; that homosexual males are NOT prone to desire sexual relationships young boys, yet you source evidence which speaks SPECIFICALLY and EMPHATICALLY of how normal and natural it was for Japanese Samurai to seek short sexual relationships with young boys on the absurd rationalization that such was a means of teaching honor and respect... IT WAS A MEANS TO GET OFF ON THE INNOCENSE OF A LITTLE KID!



THE ONE WHERE YOU SOURCED EVIDENCE PROVING THAT HOMOSEXUALITY IS INTRINSICALLY LINKED TO PEDOPHILIA... to contest an Opening Premise in a thread which states that Homosexuality is intrinsically linked to Pedophilia...

:dig: Keep it up sis... :dig:

:woohoo: ~YOU'RE DOING GREAT!~ :woohoo:
Hey, don't be angry at me because you can't seem to see how funny it is that you are ranting this tangent because I handed you your ass regarding the historic FACT of homosexuality. Hell, go ahead and set yourself up as the next butt of your ignorance joke while insisting that only gay samurai were out fucking people younger than 18 nearly 500 years ago!

Hell, VIRGINIA still has a problem with pedophilia.. as evident with that state's health department.. So, by your logic the entire state of VA is all gays, eh?

Indeed, tell me more about someone digging a hole!


You poor ignorant bastard..
Hey, don't be angry...

Angry? LOL... Who could be angry at an imbecile that can't help themselves?


Yes, that one. You know...

Yeah I DO KNOW... it's THIS ONE>>>

Shogun said:
Gay Tales of the Samurai by Saikaku Ihara, translated by E. Powys Mathers.

Gay Tales of the Samurai was written by the renowned author Saikaku Ihara (1642-1693) who recounted many tales of Samurai life from this period. The tales are said to be real accounts from life, and certainly many of them, particularly the last, read more like gossip than a constructed story.

To understand this book, you have to understand how different the world it grew from was. To quote Henry M. Christman in the introduction:

The year was 1687.

In England, King James II was on the throne, shortly to be overthrown by William and Mary. The rising young author was Daniel Defoe, whose famous work was to be The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

In America, a handful of English colonies were clinging precariously to the Atlantic coastline. William Penn had just concluded a peace treaty with the Indians.

In Japan a ten-volume illustrated work entitled Glorious Tales of Homosexuality was published.

Japan had long had a tradition of homosexual love. As with the Greeks before them, it featured love between youths, past puberty, but before becoming official men, and their older lovers. While there was a definite physical component to the romances, they were viewed to be for the purpose of instructing the young men in matters of honor and excellence. Bravery and Ardor went hand in hand in the warrior society.

Another component of these romances was the very nature of their impermanence. Just as the cherry blossom bursts forth, exquisitely beautiful, more so because its beauty lasts three days and fades, so is the beauty of youth. A young man, when he cut his bangs (the sign of being under the age of Adulthood, might not be pursued any longer, and will in fact, join the ranks of the pursuers.

That said, there are many tales that do not focus on the cult of youth, but are among men of similar age.

Gay Tales of the Samurai - Associated Content

Publius Infinitum said:
This member truly IS the gift that just keeps on giving.

The OP asserts that a "Study shows link between homosexuality and Pedophilia" and this member has reeled at the notion THAT SOMEONE WOULD EVEN SUGGEST THAT HOMOSEXUALITY HAS EVER BEEN LINKED TO SEX WITH CHILDREN!

This member has consistently demanded that homosexuality is a perfectly NORMAL lifestyle with absolutely NO ties to any desire in queer men to have sexual relationships with young boys...

Above, this member has sourced a book, which she claims proves that the Japanese Samurai were a pack of homosexuals, that the entirety of the Samurai was founded upon the homosexual lifestyle... and FINALLY, when she gets around to posting the queer sites prelogue to the book which she has repeatedly advanced as evidence, we find that EVEN IN HER OWN SNIPPIT, it speaks to what we're lead to believe was the customary Japanese cultural pedophilia... celebrating such as being based upon "instructing the young men (Post pubescent but not yet adult BOYS, so 12-17 year old boys) in matters of honor and excellence.

The best part is that she seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that she has just advanced evidence which establishes the homosexual cultural need to seek young boys with which to satisfy their twisted deviant sexual desires...

Look back over my posts and you'll find where I've repeatedly spoken to the Clinton (oral sex isn't sex) era APA report which came out at the height of the US homosexual revolution; which stated in effect that: 'adult/child sex may actually be beneficial to some children.'

Friends, she didn't mean to but she was clearly oblivious to the fact that her own posted source spoke to the normalization of adult/child sex... but that is what she's done. This member clearly has absolutely NO PROBLEM with adult men engaging in sexual relationships with young boys... the only issue that stands between her and her ability to legally bed a pubescent 12 year old boy is the law that would land her queer ass in prison for 30 years...; a law which provides that a 12 year old boy can't consent to sex with anyone... so all she needs to do is to establish with a sufficient number of citizens to change the law on the basis of that that APA Report that states... 'adult/child sex can actually be GOOD for some children... and we know that is true because the Samurai culture provided teaching honor and excellence through temporary adult/child homosexual relationships...'

...which is in point of fact, yet another piece of evidence which readily indicates that homosexuals are intrinsically linked to pedophilia.

Shogun said:
Hey, you asked for an education on the historic FACT of homosexuality.

Shogun said:
Well, ... IM THE ONLY ONE offering evidence

Publius Infinitum said:
There is rarely any more effective evidence that leftists in all their 'alities' are idiots, than that evidence freely advanced by the leftists themselves...


Shogun said:
dude.. you've been schooled. enjoy your new education

Publius Infinitum said:
Oh... I am always about the learnin'... And I encourage you to keep educating me... do you have any other information which you'd like to share to prove that YOU ARE ADVOCATING THAT THE US CULTURE CHANGE TO ALLOW HOMOSEXUAL MEN TO ENGAGE IN OPEN SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH YOUNG BOYS?

Shogun said:
Again.. Would you like to address the Virginia health and human services "isn't she a little YOUNG" campaign...?

Publius Infinitum said:
Oh absolutely and I thank you for asking... I think that God has a 'special hell set aside for those people that abuse children, sexually or otherwise... and where an adult sexualizes a child, there should be a short trial; it shouldn't take more than ten minutes... which seeks to establish that the charge of sexual activity was engaged in by an adult with a child are factual and at the end of that trial, where the facts are substantiated, that adult should be taken to the public square and hung by the neck until they are long since dead. Such trials and the summary executions should by televised so that those who seek to sexualize children can see their own certain fate and PERHAPS make adjustments to their list of goals, as a result.

That some other twisted sicko beside the lowly queer desires to get off on children does NOT MAKE IT LESS A VIOLATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THOSE CHILDREN WHEN A FAG DOES IT and that the child consented makes absolutely NO DIFFERENCE... so when you start talking around the edges that a 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 or 12 year old should be able to consent to sex with an adult, rest assured I won't be far behind to straighten your sick ass out.

But let's remember that you're the one that has proven that homosexuality is HISTORICALLY linked to cultural pedophilia...

Shogun said:
The FACT remains that child molestation is no more a ramification of homosexuality than it is of HETEROSEXUALITY. Despite your gay hating narrow mind, I assure you ...

Publius Infinitum said:
Well you started off assuring this board that there was NO LINK between the sexual deviancy of homosexuality and the sexual deviancy of pedophilia... so I wonder what your present assurances might be worth?

To be sure, anyone that engages insexual activity with a child is a sexual deviant... just as a person that engages in sexual activity with a person of their own gender is a deviant.

You however have sought to assure this board that homosexuality is NOT deviant; that homosexual males are NOT prone to desire sexual relationships young boys, yet you source evidence which speaks SPECIFICALLY and EMPHATICALLY of how normal and natural it was for Japanese Samurai to seek short sexual relationships with young boys on the absurd rationalization that such was a means of teaching honor and respect... IT WAS A MEANS TO GET OFF ON THE INNOCENSE OF A LITTLE KID!



Angry? NOooooo....

:dig: Keep it up sis... :dig:

:woohoo: ~YOU'RE DOING GREAT!~ :woohoo:
Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia - Interim, September 2002

Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

By Interim Staff
A new study by Dr. Timothy J. Dailey and the Washington D.C.-based Family Research Council recently confirmed what police and psychiatrists have known for decades: a definitive link exists between male homosexuality and pedophilia.

The report entitled Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse, shows that while homosexual men make up less than three per cent of the adult male population, they commit a disproportionate number (one third or more) of child sexual molestations. Dailey's report is being sent to parents, youth groups, school administrators, Catholic bishops, and religious organizations.

Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse presents a number of controversial findings. The first is that a significant percentage of child sexual abuse victims are boys. The second finding of Dailey's report contradicts the "inaccurate but widely accepted claims of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey" that homosexuals comprise at least 10 per cent of the population. Based upon a study of three large data sets, the General Social Survey, the National Health and Social Life Survey, and the U.S. Census, "a recent study in demography estimates the number of exclusive male homosexuals in the general population at 2.5 per cent, and the number of exclusive lesbians at 1.4 per cent," writes Dailey.

The FRC study also demonstrates, with a wealth of anecdotal evidence, that pedophile themes can be found throughout "mainstream" gay literature, including fiction anthologies such as: The Penguin Book on International Gay Writing, The Gay Canon: What Every Gay Man Should Read, and A History of Gay Literature:The Male Tradition. Interestingly, the late gay Beat poet Allen Ginsberg was a pedophile, and wrote articles for publications associated with the North American Man-Boy Love Association. "I reread Collected Poems and Ginsberg's two subsequent collections, surprised by the pattern of reference to anal intercourse and to pederasty that emerged," writes Dailey.

According to Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse, pedophiles have long existed as a subculture within the gay rights movement. Dailey quotes David Thorstad, a homosexual activist and founding member of NAMBLA, to demonstrate that by 1985, pedophilia had gained acceptance within the homosexual movement, as it was in that year that NAMBLA was admitted as a member in New York's council of Lesbian and Gay Organizations and the International Gay Association. In the words of Jim Kepner, at one time the curator of the International Gay and Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles: "A point I've been trying to make is that if we reject the boylovers in our midst today, we'd better stop waving the banner of the ancient Greeks, of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Horatio Alger, and Shakespeare. We'd better stop claiming them as part of our history unless we are broadening our concept of what it means to be gay."

The link between homosexuality and pedophilia is rejected by many mainstream research groups, which have even begun to view pedophilia in value-neutral terms. The American Psychiatric Association removed pedophilia from its list of sexual perversions in 1994, while in 1999 the American Psychological Association published a report, "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples," which "claimed child sexual abuse could be harmless and beneficial," according to a 1999 WorldNetDaily column by noted researcher Dr. Judith Reisman.

"None of this is news in the sense that this information (the link between pedophilia and homosexuality) was fundamentally proven a long time ago," Canada Family Action head Brian Rushfeldt told The Interim, "but I'm glad to see the FRC reiterating it, especially at a time when the Catholic church is struggling with the pedophile priest issue."

Rushfeldt stresses that pedophiles come in both homosexual and heterosexual forms, but there are differences between the two that need to be understood. "Do you treat the cocaine addict the same way you treat the alcoholic? If a priest abuses young boys, that's a homosexual act, and we have to recognize it as such if we want to help him."

Asked why the link exists in the first place, Rushfeldt, a former addiction counsellor, says part of the answer lies in the availability of sex. "Sex addicts generally need instant gratification. They have a very low threshold for delaying gratification, and it's much easier to manipulate a young boy into having sex than it is to manipulate another man." He adds that homosexual pedophilia is influenced by other factors as well.

"There's a distinct quality about male homosexuality that gay men tend to be attracted to young, good-looking guys. Another part of pedophilia's appeal is the power the pedophile feels in manipulating the boy. It's a combination of things."

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