Study shows link between homosexuality and pedophilia

Well there's no news here... Homosexuality is not the genetic schism that the Advocates of Social Science would have us believe. There is no genetic, biological or other distinction between a homosexual and a hetero... Homosexuality is merely a character flaw and one likely brought on BY early an episode or repeated episodes of molestation.

The simple fact is homosexuality is a choice wrought of obsession; an obsession which they simply either cannot or will not control. Of course like every other human being, it is certain that homosexuals go through periods where this obsession ebbs and flows, thus they are, just like everyone else, prone to periods where they are well capable of focusing on other things; life comes at us all at varying speeds; but on the whole a homosexual is the last person that should be given access to young children... as they already exhibit irrefutable signs of encouraging deviant thoughts in their own mind; and as a homosexual they have broken the line which stands between deviant thoughts and deviant behavior.

It should also not come to anyone's surprise that the Advocates of Social Science will reject the study, out of hand as usual; and irrationally demand that those who adhere to the thesis it represents are reacting from a foundation of 'hate'. It's all they have...
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Well there's no news here... Homosexuality is not the genetic schism that the Advocates of Social Science would have us believe. There is no genetic, biological or other distincton between a homosexual and a hetero... Homosexuality is merely a character flaw and one likely brought on BY early an episode or repeated episodes of molestation.

The simple fact is homosexuality is a choise wrought of obsession; an obession which they simply either cannot or will not control. Of course like every other human being, it is certain that homosexuals go through periods where this obession ebbs and flows, thus they are, just like everyone else, prone to periods where they are well capaable of focusing on other things; life comes at us all at varying speeds; but on the whole a homosexual is the last person that should be given access to young children... as they already exhibit irrefutable signs of encouraging deviant thoughts in their own mind; and as a homosexual they have broken the line which stands between deviant thoughts and deviant behavior.

It should also not come to anyone's surprise that the Advocates of Social Science will reject the study, out of hand as usual; and irrationally demand that those who adhere to the thesis it represents are reacting from a foundation of 'hate'. It's all they have...
Here we go again!:evil::ahole-1:
From the collection of his posts, Billy is just a closet pedophile who wants everyone to focus on gay men so he can get away with it himself.

ROFL... It's always the same, mindless, kneejerk, reactionary fascism...

For this person's position to be intellectually sound, those who stand up against people who murder the innocent, MUST themselves be murdering the innocent... and so on.

There is absolutely no level of non sequitur that the Advocates of Social Science will not eagerly roll out in order that they may take a stand upon it...

But these little hints DO establish the basis on which I personally believe that this person and her comrades should never be allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.
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ROFL... It's always the same, mindless, kneejerk, reactionary fascism...
For this person's position to be intellectually sound, those who stand up against people who murder the innocent, MUST themselves be murdering the innocent... and so on.
There is absolutely no level of non sequitur that the Advocates of Social Science will not eagerly roll out in order that thay can take a stand upon it...
But these little hints DO establish the basis on which I personally believe that this person and her comrades should never be allowed within 10 miles of a voting booth.

ahh the irony of the invasion of Iraq... gosh.. "innocent" and "collateral damage" sure are interchangeable, eh? The concept of projection is probably a bit more applicable than your opinons. Just a guess.

And, please.. if you think you can keep some of us from the voting booth then come getcha some.
I always thought faggots like little kids for some strange reason with all those faggoty priests and teachers, cult of homosexuality.

Rather a stupid assumption, don't you think? Homosexuals are homosexual and pedophiles are pedophiles. They are not mutually inclusive terms.

A homosexual who is also a pedophile is both, IMO. Some try to negate the homosexuality altogether, but that's nothing but agenda driven nonsense.

But your statement above clearly states that you believe homosexuals are also pedphiles because they are homosexuals, and I'm calling bullshit.
Rather a stupid assumption, don't you think? Homosexuals are homosexual and pedophiles are pedophiles. They are not mutually inclusive terms.

A homosexual who is also a pedophile is both, IMO. Some try to negate the homosexuality altogether, but that's nothing but agenda driven nonsense.

But your statement above clearly states that you believe homosexuals are also pedphiles because they are homosexuals, and I'm calling bullshit.

It's the 'blame what you don't like to justify our hatred' law. It's annoying but they are children mentally, so their own straight mates are more likely pedophiles .... *hides*
And where's that douche Charlie Ass who started this thread? The Black Supremist, Everything else-o-phobe of USMB?

Studies have shown that you'd be much happier and not so damned afraid of everyone and everything if you'd just come out of the closet.

Everyone here would be behind you on this. Speaking for myself as a male, I sure as Hell wouldn't want to be in front of you when you decide to come out of the closet.:badgrin:
And where's that douche Charlie Ass who started this thread? The Black Supremist, Everything else-o-phobe of USMB?

Studies have shown that you'd be much happier and not so damned afraid of everyone and everything if you'd just come out of the closet.

Everyone here would be behind you on this. Speaking for myself as a male, I sure as Hell wouldn't want to be in front of you when you decide to come out of the closet.:badgrin:

And this is why you are the KING! :eusa_clap:
Pedophilia and homosexuality might be separate problems, but they CAN be had by the same person. A homosexual pedophile is after little boys because he is little AND a boy ...
some say pedipilia is a whole other sexual prefernce from homosexual and heterosexual, most don't enjoy having sex with adults.
some say pedipilia is a whole other sexual prefernce from homosexual and heterosexual, most don't enjoy having sex with adults.

I know what it said. The homosexual community and those who champion its agenda do their damnedest to divorce homosexuality and pedophilia.

In its defense, there are those like Charlie's Ass that do their damnedest to tie pedophilia exclusively to the homosexual community.

IMO, the answer is rather obvious. A pedophile who exclusively targets children of the same sex is a homosexual and a pedophile. A pedophile who exclusively targets children of the opposite sex are heterosexual and a pedophile.

A true pedophile will target children regardless of gender.
I know what it said. The homosexual community and those who champion its agenda do their damnedest to divorce homosexuality and pedophilia.

In its defense, there are those like Charlie's Ass that do their damnedest to tie pedophilia exclusively to the homosexual community.

IMO, the answer is rather obvious. A pedophile who exclusively targets children of the same sex is a homosexual and a pedophile. A pedophile who exclusively targets children of the opposite sex are heterosexual and a pedophile.

A true pedophile will target children regardless of gender.
That is somewhat what I began saying!

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