Study: White liberals dumb themselves down when speaking to minorities

Here's an idea, Joey! Lean a little bit about the history of recessions in the US! We have them on a regular basis and some of them have been as bad if not worse than this last recession yet they didn't become prolonged like The Great Depression or The Great Recession? At what point do you on the left want to admit that progressive policies seem to make recessions linger on forever?

Again, if this is "normal", why did 9 of the last 10 start when Republicans were in charge?

The GOP argument is, 'You don't fix the economy fast enough after we fuck it up!"

I think it's time we call you jokers on this.
Recessions don't happen because someone "fucked up" the economy...they generally happen as the result of an overheated economy. If you REALLY want to find a culprit...the FED would be a good place to start! Changes in the money supply is what drives most booms and busts. You'd grasp that concept if you knew even a little bit about economics.
equal protection of the law means the People may also benefit. And, it is still more cost effective than welfare.

No, you want it to mean that you get paid even if you refuse available work.
equality. employers don't have to hire available workers.

And you don't have to take available jobs. What you don't get, though, is the power to force taxpayers to support you when you refuse available work.
providing for the general welfare means equal protection of the law.

Be honest, your trying to cloak your demand that taxpayers support you.
envious of the Poor, right wingers?
equality. employers don't have to hire available workers.

And you don't have to take available jobs. What you don't get, though, is the power to force taxpayers to support you when you refuse available work.

You're responding to a poster who has the IQ of a turnip. Just so you know. This is the same moron who said "if we would just refurbish Ellis Island, we would not have a problem on our southern border" he's a moron.
even women can gossip; Men have actual arguments. where is yours?

If I wanted to debate with someone as low IQ as you I would go to Wal Mart, but a sponge and start arguing with it.

At least the sponge wouldn't give you dumb answers and insist they are correct.
that is all the right wing does. and claim they must be right because they are on the right.
Recessions don't happen because someone "fucked up" the economy...they generally happen as the result of an overheated economy. If you REALLY want to find a culprit...the FED would be a good place to start! Changes in the money supply is what drives most booms and busts. You'd grasp that concept if you knew even a little bit about economics.
WWII pulled us out of the Great Depression even though FDR's Keynesian policies prolonged the depression in the US.
and he got credit for ending it.
Obama parroting FDR's failed policies used his Stimulus to pay off union political allies and he didn't create jobs so much as prolong them but the leftists defended that anyway.
No, you want it to mean that you get paid even if you refuse available work.
equality. employers don't have to hire available workers.

And you don't have to take available jobs. What you don't get, though, is the power to force taxpayers to support you when you refuse available work.
providing for the general welfare means equal protection of the law.

Be honest, your trying to cloak your demand that taxpayers support you.
envious of the Poor, right wingers?

Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.
How and who conduct these “studies”?
Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.

I have seen this many times.
White lefties spend very little time around blacks and believe blacks are inferior and in need of their help. So whenever they’re actually involved with any blacks they treat them like they’re retarded children.
Not BS. Absolute fact. White lefties can’t even say the word black out loud when speaking about black people or if black people are in the vicinity.
Recessions don't happen because someone "fucked up" the economy...they generally happen as the result of an overheated economy. If you REALLY want to find a culprit...the FED would be a good place to start! Changes in the money supply is what drives most booms and busts. You'd grasp that concept if you knew even a little bit about economics.

yeah, funny, the recessions only seem to start when Republicans are in charge. Now why do you think that is?

It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

The last thing the One Percenters want is to share the wealth with the wage slaves.
WWII pulled us out of the Great Depression even though FDR's Keynesian policies prolonged the depression in the US.
and he got credit for ending it.

actually, the Depression was pretty much over by 1935... but we had another smaller recession in 1937 after the courts ruled against most of the common sense Keynesian measures FDR put into place. Then WWII came along, let FDR get the kind of control government SHOULD have over the economy, and we had 40 years of prosperity.

Until Reagan fucked it all up.
Recessions don't happen because someone "fucked up" the economy...they generally happen as the result of an overheated economy. If you REALLY want to find a culprit...the FED would be a good place to start! Changes in the money supply is what drives most booms and busts. You'd grasp that concept if you knew even a little bit about economics.

yeah, funny, the recessions only seem to start when Republicans are in charge. Now why do you think that is?

It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

The last thing the One Percenters want is to share the wealth with the wage slaves.

Oh, bullshit...the so called One Percenters made out better when Obama was in office than they did when Bush was in office! Care to try another talking point?
WWII pulled us out of the Great Depression even though FDR's Keynesian policies prolonged the depression in the US.
and he got credit for ending it.

actually, the Depression was pretty much over by 1935... but we had another smaller recession in 1937 after the courts ruled against most of the common sense Keynesian measures FDR put into place. Then WWII came along, let FDR get the kind of control government SHOULD have over the economy, and we had 40 years of prosperity.

Until Reagan fucked it all up.

Wow...someone just read a copy of "Economics For Liberal Dummies"!
White lefties spend very little time around blacks and believe blacks are inferior and in need of their help. So whenever they’re actually involved with any blacks they treat them like they’re retarded children.
Not BS. Absolute fact. White lefties can’t even say the word black out loud when speaking about black people or if black people are in the vicinity.
Why do suppose that is?
White lefties spend very little time around blacks and believe blacks are inferior and in need of their help. So whenever they’re actually involved with any blacks they treat them like they’re retarded children.
Not BS. Absolute fact. White lefties can’t even say the word black out loud when speaking about black people or if black people are in the vicinity.
Why do suppose that is?
Institutional guilt. Marxist brainwashing. Insulated environment.
Thank a Democrat.
White lefties spend very little time around blacks and believe blacks are inferior and in need of their help. So whenever they’re actually involved with any blacks they treat them like they’re retarded children.
Not BS. Absolute fact. White lefties can’t even say the word black out loud when speaking about black people or if black people are in the vicinity.
Why do suppose that is?
Institutional guilt. Marxist brainwashing. Insulated environment.
Thank a Democrat.
No, its more likely because if you mention another race outloud it is assumed that it is derogetory.
White lefties spend very little time around blacks and believe blacks are inferior and in need of their help. So whenever they’re actually involved with any blacks they treat them like they’re retarded children.
Not BS. Absolute fact. White lefties can’t even say the word black out loud when speaking about black people or if black people are in the vicinity.
Why do suppose that is?
Institutional guilt. Marxist brainwashing. Insulated environment.
Thank a Democrat.
No, its more likely because if you mention another race outloud it is assumed that it is derogetory.
That assumption is a result of democrat Marxist conditioning.
Not BS. Absolute fact. White lefties can’t even say the word black out loud when speaking about black people or if black people are in the vicinity.
Why do suppose that is?
Institutional guilt. Marxist brainwashing. Insulated environment.
Thank a Democrat.
No, its more likely because if you mention another race outloud it is assumed that it is derogetory.
That assumption is a result of democrat Marxist conditioning.
No, too many people get butthurt without cause
Funny stuff, certainly not surprising:

White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people, a new study contends - The Washington Post

“White liberals may unwittingly draw on negative stereotypes, dumbing themselves down in a likely well-meaning, ‘folksy,’ but ultimately patronizing, attempt to connect with the outgroup,” argues the paper, titled “Self-Presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals.”

The findings, based on what the authors stress is “preliminary evidence,” raise difficult questions about aspirations for a so-called post-racial society. The results reveal how subtle forms of discrimination may coincide with progress toward equal treatment, or what the paper identifies as “a significant reduction in the expression of explicit prejudice and endorsement of negative stereotypes.”

The psychologists further discovered that white liberals rarely admit to the goal of appearing less competent, a fact that highlights the role of implicit bias and “the covert nature of the competence downshift strategy.”

“It’s somewhat counterintuitive,” said Dupree, who is the lead author and whose research was supported by the National Science Foundation as well as by Princeton’s Joint Degree Program in Social Policy. “The idea that people who are most well intentioned toward racial minorities, the people actually showing up and wanting to forge these connections, they’re the ones who seem to be drawing on stereotypes to do so.”

Consumed with skin color. STOP LOWERING STANDARDS FOR MINORITIES. Enough already.

Thank God we have smart Republicans.

Come on, even right wingers have to watch this video and laugh. Bill Clinton got aids from Magic Johnson? And Republicans call me a liar? I could never think this stuff up. It would never occur to me.

Show me a "rightwinger" as stupid as Maxine Waters, for real.

Now as stupid as Maxine Waters is, imagine how stupid the voters in her district must be.

I'm not talking about political disagreements here , I'm talking about this woman is dumb. I would bet a lot of money that her IQ isn't above 80.

Why do you think she’s stupid?

Seriously? You're asking why Maxine is stupid?!

No, I'm asking why you think she's stupid?

She's been in the State Assembly, she's been re elected 4 times. She has raised two children. was elected to the California State Assembly becoming majority whip. She worked on civil rights, women's issues, and helped establish the Child Abuse Prevention Training Program, the first in the nation. In 1990 she became the second black female elected to Congress. Waters has served as chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, and on the Veterans' Affairs and Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Committees. She's a self made millionaire coming from a poor family.

But you think she's stupid? How are you better than her? If you haven't done better than her and she's stupid, does that mean you are a t@rd? Just asking.
Here's an idea, Joey! Lean a little bit about the history of recessions in the US! We have them on a regular basis and some of them have been as bad if not worse than this last recession yet they didn't become prolonged like The Great Depression or The Great Recession? At what point do you on the left want to admit that progressive policies seem to make recessions linger on forever?

Again, if this is "normal", why did 9 of the last 10 start when Republicans were in charge?

The GOP argument is, 'You don't fix the economy fast enough after we fuck it up!"

I think it's time we call you jokers on this.
It's passed time.

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