Stump mispells "precedent" in Tweet to China

Oh noes Trump made a grammar error? Is this shit what you loons are going to whine about for the next four years?
Grammar and spelling Nazi's are always losing an argument, hence the correction they think they're making.
You mean Trump isn't able to insult China enough to make them back down? Perhaps he should tell them how much money he has and show them his wife's tits. That's all it took to get the right to follow him.
Oh noes Trump made a grammar error? Is this shit what you loons are going to whine about for the next four years?
You mean Trump isn't able to insult China enough to make them back down? Perhaps he should tell them how much money he has and show them his wife's tits. That's all it took to get the right to follow him.
Did Obama show them Michelle's penis?

No, and Trump didn't show his either, because it was too small to make any difference, and Ivanka had it tied up anyway.
But...but....he is a really "smart guy" who went to a really good school and he is very, very rich and knows more about ISIS than the generals he is placing in his cabinet. Wow! Maybe he needs someone to check his spelling before he shoots off his stupid tweets?
But...but....he is a really "smart guy" who went to a really good school and he is very, very rich and knows more about ISIS than the generals he is placing in his cabinet. Wow! Maybe he needs someone to check his spelling before he shoots off his stupid tweets?

It was a Freudian slip. "Unpresidented" is what he wishes he was right now.

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