Stump mispells "precedent" in Tweet to China

Dan Quayle lost his political career after he misspelled potato. The lack of outrage over this is unprecedented.



had Obama or HIllary had a tweet like that, all we would hear about is autocorrect.

Personally, I'm laughing at the fools making a big deal out of it


No one is making a "big deal" out of it, there's no need to get so defensive.

It's just funny.

This is the third or fourth thread about it, and no one is making a 'big deal' out of it?

This is the third or fourth thread about it, and no one is making a 'big deal' out of it?

There are more serious things to criticize the guy about. You got to admit though, it is pretty funny that the president-elect of the United States is misspelling words while he tweets on the internet. This guys is an outrageous clown! :laugh2:
This is the third or fourth thread about it, and no one is making a 'big deal' out of it?

There are more serious things to criticize the guy about. You got to admit though, it is pretty funny that the president-elect of the United States is misspelling words while he tweets on the internet. This guys is an outrageous clown! :laugh2:
it's twitter, what makes you think he misspelled it?
This is the third or fourth thread about it, and no one is making a 'big deal' out of it?

There are more serious things to criticize the guy about. You got to admit though, it is pretty funny that the president-elect of the United States is misspelling words while he tweets on the internet. This guys is an outrageous clown! :laugh2:

Especially since he likes to talk about how smart and rich he is. Maybe he can't afford auto-correct, we haven't seen his tax returns? :dunno:
Trump accuses China of stealing US Navy drone

What a Dunce!:banana: The Chinese are laughing at the Clown.:::

I bet Trump doesn't think Austrians speak Austrian, or that there are 57 states, or that Corpsemen serve in the military.

Trump accuses China of stealing US Navy drone

What a Dunce!:banana: The Chinese are laughing at the Clown.:::

I bet Trump doesn't think Austrians speak Austrian, or that there are 57 states, or that Corpsemen serve in the military.


It's strange that when Bush or Palin or Trump said something foolish, the Democrats and their allies in the MSM made them out to be blubbering idiots, but when Obama did the same thing the same people said he simply misspoke. Well, fuck that double standard. The truth is that Trump never said the stupid things that Obama did

At least Trump knew, as did most Americans over the age of 12, that there were 50 states in the USA, not 58 as Obama believed (Obama said he had been to 57 states and had one more to go). And Trump knew, as most Americans knew, that the word “corpsman” was pronounced “” not “” as Obama read the word from his teleprompter (he did it twice). And Trump knew, as almost every adult on the planet knew, that Europe was a continent, not a country as Obama claimed it was.

At least Trump knows what a century is. Obama claims the constitution was written 20 centuries ago. No wonder he thinks it's outdated!!

In the following video, Obama tries to talk about the dangers of pirates on the high seas, but instead vows to halt the rise of privacy (well, at least he was honest about not respecting privacy):

Most Americans know the difference between Intercontinental and Transcontinental but know Obama. twice referred to the Intercontinental Railroad build by our ancestors.

Obama Hails 'Intercontinental Railroad'... Again

There are many more examples of course, but the biggest blunder by far was Obama not knowing what year it was. On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book and added May 24, 2008, as the date. Unfortunately, the correct date was May 24, 2011! One of his advisers told him the month and day but neglected to tell him the year, probably because the adviser knew every normal person is aware of what year it is. Now I have known people to continue to use the old year for a short time after the start of the new year; however, I have never heard of a mentally healthy person getting the wrong date by 3 years. Obama's defenders on USMB said that he put down 2008 because that is the year he become president. Sadly, in order to prove the man was not delusional they proved he was ignorant. When you attend an event, you do not sign the guest book with the date you were elected president or Homecoming Queen nor the day you lost your virginity, the day your team won the Superbowl or the day you won the lottery. You input the date that you signed the book. It seems that everyone knows that but the ignorant asshole in the White House. Obama is a prime candidate for a mental institution.

Obama signs wrong year in the guestbook at Westminster Abbey

Trump may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier, but he's a hell of a lot smarter than the dufus in the White House. He's also a hell of a lot smarter than Hillarious Clitoris and her ultra-liberal supporters. He knew that the electoral vote was the key to the White House, not the popular vote. It really is funny the way the liberals try to make Republicans look stupid when the most ignorant things ever heard come out of the mouths of the Democrats.

Conclusion: We've had a dumbass in the White House for almost 8 years. Trump will be an improvement.
Holy shit---------a typo. Lock him up, send him to gitmo. A typo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yah, run for the hills, Trump made a typo.

WTF is wrong with you libs? Are you that desperate?

Member the threads about "O'bama fails to wear a flag pin" or "Does O'bama know who Snooki is or not??" or "O'bama goes 'uh' 493 times in speech"?

sure, that's the way it goes in the internet age. Obama did not wear a flag pin, why? what was his motive for not wearing one? Its also true that when ad libbing Obama cannot speak very well, he stumbles and stammers, he is a great "speech reader". He should have been an actor, then he could have pretended to be a good president.

Have you ever made a typo? This thread is left wing desperation.

You mean like Reagan pretended to be a president?

Reagan was a very good president. Your left wing attempts to rewrite history have failed. You libs just cannot stand it when your progressive bullshit if proven wrong time and time again.

Reagan ballooned the deficit like no one else. The present GOP would not have allowed him to do that.

did Reagan add 1 trillion to the debt? Duh, no. Did Obama add 1 trillion to the debt? Duh, yes.

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