Stump mispells "precedent" in Tweet to China

Trump accuses China of stealing US Navy drone

What a Dunce!:banana: The Chinese are laughing at the Clown.:::

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

Stump can lie and swear he never told the lie and you wing nuts will believe him, even though there is video evidence that he lied. He is a cult leader, not a president.
What has this to do with your idiotic topic?
Good spelling and grammar are a Communist plot.
Trump accuses China of stealing US Navy drone

What a Dunce!:banana: The Chinese are laughing at the Clown.:::
I've always sucked at spelling and not that spectacular at grammar either. I have a tendency to mix were and where up along with their and there that may be some weird malady because I'm totally aware I'm doing it , but I can read 800 page books faster than most can read a newspaper and I retain very well.

For the asses that point out my grammar mistakes and claim that makes me stupid. Pick any subject, I don't care if its something you wasted 4 years in college on give me an hour and I'll know as much as you, the person who believes they have been anointed by their high power to police other peoples words. .
Stump is going to make the US a laughing stock when he begins insulting other country leaders, except of course, his wife Putin.
Trump accuses China of stealing US Navy drone

What a Dunce!:banana: The Chinese are laughing at the Clown.:::

Well he can spell President

And China is laughing, wow do you watch news at all?
They are scared shitless.

Yeah, so are the majority of people he will soon be president over....China thinks he is a Clown, a child. They have said as much.
Be wary of China having a good word about any Politician, they are not our buddies.
So, who are you wing nuts going to blame when Stump starts WWIII? He has a plan to slowly turn this country into another Russian state. First he will begin suing the press when they write something other than blind praise about him. Once he gets the press in line, his Generals will begin regular Marshall laws periods around the country. All the while, Stump will be getting order from Moscow. This country is in big trouble with Stump in the Oval office.

He can go on TV and tell the country that none of the above is happening and his cult followers will believe him. THIS COUNTRY IS IN TROUBLE WITH STUMP IN THE OVAL OFFICE!
The right is going to do what you far left loons have done since January 20th 2009 blame everything bad that happens under Trump on his Predecessor.
May his "rain" be short.

You libs don't get it. It's a jab at the empty suit president we currently have. If we were "presidented" it wouldn't have happened.
You mean Trump isn't able to insult China enough to make them back down? Perhaps he should tell them how much money he has and show them his wife's tits. That's all it took to get the right to follow him.
Did Obama show them Michelle's penis?

No, and Trump didn't show his either, because it was too small to make any difference, and Ivanka had it tied up anyway.
I guess it's just your size?

Since you're the expert on dicks, I'll have to take your word for that.
Your the one talking about size, didn't know you were interested. Me I am the rare straight male.
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it hilarious that whomever created this thread complaining about Trump's spelling actually misspelled 'mispell' in the title?
You libs don't get it. It's a jab at the empty suit president we currently have. If we were "presidented" it wouldn't have happened.

Recycled swamp rats and Goldman Sachs continuity, party and personalitites have had no impact on the trajectory of this society over the past half century when it comes to the redistribution of societal wealth. It's time to grow up mike.

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