Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success.

Iraq has just formed a new government that appears to invoke a new level of inclusiveness that was the US objective since 2007. That certainly should be construed as success. So where is the lie since Obama has continued to make sure Iraq is a success.

Iraq has and will overcome the IS terrorist crisis, and then what will Obama haters whine about?

Lets see. Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success. Sorry, but either the dumb ass you voted for either lied or just didn't care he was leaving Iraq in a mess. Either way it doesn't look good and it's all his fault.
Isn't that the comment he made as part of the speech he made standing next to Maliki at the White House as he honored the American troops that had made it possible to turn security over to complete control of it's own security thanks to the sacrifice made by those American troops? I always thought it was a speech about pride in what our troops had made possible and a formal kind of way of saying it would now be up to the Iraqi people to take care of themselves and not depend on American blood.
He said Iraq was a success, why don't you go jerk off to your Obama poster.
Why don't you you provide a link that indicates anything other than what I posted? Could it be because you have difficulty with anything other than being a crude, under informed brainwashed partisan?
R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.
Alot of assholes think he has more than Obama.
Well, that's a lot of why they are considered assholes.
Not really. Anyone who thinks Obama has any is a total asshole.

The Brits think Obama's an asshole
Israel thinks Obama's an asshole
ISIS thinks Obama's an asshole
Most of America thinks Obama's an asshole.

Is there any assholes that think he's not. If they don't, they're assholes.
Thinking Obama is an asshole does not give any indication that one does not consider Bush to be an asshole too.
R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.
Alot of assholes think he has more than Obama.
Well, that's a lot of why they are considered assholes.
Not really. Anyone who thinks Obama has any is a total asshole.

The Brits think Obama's an asshole
Israel thinks Obama's an asshole
ISIS thinks Obama's an asshole
Most of America thinks Obama's an asshole.

Is there any assholes that think he's not. If they don't, they're assholes.
Thinking Obama is an asshole does not give any indication that one does not consider Bush to be an asshole too.
Bush hasn't been president for 6 years asshole.
The truth is that Barack Obama COULD have used the fact that we were giving the Iraqis billions of dollars in aid to negotiate a new Status of Forces Agreement but chose not to.

There is no truth to your ' coulda' .. You are being absurd to suggest Obama could use extortion to force Iraq's politicians to do what they did not want to do.

Are you serious? What you call "extortion" is the way most RATIONAL governments operate when it comes to giving aid to other countries! The truth of the matter is that many Iraqi politicians were nervous about a total US troop withdrawal leading to instability in the country...they could see the writing on the wall with the deep divides between Shia and Sunnis in Iraq, with ISIS growing in strength just over the border in Syria and Iran exerting more and more influence in the eastern areas of Iraq. They may not have come out and asked for US troops to stay but the fact is they would have LOVED it if we'd insisted.

I guess it is "absurd" to think that Barry would see danger and do the responsible thing. He's too busy working on his "legacy". The problem he has now is that we've still got two and a half years of him being in charge and he STILL doesn't have a clue what he's doing with either the economy or foreign affairs! I wouldn't want to be the President following this ongoing "train wreck"!
R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.

With each passing month, W. looks more and more like HE had a handle on Iraq and his successor didn't have a clue!
R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.
Alot of assholes think he has more than Obama.
Well, that's a lot of why they are considered assholes.
Not really. Anyone who thinks Obama has any is a total asshole.

The Brits think Obama's an asshole
Israel thinks Obama's an asshole
ISIS thinks Obama's an asshole
Most of America thinks Obama's an asshole.

Is there any assholes that think he's not. If they don't, they're assholes.
Thinking Obama is an asshole does not give any indication that one does not consider Bush to be an asshole too.
Bush hasn't been president for 6 years asshole.
You are the one who claimed there were a lot of assholes that believed Bush had credibility. That was only a few minutes ago. What's with the 6 year thing?
You act as if Libya, Syria, and Egypt never happened

Egypt? What about Egypt? Obama did not invade Egypt like Bush invaded Iraq. He did not invade Syria. He did not invade Libya for that matter.

Libya was a response to the UNSC and a humanitarian matter.
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12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success.

Iraq has just formed a new government that appears to invoke a new level of inclusiveness that was the US objective since 2007. That certainly should be construed as success. So where is the lie since Obama has continued to make sure Iraq is a success.

Iraq has and will overcome the IS terrorist crisis, and then what will Obama haters whine about?

Lets see. Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!

You get more and more delusional as you try and argue this stuff, Notfooled!

The only reason there is a new government being formed in Iraq is that the country was teetering on total collapse with ISIS being on the outskirts of Baghdad threatening to cut people's heads off if the Iraqi government didn't get it's act together! Barack Obama being asleep at the switch is the reason that happened so giving him CREDIT for the new found "inclusiveness" in Iraq is laughable!
You act as if Libya, Syria, and Egypt never happened

Egypt? What about Egypt? Obama did not invade Egypt like Bush invaded Iraq. He did not invade Syria. H did not invade Libya for that matter.

No but he DID sit back and watch ISIS gain control of territory the size of Great Britain...from which they are now generating upwards of a million dollars a day in black market oil sales! Barack Obama's worst nightmares are coming true...he's actually being required to LEAD...and he doesn't have the faintest idea how one does that!
R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.

With each passing month, W. looks more and more like HE had a handle on Iraq and his successor didn't have a clue!
Had a handle on Iraq? :lmao: Iraq wasn't an issue until Bush invaded them based upon innacurate and misleading intelligence.
Well, look at it this way;

If US troops were still there, it would be them dying rather than Iraqis.

So Obama saved the lives of the US troops after all...
No but he DID sit back and watch ISIS gain control of territory the size of Great Britain...from which they are now generating upwards of a million dollars a day in black market oil sales!

Now you complain that Obama just sat back and watched ISIS gain control of territory. But I was responding to the remark that its "as if Libya, Syria, and Egypt never happened". So what us your point? Nothing happened in Syria, Libya or Egypt that Obama is responsible for.

What is Obama expected to do when a bunch of terrorists begin to seize some territory in the middle of a civil war as complicated as Syria?

Try to answer in some direct and related way.
No but he DID sit back and watch ISIS gain control of territory the size of Great Britain...

Do you actually believe the IS terrorists will hold and defend all that territory the size of Great Britain.

And where does your demand come from that the president of the USA must be the world leader that defeats them.

Dont leaders in the region bear most responsibility for stopping terrorist activity in their own part of the world?
so why didn't he negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

That's a fair question. Maybe that couldn't be done before a certain timeline?

We know Obama didn't do it, but did Bush have the chance prior? Anyone know?
yes, he did. he negotiated the status of forces agreement that required us to leave when we did.

There are no forces, therefore he did not negotiate. Use your head.

you should take your own advice. our forces had to leave because they would not enter into a stay of forces agreement extension. so we had to leave on the date negotiated by baby bush.

I hope that helps.

No we didn't haft to leave genius...When Bush's agreement expired, we were supposed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement. The prior was an interim agreement. Obama couldn't even do that. He wanted out. He sends that moron Biden to help screw it up
so in your mind we agreed to a total troop withdrawal "with the understanding" that we would later be able to negotiate to keep some of our troops in the country.

except iraq didn't want us there any more, so how and why would they negotiate anything with us? we'd already given them what they wanted.

There was an interim agreement which ended in Dec 08. Bush decided the final agreement was better left to the next president since his term was up. Obama wanted out completely. Whoever heard of such stupidity? It was all politics with him just like most things he does. We should have kept a base there, but we didn't thanks to Obama
No but he DID sit back and watch ISIS gain control of territory the size of Great Britain...from which they are now generating upwards of a million dollars a day in black market oil sales!

Now you complain that Obama just sat back and watched ISIS gain control of territory. But I was responding to the remark that its "as if Libya, Syria, and Egypt never happened". So what us your point? Nothing happened in Syria, Libya or Egypt that Obama is responsible for.

What is Obama expected to do when a bunch of terrorists begin to seize some territory in the middle of a civil war as complicated as Syria?

Try to answer in some direct and related way.

Obama bombed Gaddafi out of power. He also backed the muslim brotherhood takeover of Egypt .Where you been?:confused:
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so why didn't he negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

That's a fair question. Maybe that couldn't be done before a certain timeline?

We know Obama didn't do it, but did Bush have the chance prior? Anyone know?
yes, he did. he negotiated the status of forces agreement that required us to leave when we did.

There are no forces, therefore he did not negotiate. Use your head.

you should take your own advice. our forces had to leave because they would not enter into a stay of forces agreement extension. so we had to leave on the date negotiated by baby bush.

I hope that helps.

No we didn't haft to leave genius...When Bush's agreement expired, we were supposed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement. The prior was an interim agreement. Obama couldn't even do that. He wanted out. He sends that moron Biden to help screw it up
so in your mind we agreed to a total troop withdrawal "with the understanding" that we would later be able to negotiate to keep some of our troops in the country.

except iraq didn't want us there any more, so how and why would they negotiate anything with us? we'd already given them what they wanted.

There was an interim agreement which ended in Dec 08. Bush decided the final agreement was better left to the next president since his term was up. Obama wanted out completely. Whoever heard of such stupidity? It was all politics with him just like most things he does. We should have kept a base there, but we didn't thanks to Obama

The exact opposite is true, not your new version of history. Bush signed an agreement that committed the country to a time table. He signed it in Dec. of 2008, taking options away from the new incoming administration. He gave the whole works away when he signed the agreement in 2004.
If only GWB had listened to Dick Cheney's warning that an invasion of Iraq would create a 'quagmire'.
so why didn't he negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

That's a fair question. Maybe that couldn't be done before a certain timeline?

We know Obama didn't do it, but did Bush have the chance prior? Anyone know?
yes, he did. he negotiated the status of forces agreement that required us to leave when we did.

There are no forces, therefore he did not negotiate. Use your head.

you should take your own advice. our forces had to leave because they would not enter into a stay of forces agreement extension. so we had to leave on the date negotiated by baby bush.

I hope that helps.

No we didn't haft to leave genius...When Bush's agreement expired, we were supposed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement. The prior was an interim agreement. Obama couldn't even do that. He wanted out. He sends that moron Biden to help screw it up
so in your mind we agreed to a total troop withdrawal "with the understanding" that we would later be able to negotiate to keep some of our troops in the country.

except iraq didn't want us there any more, so how and why would they negotiate anything with us? we'd already given them what they wanted.

There was an interim agreement which ended in Dec 08. Bush decided the final agreement was better left to the next president since his term was up. Obama wanted out completely. Whoever heard of such stupidity? It was all politics with him just like most things he does. We should have kept a base there, but we didn't thanks to Obama

The exact opposite is true, not your new version of history. Bush signed an agreement that committed the country to a time table. He signed it in Dec. of 2008, taking options away from the new incoming administration. He gave the whole works away when he signed the agreement in 2004.

Ooops...I put the wrong year Dec 2011 sorry
The only reason there is a new government being formed in Iraq is that the country was teetering on total collapse with ISIS being on the outskirts of Baghdad threatening to cut people's heads off if the Iraqi government didn't get it's act together!

Wait a minute. Do you think Maliki's government (the government being replaced) had an obligation to establish and maintain an all inclusive government involving Shiite, Sunnis and Kurds in Iraq?
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