Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Uh, R.D., US commanders DID tell us we were ready to withdraw from Iraq. It was according to THEIR plan, mostly finished before Bush left office.

So, no, former Pres. Bush's comments were not very prophetic at all. But I'm not surprised that FOX would try to use this tactic.
No, commanders did not tell us we were ready. Democrats insisted on a timeline and Bush said that events on the ground dictated what we would do.

ACtually, that was the Iraqis demanding a time line. And the 2008 SOFA negotiated by Bush stated unambiguously that all US forces would be out of Iraq by the end of 2011.
Yeah, it's the Iraqis fault now.

Do you even disagree that Iraq was the one that demanded the time line and they didn't want us to keep troops in Iraq?

I mean, is this even debatable?

The Iraqis wanted US troops out for political reasons...Barack Obama wanted US troops out...also for political reasons. Therefore he didn't negotiate on the existing Status of Forces Agreement and didn't press the Iraqis to retain a small US force to maintain stability in the country despite the warnings that doing so might prove dangerous.

That was Barack Obama's CHOICE. He's responsible for that choice! He saw what was occurring in Syria with ISIS...he saw the problems between Shia and Sunnis in Iraq...yet he chose to ignore those things because he wanted to be able to tell the American people that HE had ended the Iraq war.
What I'm "suggesting" is that we obviously had immense clout with the Maliki government because of the billions in aid that we give that nation and that if we'd REALLY wanted to keep a small force to assist with training and counter-insurgency, we would have been able to force them to comply.

Odd, that has nothing to do with the 'opt out' clause you were speaking of a moment ago. Can I take it from your abandonment of the 'opt out' clause that you recognize how bad it would have been if we ignored Iraq on its own sovereignty and simply occupied the country as conquerors?

And Obama did try to get troops to stay in Iraq. The Iraqi government refused.

US troops in Iraq were deeply unpopular with the people there. And the leaders have their own political futures to consider. Your assumptions on what Obama could 'force' Iraq to do don't take any of this into account.
The Iraqis wanted US troops out for political reasons...Barack Obama wanted US troops out...also for political reasons. Therefore he didn't negotiate on the existing Status of Forces Agreement and didn't press the Iraqis to retain a small US force to maintain stability in the country despite the warnings that doing so might prove dangerous.

The 'political reasons' being that the troops were deeply unpopular with the people of Iraq, who wanted them to leave. The government abiding the will of the people is pretty much what they are supposed to do.

That was Barack Obama's CHOICE.
He certainly could have ignored the SOFA . But didn't.

You're condemning Obama for abiding our international agreements and the timeline agreed to by Bush. That's ridiculous.
Uh, R.D., US commanders DID tell us we were ready to withdraw from Iraq. It was according to THEIR plan, mostly finished before Bush left office.

So, no, former Pres. Bush's comments were not very prophetic at all. But I'm not surprised that FOX would try to use this tactic.
No, commanders did not tell us we were ready. Democrats insisted on a timeline and Bush said that events on the ground dictated what we would do.

No, that is not what Pres. Bush said, even on video.

Bush was always extremely reluctant to impose timelines on troop withdrawals because he recognized that our enemies would use information like that to plan their strategies against us or our allies. The agreement he entered into in 2008 on a timetable to withdraw the remaining troops in 2011 provided YEARS to observe what was taking place both in Iraq and in the countries surrounding Iraq and to pull back from that timetable if events demanded it.
What I'm "suggesting" is that we obviously had immense clout with the Maliki government because of the billions in aid that we give that nation and that if we'd REALLY wanted to keep a small force to assist with training and counter-insurgency, we would have been able to force them to comply.

Odd, that has nothing to do with the 'opt out' clause you were speaking of a moment ago. Can I take it from your abandonment of the 'opt out' clause that you recognize how bad it would have been if we ignored Iraq on its own sovereignty and simply occupied the country as conquerors?

And Obama did try to get troops to stay in Iraq. The Iraqi government refused.

US troops in Iraq were deeply unpopular with the people there. And the leaders have their own political futures to consider. Your assumptions on what Obama could 'force' Iraq to do don't take any of this into account.

When did Obama try and get troops to stay in Iraq? He admitted in his debate with Mitt Romney in 2012, that he didn't want troops to remain in Iraq because it would 'tie us down".
The Iraqis wanted US troops out for political reasons...Barack Obama wanted US troops out...also for political reasons. Therefore he didn't negotiate on the existing Status of Forces Agreement and didn't press the Iraqis to retain a small US force to maintain stability in the country despite the warnings that doing so might prove dangerous.

The 'political reasons' being that the troops were deeply unpopular with the people of Iraq, who wanted them to leave. The government abiding the will of the people is pretty much what they are supposed to do.

That was Barack Obama's CHOICE.
He certainly could have ignored the SOFA . But didn't.

You're condemning Obama for abiding our international agreements and the timeline agreed to by Bush. That's ridiculous.

I'm finding fault with Obama's decision NOT to seek a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq that would have kept a small force of US troops in Iraq to provide stability.
I'm also finding fault with his looking the other way as ISIS gained power in Syria and Northwestern Iraq because dealing with them would have prevented him from being able to claim that he had ENDED the war in Iraq.
The problem that Barack Obama has is that his policy decisions that allowed him to get reelected...are ones that he now has to deal with for his second term.

He's always been the master of kicking the can down the road so that someone ELSE has to deal with the consequences of his agenda. The true costs of ObamaCare won't kick in until he's gone from office so he gets to claim the "good things" as his...yet avoid having to deal with the "bad things" inherent in the ACA.

All Obama wants to do now with foreign policy is to get the rest of his time in office over as quickly as possible and make the mess he's created and has no remedies for...the problem of whoever becomes President next!
R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.
Is that why Obama took credit for ending a successful Iraq war?
He never declared it successful. In fact, Obama declared the whole invasion as a dumb war
12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success. Sorry, but either the dumb ass you voted for either lied or just didn't care he was leaving Iraq in a mess. Either way it doesn't look good and it's all his fault.
The truth is that Barack Obama COULD have used the fact that we were giving the Iraqis billions of dollars in aid to negotiate a new Status of Forces Agreement but chose not to.

There is no truth to your ' coulda' .. You are being absurd to suggest Obama could use extortion to force Iraq's politicians to do what they did not want to do.
What I find amusing is liberals on here bragged about Obama a great leader ending a successful war in Iraq. Now that it's a proven failure, they bring out the blame Bush card once again. I just wonder how long ignorant liberals will continue to cover his failures. There is only 39% of America that still does.
Is that why Obama took credit for ending a successful Iraq war?
He never declared it successful. In fact, Obama declared the whole invasion as a dumb war
12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success. Sorry, but either the dumb ass you voted for either lied or just didn't care he was leaving Iraq in a mess. Either way it doesn't look good and it's all his fault.
Right. It's all his fault. The guy who didn't vote to invade Iraq.
Is that why Obama took credit for ending a successful Iraq war?
He never declared it successful. In fact, Obama declared the whole invasion as a dumb war
12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success. Sorry, but either the dumb ass you voted for either lied or just didn't care he was leaving Iraq in a mess. Either way it doesn't look good and it's all his fault.
Right. It's all his fault. The guy who didn't vote to invade Iraq.
You act as if Libya, Syria, and Egypt never happened.

Go ahead and put your head back up your as JED.

Is that why Obama took credit for ending a successful Iraq war?
He never declared it successful. In fact, Obama declared the whole invasion as a dumb war
12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success. Sorry, but either the dumb ass you voted for either lied or just didn't care he was leaving Iraq in a mess. Either way it doesn't look good and it's all his fault.
Right. It's all his fault. The guy who didn't vote to invade Iraq.
Obama chose to run for president knowing he would eventually own the Iraq mess. He just messed it up worse than anyone thought. You state that Bush owned 911 eight months after he became president. Obama has been in six years and anything HE screws up, all a sudden it's Bush's fault. Get a life and find a leader as your man, not a little man child that cannot accept responsibility for anything that goes wrong.
12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success. Sorry, but either the dumb ass you voted for either lied or just didn't care he was leaving Iraq in a mess. Either way it doesn't look good and it's all his fault.
Isn't that the comment he made as part of the speech he made standing next to Maliki at the White House as he honored the American troops that had made it possible to turn security over to complete control of it's own security thanks to the sacrifice made by those American troops? I always thought it was a speech about pride in what our troops had made possible and a formal kind of way of saying it would now be up to the Iraqi people to take care of themselves and not depend on American blood.
12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success. Sorry, but either the dumb ass you voted for either lied or just didn't care he was leaving Iraq in a mess. Either way it doesn't look good and it's all his fault.
Isn't that the comment he made as part of the speech he made standing next to Maliki at the White House as he honored the American troops that had made it possible to turn security over to complete control of it's own security thanks to the sacrifice made by those American troops? I always thought it was a speech about pride in what our troops had made possible and a formal kind of way of saying it would now be up to the Iraqi people to take care of themselves and not depend on American blood.
He said Iraq was a success, why don't you go jerk off to your Obama poster.
R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.
Alot of assholes think he has more than Obama.
Well, that's a lot of why they are considered assholes.
Not really. Anyone who thinks Obama has any is a total asshole.

The Brits think Obama's an asshole
Israel thinks Obama's an asshole
ISIS thinks Obama's an asshole
Most of America thinks Obama's an asshole.

Is there any assholes that think he's not. If they don't, they're assholes.

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