Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.

With each passing month, W. looks more and more like HE had a handle on Iraq and his successor didn't have a clue!
Had a handle on Iraq? :lmao: Iraq wasn't an issue until Bush invaded them based upon innacurate and misleading intelligence.

Interesting take on the history of Saddam Hussein, Jed! I mean, I suppose you could say he wasn't an "issue" as long as you ignored the invasions of his neighbors, his use of chemical weapons on civilians, his support of extremists in other countries, his use of murder and rape to cow opposition in his own country, his selling of oil in direct violation of UN sanctions and his ongoing attempts to obtain a nuke...I mean if you're willing to overlook THOSE minor things then Saddam Hussein wasn't an "issue" at all!
No but he DID sit back and watch ISIS gain control of territory the size of Great Britain...

Do you actually believe the IS terrorists will hold and defend all that territory the size of Great Britain.

And where does your demand come from that the president of the USA must be the world leader that defeats them.

Dont leaders in the region bear most responsibility for stopping terrorist activity in their own part of the world?

No, I think that David Cameron will hold Obama's hand and steer him in the right direction. I think that Cameron will whisper in Barry's ear that it might be advisable for him to listen to his military advisers a little more and people like Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice a little less. In other words...Cameron will tell him to "grow a pair!"

I don't "demand" that the leader of the free world's something that's an expected part of the job...something that Barry didn't believe coming into office and has demonstrated repeatedly throughout his six years in the Oval Office. It's why we are now not trusted by our allies (like when Egypt launched air strikes against Libya without informing us) and mocked by our enemies (like when ISIS terrorists taunt the President of the United States while cutting off the heads of two American journalists).
The only reason there is a new government being formed in Iraq is that the country was teetering on total collapse with ISIS being on the outskirts of Baghdad threatening to cut people's heads off if the Iraqi government didn't get it's act together!

Wait a minute. Do you think Maliki's government (the government being replaced) had an obligation to establish and maintain an all inclusive government involving Shiite, Sunnis and Kurds in Iraq?

What I believe is that if Maliki had the brains of a guava he would have realized that excluding the Sunnis from power in Iraq was incredibly dangerous given the situation.

But when your "sponsor", the United States...has a President who only seemed to care about getting US troops out of Iraq and couldn't care less about what happened after that...then Maliki was left alone to DO the stupid things he did.

I think the "obligation" was for the government of the United States to put pressure on Maliki to do the right thing. You label that as "extortion" but in this case that kind of pressure using the potential loss of our aid as a carrot on a stick, would have most likely saved the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq.
so why didn't he negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

That's a fair question. Maybe that couldn't be done before a certain timeline?

We know Obama didn't do it, but did Bush have the chance prior? Anyone know?
yes, he did. he negotiated the status of forces agreement that required us to leave when we did.

There are no forces, therefore he did not negotiate. Use your head.

you should take your own advice. our forces had to leave because they would not enter into a stay of forces agreement extension. so we had to leave on the date negotiated by baby bush.

I hope that helps.

No we didn't haft to leave genius...When Bush's agreement expired, we were supposed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement. The prior was an interim agreement. Obama couldn't even do that. He wanted out. He sends that moron Biden to help screw it up
so in your mind we agreed to a total troop withdrawal "with the understanding" that we would later be able to negotiate to keep some of our troops in the country.

except iraq didn't want us there any more, so how and why would they negotiate anything with us? we'd already given them what they wanted.

There was an interim agreement which ended in Dec 08. Bush decided the final agreement was better left to the next president since his term was up. Obama wanted out completely. Whoever heard of such stupidity? It was all politics with him just like most things he does. We should have kept a base there, but we didn't thanks to Obama

that is false. baby bush, in his inimitable way, bound the next president to his policies. it is important to get your information straight. the above is made up, uninformed, nonsense.
The only reason there is a new government being formed in Iraq is that the country was teetering on total collapse with ISIS being on the outskirts of Baghdad threatening to cut people's heads off if the Iraqi government didn't get it's act together!

Wait a minute. Do you think Maliki's government (the government being replaced) had an obligation to establish and maintain an all inclusive government involving Shiite, Sunnis and Kurds in Iraq?

What I believe is that if Maliki had the brains of a guava he would have realized that excluding the Sunnis from power in Iraq was incredibly dangerous given the situation.

But when your "sponsor", the United States...has a President who only seemed to care about getting US troops out of Iraq and couldn't care less about what happened after that...then Maliki was left alone to DO the stupid things he did.

I think the "obligation" was for the government of the United States to put pressure on Maliki to do the right thing. You label that as "extortion" but in this case that kind of pressure using the potential loss of our aid as a carrot on a stick, would have most likely saved the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq.

tens of thousands of innocent people in iraq would have been saved had baby bush not started an unnecessary war of choice, and if he did, he should have listened to his daddy, who understood that going into baghdad would destabilize the entire country.
so why didn't he negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

That's a fair question. Maybe that couldn't be done before a certain timeline?

We know Obama didn't do it, but did Bush have the chance prior? Anyone know?
yes, he did. he negotiated the status of forces agreement that required us to leave when we did.

There are no forces, therefore he did not negotiate. Use your head.

you should take your own advice. our forces had to leave because they would not enter into a stay of forces agreement extension. so we had to leave on the date negotiated by baby bush.

I hope that helps.

No we didn't haft to leave genius...When Bush's agreement expired, we were supposed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement. The prior was an interim agreement. Obama couldn't even do that. He wanted out. He sends that moron Biden to help screw it up
so in your mind we agreed to a total troop withdrawal "with the understanding" that we would later be able to negotiate to keep some of our troops in the country.

except iraq didn't want us there any more, so how and why would they negotiate anything with us? we'd already given them what they wanted.

There was an interim agreement which ended in Dec 08. Bush decided the final agreement was better left to the next president since his term was up. Obama wanted out completely. Whoever heard of such stupidity? It was all politics with him just like most things he does. We should have kept a base there, but we didn't thanks to Obama

that is false. baby bush, in his inimitable way, bound the next president to his policies. it is important to get your information straight. the above is made up, uninformed, nonsense.

Every president inherits the situation as it is. Obama is a screw up admit it...oh wait.. You backed the muslim brotherhood take over of Egypt as well...:rolleyes-41: Obama's a joke. He sends that idiot Biden to negotiate anything is a joke...You hard core leftist just cant bring yourself to criticize any or your own.
The only reason there is a new government being formed in Iraq is that the country was teetering on total collapse with ISIS being on the outskirts of Baghdad threatening to cut people's heads off if the Iraqi government didn't get it's act together!

Wait a minute. Do you think Maliki's government (the government being replaced) had an obligation to establish and maintain an all inclusive government involving Shiite, Sunnis and Kurds in Iraq?

What I believe is that if Maliki had the brains of a guava he would have realized that excluding the Sunnis from power in Iraq was incredibly dangerous given the situation.

But when your "sponsor", the United States...has a President who only seemed to care about getting US troops out of Iraq and couldn't care less about what happened after that...then Maliki was left alone to DO the stupid things he did.

I think the "obligation" was for the government of the United States to put pressure on Maliki to do the right thing. You label that as "extortion" but in this case that kind of pressure using the potential loss of our aid as a carrot on a stick, would have most likely saved the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq.

tens of thousands of innocent people in iraq would have been saved had baby bush not started an unnecessary war of choice, and if he did, he should have listened to his daddy, who understood that going into baghdad would destabilize the entire country.

GHWB had at least some understanding of the dynamics of the region, where a Sunni Iraq would help keep in check Shīʿite Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

His idiot son, however, destroyed that balance with his illegal and unwarranted invasion, where Sunni ISIS/ISIL/IS is seeking to regain control in Iraq as a consequence.
The only reason there is a new government being formed in Iraq is that the country was teetering on total collapse with ISIS being on the outskirts of Baghdad threatening to cut people's heads off if the Iraqi government didn't get it's act together!

Wait a minute. Do you think Maliki's government (the government being replaced) had an obligation to establish and maintain an all inclusive government involving Shiite, Sunnis and Kurds in Iraq?

What I believe is that if Maliki had the brains of a guava he would have realized that excluding the Sunnis from power in Iraq was incredibly dangerous given the situation.

But when your "sponsor", the United States...has a President who only seemed to care about getting US troops out of Iraq and couldn't care less about what happened after that...then Maliki was left alone to DO the stupid things he did.

I think the "obligation" was for the government of the United States to put pressure on Maliki to do the right thing. You label that as "extortion" but in this case that kind of pressure using the potential loss of our aid as a carrot on a stick, would have most likely saved the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq.

tens of thousands of innocent people in iraq would have been saved had baby bush not started an unnecessary war of choice, and if he did, he should have listened to his daddy, who understood that going into baghdad would destabilize the entire country.

GHWB had at least some understanding of the dynamics of the region, where a Sunni Iraq would help keep in check Shīʿite Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

His idiot son, however, destroyed that balance with his illegal and unwarranted invasion, where Sunni ISIS/ISIL/IS is seeking to regain control in Iraq as a consequence.

ISIS began in Obama's Libya where they killed our people in Benghazi
If only GWB had listened to Dick Cheney's warning that an invasion of Iraq would create a 'quagmire'.

what are you talking about? :dunno:
Dick Cheney predicted an invasion would be a total mess back in 1994.
And there were those in 2002, 2003 who warned GWB of the same thing.

But he ignored those warnings and proceeded anyway, and we're still suffering the consequences of that disastrous decision.
The only reason there is a new government being formed in Iraq is that the country was teetering on total collapse with ISIS being on the outskirts of Baghdad threatening to cut people's heads off if the Iraqi government didn't get it's act together!

Wait a minute. Do you think Maliki's government (the government being replaced) had an obligation to establish and maintain an all inclusive government involving Shiite, Sunnis and Kurds in Iraq?

What I believe is that if Maliki had the brains of a guava he would have realized that excluding the Sunnis from power in Iraq was incredibly dangerous given the situation.

But when your "sponsor", the United States...has a President who only seemed to care about getting US troops out of Iraq and couldn't care less about what happened after that...then Maliki was left alone to DO the stupid things he did.

I think the "obligation" was for the government of the United States to put pressure on Maliki to do the right thing. You label that as "extortion" but in this case that kind of pressure using the potential loss of our aid as a carrot on a stick, would have most likely saved the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people in Iraq.

tens of thousands of innocent people in iraq would have been saved had baby bush not started an unnecessary war of choice, and if he did, he should have listened to his daddy, who understood that going into baghdad would destabilize the entire country.

GHWB had at least some understanding of the dynamics of the region, where a Sunni Iraq would help keep in check Shīʿite Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

His idiot son, however, destroyed that balance with his illegal and unwarranted invasion, where Sunni ISIS/ISIL/IS is seeking to regain control in Iraq as a consequence.

It's six YEARS into Barack Obama's Presidency and you're still going to blame W. for Maliki's exclusion of Sunnis from power? Come on, Clayton...I know that you progressives simultaneously believe that W. is both an idiot...and also all powerful...but don't you think this is getting a bit ridiculous? It's amazing the sway that George W. Bush has over world events while chopping brush on his ranch in Crawford, Texas!
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12/13/2011 Obama declared Iraq a success and the United states would continue to make sure it remains a success.

Iraq has not ceased to be the success that was achieved by 2008. The USA has and will continue to make sure Iraq continues to be the success it was in 2008.

Iraq has just formed a new government that appears to invoke a new level of inclusiveness that was the US objective since 2007. That certainly should be construed as success. So where is the lie since Obama has continued to make sure Iraq is a success.

The only reason there is a new government being formed in Iraq is that the country was teetering on total collapse with ISIS being on the outskirts of Baghdad threatening to cut people's heads off if the Iraqi government didn't get it's act together! Barack Obama being asleep at the switch is the reason that happened so giving him CREDIT for the new found "inclusiveness" in Iraq is laughable!

No, there is a new government because the old one failed to respond to Obama's insistence to be more inclusive and Iraq's Sunnis were infiltrated by IS terrorists as a result.

Wait a minute. Do you think Maliki's government (the government being replaced) had an obligation to establish and maintain an all inclusive government involving Shiite, Sunnis and Kurds in Iraq?
R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.

With each passing month, W. looks more and more like HE had a handle on Iraq and his successor didn't have a clue!
Had a handle on Iraq? :lmao: Iraq wasn't an issue until Bush invaded them based upon innacurate and misleading intelligence.

Interesting take on the history of Saddam Hussein, Jed! I mean, I suppose you could say he wasn't an "issue" as long as you ignored the invasions of his neighbors, his use of chemical weapons on civilians, his support of extremists in other countries, his use of murder and rape to cow opposition in his own country, his selling of oil in direct violation of UN sanctions and his ongoing attempts to obtain a nuke...I mean if you're willing to overlook THOSE minor things then Saddam Hussein wasn't an "issue" at all!
So, which of those did the US actually prove as a reason for invading Iraq? Besides the fact that what Saddam was and what he did isn't the subject of this thread. What we're talking about is how Iraq and the region have been over run by extremists. These extremists never had a home in Iraq until Bush/Cheney destabilized the region by invading a country that was no threat to the US, using bogus evidence.
It's six YEARS into Barack Obama's Presidency and you're still going to blame W. for Maliki's exclusion of Sunnis from power?

I'd be happy to hear you admit that Maliki is the only one to blame for Maliki's exclusion of Sunnis from his government.
R.D. said:
Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created
Stunning! There's at least one asshole left in the world who thinks Bush has any credibility on Iraq.

With each passing month, W. looks more and more like HE had a handle on Iraq and his successor didn't have a clue!
Had a handle on Iraq? :lmao: Iraq wasn't an issue until Bush invaded them based upon innacurate and misleading intelligence.

Interesting take on the history of Saddam Hussein, Jed! I mean, I suppose you could say he wasn't an "issue" as long as you ignored the invasions of his neighbors, his use of chemical weapons on civilians, his support of extremists in other countries, his use of murder and rape to cow opposition in his own country, his selling of oil in direct violation of UN sanctions and his ongoing attempts to obtain a nuke...I mean if you're willing to overlook THOSE minor things then Saddam Hussein wasn't an "issue" at all!
So, which of those did the US actually prove as a reason for invading Iraq? Besides the fact that what Saddam was and what he did isn't the subject of this thread. What we're talking about is how Iraq and the region have been over run by extremists. These extremists never had a home in Iraq until Bush/Cheney destabilized the region by invading a country that was no threat to the US, using bogus evidence.

So you're making the point that ISIS had a home in Iraq during the George W. Bush Administration? Really, Jed? I must have MISSED that somehow!!! Here I thought that Iraq was "over run" by ISIS six years into Barack Obama's Administration! Wow...I must really not have been paying attention!!! :dance:
It's six YEARS into Barack Obama's Presidency and you're still going to blame W. for Maliki's exclusion of Sunnis from power?

I'd be happy to hear you admit that Maliki is the only one to blame for Maliki's exclusion of Sunnis from his government.

Have you not been reading what I've been posting? I'm not holding Maliki solely responsible for the exclusion of Sunnis from his government. I'm also holding Barack Obama responsible because he was so eager to be able to claim the title of "President Who Ended The Iraq War!!!" that he didn't hold Maliki's feet to the fire in return for all of the aid we gave him. How you blame W. for the exclusion of Sunnis six YEARS after Bush turned over the reins to Obama makes me laugh.

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