Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

I think the "obligation" was for the government of the United States to put pressure on Maliki to do the right thing.

That is no "obligation". The
Problem is in the real world Maliki had his own ideas as to what is "the right thing" since 2007 when he told Bush the end of US troops in Iraq needs to come to an end.

Maliki opposed the US on many occasions:

More than six months after the start of the Syrian uprising, Iraq is offering key moral and financial support to the country’s embattled president, undermining a central U.S. policy objective and raising fresh concerns that Iraq is drifting further into the orbit of an American arch rival — Iran.

National Security
Iraq, siding with Iran, sends “lifeline to Assad”

Washington Post Breaking News World US DC News Analysis
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I'm not holding Maliki solely responsible for the exclusion of Sunnis from his government.

You should. Maliki is solely responsible for his failure to establish a unity government in Iraq.

I'm also holding Barack Obama responsible because he was so eager to be able to claim the title of "President Who Ended The Iraq War!!!" that he didn't hold Maliki's feet to the fire in return for all of the aid we gave him.

You cant honestly hold Obama responsible because he made a claim that is true. Obama did end the US combat mission in Iraq. The war to find WMD is over. The current fighting has nothing to do with WMD. Maliki had nothing to do with WMD. So you are being absurd once again.

And your claim that Obama did not hold Maliki's feet to the fire is not true either. Both Bush and Obama tried to get Maliki to be more inclusive. Maliki didn't think it was a good idea. That is why because Obama did in fact hold Maliki's feet to the fire, it is the reason Maliki has been forced to quit his job as Prime Minister.

How you blame W. for the exclusion of Sunnis six YEARS after Bush turned over the reins to Obama makes me laugh.

Bush is not to blame for Maliki's exclusion of the Sunnis. That is all Maliki's fault.
I'm not holding Maliki solely responsible for the exclusion of Sunnis from his government.

You should. Maliki is solely responsible for his failure to establish a unity government in Iraq.

I'm also holding Barack Obama responsible because he was so eager to be able to claim the title of "President Who Ended The Iraq War!!!" that he didn't hold Maliki's feet to the fire in return for all of the aid we gave him.

You cant honestly hold Obama responsible because he made a claim that is true. Obama did end the US combat mission in Iraq. The war to find WMD is over. The current fighting has nothing to do with WMD. Maliki had nothing to do with WMD. So you are being absurd once again.

And your claim that Obama did not hold Maliki's feet to the fire is not true either. Both Bush and Obama tried to get Maliki to be more inclusive. Maliki didn't think it was a good idea. That is why because Obama did in fact hold Maliki's feet to the fire, it is the reason Maliki has been forced to quit his job as Prime Minister.

How you blame W. for the exclusion of Sunnis six YEARS after Bush turned over the reins to Obama makes me laugh.

Bush is not to blame for Maliki's exclusion of the Sunnis. That is all Maliki's fault.

Are you smoking something? When did I mention Maliki and WMD's?

As for Obama "ending" combat in Iraq? Right now we've got US planes dropping bombs in Iraq and about 1,500 combat troops on the ground. I know Barry WANTS to consider combat over in Iraq but that's obviously wishful thinking.

Maliki didn't quit his job because Obama held his feet to the fire about being more inclusive...Maliki's been kicking the opposition out of positions of power for YEARS now and Obama didn't do a thing! The only reason Maliki resigned is that it finally dawned on the idiot that if he couldn't get Sunni's to fight for Iraq that ISIS would most likely conquer the rest of Iraq and chances are he'd have his head chopped off. Given THAT choice, Maliki decided he didn't want to be in charge anymore.
When did I mention Maliki and WMD's.

Perhaps if you responded to one point at a time you could at least be able to recognize what my argument is all about.

I did not and need not 'write' that you 'mentioned' Maliki and WMD's. The erroneous and baseless argument that you are making is this:

"I'm also holding Barack Obama responsible because he was so eager to be able to claim the title of "President Who Ended The Iraq War!!!""

You are therefore, my argument goes, holding Obama responsible for stating something at the time that was true and still is true. He stated something that is not now 'untrue' because a new conflict or crisis has spilled over into Iraq from Syria, and the PM of Iraq has failed miserably the past seven years to prepare Iraq for defending against the actions of the IS terrorists this past June.

My point was not that you mentioned Maliki and WMD. It clearly was that you mentioned as your complaint that Obama said he "did end the US combat mission in Iraq."

And I'm telling you that it is a fact that the war that Bush engaged our troops into a decade of combat, starting in 2003, was in fact over when the last US combat soldier left Iraq at the end of 2011.

That is a fact that cannot be dismissed because Obama haters want it to go away.

The war to find WMD is over. That was called OIF. The current fighting has nothing to do with WMD. Maliki had nothing to do with WMD.

Here is the latest update on the new military operation in Iraq. It has nothing to do with the war over Iraq's WMDs because that combat operation ended in 2011.

September 8, 2014: The American air attacks have increased and put ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) on the defensive. There have been about 150 American air attacks since they began on August 8thand now occur everywhere ISIL has forces in Iraq. Thus in the last month ISIL has lost control of a major dam, a refinery and major oil fields around Kirkuk. ISIL is also losing control of the oil smuggling operation it had established in Syria and western Iraq. The attack against the Haditha dam includes local Sunni tribal militiamen who have refused to join ISIL. Many Sunni tribes backed away from supporting ISIL or agreed to work with the government. Haditha is the second largest dam in the country in terms of hydroelectric power and water supply.

Iraq ISIL On The Defensive

And the new military combat operation in Iraq is at the request if Iraq's government:

The government of current Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki requested the U.S. intervention, Earnest said. But he and other U.S. officials made clear that more comprehensive U.S. engagement in the battle against the militants will not happen unless feuding politicians in Baghdad establish a more inclusive government capable of resolving Sunni grievances that facilitated the Islamic State’s rapid expansion.

U.S. expands airstrikes against Islamic State militants in northern Iraq - The Washington Post

Are you smoking something? When did I mention Maliki and WMD's?

As for Obama "ending" combat in Iraq? Right now we've got US planes dropping bombs in Iraq and about 1,500 combat troops on the ground. I know Barry WANTS to consider combat over in Iraq but that's obviously wishful thinking.

Maliki didn't quit his job because Obama held his feet to the fire about being more inclusive...Maliki's been kicking the opposition out of positions of power for YEARS now and Obama didn't do a thing! The only reason Maliki resigned is that it finally dawned on the idiot that if he couldn't get Sunni's to fight for Iraq that ISIS would most likely conquer the rest of Iraq and chances are he'd have his head chopped off. Given THAT choice, Maliki decided he didn't want to be in charge anymore.
We seem to think that invading and occupying a sovereign country, killing thousands of its citizens, bombing the shit out of it, and then installing a "leader" of whom we approve is going to work like a charm.

I mean, look at our Middle East track record with this strategy.

Garsh, I can't believe it didn't go well.

As for Obama "ending" combat in Iraq? Right now we've got US planes dropping bombs in Iraq and about 1,500 combat troops on the ground.

Are you arguing that the March 2003 invasion of Iraq - Operation Iraq Freedom. - to remove stockpiles of hidden WMD - did not come to an end in December 2011?

Panetta declared the war over, and looked ahead to an "independent, free and sovereign Iraq." He thanked the more than 1 million troops who served there since a U.S.-led force entered Iraq on March 20, 2003. The invasion was aimed at removing Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction, which were not found.

U.S. formally declares end of Iraq War

If you do, being absurd must not bother you.

WWI was the war to end all wars. And a generation later. The world had another one. They were not the same war or a continuation of the First World War.
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So you're making the point that ISIS had a home in Iraq during the George W. Bush Administration? Really, Jed? I must have MISSED that somehow!!! Here I thought that Iraq was "over run" by ISIS six years into Barack Obama's Administration! Wow...I must really not have been paying attention!!! :dance:
Dance your pants off, guy. That's not what I said. Isis is a direct result of the Bush/Cheney destabilization of the region. That's what I said
We seem to think that invading and occupying a sovereign country, killing thousands of its citizens, bombing the shit out of it, and then installing a "leader" of whom we approve is going to work like a charm.

I mean, look at our Middle East track record with this strategy.

Garsh, I can't believe it didn't go well.


Hmmm....seemed to work fairly well in both Germany and Japan...
So you're making the point that ISIS had a home in Iraq during the George W. Bush Administration? Really, Jed? I must have MISSED that somehow!!! Here I thought that Iraq was "over run" by ISIS six years into Barack Obama's Administration! Wow...I must really not have been paying attention!!! :dance:
Dance your pants off, guy. That's not what I said. Isis is a direct result of the Bush/Cheney destabilization of the region. That's what I said

But Jed! Barack Obama killed Osama bin Laden and had Al Queda "on the run"! Did he somehow "miss" the briefings that were coming in about the terror group that was so out of control that they got kicked out of Al Queda? I guess this would be another of those things that Barry would have needed to hear about from the media?
I know Barry WANTS to consider combat over in Iraq but that's obviously wishful thinking.

More false claims of what you think you know:

When the OIF combat mission ended the Administration knew Iraq would face threats. Here's what Panetta said:

As helicopters clattered overhead, Panetta warned that Iraq will be tested by threats but that the U.S. was committed to the country's success.

U.S. formally declares end of Iraq War

Gee, what did Joe Biden say at that moment? You remember, don't you? Iraq stable and free? Something that would go down in history as one of the great accomplishments of the Obama Administration? Should I pull that embarrassingly WRONG clip up from YouTube so we can all chuckle about how badly this administration misjudged what was happening in the Middle East? Or would that be a waste of time?:dance:
Hmmm....seemed to work fairly well in both Germany and Japan...

US involvement in WWII was a direct response to Germany and Japan's military aggression going outside their established borders as well as direct attacks against us and our allies.

The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with Iraq military aggression outside or inside its borders in March 2003. Iraq was being verified disarmed peacefully when Bush decided to invade.

A major contrast you vehemently choose to ignore.
We seem to think that invading and occupying a sovereign country, killing thousands of its citizens, bombing the shit out of it, and then installing a "leader" of whom we approve is going to work like a charm.

I mean, look at our Middle East track record with this strategy.

Garsh, I can't believe it didn't go well.


Hmmm....seemed to work fairly well in both Germany and Japan...

That's why I specified the Middle East.

So you are saying Iraq was such a peaceful place when Obama got the office, and he created a big mess out of it?


Maybe you should be appreciating him for getting the American soldiers out of the shit hole before the whole hell broke loose...
Gee, what did Joe Biden say at that moment? You remember, don't you? Iraq stable and free? Something that would go down in history as one of the great accomplishments of the Obama Administration? Should I pull that embarrassingly WRONG clip up from YouTube so we can all chuckle about how badly this administration misjudged what was happening in the Middle East? Or would that be a waste of time?:dance:

No first you would need to verify somehow with a credible source that Iraq has ceased to be as free and democratic as it was at the time of Joe Biden's remarks.

Then you must define the complex meaning of stability in Iraq to be significant enough throw Iraq back into the level of its worst period since the fall of the Baathist regime in 2004.

But you can't. Reality continues to bite you in the ass.

Your hatred of Obama has driven you to exaggerate the power and barbaric success that IS terrorists have achieved inside Iraq. These terrorists madmen have been stopped in their advance in Iraq with now about 150 US airstrikes at $2 million apiece, in full cooperation with Iraqi security forces retaking and securing areas and infrastructure that was captured during the barbaric intrusion into Iraq in

Now that the IS terrorist have begun your retreat, its time you begin your retreat from your attacks on Obama.

The terrorist bandwagon is no place for a civilized intelligent person to be riding upon.
We seem to think that invading and occupying a sovereign country, killing thousands of its citizens, bombing the shit out of it, and then installing a "leader" of whom we approve is going to work like a charm.

I mean, look at our Middle East track record with this strategy.

Garsh, I can't believe it didn't go well.


Hmmm....seemed to work fairly well in both Germany and Japan...

That's why I specified the Middle East.

So is the problem with the strategy or is the problem with the Middle East? Would this be the time to point out that the people of the Middle East have repeatedly shown a tendency to totally ignore what would make their lives immeasurably better...Democracy...because they are so intent on killing those that don't agree with their religion?

Our dilemma is that we expect rational behavior from people who have shown an inability to BE rational!

The German and Japanese people were astute enough to realize that acting in that manner ultimately brought not only immense suffering to others but to themselves as well. We offered them Democracy and they willingly accepted.

The question now is how long is it going to take for the players in the Middle East to realize that THEY are their own worst enemies?
Gee, what did Joe Biden say at that moment? You remember, don't you? Iraq stable and free? Something that would go down in history as one of the great accomplishments of the Obama Administration? Should I pull that embarrassingly WRONG clip up from YouTube so we can all chuckle about how badly this administration misjudged what was happening in the Middle East? Or would that be a waste of time?:dance:

No first you would need to verify somehow with a credible source that Iraq has ceased to be as free and democratic as it was at the time of Joe Biden's remarks.

Then you must define the complex meaning of stability in Iraq to be significant enough throw Iraq back into the level of its worst period since the fall of the Baathist regime in 2004.

But you can't. Reality continues to bite you in the ass.

Your hatred of Obama has driven you to exaggerate the power and barbaric success that IS terrorists have achieved inside Iraq. These terrorists madmen have been stopped in their advance in Iraq with now about 150 US airstrikes at $2 million apiece, in full cooperation with Iraqi security forces retaking and securing areas and infrastructure that was captured during the barbaric intrusion into Iraq in

Now that the IS terrorist have begun your retreat, its time you begin your retreat from your attacks on Obama.

The terrorist bandwagon is no place for a civilized intelligent person to be riding upon.

Dude, are you SERIOUSLY trying to say that Iraq has not become less free and Democratic since Joe Biden uttered that statement? The absurdity of that claim is breathtaking! Vast parts of the country are controlled by some of the most vile people ever to walk the planet and you want to claim that "All is well!"
Hmmm....seemed to work fairly well in both Germany and Japan...

US involvement in WWII was a direct response to Germany and Japan's military aggression going outside their established borders as well as direct attacks against us and our allies.

The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with Iraq military aggression outside or inside its borders in March 2003. Iraq was being verified disarmed peacefully when Bush decided to invade.

A major contrast you vehemently choose to ignore.

We invaded Iraq because they refused to comply with UN sanctions imposed following their LAST military aggression outside it's borders!
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean we are risking mass killings on a grand scale. It would allow the terrorists to replace the safe haven they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we’d have to return at a later date to confront an enemy who is even more dangerous.

President Obama is trying to blame Bush but he won the war and Obama then handed over to ISIS.

Listen to this clip. He thinks people will fall for his blaming Bush for what is obviously his failure.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Obama is trying to blame? To blame for what? The mess in the ME? The only ones to blame for that mess are the American people for letting their leaders take them to war in the first place, ever. If they are fooled again, well, I guess it will be their fault again. Every one should know Obama is a liar, why would you bother to listen to him? Both Bush and Obama know what the government does and who they're really doing it for. It doesn't matter who is in power, US leaders are up to no good. As usual.

The Islamic State: Who Is ISIS? An Open Source Investigation
By James Corbett
Global Research, September 07, 2014
Corbett Report
The Islamic State Who Is ISIS An Open Source Investigation Global Research

The group and its leaders have been shrouded in myth and mystery since its inception, as documented above. Even the US government has declared that the Islamic State’s second leader, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, never existed. The current leader, Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi, is so elusive that there are only two known photographs and one video recording of him in existence, leading security “experts” to declare: “They know physically who this guy is, but his backstory is just myth.” This has led many to speculate on the group’s possible founding and backing by Western intelligence as a front for foreign policy goals such as the sectarian division of Iraq or as an excuse to keep the west militarily involved in the region. As far back as 2006 the UK Telegraph reported that prominent Sunni insurgent leaders in Iraq were claiming that the group’s founder, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was “”an American, Israeli and Iranian agent who is trying to keep our country unstable so that the Sunnis will keep facing occupation.” This sentiment is echoed to the present day, with Saudi scholar Consultative Assembly member Dr. Aissa Al-Ghaith claiming that the Islamic State is backed by America, Israel and Iran. This sentiment is bolstered by the revelation earlier this year that ISIS fighters were trained by the US military at a camp in Jordan in 2012.

There are many questions surrounding the group’s online PR activities and its unlikely facility with various forms of media, a phenomenon that even the New York Times has noted. Although much has been made of the rounds of photos claiming to show the group’s brutal execution and treatment of its prisoners, at least some of these photos appear to have been recycled from other countries at other times. There is still no answer as to who staged the beheading video of James Foley or why it was faked, but many point to the fact that British authorities warned that merely looking at the video might qualify as terrorism as a sign of the video’s true nature and origins.
So you are saying Iraq was such a peaceful place when Obama got the office, and he created a big mess out of it?


Maybe you should be appreciating him for getting the American soldiers out of the shit hole before the whole hell broke loose...

When you turn a place into a shit hole should you get "credit" for leaving before you did so?

I'm sure the million or so displaced people and the tens of thousands that have been slaughtered by ISIS in the past 8 months would have a slightly different "take" on that.

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