Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

I didn't think Petreaus was naive about Maliki or Iraq. I think his statement speaks for itself. He's understandably annoyed that we seem to be giving up on something that so many Americans gave their lives to make happen.

As for what "I" would have done? I would have used the force that had remained in Iraq to provide stability, to immediately reinforce Mosul. I would have also made it clear to ISIS that if the number of troops I was sending was insufficient that I would be sending more to reinforce THEM! I'm quite confident those actions would have sent ISIS scuttling back across the Syrian border. Or do you honestly think that 500 ISIS troops would stand a chance in hell against an equal number of US troops backed with air power? Just how naive ARE you?

Who said anything about the US giving up? The IS terrorists that have pillaged Iraq are not advancing. They are retreating and no ground combat troops are present.

Petraeus may well be annoyed with Maliki. Well that's good because Obama has been annoyed with Maliki for five years.

First off how did you convince Muqtada al Sadr to permit its political bloc in Parliament to approve the force you are using that remained in Iraq... what 10,000 strong?. Or is it 35,000? How did you get the OK from the Iraqis?

So you were going to protect Mosul with US lives. What may I ask do you expect the Iraqis to do? How long do you have Americans do their fighting for them?

When did General Tommy Franks reveal these goals to the American people?

As the US commander, Tommy Franks put it the goals of the invasion were the following: "First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein. Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that country. Fourth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to terrorist networks. Fifth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to the global network of illicit weapons of mass destruction. Sixth, to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian support to the displaced and to many needy Iraqi citizens. Seventh, to secure Iraq’s oil fields and resources, which belong to the Iraqi people. And last, to help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to a representative self-government."
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.

What is Obama doing now? We've got 1,500 boots on the ground and our Air Force is conducting attacks. So much for your "good case". The truth is if Barry had left 10,000 in country as Petraeus obviously wanted, chances are we wouldn't be doing what we're doing now...nor would Barry be begging others for help. ISIS would still be in Syria, they wouldn't have all those spiffy new weapons and they wouldn't have a million bucks a day pouring into their coffers from black market oil sales.

Yeah, that Obama is a fucking genius all right!!!
So Bush cautions that an early withdrawal of troops could lead to instability in Iraq that might be exploited by insurgents...that's pretty much exactly what happened...yet you don't think he should be given credit for that because you think he got other things wrong? That makes sense to you?
Do you seriously want to defend GWB's credibility on Middle East issues?

Do I want to defend his credibility on THAT particular Middle East issue? Yes...yes I do! He got it right...give credit where credit is due.
Hard to believe.
I didn't think Petreaus was naive about Maliki or Iraq. I think his statement speaks for itself. He's understandably annoyed that we seem to be giving up on something that so many Americans gave their lives to make happen.

As for what "I" would have done? I would have used the force that had remained in Iraq to provide stability, to immediately reinforce Mosul. I would have also made it clear to ISIS that if the number of troops I was sending was insufficient that I would be sending more to reinforce THEM! I'm quite confident those actions would have sent ISIS scuttling back across the Syrian border. Or do you honestly think that 500 ISIS troops would stand a chance in hell against an equal number of US troops backed with air power? Just how naive ARE you?

Who said anything about the US giving up? The IS terrorists that have pillaged Iraq are not advancing. They are retreating and no ground combat troops are present.

Petraeus may well be annoyed with Maliki. Well that's good because Obama has been annoyed with Maliki for five years.

First off how did you convince Muqtada al Sadr to permit its political bloc in Parliament to approve the force you are using that remained in Iraq... what 10,000 strong?. Or is it 35,000? How did you get the OK from the Iraqis?

So you were going to protect Mosul with US lives. What may I ask do you expect the Iraqis to do? How long do you have Americans do their fighting for them?

When did General Tommy Franks reveal these goals to the American people?

As the US commander, Tommy Franks put it the goals of the invasion were the following: "First, end the regime of Saddam Hussein. Second, to identify, isolate and eliminate Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. Third, to search for, to capture and to drive out terrorists from that country. Fourth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to terrorist networks. Fifth, to collect such intelligence as we can related to the global network of illicit weapons of mass destruction. Sixth, to end sanctions and to immediately deliver humanitarian support to the displaced and to many needy Iraqi citizens. Seventh, to secure Iraq’s oil fields and resources, which belong to the Iraqi people. And last, to help the Iraqi people create conditions for a transition to a representative self-government."

God but you're dense...

Petraeus was against premature troop withdrawals from the moment that Obama demanded them way back in the first year of his Presidency. It's a topic that the military fought Obama on every step of the way because they forecast problems with stability in Iraq with too soon of a withdraw.

Generals Seek To Reverse Obama s Iraq Withdrawal Decision

That's from back in 2009 and paints an accurate picture of the tension between Petraeus and Obama on this issue.
Do I want to defend his credibility on THAT particular Middle East issue? Yes...yes I do! He got it right...give credit where credit is due.

That was 2007. Do you also defend the complete opposite when in 2008 Bush said Iraq was ready and he signed a timeline for withdrawal agreement with the Iraqi government that all US troops would be gone by December 31, 2011 or sooner?.

Earlier today, in another sign of progress, Iraq’s Council of Representatives approved two agreements with the United States, a Strategic Framework Agreement and a Security Agreement, often called a Status of Forces Agreement or SOFA. The Strategic Framework Agreement sets the foundation for a long-term bilateral relationship between our two countries, and the Security Agreement addresses our presence, activities, and withdrawal from Iraq. Today’s vote affirms the growth of Iraq’s democracy and increasing ability to secure itself. We look forward to a swift approval by Iraq’s Presidency Council.
Two years ago, this day seemed unlikely – but the success of the surge and the courage of the Iraqi people set the conditions for these two agreements to be negotiated and approved by the Iraqi parliament.

While you are defending Bush's credibility from 2007, don't you think it would be more accurate to defend his credibility in 2008?
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.
Do I want to defend his credibility on THAT particular Middle East issue? Yes...yes I do! He got it right...give credit where credit is due.

That was 2007. Do you also defend the complete opposite when in 2008 Bush said Iraq was ready and he signed a timeline for withdrawal agreement with the Iraqi government that all US troops would be gone by December 31, 2011 or sooner?.

Earlier today, in another sign of progress, Iraq’s Council of Representatives approved two agreements with the United States, a Strategic Framework Agreement and a Security Agreement, often called a Status of Forces Agreement or SOFA. The Strategic Framework Agreement sets the foundation for a long-term bilateral relationship between our two countries, and the Security Agreement addresses our presence, activities, and withdrawal from Iraq. Today’s vote affirms the growth of Iraq’s democracy and increasing ability to secure itself. We look forward to a swift approval by Iraq’s Presidency Council.
Two years ago, this day seemed unlikely – but the success of the surge and the courage of the Iraqi people set the conditions for these two agreements to be negotiated and approved by the Iraqi parliament.

While you are defending Bush's credibility from 2007, don't you think it would be more accurate to defend his credibility in 2008?

Take note that your red highlighted line contains the descriptive term "increasing ability to secure itself"...that does not mean that they were ready to secure themselves as is evident from the Huffington Post article I just cited showing the vast majority of our military brass being worried about Iraq collapsing if we withdrew too soon.
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.
The revisionism and short memories are stunning.
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.

Oh, we're going with the "American Empire" rant? Seriously, Clayton? Is this the part where you tell us all that we only invaded Iraq because we wanted to steal their oil? Wasn't that the liberal narrative way back when?

So what ever happened with that? How much Iraqi oil did we manage to take for all of our "empire building"?
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.
The revisionism and short memories are stunning.

Please, Idb...we're discussing Obama's Iraq strategy...or lack there of...don't be bringing up the IRS scandal!
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.
The revisionism and short memories are stunning.

Please, Idb...we're discussing Obama's Iraq strategy...or lack there of...don't be bringing up the IRS scandal!
You forgot to use these " " when typing scandal.
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.
The revisionism and short memories are stunning.

Please, Idb...we're discussing Obama's Iraq strategy...or lack there of...don't be bringing up the IRS scandal!
Obama's enemies are conservatives Islamonzis are secondary
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.
The revisionism and short memories are stunning.

Oh I'll agree that you left wingers have short memories and consistently revise history.

Who pushed for the troop withdrawal again?

Who crossed the floor to give them their win? Hagel gave the Democrats their win.

And this is just part of the story Because Obama failed to renegotiate the terms of the withdrawal. It's all on record despite the lies.

I'm sick of everyone saying "it's Bush's fault".

Senate Backs Pullout Proposal
By Shailagh Murray Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Senate Democrats scored a surprise victory yesterday in their bid to force President Bush to end the Iraq war, turning back a Republican amendment that would have struck a troop withdrawal plan from emergency military funding legislation.

The defection of a prominent Republican war critic, Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, sealed the Democrats' win.

Hagel, who opposed identical withdrawal language two weeks ago, walked onto the Senate floor an hour before the late-afternoon vote and announced that he would "not support sustaining a flawed and failing policy," adding: "It's now time for the Congress to step forward and establish responsible boundaries and conditions for our continued military involvement in Iraq."

Senate Backs Pullout Proposal
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.
The revisionism and short memories are stunning.

Who pushed for the troop withdrawal again?

Who crossed the floor to give them their win?

And this is just part of the story Because Obama failed to renegotiate the terms of the withdrawal.

I'm sick of everyone saying "it's Bush's fault".

Senate Backs Pullout Proposal
By Shailagh Murray Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Senate Democrats scored a surprise victory yesterday in their bid to force President Bush to end the Iraq war, turning back a Republican amendment that would have struck a troop withdrawal plan from emergency military funding legislation.

The defection of a prominent Republican war critic, Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, sealed the Democrats' win.

Hagel, who opposed identical withdrawal language two weeks ago, walked onto the Senate floor an hour before the late-afternoon vote and announced that he would "not support sustaining a flawed and failing policy," adding: "It's now time for the Congress to step forward and establish responsible boundaries and conditions for our continued military involvement in Iraq."
If Bush hadn't invaded in the first place.....
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.[/QUOTE

Bullshit. Obama/Harper/Cameron own ISIS. This is their mess. Along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
“If Bush hadn't invaded in the first place..... “

A simple fact the Bush apologists are clearly incapable of comprehending.
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.
The revisionism and short memories are stunning.

Who pushed for the troop withdrawal again?

Who crossed the floor to give them their win?

And this is just part of the story Because Obama failed to renegotiate the terms of the withdrawal.

I'm sick of everyone saying "it's Bush's fault".

Senate Backs Pullout Proposal
By Shailagh Murray Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Senate Democrats scored a surprise victory yesterday in their bid to force President Bush to end the Iraq war, turning back a Republican amendment that would have struck a troop withdrawal plan from emergency military funding legislation.

The defection of a prominent Republican war critic, Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, sealed the Democrats' win.

Hagel, who opposed identical withdrawal language two weeks ago, walked onto the Senate floor an hour before the late-afternoon vote and announced that he would "not support sustaining a flawed and failing policy," adding: "It's now time for the Congress to step forward and establish responsible boundaries and conditions for our continued military involvement in Iraq."
If Bush hadn't invaded in the first place.....

And we can go all the way back to Iraq's formation and blame those involved. But we are in the here and now.

ISIS is a product of our leaders obsession with regime change in the Middle East. It appears they weren't happy with just messing up Egypt or Libya, no they had to jump in and try to remove Assad as well.

And so ISIS became.
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.
We should have a base in Iraq. it's stupid that we don't, but Obama is ignorant, everything is does is for personal political gain...He's a joke and the whole world sees him for what he is

It's this sort of lust for an 'American Empire' by you, other war-mongering neo-cons, and GWB that created this mess to begin with, where the president has attempted to clean up that monumental mess in good faith.

Iraq and its aftermath are solely the responsibility of GWB, regardless the current administration.
The revisionism and short memories are stunning.

Who pushed for the troop withdrawal again?

Who crossed the floor to give them their win?

And this is just part of the story Because Obama failed to renegotiate the terms of the withdrawal.

I'm sick of everyone saying "it's Bush's fault".

Senate Backs Pullout Proposal
By Shailagh Murray Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Senate Democrats scored a surprise victory yesterday in their bid to force President Bush to end the Iraq war, turning back a Republican amendment that would have struck a troop withdrawal plan from emergency military funding legislation.

The defection of a prominent Republican war critic, Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, sealed the Democrats' win.

Hagel, who opposed identical withdrawal language two weeks ago, walked onto the Senate floor an hour before the late-afternoon vote and announced that he would "not support sustaining a flawed and failing policy," adding: "It's now time for the Congress to step forward and establish responsible boundaries and conditions for our continued military involvement in Iraq."
If Bush hadn't invaded in the first place.....

And we can go all the way back to Iraq's formation and blame those involved. But we are in the here and now.

ISIS is a product of our leaders obsession with regime change in the Middle East. It appears they weren't happy with just messing up Egypt or Libya, no they had to jump in and try to remove Assad as well.

And so ISIS became.
2003 is only 11 years ago.
It's hardly ancient history.

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