Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

My question for those board members who DO think Obama tried to get a new Status of Forces Agreement would be this...if you REALLY were serious about such a thing don't you think you would discuss it repeatedly with your Iraqi counterpart during the summer and fall of that year? Yet the Times reports that the Oct 22nd video meeting between Obama and Maliki was the first since June! That's five months! What was Barry doing during that time?

It was not Maliki that needed convincing. It was the Sadrists/ followers of anti- American Cleric Muqtada al Sadr..It is doubtful that Sadr would agree to meet or talk on the phone with a US President.
So what happened to the promised "residual force" that he pledged would be left behind in Iraq for counter terrorism activities?

You were citing Obama from August 2008. Bush then four months later in December 2008 undermined Obama's plan for a residual force when he made a deal with Maliki that all troops had to be out with no provisions for permanent bases or a residual force from 2012 and beyond.
Barack Obama has a history of his actions not coming CLOSE to his rhetoric. This is simply one more example of that...

No its not that. It is a matter of you being ignorant if the political realities in Iraq at the time. Muqtada al Sadr was the kingmaker putting Maliki in office, Sadr and the anti-American bloc could UN-King Maliki if he cut a deal with Obama that they did not accept.

You want POTUS to waste his time trying to make deals with anti/American Shiites that despised US occupation despite it Sebring Shiite interests very well.

You really FUbard yourself on this one.
Of course, it's Bush's fault that Obama pulled all US troops out of Iraq, bragged about Iraq being secure and then ISIS rushed back into the vacuum killing non-Sunnis......that is how liberals operate.
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Then it's a good thing we never pulled out of Iraq, isn't it? We still had a major base operational in the capital, in case you forgot.
My question for those board members who DO think Obama tried to get a new Status of Forces Agreement would be this...if you REALLY were serious about such a thing don't you think you would discuss it repeatedly with your Iraqi counterpart during the summer and fall of that year? Yet the Times reports that the Oct 22nd video meeting between Obama and Maliki was the first since June! That's five months! What was Barry doing during that time?
because all negotiations are conducted by the president himself.

No but isn't it shocking to you that for five MONTHS, Barack Obama never talked with Maliki? Does that show any commitment to getting a deal done? Then people wonder why some Iraqis doubted Obama's commitment?
they can doubt it all they want.
does any of that change that we were offering to keep soldiers in iraq and they refused that offer?

When it's quite clear to the Iraqis that Barack Obama is only paying lip service to keeping a force of Americans in Iraq (even though he ran for office promising to keep such a force there!) why would the Iraqis even consider risking their political lives to make that happen? In the New York Times article you can see obvious frustration coming from the Kurds over what they view as "disinterest" from Obama.
so you admit that the iraqi government was unwilling to accept the residual force of 3000 because of political pressures from inside iraq - is that not what i've been saying?

iraq rejected the deal. there is no reason to believe that by rejecting 3000 troops they really wanted 10000

The US military said 3,000 would not work. There was never a real offer by Obama. Of course, you know this, but still continue to play stupid. It won't work. Obama fucked up....big time. Deal with it.
who rejected the deal?

Maliki. He had no choice. Do you play cards? Do you understand when you have been dealt a hand that is shit?

Maliki knew Obama was fucking him over with the offer of 3,000. Any asshole would.

Fuck Obama. That's why he owns this shit.
ISIS is a product of our leaders obsession with regime change in the Middle East. It appears they weren't happy with just messing up Egypt or Libya, no they had to jump in and try to remove Assad as well.

You make absolutely no sense. Egypt is not messed up. Foreign western leaders did not instigate Mubarak or Morsi's demise.

Libya was authorized by the UN to save tens of thousands of lives in Benghazi. We don't know how many Ghadafi would have killed had the world not organized to stop him.

And then there is the dominant point on Syria. The three leaders you mention did not instigate the Syria rebellion.'

Obama was criticized for not doing enough to assist the rebels early on.

And the he forced Putin and Assad to rid the civil war of CW Assad's arsenal .
Netanyahu let it be known that Israel supported the CW destruction.

So there is nothing messed up about that..

So provide documentation that there was intent from the beginning to regime change Libya, Syria or Egypt by the US, UK or Canada.

Oh dear heavens for the love of humanity stop with the lies.

To say western leaders had no hand in supporting the unrest Egypt is to deny all reality. We gave them Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

To say we had no hand in supporting the unrest in Libya is to deny all reality. We have given the poor Libyans jihadists who now control 1/5th of the world's oil and are partying hardy at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

And Syria. Oh bite me. As far back as 2012 it was being reported in the New York Times, you know, that bastion of neo con war mongers that the CIA was working with Qatar and Saudi Arabia to depose Assad.

Good grief. Stop with the spin and the lies.

Our support is for the Egyptian military.

John McCain was the leading voice in arming opposition to Assad. Guess who was the voice of reason?

Neither it was bullshit McCain has been Obama's pussy for forever. Rarely has he ever gone against his master. .l've got the links to the New York Times giving it up on how we were supplying arms to the fake rebels in 2012.

Don't play it.

Now I'm out there in the garden on and off for the next few days but when I come back in full frontal I am going to go at more than one progressive over the lies they tell.

And when I do. Be prepared to get a new asshole driven up your ass.
so you admit that the iraqi government was unwilling to accept the residual force of 3000 because of political pressures from inside iraq - is that not what i've been saying?

iraq rejected the deal. there is no reason to believe that by rejecting 3000 troops they really wanted 10000

The US military said 3,000 would not work. There was never a real offer by Obama. Of course, you know this, but still continue to play stupid. It won't work. Obama fucked up....big time. Deal with it.
who rejected the deal?

Maliki. He had no choice. Do you play cards? Do you understand when you have been dealt a hand that is shit?

Maliki knew Obama was fucking him over with the offer of 3,000. Any asshole would.

Fuck Obama. That's why he owns this shit.

"It's President Obama's fault that Maliki rejected the offer of aid. He should've offered to send the entire U.S. military in--a mere several thousand angry white manpigs with guns can't possibly harm anything."

This is what conservatards actually believe.
ISIS is a product of our leaders obsession with regime change in the Middle East. It appears they weren't happy with just messing up Egypt or Libya, no they had to jump in and try to remove Assad as well.

You make absolutely no sense. Egypt is not messed up. Foreign western leaders did not instigate Mubarak or Morsi's demise.

Libya was authorized by the UN to save tens of thousands of lives in Benghazi. We don't know how many Ghadafi would have killed had the world not organized to stop him.

And then there is the dominant point on Syria. The three leaders you mention did not instigate the Syria rebellion.'

Obama was criticized for not doing enough to assist the rebels early on.

And the he forced Putin and Assad to rid the civil war of CW Assad's arsenal .
Netanyahu let it be known that Israel supported the CW destruction.

So there is nothing messed up about that..

So provide documentation that there was intent from the beginning to regime change Libya, Syria or Egypt by the US, UK or Canada.

Oh dear heavens for the love of humanity stop with the lies.

To say western leaders had no hand in supporting the unrest Egypt is to deny all reality. We gave them Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

To say we had no hand in supporting the unrest in Libya is to deny all reality. We have given the poor Libyans jihadists who now control 1/5th of the world's oil and are partying hardy at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

And Syria. Oh bite me. As far back as 2012 it was being reported in the New York Times, you know, that bastion of neo con war mongers that the CIA was working with Qatar and Saudi Arabia to depose Assad.

Good grief. Stop with the spin and the lies.

Our support is for the Egyptian military.

John McCain was the leading voice in arming opposition to Assad. Guess who was the voice of reason?

What gobbely gook is this?

You didn't support the Egyptian army when you sent McCain and Graham over to try to save Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

This is the truth. This is on record. It's the real mother fucking deal here sweetheart.

Now as to Syria. I can link back to Democrats. One in particular.

We know Obama wanted desperately to rid the ME of Assad. Hence his play time with ISIS.
so you admit that the iraqi government was unwilling to accept the residual force of 3000 because of political pressures from inside iraq - is that not what i've been saying?

iraq rejected the deal. there is no reason to believe that by rejecting 3000 troops they really wanted 10000

The US military said 3,000 would not work. There was never a real offer by Obama. Of course, you know this, but still continue to play stupid. It won't work. Obama fucked up....big time. Deal with it.
who rejected the deal?

Maliki. He had no choice. Do you play cards? Do you understand when you have been dealt a hand that is shit?

Maliki knew Obama was fucking him over with the offer of 3,000. Any asshole would.

Fuck Obama. That's why he owns this shit.

"It's President Obama's fault that Maliki rejected the offer of aid. He should've offered to send the entire U.S. military in--a mere several thousand angry white manpigs with guns can't possibly harm anything."

This is what conservatards actually believe.

Douche bag. It's called negotiation.
I still think that the premise of the OP - that Obama should have accepted the sage foreign policy advice of GWB - is fall on the floor hilarious.
Shitstain....Bush handed over a stable Iraq to Obama, but Obama then proceeded to get the hell out and claim we didn't need to stick around to support the Iraq military and new GOV become stronger and more stable to prevent an invasion from say Syria.

Today ISIS is in Iraq thanks to Obama leaving the door open for them.....

Wow....a few idiots with Nazi stuff on their helmets.

One can also find Nazi shit, black gang shit, Hispanic gang shit in the US Army.

Of course the shit-eater is aligned with the closet socialist Putin.

I still think that the premise of the OP - that Obama should have accepted the sage foreign policy advice of GWB - is fall on the floor hilarious.
Shitstain....Bush handed over a stable Iraq to Obama, but Obama then proceeded to get the hell out and claim we didn't need to stick around.

Today ISIS is in Iraq thanks to Obama leaving the door open for them.....

Wow....a few idiots with Nazi stuff on their helmets.

One can also find Nazi shit, black gang shit, Hispanic gang shit in the US Army.

Of course the shit-eater is aligned with the closet socialist Putin.

I still think that the premise of the OP - that Obama should have accepted the sage foreign policy advice of GWB - is fall on the floor hilarious.
If it was so stable...why would US troops need to stay?
Shitstain....Bush handed over a stable Iraq to Obama, but Obama then proceeded to get the hell out and claim we didn't need to stick around to support the Iraq military and new GOV become stronger and more stable to prevent an invasion from say Syria.

Today ISIS is in Iraq thanks to Obama leaving the door open for them.....

Wow....a few idiots with Nazi stuff on their helmets.

One can also find Nazi shit, black gang shit, Hispanic gang shit in the US Army.

Of course the shit-eater is aligned with the closet socialist Putin.

I still think that the premise of the OP - that Obama should have accepted the sage foreign policy advice of GWB - is fall on the floor hilarious.

I know right? lol

Righties still running that meme of "well why shouldn't the muslim country want 1000's of infidel occupiers in their country for only 5-10 more years" after we were already there 10+ yrs shooting hellfire missiles at wedding parties and having out high-paid (taxpayer-paid) merc's running wild on their highways shooting up civilians. :happy-1: It was also all on borrowed taxpayer $$$ that helped crater our economy mind you.

Righties, in this thread, need to drink a big glass of :anj_stfu:

You can't make up zanier stuff than this.
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who rejected the deal?

That is the point. Regardless of what Petraeus and Odeirno were contriving to try and trick the Iraqis into accepting a residual 'support' force after the Bush:Maliki 2008 SOFA was passed, there was no way Iraq's Parliament was going to grant immunity to one single US soldier for 2012 and beyond.

Except for military personnel guarding the US Embassy and other diplomatic posts across all of Iraq.
Vast parts of the country are controlled by some of the most vile people ever to walk the planet and you want to claim that "All is well!"

No need to start lying about my position just because you can't back up your false claim. I have not claimed that "All is well". That is bogus and you must know it. Here is what you have attempted to reply to.

"No first you would need to verify somehow with a credible source that Iraq has ceased to be as free and democratic as it was at the time of Joe Biden's remarks."

When I used the word "ceased" it means that Iraq has 'ceased" to exist in a free and democratic state. Isis has terrorized control of a million people out of 20 million. That is tragic and catastrophic for the people directly involved, but the vast majority of Iraqis continue to be as free and democratic as they were when Biden said what he said.

So you have chosen to exaggerate in favor of the terrorists as part of you politically motivated attacks on Obama.

You are making the same argument that EconChick messed up a while back. Do you agree that Bush handed over a stable Iraq?

Bush handed over a stable Iraq. Obama fucked it up.

LOL, StillObsessed. I noticed you were offline till you saw me get on a few minutes ago. What's wrong, you afraid of me? ..... and lurking to see how I'll trounce you next?

Well let's start with the word, "stable."

First of all, in my longer posts where I attempted to actually explain things...because I thought you idiots were interested in real debate instead of nothing but spinning to protect your messiah and party....I said "relatively stable."

In your typical dishonest style, you chose my shorthand when you know damn well I always said relative stability, and I explained at length how it compared to the prior years.

But more importantly, your hero Barrack Obama said "I left a sovereign and stable Iraq.

Let me say this again. Obama himself used the same shorthand.

You are BUSTED. Once again.
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean we are risking mass killings on a grand scale. It would allow the terrorists to replace the safe haven they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we’d have to return at a later date to confront an enemy who is even more dangerous.

President Obama is trying to blame Bush but he won the war and Obama then handed over to ISIS.

Listen to this clip. He thinks people will fall for his blaming Bush for what is obviously his failure.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Stunning performance by bush. After destroying Iraq and murdering a good percentage of it's population, he warns that pulling out could be dangerous for Iraq.
Oh look. It's my favorite liberal dum dum who has absolutely no expertise on this subject lying and misinforming the public again.

What's wrong, StillObsessedWithBush? I trounced you on about 5 other threads where you lied out your teeth about this very subject. You think you're going to find a new crowd of people you haven't lied to or manipulated yet?

And just in case there are.... folks, you're dealing with a pathological liar whom I tried honestly debating on this subject in the first thread it came up in.

He has no military background, no intel background, no time in Iraq, no time with NGOs, no time working with State Department, no time working closely with the White House, and certainly no ability to understand the way diplomacy worked there.

All things I have extensive experience in.

It's unknown whether he's paid to be on this site lying to people, or whether he's just a volunteer political hack, but if incessant lying about a topic on the internet could be punished, he'd be taken all the way to the guillotine.

StillObsessed, I will stay on your lying ass till the elections, because misinforming the public the way you and your idiot friends have in the past 6 years will no longer stand unchallenged....I don't care HOW much you're backed up by a corrupt, lying media.

Another clueless question. Try looking at over a hundred posts on this topic I made in numerous other threads about the same question.

And your credentials are what, idiot?

I'll wait for to never come up with them.......

I'll match mine to yours any day. Except you're scared out of your mind to do that.



I don't have the patience to spend time actually posting long, thought out paragraphs of firsthand experience again......since I've already done it multiple times on this forum.....although as we get close to the election, I will take that time again. But in the meantime, your statement is inaccurate.

The foul-mouth insulter is back from hiding. Threatening to run away again. Nothing new here.

Fuck you, idiot.

You and people like you have lied for 6 years and now your chickens are coming home to roost.

Notice the polls today, moron? If they were bad over the past few weeks, now they're really showing a FAILED PRESIDENCY.

He's a failure, and so are his rabid supporters. Everyone can see through his lies, your lies, liberal's lies. Oh, did I remember to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Pathological liars should get MUCH more than a verbal thumping. Feel lucky that's all you morons get.
so why didn't Bush negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

Another clueless question. Try looking at over a hundred posts on this topic I made in numerous other threads about the same question.

Neither the Iraqi people nor the Iraqi government wanted US troops in Iraq. Its hard to get around opposition like thazt.

I don't have the patience to spend time actually posting long, thought out paragraphs of firsthand experience again......since I've already done it multiple times on this forum.....although as we get close to the election, I will take that time again. But in the meantime, your statement is inaccurate.

Since you're quoting yourself as a source, why don't you just give us the thread and post number of your evidence.

For example, the post I just quoted was #314. That an say a link like this:

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created Page 16 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Would be enough to save yourself the time of retyping the same reply and us the difficulty of finding one post among tens of thousands on this forum.

That's the frustration of a forum that doesn't consolidate threads about the same topic. There are also up sides. As a business person, I see the upsides.

But I started out debating in good faith....and have lost respect for most liberals on this forum because there's no interest in honest exchange....instead this is a fucking hack game they're here to play. I don't have the time that some of these paid Democrat Party operatives have to spend hours and hours on here.

I'm not going to repeat for the umpteenth time what I've already this topic will come up another dozen times before I'll wait till then.
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Fuck you, idiot.

You and people like you have lied for 6 years and now your chickens are coming home to roost.

Notice the polls today, moron? If they were bad over the past few weeks, now they're really showing a FAILED PRESIDENCY.

He's a failure, and so are his rabid supporters. Everyone can see through his lies, your lies, liberal's lies. Oh, did I remember to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Pathological liars should get MUCH more than a verbal thumping. Feel lucky that's all you morons get.

His #'s are still way above the last Repub Presidents so.,.... stop your gloating rw hack grl :eusa_hand:

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