Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Fuck you, idiot.
Like I said.. the Foul mouthed insulter came out of hiding for a bit. .
she's too dense to realize that only mouth breathers rely on excessive profanity. Its a dead give away that they don't have a leg to stand on argument-wise :(

Look dearie dumbshit. Those are the rules in your little academic or library bookish world. The topic we're talking about is one where people on both sides are killing other people. You think war is pretty? You think foulness is not a part of war??? IDIOT.

Go back to topics that your fragile brain can handle. Like knitting. Or spelling bees.
And in the end analysis, it doesn't matter. Bush handed over a stable Iraq. Obama fucked it up.

Obama himself used the same shorthand.

Good for him. Iraq was stable compared to the worst years in 2004 through 2007. You have no recognizable point. Perhaps you could explain why it is relevant sometime soon.

While you are at it I am still waiting for your evidence that this 'placeholder' crap is true.

You talk as if there was one SOFA.
You talk as if there was a SOFA and no negotiations before, during, and after.
Your simple mind can't grasp that the 2008 SOFA was a placeholder for a 2011 FINAL SOFA. Yes, moron, there was an outline for a 2011 SOFA that didn't get signed because O dropped the ball.
See 09092014A
Fuck you, idiot.

You and people like you have lied for 6 years and now your chickens are coming home to roost.

Notice the polls today, moron? If they were bad over the past few weeks, now they're really showing a FAILED PRESIDENCY.

He's a failure, and so are his rabid supporters. Everyone can see through his lies, your lies, liberal's lies. Oh, did I remember to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Pathological liars should get MUCH more than a verbal thumping. Feel lucky that's all you morons get.

His #'s are still way above the last Repub Presidents so.,.... stop your gloating rw hack grl :eusa_hand:

LOL!! Except now Obama has to admit he was wrongggggggggggg. And now he has to do what Bush did. IDIOT. People are starting to look at Bush in a new that Obama has been a disaster trying to be the anti-Bush. It's all in the polls today dum dum.
"Petraeus says our troops were out of combat, out of the cities and out of the advising."

Well...duh! The REASON they were out of combat, out of the cities and out of advising was because they were being withdrawn! Petraeus then goes on to express, rather plaintively I thought, how he wished we hadn't given away so easily what so many Americans died for.

They were being withdrawn because the sovereigns of the cities in question didn't want them there. You keep insisting that we ignore national sovereignty, ignore our agreements, ignore democracy, ignore the will of the people, ignore the Iraqi government.....and FORCE Iraq to take troops they didn't want.

That's not liberation. That's occupation.

I personally worked with huge numbers of people that wanted us there. Why do you believe everything the corrupt liberal press tells you.?
Intelligent leadership would have had the foresight to understand that Maliki WAS an idiot and that the policies he put in place excluding Sunnis from leadership roles in the military could have dire consequences, with ISIS rapidly gaining strength across the border in Syria and a large number of Baathist insurgents moving into the vacuum left behind by the departing US troops.

Why then would BUsh, knowing Maliki was an 'idiot' have signed a SOFA that required us to leave at the end of 2011 when he just could have 'made a choice' and gotten a SOFA with no time limit or restrictions? I mean, in this little fantasy you've concoted, it would have been remarkably simple.

Yet Bush didn't. Meaning either he doesn't exhibit 'intelligent leadership' (per your imagination anyway)....or you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

Remember Old, and this point is fundamental: you don't actually speak for Obama or Maliki. All these little imaginary hypothetical scenarios that you've made up in your head don't actually have any reflection in the real world. What you're demanding is that we FORCE Iraq to keep troops in their against their will....

......and laughably call it 'liberty' and 'democracy'. Um, buddy? Its neither.

You have no idea how foolish you look to someone like myself who spent a lot of time all over Iraq before, during, and after the surge...always negotiating one thing or another. You really should stop talking.

I'm not saying that disrespectfully because you seem to genuinely want to get to the truth. But you're so far off it's not funny.
Crickettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttts. StillObsessed can't answer even one of my categories for having any credibility. Because he has none and we all know it.

The polls show your massive propaganda campaign isn't working shithead.
I can make a good case that Bush would have pushed HARD for a new Status of Forces Agreement given the situation that unfolded.

You are possibly right. Bush may have kissed Maliki's Shiite ass and had the USAF become the Shiite Air Force and sent ground troops in to fight so the Iraqis wouldn't have to.

I've made a good case that Obama would not be that stupid.

You haven't made ANY case dumbass. Look at the Washington Post poll that came out today idiot.

The only ppl that buy your shit are the other liberal idiots on this thread.
Fuck you, idiot.

You and people like you have lied for 6 years and now your chickens are coming home to roost.

Notice the polls today, moron? If they were bad over the past few weeks, now they're really showing a FAILED PRESIDENCY.

He's a failure, and so are his rabid supporters. Everyone can see through his lies, your lies, liberal's lies. Oh, did I remember to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Pathological liars should get MUCH more than a verbal thumping. Feel lucky that's all you morons get.

His #'s are still way above the last Repub Presidents so.,.... stop your gloating rw hack grl :eusa_hand:

LOL!! Except now Obama has to admit he was wrongggggggggggg. And now he has to do what Bush did. IDIOT. People are starting to look at Bush in a new that Obama has been a disaster trying to be the anti-Bush. It's all in the polls today dum dum.
list those people that "are starting to look at Bush II in a new way"? My view of his cowboy diplomacy hasn't changed a whit

Fuck you, idiot.
Like I said.. the Foul mouthed insulter came out of hiding for a bit. .
she's too dense to realize that only mouth-breathers rely on excessive profanity. Its a dead give away that they don't have a leg to stand on argument-wise :(

Just for laughs... here is a typical EconChick worthless argument?

There were plenty of Iraqis that wanted our help. I saw it with my own eyes.
who rejected the deal?

That is the point. Regardless of what Petraeus and Odeirno were contriving to try and trick the Iraqis into accepting a residual 'support' force after the Bush:Maliki 2008 SOFA was passed, there was no way Iraq's Parliament was going to grant immunity to one single US soldier for 2012 and beyond.

Except for military personnel guarding the US Embassy and other diplomatic posts across all of Iraq.

LOL, well look at that?? Not Fooled is starting to break down. He's starting to acknowledge it wasn't black and white like he said it was. He's starting to acknowledge there was negotiation involved (which any 10 year old understood). LOL.
Here ya go looking stupid. I actually worked for and briefed Petraeus in Iraq...and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Then you should know as a matter of fact that the reality that Bush strapped his successor with the mandate by the sovereign government of Iraq that all US troops had to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011. You should know that there is no such thing as a placeholder in the 2008 SOFA that Bush, Maliki and Iraq's Parliament agreed to last December. Why don't you?

International law and treaties dealing with sovereignty do not work according to your elaborate scheme to deny the reality that Bush strapped his successor with the mandate by the sovereign government of Iraq that all US troops had to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011 unless the Iraqis had a change of mind. The Iraqis could also tell Bush to get out the day after it was signed if they wanted to.
He's starting to acknowledge it wasn't black and white like he said it was. He's starting to acknowledge there was negotiation involved

My position has never been that there were negotiations involved to try to overcome the reality that Bush strapped his successor with the mandate by the sovereign government of Iraq that all US troops had to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011. Of course there were negotiations. Obama had 3000 troops in an offer. The Iraqis rejected it.

And considering now that several hundred US Special OPS advisers in Iraq are making a difference in forcing the IS terrorists to retreat, it should be noted that Iraq had a chance to get 3000 to stay in 2012 but Iraq rejected it then.
Here ya go looking stupid. I actually worked for and briefed Petraeus in Iraq...and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Then you should know as a matter of fact that the reality that Bush strapped his successor with the mandate by the sovereign government of Iraq that all US troops had to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011. You should know that there is no such thing as a placeholder in the 2008 SOFA that Bush, Maliki and Iraq's Parliament agreed to last December. Why don't you?

International law and treaties dealing with sovereignty do not work according to your elaborate scheme to deny the reality that Bush strapped his successor with the mandate by the sovereign government of Iraq that all US troops had to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011 unless the Iraqis had a change of mind. The Iraqis could also tell Bush to get out the day after it was signed if they wanted to.

I've told you about 20 fucking times, idiot, that the 2008 SOFA WASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS a placeholder for the one that was supposed to be completed when they left. I can't help you have reading comprehension problems.

And strapped his successor?????????? What a fucking moron. He left plenty of wiggle room for anyone that had any competence at negotiating.

But that person had to WANT to negotiate and your boy didn't.
Here ya go looking stupid. I actually worked for and briefed Petraeus in Iraq....and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Give me a reason to believe you instead of what Petraeus just recently publically said for the whole world to see. I believe Petraeus not you.
He's starting to acknowledge it wasn't black and white like he said it was. He's starting to acknowledge there was negotiation involved

My position has never been that there were negotiations involved to try to overcome the reality that Bush strapped his successor with the mandate by the sovereign government of Iraq that all US troops had to be out of Iraq by the end of 2011. Of course there were negotiations. Obama had 3000 troops in an offer. The Iraqis rejected it.

And considering now that several hundred US Special OPS advisers in Iraq are making a difference in forcing the IS terrorists to retreat, it should be noted that Iraq had a chance to get 3000 to stay in 2012 but Iraq rejected it then.

That's it dumbass, you're just a fucking retard here to spin Iraq for the failed Dem in the WH and your party. ISIS is not retreating idiot. They're just not advancing at warp speed like this idiot president allowed them to do weeks ago. Now they're just advancing slightly.

Besides don't you remember your idiot hero saying there are NO boots on the ground.

If the topic were WWII, your warped brain would be telling us Japan won the war and we lost it.
I've told you about 20 fucking times, idiot, that the 2008 SOFA WASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS a placeholder for the one that was supposed to be completed when they left. I can't help you have reading comprehension problems.

You can tell us a zillion times but until you provide something seen in the SOFA documents that shows you have not just made something up, it means nothing when you 'tell' us 20 times or a million.

Here is an early request to you: on this matter.

I asked you for language in the 2008 Bush SOFA that supports your made up version and all this PLACEHOLDER crap.
Here ya go looking stupid. I actually worked for and briefed Petraeus in Iraq....and you have no idea what you're talking about.

Give me a reason to believe you instead of what Petraeus just recently publically said for the whole world to see. I believe Petraeus not you.

Show me where I disagreed with Petraeus, moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just make shit up out of thin air. You're just a fucking crackpot.
I've told you about 20 fucking times, idiot, that the 2008 SOFA WASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS a placeholder for the one that was supposed to be completed when they left. I can't help you have reading comprehension problems.

You can tell us a zillion times but until you provide something seen in the SOFA documents that shows you have not just made something up, it means nothing when you 'tell' us 20 times or a million.

Here is an early request to you: on this matter.

I asked you for language in the 2008 Bush SOFA that supports your made up version and all this PLACEHOLDER crap.

Jesus you have got to be the dumbest fucking human being in the world. The word, "placeholder" isn't IN the fucking SOFA. It describes WHAT the 2008 SOFA is.

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