Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Article 4 of the agreement signed in 2008 provided for a force to be left behind.

"The Government of Iraq requests the temporary assistance of the United States Forces for the purposes of supporting Iraq in its efforts to maintain security and stability in Iraq, including cooperation in the conduct of operations against al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups, outlaw groups, and remnants of the former regime."

So no, the Bush agreement did not require all troops to be out of Iraq by a certain date. That agreement was in effect for three years after signing, and expired on January 1, 2012.

You have a serious problem with your underlined statement. It is blatantly not true.

The Bush agreement "Article 24—Withdrawal of the United States Forces from Iraq" clearly gives a date certain.

  1. All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.
  2. All United States combat forces shall withdraw from Iraqi cities, villages, and localities no later than the time at which Iraqi Security Forces assume full responsibility for security in an Iraqi province, provided that such withdrawal is completed no later than June 30, 2009.

How on earth did you miss Article 24?
Chapter 4 of that agreement did provide for a residual force.

Chapter 4 applied to US Troops in Iraq from January 1 2009 through December 31, 2011. It in no way provides for a residual force after the Bush/Maliki 2008 agreement expired in 2012.

You have exposed how sloppy your reliance upon facts actually is.

There is no excuse for such sloppiness.
When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country.

With the understanding with whom?


Iraqis never had that understanding.

It looks like you are flailing about trying to develop a myth that absolves Bush of his failure in Iraq in order to pin the blame for Bush's failures on Obama.?

But your statement about Bush's understanding makes no sense.
Bushes splendid little war destabilized the area and the blowback may be a mass chemical attack on the US by ISIL with confiscated chemical weapons from Syria.
When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country.

With the understanding with whom?


Iraqis never had that understanding.

It looks like you are flailing about trying to develop a myth that absolves Bush of his failure in Iraq in order to pin the blame for Bush's failures on Obama.?

But your statement about Bush's understanding makes no sense.

Bush did no such thing. That revision of history was manufactured as soon as the current troubles emerged.
Bushes splendid little war destabilized the area and the blowback may be a mass chemical attack on the US by ISIL with confiscated chemical weapons from Syria.

It's going to take some time to get a really clear picture, but it's pretty obvious that (a) taking Saddam out of the strategic picture and (2) America's military occupation (not to mention destruction) of so much of the Middle East have caused significant destabilization of the region.

I don't know how you measure its damage, and it's too late turn the clock back now, so all we can do is mitigate for the time being.

A horrible mess.

Bushes splendid little war destabilized the area and the blowback may be a mass chemical attack on the US by ISIL with confiscated chemical weapons from Syria.

It's going to take some time to get a really clear picture, but it's pretty obvious that (a) taking Saddam out of the strategic picture and (2) America's military occupation (not to mention destruction) of so much of the Middle East have caused significant destabilization of the region.

I don't know how you measure its damage, and it's too late turn the clock back now, so all we can do is mitigate for the time being.

A horrible mess.


Yepp. I warned of it 11 years ago and a lot of friends flamed me for it. They don't flame anymore.
Bushes splendid little war destabilized the area and the blowback may be a mass chemical attack on the US by ISIL with confiscated chemical weapons from Syria.

It's going to take some time to get a really clear picture, but it's pretty obvious that (a) taking Saddam out of the strategic picture and (2) America's military occupation (not to mention destruction) of so much of the Middle East have caused significant destabilization of the region.

I don't know how you measure its damage, and it's too late turn the clock back now, so all we can do is mitigate for the time being.

A horrible mess.


Yepp. I warned of it 11 years ago and a lot of friends flamed me for it. They don't flame anymore.

Yeah, same here.

Not very fun saying "I told you so" in this instance.

Bushes splendid little war destabilized the area and the blowback may be a mass chemical attack on the US by ISIL with confiscated chemical weapons from Syria.

It's going to take some time to get a really clear picture, but it's pretty obvious that (a) taking Saddam out of the strategic picture and (2) America's military occupation (not to mention destruction) of so much of the Middle East have caused significant destabilization of the region.

I don't know how you measure its damage, and it's too late turn the clock back now, so all we can do is mitigate for the time being.

A horrible mess.


Yepp. I warned of it 11 years ago and a lot of friends flamed me for it. They don't flame anymore.

Yeah, same here.

Not very fun saying "I told you so" in this instance.


No, it's not, because a lot of good people died.

We already fucked up big time in Gulf War I, when Bush Sr. pulled away from Bagdhad and left 400,000 shia to be murdered at the hands of infuriated Sunnis, shia he has PROMISED he would protect, were they to come around to "our" side. I can imagine that a number of their relatives are now fighting for ISIS. Which is disgusting, because ISIS needs to die, and fast.

We fucked up in the mid-eighties by training and arming the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets. Those Mujahadeen then formed the Taliban, and many of them were in on the ground floor of El Quaida. With OUR weapons, with OUR training.

We propped up a western friendly King in Iran in the 1953 and 1960s, he was hated by his own people. When he became seriously ill and needed heart surgery, a surgery he could have gotten in Canada, former Sec'y of State Henry Kissinger literally begged then Pres. Jimmy Carter to allow that Shah into a Californian hospital for treatment. The Iranians were already screaming that were we to do that, there would be revolution in the Shah's absence. Carter turned Kissinger down many times before finally giving in, a move that sealed the fate of his presidency and ended up in the longest hostage drama in our history.

It's like everywhere we go in the Mid-East, we drop unintentional hand-grenades.

The only true bastion of stability in the ME is Israel and Turkey.
so why didn't he negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

That's a fair question. Maybe that couldn't be done before a certain timeline?

We know Obama didn't do it, but did Bush have the chance prior? Anyone know?
yes, he did. he negotiated the status of forces agreement that required us to leave when we did.

There are no forces, therefore he did not negotiate. Use your head.

you should take your own advice. our forces had to leave because they would not enter into a stay of forces agreement extension. so we had to leave on the date negotiated by baby bush.

I hope that helps.

No we didn't haft to leave genius...When Bush's agreement expired, we were supposed to negotiate a final status of forces agreement. The prior was an interim agreement. Obama couldn't even do that. He wanted out. He sends that moron Biden to help screw it up
Bushes splendid little war destabilized the area and the blowback may be a mass chemical attack on the US by ISIL with confiscated chemical weapons from Syria.

It's going to take some time to get a really clear picture, but it's pretty obvious that (a) taking Saddam out of the strategic picture and (2) America's military occupation (not to mention destruction) of so much of the Middle East have caused significant destabilization of the region.

I don't know how you measure its damage, and it's too late turn the clock back now, so all we can do is mitigate for the time being.

A horrible mess.


Yepp. I warned of it 11 years ago and a lot of friends flamed me for it. They don't flame anymore.

Yeah, same here.

Not very fun saying "I told you so" in this instance.


No, it's not, because a lot of good people died.

We already fucked up big time in Gulf War I, when Bush Sr. pulled away from Bagdhad and left 400,000 shia to be murdered at the hands of infuriated Sunnis, shia he has PROMISED he would protect, were they to come around to "our" side. I can imagine that a number of their relatives are now fighting for ISIS. Which is disgusting, because ISIS needs to die, and fast.

We fucked up in the mid-eighties by training and arming the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets. Those Mujahadeen then formed the Taliban, and many of them were in on the ground floor of El Quaida. With OUR weapons, with OUR training.

We propped up a western friendly King in Iran in the 1953 and 1960s, he was hated by his own people. When he became seriously ill and needed heart surgery, a surgery he could have gotten in Canada, former Sec'y of State Henry Kissinger literally begged then Pres. Jimmy Carter to allow that Shah into a Californian hospital for treatment. The Iranians were already screaming that were we to do that, there would be revolution in the Shah's absence. Carter turned Kissinger down many times before finally giving in, a move that sealed the fate of his presidency and ended up in the longest hostage drama in our history.

It's like everywhere we go in the Mid-East, we drop unintentional hand-grenades.

The only true bastion of stability in the ME is Israel and Turkey.

The blame America first crowd. Ron Paul would be proud and you posting from Germany:cuckoo:
The blame America first crowd. Ron Paul would be proud and you posting from Germany:cuckoo:

I don't blame America, we didn't have much say.

I blame Bush and the other presidents who kept sticking our noses in the affairs of other sovereign countries whether we liked it or not.

Bush was looking for about 10,000 (two battalions) to remain in Iraq.

Bush was looking at nothing to remain in Iraq. Maliki made sure of that in 2007. The MNF was told to leave by 1012 and the Iraqis never changed their minds.

That is nonsense. Chapter 4 of the SOFA signed in 2008, and effective January 1, 2009, provided for a stay behind force. That SOFA expired January 1, 2012, and Obama failed to negotiate a continuation of that agreement.

Obama didn't want an agreement, because he didn't want to leave troops behind. His decision, his results. He owns the mess he created in Iraq, and all your misinformation, half truths, and lies do not alter that fact.

Obama was proud of ending the war, and bringing all the troops home, until things hit the fan, and then it was all Bush's fault again.
Bushes splendid little war destabilized the area and the blowback may be a mass chemical attack on the US by ISIL with confiscated chemical weapons from Syria.

It's going to take some time to get a really clear picture, but it's pretty obvious that (a) taking Saddam out of the strategic picture and (2) America's military occupation (not to mention destruction) of so much of the Middle East have caused significant destabilization of the region.

I don't know how you measure its damage, and it's too late turn the clock back now, so all we can do is mitigate for the time being.

A horrible mess.


Yepp. I warned of it 11 years ago and a lot of friends flamed me for it. They don't flame anymore.

Yeah, same here.

Not very fun saying "I told you so" in this instance.


No, it's not, because a lot of good people died.

We already fucked up big time in Gulf War I, when Bush Sr. pulled away from Bagdhad and left 400,000 shia to be murdered at the hands of infuriated Sunnis, shia he has PROMISED he would protect, were they to come around to "our" side. I can imagine that a number of their relatives are now fighting for ISIS. Which is disgusting, because ISIS needs to die, and fast.

We fucked up in the mid-eighties by training and arming the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets. Those Mujahadeen then formed the Taliban, and many of them were in on the ground floor of El Quaida. With OUR weapons, with OUR training.

We propped up a western friendly King in Iran in the 1953 and 1960s, he was hated by his own people. When he became seriously ill and needed heart surgery, a surgery he could have gotten in Canada, former Sec'y of State Henry Kissinger literally begged then Pres. Jimmy Carter to allow that Shah into a Californian hospital for treatment. The Iranians were already screaming that were we to do that, there would be revolution in the Shah's absence. Carter turned Kissinger down many times before finally giving in, a move that sealed the fate of his presidency and ended up in the longest hostage drama in our history.

It's like everywhere we go in the Mid-East, we drop unintentional hand-grenades.

The only true bastion of stability in the ME is Israel and Turkey.

The blame America first crowd. Ron Paul would be proud and you posting from Germany:cuckoo:

No, it's the "facts first" crowd, one I am sure you are totally unfamiliar with. :cuckoo:
The blame America first crowd. Ron Paul would be proud and you posting from Germany:cuckoo:

I don't blame America,
we didn't have much say.

I blame Bush and the other presidents who kept sticking our noses in the affairs of other sovereign countries whether we liked it or not.

You just did idiot... and our "sticking our noises" defeated the Soviet empire and freed millions of people. the U.S. has been responsible for relative stability in the world since the end of WWII. We withdraw we get world wars.
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Bushes splendid little war destabilized the area and the blowback may be a mass chemical attack on the US by ISIL with confiscated chemical weapons from Syria.

It's going to take some time to get a really clear picture, but it's pretty obvious that (a) taking Saddam out of the strategic picture and (2) America's military occupation (not to mention destruction) of so much of the Middle East have caused significant destabilization of the region.

I don't know how you measure its damage, and it's too late turn the clock back now, so all we can do is mitigate for the time being.

A horrible mess.


Yepp. I warned of it 11 years ago and a lot of friends flamed me for it. They don't flame anymore.

Yeah, same here.

Not very fun saying "I told you so" in this instance.


No, it's not, because a lot of good people died.

We already fucked up big time in Gulf War I, when Bush Sr. pulled away from Bagdhad and left 400,000 shia to be murdered at the hands of infuriated Sunnis, shia he has PROMISED he would protect, were they to come around to "our" side. I can imagine that a number of their relatives are now fighting for ISIS. Which is disgusting, because ISIS needs to die, and fast.

We fucked up in the mid-eighties by training and arming the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets. Those Mujahadeen then formed the Taliban, and many of them were in on the ground floor of El Quaida. With OUR weapons, with OUR training.

We propped up a western friendly King in Iran in the 1953 and 1960s, he was hated by his own people. When he became seriously ill and needed heart surgery, a surgery he could have gotten in Canada, former Sec'y of State Henry Kissinger literally begged then Pres. Jimmy Carter to allow that Shah into a Californian hospital for treatment. The Iranians were already screaming that were we to do that, there would be revolution in the Shah's absence. Carter turned Kissinger down many times before finally giving in, a move that sealed the fate of his presidency and ended up in the longest hostage drama in our history.

It's like everywhere we go in the Mid-East, we drop unintentional hand-grenades.

The only true bastion of stability in the ME is Israel and Turkey.

The blame America first crowd. Ron Paul would be proud and you posting from Germany:cuckoo:

No, it's the "facts first" crowd, one I am sure you are totally unfamiliar with. :cuckoo:
if only the U.S. wasn't involved. the world would be such a better're not too bright are you? and Turkey has been taken over by the muslim nutjobs as well genius...Don't you Germans have a problem with those Turkish immigrants?
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President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda

And by 'too soon', you mean according to the time table that Bush negotiated with the Iraqi government?
Because Obama and Kerry are inept.

Obama was not President in 2008 when Maliki forced you wimpy whipped Bush into signing an agreement that said all US troops needed to get gone by a set timeline and fixed date.

Obama had nothing absolutely nothing to do with what those two buffoon leaders did in 2007 and 2008.

There was no agreement that said all US troops would be out by a certain date. The SOFA signed by the Bush administration provided for a residual force. I know that breaks your little heart, but that is a fact.

Perhaps you forget that during the campaign Obama said that he planned on removing all combat forces from Iraq? Lo and behold, that became reality, and now when the idiocy blows up in his face, all the left wing dumbasses want to find a way to blame it all on Bush.

When do you get to take the blinders off and realize your messiah is just another left wing dumbass that hasn't a clue about how the real world works?
no, it isn't. you're an idiot.
if it were a fact you could provide evidence. multiple posters here have posted the actual agreement and made it clear that there was no agreement for residual forces and that in fact all of our troops had to be gone by 2012.

can you quote the portion of the agreement that claims otherwise?

i guess what i'm saying is put up or shut up.

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