Stunning! Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Have you noticed that Bush's prediction ( underlined and bold) has not happened, nor will it ever happen.

Bush should have focused on getting 'politucal reconciliation' moving in Iraq rather than keeping US troops there longer than needed.

Bush was talking about leaving Iraq in 2007. THAT was Bush's 'too soon'. That is why Bush's agreement with the Iraqis kept us there until 2011. That was Bush's timeline.

This latest Big Lie by the RWnuts is going to be repeated forever. So get used to it.
What is really stunning is that given how Bush predicted so much wrong about Iraq that would listen to him now
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Have you noticed that Bush's prediction ( underlined and bold) has not happened, nor will it ever happen.

Bush should have focused on getting 'politucal reconciliation' moving in Iraq rather than keeping US troops there longer than needed.

Bush was talking about leaving Iraq in 2007. THAT was Bush's 'too soon'. That is why Bush's agreement with the Iraqis kept us there until 2011. That was Bush's timeline.

This latest Big Lie by the RWnuts is going to be repeated forever. So get used to it.

When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country. He accurately saw that the failure to do so would lead to a power vacuum that would be exploited by groups like ISIS.

Barry on the other hand has totally ignored the growing threat of ISIS because he was so fixated on being the President that "ended" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Have you noticed that Bush's prediction ( underlined and bold) has not happened, nor will it ever happen.

Bush should have focused on getting 'politucal reconciliation' moving in Iraq rather than keeping US troops there longer than needed.

Bush was talking about leaving Iraq in 2007. THAT was Bush's 'too soon'. That is why Bush's agreement with the Iraqis kept us there until 2011. That was Bush's timeline.

This latest Big Lie by the RWnuts is going to be repeated forever. So get used to it.

When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country. He accurately saw that the failure to do so would lead to a power vacuum that would be exploited by groups like ISIS.

Barry on the other hand has totally ignored the growing threat of ISIS because he was so fixated on being the President that "ended" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You can believe any horseshit you want but that won't make it true.
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Have you noticed that Bush's prediction ( underlined and bold) has not happened, nor will it ever happen.

Bush should have focused on getting 'politucal reconciliation' moving in Iraq rather than keeping US troops there longer than needed.

Bush was talking about leaving Iraq in 2007. THAT was Bush's 'too soon'. That is why Bush's agreement with the Iraqis kept us there until 2011. That was Bush's timeline.

This latest Big Lie by the RWnuts is going to be repeated forever. So get used to it.

When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country. He accurately saw that the failure to do so would lead to a power vacuum that would be exploited by groups like ISIS.

Barry on the other hand has totally ignored the growing threat of ISIS because he was so fixated on being the President that "ended" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is that the same force of Americans that would remain behind to add to our Iraq casualty lists.

You know, the Americans they treat as Liberators
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Have you noticed that Bush's prediction ( underlined and bold) has not happened, nor will it ever happen.

Bush should have focused on getting 'politucal reconciliation' moving in Iraq rather than keeping US troops there longer than needed.

Bush was talking about leaving Iraq in 2007. THAT was Bush's 'too soon'. That is why Bush's agreement with the Iraqis kept us there until 2011. That was Bush's timeline.

This latest Big Lie by the RWnuts is going to be repeated forever. So get used to it.

When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country. He accurately saw that the failure to do so would lead to a power vacuum that would be exploited by groups like ISIS.

Barry on the other hand has totally ignored the growing threat of ISIS because he was so fixated on being the President that "ended" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is that the same force of Americans that would remain behind to add to our Iraq casualty lists.

You know, the Americans they treat as Liberators

That would have been the force designed to stabilize Iraq and prevent a group like ISIS from taking over a big chunk of the country in a matter of months!

Instead we're going to have to send Americans BACK to Iraq to win territory now controlled by terrorists that cut off the heads of American civilians.
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Have you noticed that Bush's prediction ( underlined and bold) has not happened, nor will it ever happen.

Bush should have focused on getting 'politucal reconciliation' moving in Iraq rather than keeping US troops there longer than needed.

Bush was talking about leaving Iraq in 2007. THAT was Bush's 'too soon'. That is why Bush's agreement with the Iraqis kept us there until 2011. That was Bush's timeline.

This latest Big Lie by the RWnuts is going to be repeated forever. So get used to it.

When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country. He accurately saw that the failure to do so would lead to a power vacuum that would be exploited by groups like ISIS.

Barry on the other hand has totally ignored the growing threat of ISIS because he was so fixated on being the President that "ended" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is that the same force of Americans that would remain behind to add to our Iraq casualty lists.

You know, the Americans they treat as Liberators

That would have been the force designed to stabilize Iraq and prevent a group like ISIS from taking over a big chunk of the country in a matter of months!

Instead we're going to have to send Americans BACK to Iraq to win territory now controlled by terrorists that cut off the heads of American civilians.
How many would be required to stabilize ISIS?

Ten? twenty? Thirty thousand?
And if Bush hadn't taken out Saddam we would have none of this mess.

President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean we are risking mass killings on a grand scale. It would allow the terrorists to replace the safe haven they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we’d have to return at a later date to confront an enemy who is even more dangerous.

President Obama is trying to blame Bush but he won the war and Obama then handed over to ISIS.

Listen to this clip. He thinks people will fall for his blaming Bush for what is obviously his failure.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Progs Miss Uncle Saddam

so why didn't Bush negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

I don't think Bush did everything right, and I don't know of anyone who does. As soon as you find the divine perfect leader, put him on the ballot and we'll all vote for him.

The point of this thread is, Bush said very openly, that if we pulled out too soon, that it would be dangerous for the people of Iraq, and risk pulling us back into Iraq to fight a far more dangerous enemy.

The first half of that prediction, has come true. We will see if the second half also comes true. We all hope it does not.
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Have you noticed that Bush's prediction ( underlined and bold) has not happened, nor will it ever happen.

Bush should have focused on getting 'politucal reconciliation' moving in Iraq rather than keeping US troops there longer than needed.

Bush was talking about leaving Iraq in 2007. THAT was Bush's 'too soon'. That is why Bush's agreement with the Iraqis kept us there until 2011. That was Bush's timeline.

This latest Big Lie by the RWnuts is going to be repeated forever. So get used to it.

When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country. He accurately saw that the failure to do so would lead to a power vacuum that would be exploited by groups like ISIS.

Barry on the other hand has totally ignored the growing threat of ISIS because he was so fixated on being the President that "ended" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is that the same force of Americans that would remain behind to add to our Iraq casualty lists.

You know, the Americans they treat as Liberators

That would have been the force designed to stabilize Iraq and prevent a group like ISIS from taking over a big chunk of the country in a matter of months!

Instead we're going to have to send Americans BACK to Iraq to win territory now controlled by terrorists that cut off the heads of American civilians.
How many would be required to stabilize ISIS?

Ten? twenty? Thirty thousand?

You don't "stabilize" a group like ISIS, Winger! You also don't "manage" them! You stomp on them so hard they run back to whatever hole they crawled out of. Bush was looking for about 10,000 (two battalions) to remain in Iraq. If they WERE there I seriously doubt that ISIS would have even come across the border in force from Syria and there would be tens of thousands of people that would still be alive today instead of slaughtered by those animals.
right, an opinion piece on national review is completely credible and without bias.

here are the facts - the agreement negotiated and signed by the bush administration required us to pull out our forces. that's a fact. no amount of "but it was supposed to be re-negotiated" changes that. further, our position was stronger when the agreement was negotiated. iraq was in more turmoil, and needed us more. that was the opportunity to negotiate for a long term presence, but nobody felt we needed one.

Article 4 of the agreement signed in 2008 provided for a force to be left behind.

"The Government of Iraq requests the temporary assistance of the United States Forces for the purposes of supporting Iraq in its efforts to maintain security and stability in Iraq, including cooperation in the conduct of operations against al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups, outlaw groups, and remnants of the former regime."

So no, the Bush agreement did not require all troops to be out of Iraq by a certain date. That agreement was in effect for three years after signing, and expired on January 1, 2012.

The failure to negotiate the size and conditions for the stay behind force fall squarely on Obama's shoulders.

Now, see how well you can spin those facts.
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Have you noticed that Bush's prediction ( underlined and bold) has not happened, nor will it ever happen.

Bush should have focused on getting 'politucal reconciliation' moving in Iraq rather than keeping US troops there longer than needed.

Bush was talking about leaving Iraq in 2007. THAT was Bush's 'too soon'. That is why Bush's agreement with the Iraqis kept us there until 2011. That was Bush's timeline.

This latest Big Lie by the RWnuts is going to be repeated forever. So get used to it.

When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country. He accurately saw that the failure to do so would lead to a power vacuum that would be exploited by groups like ISIS.

Barry on the other hand has totally ignored the growing threat of ISIS because he was so fixated on being the President that "ended" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is that the same force of Americans that would remain behind to add to our Iraq casualty lists.

You know, the Americans they treat as Liberators

That would have been the force designed to stabilize Iraq and prevent a group like ISIS from taking over a big chunk of the country in a matter of months!

Instead we're going to have to send Americans BACK to Iraq to win territory now controlled by terrorists that cut off the heads of American civilians.
How many would be required to stabilize ISIS?

Ten? twenty? Thirty thousand?

You don't "stabilize" a group like ISIS, Winger! You also don't "manage" them! You stomp on them so hard they run back to whatever hole they crawled out of. Bush was looking for about 10,000 (two battalions) to remain in Iraq. If they WERE there I seriously doubt that ISIS would have even come across the border in force from Syria and there would be tens of thousands of people that would still be alive today instead of slaughtered by those animals.
Thanks for your candor

Sorry, after ten years, I do not want ten thousand combat troops in Iraq acting as police

We never should have gone in at all, keeping additional soldiers to act as targets does nothing for us

Get out and stay out of iraq
right, an opinion piece on national review is completely credible and without bias.

here are the facts - the agreement negotiated and signed by the bush administration required us to pull out our forces. that's a fact. no amount of "but it was supposed to be re-negotiated" changes that. further, our position was stronger when the agreement was negotiated. iraq was in more turmoil, and needed us more. that was the opportunity to negotiate for a long term presence, but nobody felt we needed one.

Article 4 of the agreement signed in 2008 provided for a force to be left behind.

"The Government of Iraq requests the temporary assistance of the United States Forces for the purposes of supporting Iraq in its efforts to maintain security and stability in Iraq, including cooperation in the conduct of operations against al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups, outlaw groups, and remnants of the former regime."

So no, the Bush agreement did not require all troops to be out of Iraq by a certain date. That agreement was in effect for three years after signing, and expired on January 1, 2012.

The failure to negotiate the size and conditions for the stay behind force fall squarely on Obama's shoulders.

Now, see how well you can spin those facts.
TY is tiring arguing with idiots.
so why didn't Bush negotiate a status of forces agreement when he had the leverage?

He didn't have a choice. The Iraqis went to the UNSC and asked them to not renew the occupation mandate for the US, thus forcing a SOFA with Iraq. He was played by the Iraqis.

Pure bullcrap. Bush did negotiate a SOFA with Iraq. It was a three year deal that ended January 1, 2012, Chapter 4 of that agreement did provide for a residual force. Obama had three years to negotiate a SOFA for the residual force, and failed to get one.

Why did he not get one? Because the dumbass didn't want one. He said during the campaign that he was going to remove all troops from Iraq, and that is exactly what he did.

His idiocy created the vacuum that ISIS has filled, and he owns the mess he created.
Because Obama and Kerry are inept.

Obama was not President in 2008 when Maliki forced you wimpy whipped Bush into signing an agreement that said all US troops needed to get gone by a set timeline and fixed date.

Obama had nothing absolutely nothing to do with what those two buffoon leaders did in 2007 and 2008.

There was no agreement that said all US troops would be out by a certain date. The SOFA signed by the Bush administration provided for a residual force. I know that breaks your little heart, but that is a fact.

Perhaps you forget that during the campaign Obama said that he planned on removing all combat forces from Iraq? Lo and behold, that became reality, and now when the idiocy blows up in his face, all the left wing dumbasses want to find a way to blame it all on Bush.

When do you get to take the blinders off and realize your messiah is just another left wing dumbass that hasn't a clue about how the real world works?
President Bush warned that if we pulled out of Iraq too soon, it would be dangerous for Iraq, the region and the United States; it would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda.

Stunning Bush Predicted Iraq Disaster Obama Actually Created

Have you noticed that Bush's prediction ( underlined and bold) has not happened, nor will it ever happen.

Bush should have focused on getting 'politucal reconciliation' moving in Iraq rather than keeping US troops there longer than needed.

Bush was talking about leaving Iraq in 2007. THAT was Bush's 'too soon'. That is why Bush's agreement with the Iraqis kept us there until 2011. That was Bush's timeline.

This latest Big Lie by the RWnuts is going to be repeated forever. So get used to it.

When Bush spoke of leaving Iraq it was with the understanding that a force of Americans would remain to maintain the stability of the country. He accurately saw that the failure to do so would lead to a power vacuum that would be exploited by groups like ISIS.

Barry on the other hand has totally ignored the growing threat of ISIS because he was so fixated on being the President that "ended" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Is that the same force of Americans that would remain behind to add to our Iraq casualty lists.

You know, the Americans they treat as Liberators

That would have been the force designed to stabilize Iraq and prevent a group like ISIS from taking over a big chunk of the country in a matter of months!

Instead we're going to have to send Americans BACK to Iraq to win territory now controlled by terrorists that cut off the heads of American civilians.
How many would be required to stabilize ISIS?

Ten? twenty? Thirty thousand?

You don't "stabilize" a group like ISIS, Winger! You also don't "manage" them! You stomp on them so hard they run back to whatever hole they crawled out of. Bush was looking for about 10,000 (two battalions) to remain in Iraq. If they WERE there I seriously doubt that ISIS would have even come across the border in force from Syria and there would be tens of thousands of people that would still be alive today instead of slaughtered by those animals.
Thanks for your candor

Sorry, after ten years, I do not want ten thousand combat troops in Iraq acting as police

We never should have gone in at all, keeping additional soldiers to act as targets does nothing for us

Get out and stay out of iraq

So you're willing to allow ISIS to form a terrorist State...take in millions each day in oil revenue to spend on taking their "jihad" to yet other countries and endanger the world's supply of crude oil coming from the Middle East?

All I can say is that I'm glad we don't have you as President, Winger.
As for our troops being targets? Reports are leaking from the troops that we DO have in Iraq that they aren't allowed to fight against ISIS. All they ARE at this point is a target. The truth is...Barack Obama didn't send them there to actually accomplish anything. They were simply window dressing to placate critics who demanded that he do SOMETHING!
As for our troops being targets? Reports are leaking from the troops that we DO have in Iraq that they aren't allowed to fight against ISIS. All they ARE at this point is a target. The truth is...Barack Obama didn't send them there to actually accomplish anything. They were simply window dressing to placate critics who demanded that he do SOMETHING!

Links? Documents? Eyewitness testimony? Official orders?


Just more RWNJ hearsay.

Tsk, tsk.
Bush was looking for about 10,000 (two battalions) to remain in Iraq.

Bush was looking at nothing to remain in Iraq. Maliki made sure of that in 2007. The MNF was told to leave by 1012 and the Iraqis never changed their minds.

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