Stunning numbers among Dems in RCOR's new poll on free speech and censorship:

Such nice Scumbags the left have become.

Why do we care for anything they have to say antmore? See them for what they are and tell them to STFU
Gee, there you go, getting all emotional again, instead of sticking to the article or the polling. Here is the actual complete article, no mention of fascists democrat or otherwise.

Here is the actual poll

There you go again diving in head first and trying to argue miniscule details as if they were mountain sized facts in a poor attempt to shit on someone else's parade.

Well fascists is a applied term for people who engage in fascist behavior, much like the answers of the people who responded to that poll. Of course the pool isn't going to say "we polled X amount of fascists". If a poll had a section saying "I hate all blacks regardless" then you'd call them racists even if the poll didn't specifically say that.

And of course it's democrats, right at the top of the poll you linked it shows political orientation of the people answering the poll and the democrats have the largest number.

How you got to be a mod is beyond me. You're closed minded, biased, and always saying the dumbest stuff. Every once in a while you have something worth saying so maybe there is hope.
Wow! And I've [correctly] referred to them as DemoFascists and proof is here in this poll.

Dems have long hated the Constitution and still do.

Yes - it's ugly. Democrats are successfully denigrating individual rights. And Republicans aren't helping.

Just say No.
The liberal, and conservative, war on free expression is real.

You need to call out your fellow conservative as well, or be seen as insincere.
You still pissy because we don't want teachers talking about sex with 8 year olds?
Maybe a couple of those 87,000 will audit your entire tax history and if you paid your fair share. Couldn't happen to a more deserving groomer.
The 87,000 were dropped in the last debt limit standoff
There you go again diving in head first and trying to argue miniscule details as if they were mountain sized facts in a poor attempt to shit on someone else's parade.

Well fascists is a applied term for people who engage in fascist behavior, much like the answers of the people who responded to that poll. Of course the pool isn't going to say "we polled X amount of fascists". If a poll had a section saying "I hate all blacks regardless" then you'd call them racists even if the poll didn't specifically say that.

And of course it's democrats, right at the top of the poll you linked it shows political orientation of the people answering the poll and the democrats have the largest number.

How you got to be a mod is beyond me. You're closed minded, biased, and always saying the dumbest stuff. Every once in a while you have something worth saying so maybe there is hope.
These days fascist is just another insult to people you do not like, saying things you don't want to hear. You nutballs have made it meaningless.
Yes, without looking back, it was something like Dems 37. 1 or 3 to Reps and 36.8 or so. Surely you aren't going bitch about .5% demographic makeup in a national poll.
How did I get to be a Mod?
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this is an opinion board so giving an opinion is part of any thread dumb ass.
I heard his opinion. I simply discount it for what it is, and shown to be by his rhetoric.

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