Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activis

There always has to exist a hierarchy of principles.

It's great that these two men are happy.

It's wrong that their happiness is bought at the raping of the human rights of the child.

Parental happiness should NEVER be purchased at the expense of the human rights of the child.

Simple as that.
You simply have no idea what children born to Heterosexual parents go through many times when they are unloved and left alone most of the time or put out for adoption because they are unwanted. And then there are children who being Gay or Lesbian are disowned by their parents in a very cruel and dastardly manner. Therefore, to find parents as fine as these two male dads and many others in America who actually care about and love their children is a real blessing! BTW, the child will more than likely grow up to be very happy and stable with his two dads as so many grow up to do. The male couple in this story are true parents as the baby was born with the help of a surrogate mother.

Here are some great sources that should help many to dispel the myth that Gay and Lesbian parents are not good parents or that their children suffer by being with them. That simply is not true and these doctors and scientists speak to that.

From: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Same-sex Parents and Their Children

Children in gay adoptions at no disadvantage - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent
I posted this story a while back. Really beautiful to see that new family, the joy in a new beginning for them all.

I wish them well.

Very lucky baby.

Thanks for posting it again.

How is a baby who has had its human rights violated in any way, shape, or form, considered lucky?
Therefore, to find parents as fine as these two male dads.

This is pure, unadulterated, hokum on your part. You're making a bogus analysis of Happy Man = Fine Parent. That's utter tripe. Plenty of happy men and women turn out to be awful parents. Happiness has NOTHING to do with quality of parenting.

That you're so easily swayed by emotions doesn't speak well of your ability to think about issues.

The male couple in this story are true parents as the baby was born with the help of a surrogate mother.

What kind of crack are you smoking? Only one of those two men is a "true parent" to the child. The other man is an adoptive parent. Both have engaged in a human rights violation against the child which has the potential to do real, lifelong, significant harm to that child.
I posted this story a while back. Really beautiful to see that new family, the joy in a new beginning for them all.

I wish them well.

Very lucky baby.

Thanks for posting it again.

How is a baby who has had its human rights violated in any way, shape, or form, considered lucky?

I've known straight families who beat their kids (mine) and gay families who raised happy healthy, well adjusted, loved, educated kids.

That baby is wanted and will be loved and you have no evidence to the contrary. If you don't like it, tough. Your voice does not matter. You're a dinosaur and you you have no place in the real world. Go away and take the other phobes with you.
Therefore, to find parents as fine as these two male dads.

This is pure, unadulterated, hokum on your part. You're making a bogus analysis of Happy Man = Fine Parent. That's utter tripe. Plenty of happy men and women turn out to be awful parents. Happiness has NOTHING to do with quality of parenting.

That you're so easily swayed by emotions doesn't speak well of your ability to think about issues.

The male couple in this story are true parents as the baby was born with the help of a surrogate mother.

What kind of crack are you smoking? Only one of those two men is a "true parent" to the child. The other man is an adoptive parent. Both have engaged in a human rights violation against the child which has the potential to do real, lifelong, significant harm to that child.

Oh please.

You're wrong and you know it.

And its none of your business.

Gawd but the homophobes just make me sick.
Therefore, to find parents as fine as these two male dads.

This is pure, unadulterated, hokum on your part. You're making a bogus analysis of Happy Man = Fine Parent. That's utter tripe. Plenty of happy men and women turn out to be awful parents. Happiness has NOTHING to do with quality of parenting.

That you're so easily swayed by emotions doesn't speak well of your ability to think about issues.

The male couple in this story are true parents as the baby was born with the help of a surrogate mother.

What kind of crack are you smoking? Only one of those two men is a "true parent" to the child. The other man is an adoptive parent. Both have engaged in a human rights violation against the child which has the potential to do real, lifelong, significant harm to that child.

Oh please.

You're wrong and you know it.

And its none of your business.

Gawd but the homophobes just make me sick.

Haters gotta hate.....
Therefore, to find parents as fine as these two male dads.

This is pure, unadulterated, hokum on your part. You're making a bogus analysis of Happy Man = Fine Parent. That's utter tripe. Plenty of happy men and women turn out to be awful parents. Happiness has NOTHING to do with quality of parenting.

That you're so easily swayed by emotions doesn't speak well of your ability to think about issues.

The male couple in this story are true parents as the baby was born with the help of a surrogate mother.

What kind of crack are you smoking? Only one of those two men is a "true parent" to the child. The other man is an adoptive parent. Both have engaged in a human rights violation against the child which has the potential to do real, lifelong, significant harm to that child.
You're so pathetically full of it you can't even think straight such as to discuss the studies presented that categorically blast your assumptions that Gay and Lesbian parents engage in any kind of violation. That is highly inaccurate and only a fool would go so far as to believe that. Its a real Shame you and others would think that way.
The greatest gift you can give to a child is love...I wish them the work begins and their lives will forever be changed...

NO, the greatest gift parents can give to their children is to not violate their human rights.

What human rights have been violated?

You really don't know? Honestly? OK, let's develop your knowledge on this issue.

I'll give you a substantive and legal answer at the end, but let's work up to that.

Tell me, what is wrong with this scenario - a pregnant couple arrives at the maternity ward to deliver and after the baby is born the hospital randomly assigns a baby to the parents.

We know that these mistaken baby incidents have happened and that there have been lawsuits and big awards. What was the harm at the center of the lawsuits?
Those photos are absolutely gorgeous. They made me tear up. Gosh, I love babies. Just so you people know, homosexuality is quite natural--even in the animal kingdom. I'm a straight woman, but I won't say two people can't love each other and have a happy life. Back to the photos. These are heartwarming and pulls at my heart strings. I was overwhelmed with the same love when my son was born. And kudos to them for not being grossed out by holding a baby covered in vernix and blood. I'm not queasy either. Love knows no boundaries.
Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activists - Mic

These photos are simply precious and show the real heart-felt love that these two men have for their newborn, a baby so beautiful and who will be well cared for no doubt. That is real emotion such as the kind you unfortunately don't normally see in Straight, Heterosexual dads too often at all. And pay close attention to the figure given about children who live with an LGBT parent. Many thanks to the amazing photographer for these excellent shots as well as to the writer of the story!

Okaaaaay, is everyone just so stupid, or am I the ONLY once to notice that two DADS can't have a baby.

In short, there's a WOMAN AND HETROSEXUAL CONCEPTION somewhere in this mix. SO THERE GOES THE ANTI-GAY BS!

I have it plenty because these are two men pretending they just had a baby when the REALITY is a woman gave birth to that baby. Where's she?

WHERE'S THE MOTHER??????????????
Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activists - Mic

These photos are simply precious and show the real heart-felt love that these two men have for their newborn, a baby so beautiful and who will be well cared for no doubt. That is real emotion such as the kind you unfortunately don't normally see in Straight, Heterosexual dads too often at all. And pay close attention to the figure given about children who live with an LGBT parent. Many thanks to the amazing photographer for these excellent shots as well as to the writer of the story!

That Poor Kid !
You guys are a bunch of pansies. Anything out of society's level of "the norm" is shunned. Get over yourselves. Only God can judge.
Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activists - Mic

These photos are simply precious and show the real heart-felt love that these two men have for their newborn, a baby so beautiful and who will be well cared for no doubt. That is real emotion such as the kind you unfortunately don't normally see in Straight, Heterosexual dads too often at all. And pay close attention to the figure given about children who live with an LGBT parent. Many thanks to the amazing photographer for these excellent shots as well as to the writer of the story!

Okaaaaay, is everyone just so stupid, or am I the ONLY once to notice that two DADS can't have a baby.

In short, there's a WOMAN AND HETROSEXUAL CONCEPTION somewhere in this mix. SO THERE GOES THE ANTI-GAY BS!

I have it plenty because these are two men pretending they just had a baby when the REALITY is a woman gave birth to that baby. Where's she?

WHERE'S THE MOTHER??????????????

Hey [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - come out come out where ever you are .
Those photos are absolutely gorgeous. They made me tear up. Gosh, I love babies. Just so you people know, homosexuality is quite natural--even in the animal kingdom. I'm a straight woman, but I won't say two people can't love each other and have a happy life. Back to the photos. These are heartwarming and pulls at my heart strings. I was overwhelmed with the same love when my son was born. And kudos to them for not being grossed out by holding a baby covered in vernix and blood. I'm not queasy either. Love knows no boundaries.
Darlene, you are undoubtedly a wonderful mother and person of that there can of course be absolutely no doubt! I wish more Heterosexual ladies like yourself would be as broad-minded as you are. A child always needs the love of his or her parents no matter their gender otherwise it is not a true family. What you say here has touched me deeply. Many blessings to you.
Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activists - Mic

These photos are simply precious and show the real heart-felt love that these two men have for their newborn, a baby so beautiful and who will be well cared for no doubt. That is real emotion such as the kind you unfortunately don't normally see in Straight, Heterosexual dads too often at all. And pay close attention to the figure given about children who live with an LGBT parent. Many thanks to the amazing photographer for these excellent shots as well as to the writer of the story!

Okaaaaay, is everyone just so stupid, or am I the ONLY once to notice that two DADS can't have a baby.

In short, there's a WOMAN AND HETROSEXUAL CONCEPTION somewhere in this mix. SO THERE GOES THE ANTI-GAY BS!

I have it plenty because these are two men pretending they just had a baby when the REALITY is a woman gave birth to that baby. Where's she?

WHERE'S THE MOTHER??????????????

In the first photo of this article, you can see the mother. There was no heterosexual conception. IVF was used in this case. I think one of the men used their sperm and I know there was a donor egg, so the baby is not genetically connected to the woman who birthed him.
Good lord, you liberals are stupid.


This baby did not come from a pumpkin patch this baby came FROM A VAGINA!

No gay sex made this baby.

Where's the mother and why won't this baby ever get to know her?

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