Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activis

Good lord, you liberals are stupid.


This baby did not come from a pumpkin patch this baby came FROM A VAGINA!

No gay sex made this baby.

Where's the mother and why won't this baby ever get to know her?

This article does not articulate whether or not the mother will be in the baby's life. The baby is not genetically hers to begin with since a donor egg was used. This woman was a surrogate mother who was happy to give the gift of life to a couple who can't biologically conceive on their own. I would happily do the same thing. I've actually considered being a surrogate, even for gay couples.
Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activists - Mic

These photos are simply precious and show the real heart-felt love that these two men have for their newborn, a baby so beautiful and who will be well cared for no doubt. That is real emotion such as the kind you unfortunately don't normally see in Straight, Heterosexual dads too often at all. And pay close attention to the figure given about children who live with an LGBT parent. Many thanks to the amazing photographer for these excellent shots as well as to the writer of the story!

Okaaaaay, is everyone just so stupid, or am I the ONLY once to notice that two DADS can't have a baby.

In short, there's a WOMAN AND HETROSEXUAL CONCEPTION somewhere in this mix. SO THERE GOES THE ANTI-GAY BS!

I have it plenty because these are two men pretending they just had a baby when the REALITY is a woman gave birth to that baby. Where's she?

WHERE'S THE MOTHER??????????????

In the first photo of this article, you can see the mother. There was no heterosexual conception. IVF was used in this case. I think one of the men used their sperm and I know there was a donor egg, so the baby is not genetically connected to the woman who birthed him.


A FEMALE EGG/WOMB and MALE SPERM! I don't care what kinds of test tubes or other things get in between. No womb, no baby!

That's heterosexual conception.

Homosexual conception IS NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!!

So this kid is being deprived of it's mother and thrust into a UNNATURAL relation ship, so two gays can prove something.

And I'm supposed to go AW, isn't that sweet.

Well, I don't. I feel sorry for this kid!

God set up conception in the way it is, so each kid could have PARENTS: a Father AND A MOTHER!

This is wrong!
Good lord, you liberals are stupid.


This baby did not come from a pumpkin patch this baby came FROM A VAGINA!

No gay sex made this baby.

Where's the mother and why won't this baby ever get to know her?

This article does not articulate whether or not the mother will be in the baby's life. The baby is not genetically hers to begin with since a donor egg was used. This woman was a surrogate mother who was happy to give the gift of life to a couple who can't biologically conceive on their own. I would happily do the same thing. I've actually considered being a surrogate, even for gay couples.

Okay, let's get something straight.

Whether there was a donor egg used or no. THERE WAS AN EGG, A WOMB AND MALE SPERM.

That's heterosexual conception.

You see nothing wrong with doing this to a kid so two gays can pretend there's no difference between a normal mother/father/child relationship and THIS???
Okaaaaay, is everyone just so stupid, or am I the ONLY once to notice that two DADS can't have a baby.

In short, there's a WOMAN AND HETROSEXUAL CONCEPTION somewhere in this mix. SO THERE GOES THE ANTI-GAY BS!

I have it plenty because these are two men pretending they just had a baby when the REALITY is a woman gave birth to that baby. Where's she?

WHERE'S THE MOTHER??????????????

In the first photo of this article, you can see the mother. There was no heterosexual conception. IVF was used in this case. I think one of the men used their sperm and I know there was a donor egg, so the baby is not genetically connected to the woman who birthed him.


A FEMALE EGG/WOMB and MALE SPERM! I don't care what kinds of test tubes or other things get in between. No womb, no baby!

That's heterosexual conception.

Homosexual conception IS NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!!

So this kid is being deprived of it's mother and thrust into a UNNATURAL relation ship, so two gays can prove something.

And I'm supposed to go AW, isn't that sweet.

Well, I don't. I feel sorry for this kid!

God set up conception in the way it is, so each kid could have PARENTS: a Father AND A MOTHER!

This is wrong!

Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get the fuck over it.
Oh Gawd

This thread is gay.

And make no mistake.....a huge majority think its gay.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
My goodness!! Whatever gave you THAT idea???
Marching Gaily Forward in the Rainbow colors!
Yeah, I listened to something on the radio the other day about how one-sided and skewed the reporting is on those so called studies.

supporters of homosexual parenting cite a number of academic studies to bolster their position. But these studies are almost exclusively based on small, volunteer samples. And their chief claim is that since ‘no statistically significant differences were found between the children of homosexual and heterosexual parents’ for this or that variable, the parenting situations must have ‘the same’ influence on the child.
The problem is that small samples generally yield ‘no statistical differences’ due to a lack of statistical power, so such findings do almost nothing to prove that the two parenting types produce ‘the same’ result. Furthermore, statistical claims of ‘sameness’ or ‘differences’ between two populations — and not just between the particular subjects in the study — rely on those subjects being approximately representative of ‘all heterosexual parents’ or ‘all homosexual parents,’ something that is rarely true of volunteers or individuals recruited by the investigators.

In addition, almost without exception, supporters of homosexual parenting refuse to acknowledge studies that support the traditional view — whether in their professional papers, in their court briefs, or on their websites. Ignoring counter-evidence is unusual in the hard sciences, but social science is heavily politicized, and the practice — especially in studies about homosexuality — is unfortunately common. While traditional beliefs are generally reinforced by careful examination of even the pro-gay literature,1 below we compare the findings from the 2012 Regnerus study2 against findings from studies that have been ‘generally ignored.’

Family Research Institute » Blog Archive » How Do the Kids of Homosexual Parents Turn Out? The Best Evidence

Bottom line is, if the left wants to perpetuate a myth, they can find a "study" that will back them up.

You can support anything in a "study" if you skew the data enough. Check out "Global Warming" and the hockeystick graph and the emails proving they were all bogus!

There always has to exist a hierarchy of principles.

It's great that these two men are happy.

It's wrong that their happiness is bought at the raping of the human rights of the child.

Parental happiness should NEVER be purchased at the expense of the human rights of the child.

Simple as that.

15 studies find gay parents as good as straight parents:

Oct. 13, 2005 (Washington) — An analysis of multiple studies of 500 households shows that rearing children in a same-sex household does not affect the their self-esteem, gender identity, or emotional health, a Boston researcher reported.

"Pediatricians need to recognize that there are variations in families and learn what kind of advice to give them to optimize the child's development," said Ellen Perrin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.

The researcher and colleagues looked at data from 15 studies evaluating possible stigma, teasing, social isolation, adjustment, sexual orientation, and strengths. The findings were presented here at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition.

"The vast consensus of the studies is that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way," Dr. Perrin said. "In some ways, children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures."

It has been estimated that one to six million children are being reared by committed lesbian or gay couples in this country. Some children were born to a heterosexual couple and later raised by a same-sex couple; others were placed in foster homes, were adopted, or conceived through a surrogate mother through artificial insemination.

Previous studies of same-sex parenting have been criticized for being biased, but Dr. Perrin said the research team was extremely careful to select only solid, evidence-based research for review.

Based on nine studies from 1981 to 1994 of 260 children, aged three to 11 years, reared by either heterosexual mothers or same sex-mothers after divorce, the researchers found there was no difference in intelligence of the children, type or prevalence of psychiatric disorders, self-esteem, well-being, peer relationships, or parental stress. "The children all had a similar emotional experiences with divorce," she said.

What they did find was that after divorce children being reared by lesbian mothers had more contact with fathers than children reared by divorced heterosexual mothers, Dr. Perrin said. "There are interesting suggestions that these children are more tolerant of differences."

A separate longitudinal study of 37 children of 27 divorced lesbian mothers and an equal number of children with divorced heterosexual mothers found no differences in behavior, adjustment, gender identity, and peer relationships.

"What is exciting about this study was that they followed the children 11 years later when they became adults," Dr. Perrin said. "But they still found no difference in adjustment, self-esteem, psychiatric or psychological problems, family relationships, or in identifying sexual orientation."

Four other large studies of more than 100 couples that evaluated children either born or adopted into families found that same-sex parents were more likely to have contact with extended family for social support as well as a more equal division of labor in the home. However, children of same-sex parents did experience some stigmatization.

"The researchers found no differences in the parents other than that lesbian couples share household and child care tasks more equitably," said Dr. Perrin. "The children of lesbian couples also appeared to be less aggressive, more nurturing to peers, more tolerant of diversity, and more androgynous," playing with toys for both boys and girls.

A further analysis of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health used randomly selected representative data from 44 adolescents aged 12 to 18 years. The study compared children living with two women in a "marriage-like" relationship to teenagers living with two heterosexual parents.

The study showed that the adolescents were similar in intrapersonal adjustments such as self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. They also were similar in school success, family relationships, and neighborhood integration, Dr. Perrin said.

"What is striking is that there are very consistent findings in these studies," she concluded. "But further study conducted in a long-term systematic manner in community samples needs to be conducted."

Dr. Perrin pointed out that "as pediatricians we have a lot of different kinds of roles. We need to be extremely careful about confidentiality with these families and assure them that their family constellation won't be broadcast. This will give us a better chance of learning more about the family and providing needed advice and discussing some of the issues."

"This is valuable information," Carol Berkowitz, MD, told Medscape. She is the immediate past president of the AAP and professor and executive vice chair in the Department of Pediatrics at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California. "This subject evokes a lot of emotions that have influenced some studies. Some studies in the past were weighted based on nothing more than their own views."

The value of this presentation is these are all evidence-based studies, Dr. Berkowitz said, adding this information will help pediatricians in their practices and for setting policy.

AAP 2005 National Conference and Exhibition: Concurrent Seminar F340. Presented Oct. 10, 2005.
In the first photo of this article, you can see the mother. There was no heterosexual conception. IVF was used in this case. I think one of the men used their sperm and I know there was a donor egg, so the baby is not genetically connected to the woman who birthed him.


A FEMALE EGG/WOMB and MALE SPERM! I don't care what kinds of test tubes or other things get in between. No womb, no baby!

That's heterosexual conception.

Homosexual conception IS NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!!

So this kid is being deprived of it's mother and thrust into a UNNATURAL relation ship, so two gays can prove something.

And I'm supposed to go AW, isn't that sweet.

Well, I don't. I feel sorry for this kid!

God set up conception in the way it is, so each kid could have PARENTS: a Father AND A MOTHER!

This is wrong!

Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get the fuck over it.


You are the one PRETENDING gays can have children when they can't!


That's what YOU can't get over, which is why you were reduced to that little tantrum when I pointed it out.

That's liberalism for you. It's always a war against the obvious and when you refuse to be distracted or deflected from the obvious, they are reduced to four lettered tantrums.

Good lord, you liberals are stupid.


This baby did not come from a pumpkin patch this baby came FROM A VAGINA!

No gay sex made this baby.

Where's the mother and why won't this baby ever get to know her?

This article does not articulate whether or not the mother will be in the baby's life. The baby is not genetically hers to begin with since a donor egg was used. This woman was a surrogate mother who was happy to give the gift of life to a couple who can't biologically conceive on their own. I would happily do the same thing. I've actually considered being a surrogate, even for gay couples.
You are just too wonderful! We need more Straight ladies like you who would do these things for same-sex couples! KUDOS to you!! :smiliehug:

A FEMALE EGG/WOMB and MALE SPERM! I don't care what kinds of test tubes or other things get in between. No womb, no baby!

That's heterosexual conception.

Homosexual conception IS NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!!

So this kid is being deprived of it's mother and thrust into a UNNATURAL relation ship, so two gays can prove something.

And I'm supposed to go AW, isn't that sweet.

Well, I don't. I feel sorry for this kid!

God set up conception in the way it is, so each kid could have PARENTS: a Father AND A MOTHER!

This is wrong!

Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get the fuck over it.


You are the one PRETENDING gays can have children when they can't!


That's what YOU can't get over, which is why you were reduced to that little tantrum when I pointed it out.

That's liberalism for you. It's always a war against the obvious and when you refuse to be distracted or deflected from the obvious, they are reduced to four lettered tantrums.


I never said that I think two men can have a baby. I said two men can love a baby like any parent.
Cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get the fuck over it.


You are the one PRETENDING gays can have children when they can't!


That's what YOU can't get over, which is why you were reduced to that little tantrum when I pointed it out.

That's liberalism for you. It's always a war against the obvious and when you refuse to be distracted or deflected from the obvious, they are reduced to four lettered tantrums.


I never said that I think two men can have a baby. I said two men can love a baby like any parent.

They AREN'T like any parents. If they were, they would be able to HAVE them.
Oh Gawd

This thread is gay.

And make no mistake.....a huge majority think its gay.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
My goodness!! Whatever gave you THAT idea???
Marching Gaily Forward in the Rainbow colors!

No you mean this, which is where they will be taking that kid as soon as the camera is off and the fake tears dry up.


Since you are so adamant that this will happen when the cameras are away, why don't you PROVE it. Stop making assumptions of something you've never seen with your own eyes OFF the internet.
Good lord, you liberals are stupid.


This baby did not come from a pumpkin patch this baby came FROM A VAGINA!

No gay sex made this baby.

Where's the mother and why won't this baby ever get to know her?

This article does not articulate whether or not the mother will be in the baby's life. The baby is not genetically hers to begin with since a donor egg was used. This woman was a surrogate mother who was happy to give the gift of life to a couple who can't biologically conceive on their own. I would happily do the same thing. I've actually considered being a surrogate, even for gay couples.
You are just too wonderful! We need more Straight ladies like you who would do these things for same-sex couples! KUDOS to you!! :smiliehug:

Because we need more children growing up in "normal" families.

Our society has reached a new low. Teapartysamuri is correct. This poor child will be exposed to all kinds of perversion by having two gay parents. Just sick.

You are the one PRETENDING gays can have children when they can't!


That's what YOU can't get over, which is why you were reduced to that little tantrum when I pointed it out.

That's liberalism for you. It's always a war against the obvious and when you refuse to be distracted or deflected from the obvious, they are reduced to four lettered tantrums.


I never said that I think two men can have a baby. I said two men can love a baby like any parent.

They AREN'T like any parents. If they were, they would be able to HAVE them.

And what about the heterosexual couples who can't have children of their own and use a surrogate or even adopt???? Does that make them any less of a parent?
My goodness!! Whatever gave you THAT idea???
Marching Gaily Forward in the Rainbow colors!

No you mean this, which is where they will be taking that kid as soon as the camera is off and the fake tears dry up.


Since you are so adamant that this will happen when the cameras are away, why don't you PROVE it. Stop making assumptions of something you've never seen with your own eyes OFF the internet.

What assumptions pal?

I didn't make these photos up! All I did was google Gay Pride!

So exactly what assumptions am I making? Maybe you should talk to your own ilk about giving you all a bad rep if you don't like that.
This article does not articulate whether or not the mother will be in the baby's life. The baby is not genetically hers to begin with since a donor egg was used. This woman was a surrogate mother who was happy to give the gift of life to a couple who can't biologically conceive on their own. I would happily do the same thing. I've actually considered being a surrogate, even for gay couples.
You are just too wonderful! We need more Straight ladies like you who would do these things for same-sex couples! KUDOS to you!! :smiliehug:

Because we need more children growing up in "normal" families.


I'm waiting for proof that this is what happens.............
No you mean this, which is where they will be taking that kid as soon as the camera is off and the fake tears dry up.


Since you are so adamant that this will happen when the cameras are away, why don't you PROVE it. Stop making assumptions of something you've never seen with your own eyes OFF the internet.

What assumptions pal?

I didn't make these photos up! All I did was google Gay Pride!

So exactly what assumptions am I making? Maybe you should talk to your own ilk about giving you all a bad rep if you don't like that.

Yes, these photos are of gay pride but you don't KNOW the sexual orientation of their parents.

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