Stunning Video from Russian TV Says It All About Joe Biden’s Disastrous Trade for Brittney Griner

Then Veggie Joe shoulda taken the arms dealer off the table, Simp.

Pedo Joe got punked on the world stage….again.
if he did you Trump asslickers would have gone apeshit. You wouldn't be bitching if Whelen was returned here in exchange for that arms dealer, so who do you think your bullshitting?


Who's surprised that you Trump asskissers are echoing his deranged rant on this matter?
Biden left nobody behind. He cannot force Putin to do anything, moron. Apparently you have no idea how this works. Btw, what has Griner ever done to you & the rest of you Trump asslickers to deserve this other then the fact that she's black & a lesbian, retard?

Btw, why the fuck didn't your buddy Trump bring Whelen back in 2019 when Putin offered a prisoner swap for him? How come genius?
Yes, she's Black and a lesbian, and that's what really matters, huh. Trump most likely didn't want to free one of the worst terrorist arms dealer in the world. Biden is a stooge and so are you.
if he did you Trump asslickers would have gone apeshit. You wouldn't be bitching if Whelen was returned here in exchange for that arms dealer, so who do you think your bullshitting?


Who's surprised that you Trump asskissers are echoing his deranged rant on this matter?
Trump didn't trade the terrorist arms dealer. Biden did. Stooge.
Narrative on here changed from “OMG Biden got the wrong person” to “we should have left all Americans there” once…

-Marine Trevor Reed thanked Biden for getting him out and not Trump who left him there

-David Whelan mentioned that Trump said his brothers name more times in the last 24 hours than the zero times he did as president.

-It was confirmed that Russia wouldnt let Whelan go as part of the deal.

You guys are pieces of shit.
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Biden left nobody behind. He cannot force Putin to do anything, moron. Apparently you have no idea how this works. Btw, what has Griner ever done to you & the rest of you Trump asslickers to deserve this other then the fact that she's black & a lesbian, retard?

Btw, why the fuck didn't your buddy Trump bring Whelen back in 2019 when Putin offered a prisoner swap for him? How come genius?
I don't know the facts regarding that offer any more than you do. Knowing Trump and how he operated, I am going to assume that it was not a good deal for the USA, so he passed on it. Unlike your fool Biden who jumped at the chance to trade a certifiable nothing for a very big something. FJB
Narrative on here changed from “OMG Biden got the wrong person” to “we should have left all Americans there” once…

-Marine Trevor Reed thanked Biden for getting him out and not Trump who left him there

-David Whelan mentioned that Trump said his brothers name more times in the last 24 hours than the zero times he did as president.

-It was confirmed that’s Russian wouldnt let Whelan go as part of the deal.

You guys are pieces of shit.
And now the world's number one terrorist arms dealer is free. Nice work. You should throw a party.
I'm not a coward like you.

Reporting people is what cowards do.
You are big on reporting people.
Therefore, you are a COWARD.

If it makes you feel better about yourself to call others cowards, I can live with being a faithful provider of such a noble service.

Stolen Election........ can't believe you clowns are STILL riding this LIE.

Russia, Russia, Russia.
The Pee Pee tapes is Real.

For Fucks Sake.
Grow a pair.
We are STILL the best nation in the world, regardless of all the damage caused by Don the Con.
oh we should grow a pair
I'm starting to think that the insane MAGA hatred of Britney Griner...might...just MIGHT be about her race and sexual orientation.

She didn't end up in a Russian prison over her gender or sexual orientation, she ended up in prison because she couldn't do without her dope. Because she couldn't do without her dope, it cost us a valuable prisoner.
She hates America. She despises the National Anthem. She deserves to rot in that Russian gulag.
Your reflexive comments, borne out of ignorance (as always), are noted.

"I honestly feel we should not play the National Anthem during our season," said Griner, one of the top players in the WNBA and second in 2019 most valuable player voting. "I think we should take that much of a stand.

"I don't mean that in any disrespect to our country. My dad was in Vietnam and a law officer for 30 years. I wanted to be a cop before basketball. I do have pride for my country."

Am I surprised at how you revel in Russian propaganda? No.

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