Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

Now you get to defend Obama for allowing Iran to fund international terrorism.
We've been through this. The US was returning frozen assets as part of the negotiation to get Iran to sign the nuclear agreement................also signed by the United Kingdom, Russia, France, and China—plus Germany) and the European Union.
It was well understood they would be at liberty to spend the money the way they wanted. It was a trade-off for them not becoming a nuclear, destabilizing threat to the region.

Iran Nuclear Deal: Debunking the Myths - Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
So, not only did they fund international terrorism, the toothless deal did nothing to stop their nuclear ambitions.

Obama was such a fuck-up.
Yes it was Obama who TEMPORARY stopped their nuclear programs. But Trump is so stupid he let Iran continues their programs with no restrictions. By mid next year Iran would have a nuclear weapons. Courtesy of Trump. That is how dumb is this president.
I agree,Let Iran shoot at one of our ships and kill a few Americans before we act.
Yes, i am sure the sailors are trembling in their shoes at the aight of motorboats, while standing on the deck of a destroyer.

Give me a break.

Nope, the sailors aren't scared of the boats that Iran has. How do I know? Came through the Straits of Hormuz during Desert Storm onboard the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69), and I had just gotten off the night shift and was almost asleep when the GQ alarm went off, and they said it wasn't a drill.

Well, it seems that Iran sent a couple of boats to come by and harass us. What was our response? We launched the alert aircraft, and they buzzed the boats about 200 ft off the water. They then said that the next time they got buzzed, it was going to be with missiles from the aircraft.

They turned around almost immediately and didn't fire a shot. Pissed me off too, because I lost about 2 hours of rack time. And, that was the first and last time that they hassled us during that deployment.
So, in a nutshell, the mentally ill president said he ordered the Navy to destroy the gunboats, if they do it again.

And the Navy basically told him to go fuck himself.

You're right, most of the CO's I've served under over my career in the Navy wouldn't base their decision to fire on a tweet from the president, but rather would respond appropriately based on their training, and what CIC (Combat Information Center) tells them is happening in real time.

Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance.
I agree,Let Iran shoot at one of our ships and kill a few Americans before we act.
Yes, i am sure the sailors are trembling in their shoes at the aight of motorboats, while standing on the deck of a destroyer.

Give me a break.

Nope, the sailors aren't scared of the boats that Iran has. How do I know? Came through the Straits of Hormuz during Desert Storm onboard the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69), and I had just gotten off the night shift and was almost asleep when the GQ alarm went off, and they said it wasn't a drill.

Well, it seems that Iran sent a couple of boats to come by and harass us. What was our response? We launched the alert aircraft, and they buzzed the boats about 200 ft off the water. They then said that the next time they got buzzed, it was going to be with missiles from the aircraft.

They turned around almost immediately and didn't fire a shot. Pissed me off too, because I lost about 2 hours of rack time. And, that was the first and last time that they hassled us during that deployment.
So, in a nutshell, the mentally ill president said he ordered the Navy to destroy the gunboats, if they do it again.

And the Navy basically told him to go fuck himself.

You don't even lie well.
Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.

How many countries did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama bomb and how many has President Donald Trump?

Which President allowed ISIS to establish a huge Caliphate in Iran and Libia?

Which President eliminated that huge Caliphate?

New sheriff in town. No more cowering at the feet of iran...literally
Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance
Right, but trump said he ORDERED the Navy to do this. Which probably never happened. The guy is an embarrassing liar.

Well, Trump saying he's ordered them to shoot via tweet isn't a lawful order. And, like I said, most CO's would ignore it because it's not a lawful order.
Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance
Right, but trump said he ORDERED the Navy to do this. Which probably never happened. The guy is an embarrassing liar.

Well, Trump saying he's ordered them to shoot via tweet isn't a lawful order. And, like I said, most CO's would ignore it because it's not a lawful order.

Oh? Do tell. Since when does the CinC have to go through channels?

A CO ignoring it will be peeling spuds for a long time.
Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.
Did Trump just cross the line?????

"Trump Tells Navy To Destroy Iranian Gunboats If They ‘Harass’ American Ships

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he had instructed the U.S. Navy to fire on any Iranian ships that harass it at sea, a week after 11 vessels from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) came dangerously close to American ships in the Gulf.

“I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea,” Trump wrote in a tweet, ....While the Navy has the authority to act in self-defense, Trump’s comments appeared to go further and are likely to stoke tensions between Iran and the United States. "

A reminder....
Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

Missiles from Iran, which Obama funded and greenlighted, as he did with IEDs aimed at our soldiers.

Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism

He gave his nod to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for 7th century barbarians.

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.

The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.


Hussein doesn't have a phone and a pen any longer........just Netflix.

Actually, what Trump tweeted was "Shoot them down". Implying boats could fly.
Hmm..hows pulling out of that Iran nuclear deal working out for us? I remember when Iran was a weekly threat during the Obama administration......wait....nevermind.
Pulling out of that clusterfuck is working out great for the US, which is why you hate it, JackOfTards.

we are no longer being played the fool by the Mullahs while they continue to build their nukes. Trump slammed them with heavy sanctions, which is destroying their pathetic economy, and will eventually force the Mullahs to be overthrown by the masses.

Sux for you that you have to opine about your good old days when the Mullahs bent Barry Hussein over and had their way with him.

1. No that is not going to happen. The new generations hate the mullahs and the hardliners. It took generations for that hate to build up, they don’t like to be called terrorist supporters, they want better than that.
When Trump just got elected they cheered of hope. Then he applied economic sanctions that hurts their families, incomes, medical needs and financial future. That turns to hate against Trump.
the Iranians chanting death to America are the minorities in numbers. You will expect hatred towards Americans in far larger numbers this time.

2. Nuclear program. You are very wrong. Right now because of Trump they are no longer complying with the nuclear restrictions. Because of Trump stupidity they are now in full scale development of the nuke program. Sanctions doesn’t stopped that because they have their own resources and materials in house.

Who and where do you think the Iran’s and Syria get all their weapons? I’m sure it’s not from China.

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