Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.
They have been at war with us since 1979.

Via proxy and terrorism..............
I’m sure he never heard of the fact we are at war with North Korea too.
Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.
They have been at war with us since 1979.

Via proxy and terrorism..............
I’m sure he never heard of the fact we are at war with North Korea too.

Quite possible.
Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.

Jeez ...

Iran declared war in 1979.

Got a link? Yes, Iran and the US had close relations, but that was only up to the Iranian revolution.

I served in the US Navy from '82 to '02, and not once did I ever hear that we were at war with Iran during my service.
Sorry as it makes me, I have to agree with Donald on this one. When someone tries to intimidate you, intimidate them back.

Then why not shot down Russians fighter planes and tankers that are constantly harassing US spy planes in the international air spaces?

Why not shoot down Russian fighter planes are caught very close to US territories?
How about that?

They also constantly harass our military ships in Baltic Sea.

Those are by far more threatening than a lousy boat. How ever let them shoot those boats and will see what will happened next. Just like killing Soleimani.

So, you are advocating that?
No my dear. But that is the rest of you and your buddies wants to happen. A war just because of Trump.
He also told you to take hydroloquine for CV treatments.
Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.
a lot of conservatives [think] iran is bad ! iran and the chicoms would love to see a democrat take the WH !....AND YOU KNOW IT !
I agree,Let Iran shoot at one of our ships and kill a few Americans before we act.
Yes, i am sure the sailors are trembling in their shoes at the aight of motorboats, while standing on the deck of a destroyer.

Give me a break.

Nope, the sailors aren't scared of the boats that Iran has. How do I know? Came through the Straits of Hormuz during Desert Storm onboard the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69), and I had just gotten off the night shift and was almost asleep when the GQ alarm went off, and they said it wasn't a drill.

Well, it seems that Iran sent a couple of boats to come by and harass us. What was our response? We launched the alert aircraft, and they buzzed the boats about 200 ft off the water. They then said that the next time they got buzzed, it was going to be with missiles from the aircraft.

They turned around almost immediately and didn't fire a shot. Pissed me off too, because I lost about 2 hours of rack time. And, that was the first and last time that they hassled us during that deployment.
So...your captain announced an intent to destroy the boats harassing his command.

Ummm...that's what Trump just did.
Now you get to defend Obama for allowing Iran to fund international terrorism.
We've been through this. The US was returning frozen assets as part of the negotiation to get Iran to sign the nuclear agreement................also signed by the United Kingdom, Russia, France, and China—plus Germany) and the European Union.
It was well understood they would be at liberty to spend the money the way they wanted. It was a trade-off for them not becoming a nuclear, destabilizing threat to the region.

Iran Nuclear Deal: Debunking the Myths - Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
So, not only did they fund international terrorism, the toothless deal did nothing to stop their nuclear ambitions.

Obama was such a fuck-up.
Yes it was Obama who TEMPORARY stopped their nuclear programs. But Trump is so stupid he let Iran continues their programs with no restrictions. By mid next year Iran would have a nuclear weapons. Courtesy of Trump. That is how dumb is this president.
Oh, so we're just making shit up now?
You're right, most of the CO's I've served under over my career in the Navy wouldn't base their decision to fire on a tweet from the president, but rather would respond appropriately based on their training, and what CIC (Combat Information Center) tells them is happening in real time.

Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance.
It's funny the way you bozos are pretending this Tweet was aimed at the Navy and not Iran.

And by "funny", I mean "stupid".
Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance
Right, but trump said he ORDERED the Navy to do this. Which probably never happened. The guy is an embarrassing liar.
So, you claim he's a liar, but you have no proof.

Yup, you're a retard.
Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.
They have been at war with us since 1979.

Via proxy and terrorism..............
I’m sure he never heard of the fact we are at war with North Korea too.
Just send 'em a couple pallets of cash. They'll be ah right...
The 17 Sailors killed aboard the USS Cole by Islamic terrorists on a motorboat would probably tell you you're retarded.

They can't, however. But it's okay -- we already know it.
Listen, Mr. “Two Gun” genius. The USS Cole was attacked by Al Qaeda, and NOT Iran. Iran was the main opponent of Al Qaeda in the Middle East, NOT the U.S. In recent years (since 2008 when the U.S. finally permitted real elections in Iraq and Western troops were withdrawn from Southern Shia cities on Iran’s border) Iranian-trained militia in Iraq joined in a de facto non-aggression alliance with the U.S. fighting Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda groups were earlier financed by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to overthrow Assad’s definitely anti-“Islamic fanatic” secular state, and most anti-Assad forces ended up joining Sunni fascists in Iraq to create ISIS.

Nothing I am saying is meant to portray the Iranian regime as “good guys,” but merely to show that the U.S. has itself played a particularly bloody and reactionary role, and Iranians have long seen themselves as being victims of U.S. aggression and the ultimate target of U.S. imperialism.

Soleimani and Iran stopped all attacks on U.S. troops by the Iraqi militia they influenced under Obama. Soleimani only wanted to carefully pressure the U.S. to get its troops out of bordering Iraq — which is what the U.S. should have done on its own! But Trump and Republican politicking against the larger JCPOA agreements destroyed any chance for improvements in Iraq’s corrupt but “constitutional” state institutions. China was planning huge investments in Iraqi oil fields, desperately needed to rebuild shattered Iraqi society. Normal historically developed trade channels with Iran, now sanctioned by the U.S., were disrupted, further ruining both Iraqi and Syrian entrepreneurs. Trump’s administration is responsible for staying in Iraq, re-sanctioning Iran, killing Soleimani. The U.S. couldn’t accept it was losing power and control in Iraq. That its proxies failed in taking Damascus. It will probably restart civil war when it can in both countries, and the people will suffer still more.

daveman, you seem to know nothing and care nothing about any of the people of the Middle East. I suggest you put your guns down and think about what our long term strategy should be in this region.
Oh, look, yet another leftist afraid of a painting of an imaginary character holding imaginary weapons. Good Gaea, is every single one of you a sissy bedwetter?

Meanwhile, I've lived and worked in the Middle East. And not just deployments to bases; I've lived among the locals in Oman. Shopped among the locals. Went to church with them. Enjoyed their friendship and had fun with them. Omani grandmothers would pick up my baby daughter from the shopping trolley and cover her with kisses. Restaurant staff would take her into the back and show her off. I never once worried about her safety.

So it kinda looks like you're full of shit and pretending the stereotypes you keep in your head apply. Meanwhile, you're doing little but screech WE DESERVE TO BE ATTACKED, and it's pretty fucking annoying.

You've clearly picked your side. And it's the wrong one.
Well ... that was disappointing.

You said nothing about the substance of my comment, or any of my other comments in this thread. I did not ask you about your personal history, nor did I speak about my own. If you want to try again, and maybe show the relevance of your personal experiences to the topic of this thread, that might even be interesting ...
So, you claim he's a liar, but you have no proof.
The proof is the officials coming out and saying "yeah, um , we are not doing that".

So either trump lied, or the navy officials publicly told him to go fuck himself with his "order".

There are your choices, crybaby. Tough call for a whiny cultist, I'm sure.
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570
Trump tweets order to 'destroy' Iranian boats. Pentagon calls it a warning.

"Three U.S. defense officials told NBC News they were caught off guard by the tweet because the president had not ordered a change in the policy or rules of engagement. One official compared it to his 2017 tweets announcing a surprise ban on transgender people openly serving in the military."

Trump's latest bright, shiny distraction?
So, three anonymous “defense officials” told NBC “News” they were caught off guard.

who are they?

what are their ranks?

do they normally get consulted by the Commander in Chief before he makes a decision?

NBC “News” :abgg2q.jpg:
Sorry as it makes me, I have to agree with Donald on this one. When someone tries to intimidate you, intimidate them back.

Then why not shot down Russians fighter planes and tankers that are constantly harassing US spy planes in the international air spaces?

Why not shoot down Russian fighter planes are caught very close to US territories?
How about that?

They also constantly harass our military ships in Baltic Sea.

Those are by far more threatening than a lousy boat. How ever let them shoot those boats and will see what will happened next. Just like killing Soleimani.

So, you are advocating that?
No my dear. But that is the rest of you and your buddies wants to happen. A war just because of Trump.
He also told you to take hydroloquine for CV treatments.
. far, you are the only one saying we should attack Russia. Nobody else here. Not Trump.

You are really delusional.

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