Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

You're right, most of the CO's I've served under over my career in the Navy wouldn't base their decision to fire on a tweet from the president, but rather would respond appropriately based on their training, and what CIC (Combat Information Center) tells them is happening in real time.

Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance.
It's funny the way you bozos are pretending this Tweet was aimed at the Navy and not Iran.

And by "funny", I mean "stupid".
It is also aimed at the Dimsocialists in the press and elsewhere.......President Trump knows how to make these idiots dance. Just look at this thread.
So, you claim he's a liar, but you have no proof.
The proof is the officials coming out and saying "yeah, um , we are not doing that".

So either trump lied, or the navy officials publicly told him to go fuck himself with his "order".

There are your choices, crybaby. Tough call for a whiny cultist, I'm sure.
what Navy “officials” said that? Names and rank please.
Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

Please come to NYC and tell the Hoodies on the subway to wear masks because Deblasio and Cuomo are obviously fucking up.
Or maybe the Hoodies on the NYC subways are just plain morons.
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

It's bad aim.

Taliban from Afghanistan attacks the US and the bad aim of the US army or their short reach of bombs hit Iraq.

China releases a virus against the US and the bad aim of the US army or their short reach of bombs can't go farther than Iran.

Or the US generals badly need new prescription glasses or they can't read maps, because they always hit the wrong target...
The 17 Sailors killed aboard the USS Cole by Islamic terrorists on a motorboat would probably tell you you're retarded.

They can't, however. But it's okay -- we already know it.
Listen, Mr. “Two Gun” genius. The USS Cole was attacked by Al Qaeda, and NOT Iran. Iran was the main opponent of Al Qaeda in the Middle East, NOT the U.S. In recent years (since 2008 when the U.S. finally permitted real elections in Iraq and Western troops were withdrawn from Southern Shia cities on Iran’s border) Iranian-trained militia in Iraq joined in a de facto non-aggression alliance with the U.S. fighting Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda groups were earlier financed by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to overthrow Assad’s definitely anti-“Islamic fanatic” secular state, and most anti-Assad forces ended up joining Sunni fascists in Iraq to create ISIS.

Nothing I am saying is meant to portray the Iranian regime as “good guys,” but merely to show that the U.S. has itself played a particularly bloody and reactionary role, and Iranians have long seen themselves as being victims of U.S. aggression and the ultimate target of U.S. imperialism.

Soleimani and Iran stopped all attacks on U.S. troops by the Iraqi militia they influenced under Obama. Soleimani only wanted to carefully pressure the U.S. to get its troops out of bordering Iraq — which is what the U.S. should have done on its own! But Trump and Republican politicking against the larger JCPOA agreements destroyed any chance for improvements in Iraq’s corrupt but “constitutional” state institutions. China was planning huge investments in Iraqi oil fields, desperately needed to rebuild shattered Iraqi society. Normal historically developed trade channels with Iran, now sanctioned by the U.S., were disrupted, further ruining both Iraqi and Syrian entrepreneurs. Trump’s administration is responsible for staying in Iraq, re-sanctioning Iran, killing Soleimani. The U.S. couldn’t accept it was losing power and control in Iraq. That its proxies failed in taking Damascus. It will probably restart civil war when it can in both countries, and the people will suffer still more.

daveman, you seem to know nothing and care nothing about any of the people of the Middle East. I suggest you put your guns down and think about what our long term strategy should be in this region.
Oh, look, yet another leftist afraid of a painting of an imaginary character holding imaginary weapons. Good Gaea, is every single one of you a sissy bedwetter?

Meanwhile, I've lived and worked in the Middle East. And not just deployments to bases; I've lived among the locals in Oman. Shopped among the locals. Went to church with them. Enjoyed their friendship and had fun with them. Omani grandmothers would pick up my baby daughter from the shopping trolley and cover her with kisses. Restaurant staff would take her into the back and show her off. I never once worried about her safety.

So it kinda looks like you're full of shit and pretending the stereotypes you keep in your head apply. Meanwhile, you're doing little but screech WE DESERVE TO BE ATTACKED, and it's pretty fucking annoying.

You've clearly picked your side. And it's the wrong one.

Oh yeah, I have a friend or rather an ex airforce buddy that was the ambassador to Oman under Bush and Codi Rice, Gary Grappo. When were you there?
P.S. daveman — You spoke of knowing Christians in Oman. Of course then you must know the 6.5% Christian minority there has faced persecution. Do you know that the 10% Christian minority in Syria was threatened with being totally destroyed by Islamists in the Civil War there, and so preferred Iranian-backed Assad’s rule to U.S./Saudi-supported Islamists?
Destroy them...all they know is brute force. Destroy them and the Chinese. We are in it to win it,; I'm ready to wear in he uniform again and put on my gear! Let's do this fucking thing. I can take out 20 of them cocksuckers before they take me. Good odds.

Farts are against the Geneva Convention and that is all you have.
The 17 Sailors killed aboard the USS Cole by Islamic terrorists on a motorboat would probably tell you you're retarded.
I doubt it, because they are likely not whiny little trump cultists like you, and understand the difference between a destroyer on full alert with armed weapons at cruising speed, vs a ship in dock being surprise attacked. But thank you for your expert opinion, designed to shield dear leader's ego.
I'm curious -- if you get a push alert from China and Iran at the same time, whose talking point do you post first?

You are very funnyYou keep omitting Russia.
Where do you think the Iran’s are getting or who is Iran main arms supplier? To update how smart you are. From RUSSIA with love.

If we go to war with Iran. Who do you think the Russian will support? The Iranians.

  • Thanks
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Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.

So Trump was the reason Iran sent their fishing boats after our ships?

What a dumbass!
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.

So Trump was the reason Iran sent their fishing boats after our ships?

What a dumbass!
So Trump said he ordered the Navy to "shoot down" the gunboats, if they harass the Navy again.

The Navy said, "Yeah... We're not doing that."

So either he lied that gave the order, or they just publicly told trump to stick his order up his ass.

Which is it? The simplest answer is probably correct.
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.


Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.

So Trump was the reason Iran sent their fishing boats after our ships?

What a dumbass!
So Trump said he ordered the Navy to "shoot down" the gunboats, if they harass the Navy again.

The Navy said, "Yeah... We're not doing that."

So either he lied that gave the order, or they just publicly told trump to stick his order up his ass.

Which is it? The simplest answer is probably correct.
Where did the Navy say “Yeah, We’re not doing that”?
Bring the exact quote.
charwin95 — The Russians will not go to war or actively defend Iran in the case of war between the U.S. and Tehran. They may provide some weapons if they can do that very quietly, but that is all.

Russia plays a cynical game in the Middle East. I may be wrong, but I think it is now likely on track for a slight strengthening of relations with Israel and other non-Saudi Gulf powers. Putin will not soon abandon his alliance with Syria, but Iran under the Mullahs is ... expendable. Remember, Russia’s own oil interests will not be hurt by a war in the Gulf.
Last edited:
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.

So Trump was the reason Iran sent their fishing boats after our ships?

What a dumbass!
So Trump said he ordered the Navy to "shoot down" the gunboats, if they harass the Navy again.

The Navy said, "Yeah... We're not doing that."

So either he lied that gave the order, or they just publicly told trump to stick his order up his ass.

Which is it? The simplest answer is probably correct.
Here is what the “Navy” actually said, you lying fuckstick.

“You can’t let a boat, a fast boat, get into a position where they can threaten your ship. And I think that every captain at sea understands what that is right now, and we have very specific guidance on how we can use lethal force,” Hyten said during a Pentagon news briefing.
“I go back to — what the president says sends a great message to Iran. That’s perfect. We know how to translate that into our rules of engagement. We don’t talk about rules of engagement in public, but they’re based on the inherent right of self to defense, they’re based on hostile intent and hostile act. That’s all we need in order to take the right action.”


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