Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

Sorry as it makes me, I have to agree with Donald on this one. When someone tries to intimidate you, intimidate them back.

Then why not shot down Russians fighter planes and tankers that are constantly harassing US spy planes in the international air spaces?

Why not shoot down Russian fighter planes are caught very close to US territories?
How about that?

They also constantly harass our military ships in Baltic Sea.

Those are by far more threatening than a lousy boat. How ever let them shoot those boats and will see what will happened next. Just like killing Soleimani.


Unarmed P-8As don't do well against fighters.
The 17 Sailors killed aboard the USS Cole by Islamic terrorists on a motorboat would probably tell you you're retarded.
I doubt it, because they are likely not whiny little trump cultists like you, and understand the difference between a destroyer on full alert with armed weapons at cruising speed, vs a ship in dock being surprise attacked. But thank you for your expert opinion, designed to shield dear leader's ego.

Again, there were no destroyers present.
I agree,Let Iran shoot at one of our ships and kill a few Americans before we act.
Yes, i am sure the sailors are trembling in their shoes at the aight of motorboats, while standing on the deck of a destroyer.

Give me a break.

Nope, the sailors aren't scared of the boats that Iran has. How do I know? Came through the Straits of Hormuz during Desert Storm onboard the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69), and I had just gotten off the night shift and was almost asleep when the GQ alarm went off, and they said it wasn't a drill.

Well, it seems that Iran sent a couple of boats to come by and harass us. What was our response? We launched the alert aircraft, and they buzzed the boats about 200 ft off the water. They then said that the next time they got buzzed, it was going to be with missiles from the aircraft.

They turned around almost immediately and didn't fire a shot. Pissed me off too, because I lost about 2 hours of rack time. And, that was the first and last time that they hassled us during that deployment.
So, in a nutshell, the mentally ill president said he ordered the Navy to destroy the gunboats, if they do it again.

And the Navy basically told him to go fuck himself.

Where did you get that stupid idea?
The 17 Sailors killed aboard the USS Cole by Islamic terrorists on a motorboat would probably tell you you're retarded.
I doubt it, because they are likely not whiny little trump cultists like you, and understand the difference between a destroyer on full alert with armed weapons at cruising speed, vs a ship in dock being surprise attacked. But thank you for your expert opinion, designed to shield dear leader's ego.

Exactly. Thank you for pointing out that there is a VAST difference in a ship that is cruising on deployment, ready for anything, and one that is moored to a dock doing a refueling. The only reason they got close enough to do the damage was because the ship was docked, and the boat that did it was disguised as a garbage scow.

Hey, there were lots of times that I was overseas on deployment where we had a garbage barge tied next to us.

You believe too many fairy tales.

"Around 11:18 local time (08:18 UTC), a small fiberglass boat carrying C4 explosives and two suicide bombers approached the port side of the destroyer and exploded "
Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance
Right, but trump said he ORDERED the Navy to do this. Which probably never happened. The guy is an embarrassing liar.

Well, Trump saying he's ordered them to shoot via tweet isn't a lawful order. And, like I said, most CO's would ignore it because it's not a lawful order.

Oh? Do tell. Since when does the CinC have to go through channels?

A CO ignoring it will be peeling spuds for a long time.

Trump has to go through official channels in order to get them to fire by declaring a war. And no, firing first is not a good idea, as that is basically a declaration of war, and Iran would be in their rights to retaliate.

By the way have obviously never been in the Navy, because if a CO is brought up on charges, they don't go "peel spuds for a long time", they get courts martial, and possibly sent to Levenworth and kicked out of the Navy.

When did you qualify for command at sea?
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Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.

Trump, maybe another politician said the other day that the U.S.A. was completely self-dependent on oil now. Maybe that was a news article.

Oil is fungible.

You meant self-sufficient, though I understood you. Yes, the US can produce roughly enough for its needs, but if it can buy oil from the Middle East at $20/bbl, it's not going to pay $50+/bbl to pump oil in West Texas. These are all private companies who compete.

OPEC is the best friend Exxon/Mobil ever had, as long as it's keeping prices high.
The mullahs take is seriously
They take our military seriously. They see trump and his idiot fuck trophies as marks.
Is that what they told you to say?

Well, after 8 years of Obama kowtowing to them, they're kinda used to American Presidents being weak and ineffectual.
Your Obama Tourettes Syndrome has really been flaring up lately. This is a sure sign that dear leader fatboy has been falling on his face.
Fat Boys numbers drop and he pulls a Kim. Hey, look at me. I am still relevant (to a Trumpster)

6 months and it's over.

So Trump got Iran to harass our ships?
So, you claim he's a liar, but you have no proof.
The proof is the officials coming out and saying "yeah, um , we are not doing that".

So either trump lied, or the navy officials publicly told him to go fuck himself with his "order".

There are your choices, crybaby. Tough call for a whiny cultist, I'm sure.

Where is your link?
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

It's bad aim.

Taliban from Afghanistan attacks the US and the bad aim of the US army or their short reach of bombs hit Iraq.

China releases a virus against the US and the bad aim of the US army or their short reach of bombs can't go farther than Iran.

Or the US generals badly need new prescription glasses or they can't read maps, because they always hit the wrong target...

What in the fuck are you blathering about now?
Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance
Right, but trump said he ORDERED the Navy to do this. Which probably never happened. The guy is an embarrassing liar.

Well, Trump saying he's ordered them to shoot via tweet isn't a lawful order. And, like I said, most CO's would ignore it because it's not a lawful order.

Oh? Do tell. Since when does the CinC have to go through channels?

A CO ignoring it will be peeling spuds for a long time.

Trump has to go through official channels in order to get them to fire by declaring a war. And no, firing first is not a good idea, as that is basically a declaration of war, and Iran would be in their rights to retaliate.

By the way have obviously never been in the Navy, because if a CO is brought up on charges, they don't go "peel spuds for a long time", they get courts martial, and possibly sent to Levenworth and kicked out of the Navy.

I don't care what your military experience is, you're full of shit.

Will Navy Ships Really Open Fire on Harassing Iranian Gunboats? It Depends, Officials Say

I know Trump supporters like you, billy, dave likes to go to a war.
Keep this in mind. Iran is not a weakling like Iraq. Shoot one of those Iranians boat and see what do you think will happen to:

1. All those US ships inside the Persian gulf are easy target.

2.All those US military camps in Iraq, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi are easy target.

So you better be ready for US soldiers casualties that you wish to happen.

3. Saudi, Israel, UAE will be attack.

4. Economy world wide will be devastated at famine proportions. Blamed to US.

5. US economy will be devastated big time.

ALL of that just because of Trump dumbness, stupidity and ego.

Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

Please come to NYC and tell the Hoodies on the subway to wear masks because Deblasio and Cuomo are obviously fucking up.
Or maybe the Hoodies on the NYC subways are just plain morons.
Please tell Trump to do his job and stop finger pointing and stop saying nonsense.

Did you took hydro chloroquine just like he told you?
Liberate save your 2nd amendments. Inciting insurrection Did you went to the rally armed?

Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

Please come to NYC and tell the Hoodies on the subway to wear masks because Deblasio and Cuomo are obviously fucking up.
Or maybe the Hoodies on the NYC subways are just plain morons.
Please tell Trump to do his job and stop finger pointing and stop saying nonsense.

Did you took hydro chloroquine just like he told you?
Liberate save your 2nd amendments. Inciting insurrection Did you went to the rally armed?

I have repeatedly posted that all politicians are thespians.
Now feel free to criticize a Democrat...I'll wait.
Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

Please come to NYC and tell the Hoodies on the subway to wear masks because Deblasio and Cuomo are obviously fucking up.
Or maybe the Hoodies on the NYC subways are just plain morons.
Please tell Trump to do his job and stop finger pointing and stop saying nonsense.

Did you took hydro chloroquine just like he told you?
Liberate save your 2nd amendments. Inciting insurrection Did you went to the rally armed?

I haven't had a fever but I know lots of people who have and took it and they are fine.
Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

Please come to NYC and tell the Hoodies on the subway to wear masks because Deblasio and Cuomo are obviously fucking up.
Or maybe the Hoodies on the NYC subways are just plain morons.
Please tell Trump to do his job and stop finger pointing and stop saying nonsense.

Did you took hydro chloroquine just like he told you?
Liberate save your 2nd amendments. Inciting insurrection Did you went to the rally armed?

English, do you speak it?
Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance
Right, but trump said he ORDERED the Navy to do this. Which probably never happened. The guy is an embarrassing liar.

Well, Trump saying he's ordered them to shoot via tweet isn't a lawful order. And, like I said, most CO's would ignore it because it's not a lawful order.

Oh? Do tell. Since when does the CinC have to go through channels?

A CO ignoring it will be peeling spuds for a long time.

Trump has to go through official channels in order to get them to fire by declaring a war. And no, firing first is not a good idea, as that is basically a declaration of war, and Iran would be in their rights to retaliate.

By the way have obviously never been in the Navy, because if a CO is brought up on charges, they don't go "peel spuds for a long time", they get courts martial, and possibly sent to Levenworth and kicked out of the Navy.

I don't care what your military experience is, you're full of shit.

Will Navy Ships Really Open Fire on Harassing Iranian Gunboats? It Depends, Officials Say

I know Trump supporters like you, billy

They do! They do like me! :auiqs.jpg:

Keep this in mind. Iran is not a weakling like Iraq. Shoot one of those Iranians boat and see what do you think will happen

Nothing will happen, because the second offensive move they make will bring the Daisies, and they know it.
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

So here we have another moron OP .... going with Barry bin Obama...... so you prefer this better? you prefer how Barry the Renegade dealt with Iran ?

like this? these are all Amrerican soldiers....


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