Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

So here we have another moron OP .... going with Barry bin Obama...... so you prefer this better? you prefer how Barry the Renegade dealt with Iran ?

like this? these are all Amrerican soldiers....

View attachment 326847
And Lurch Kerry apologized to Iran to get those guys back.

That's righ, what scum these people are! the Rats I'm talking about of course.
Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

Please come to NYC and tell the Hoodies on the subway to wear masks because Deblasio and Cuomo are obviously fucking up.
Or maybe the Hoodies on the NYC subways are just plain morons.
Please tell Trump to do his job and stop finger pointing and stop saying nonsense.

Did you took hydro chloroquine just like he told you?
Liberate save your 2nd amendments. Inciting insurrection Did you went to the rally armed?

English, do you speak it?


"Say what again! Say - what - again! I dare you! I double dare you motherfu**er!"

1. The Russians will not go to war or actively defend Iran in the case of war between the U.S. and Tehran. They may provide some weapons if they can do that very quietly, but that is all.

2. Russia plays a cynical game in the Middle East. I may be wrong, but I think it is now likely on track for a slight strengthening of relations with Israel and other non-Saudi Gulf powers. Putin will not soon abandon his alliance with Syria, but Iran under the Mullahs is ... expendable. Remember, Russia’s own oil interests will not be hurt by a war in the Gulf.

1. They are doing that now. Do you honestly believe that Russian interest is to save US interest or their own? Russia and China as a team is trying to take over the world as world power. Pushing US away because we are now considered as weak and ignorant. They are now selling weapons in Asia like Philippines leaving US.
We used to be the white shining armor saving the world from bullies and disasters. In just 3 short years. We no longer the power and influences what we used to be. Because of Trump making enemies all over even our close allies.
2. I doubt it. Russian interest will always be Russian interest that wants to destroy US. That will NEVER NEVER change.

But thank you for your input.
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His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

So here we have another moron OP .... going with Barry bin Obama...... so you prefer this better? you prefer how Barry the Renegade dealt with Iran ?

like this? these are all Amrerican soldiers....

View attachment 326847


what..sailors what

don't understand
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

So here we have another moron OP .... going with Barry bin Obama...... so you prefer this better? you prefer how Barry the Renegade dealt with Iran ?

like this? these are all Amrerican soldiers....

View attachment 326847


what..sailors what

don't understand

Those are sailors, not soldiers.
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

So here we have another moron OP .... going with Barry bin Obama...... so you prefer this better? you prefer how Barry the Renegade dealt with Iran ?

like this? these are all Amrerican soldiers....

View attachment 326847


what..sailors what

don't understand

Those are sailors, not soldiers.


sailors then

but still very demeaning for Americans

Shame on Barack bin Obama scum
Sometimes I start to believe that my Progressive friends can't get any slower or more gullible, then they prove me wrong.

After over three years, President Trump can still wind them up with a simple Tweet. In general, one would think that they, like everyone else, know that you don't pay attention to what someone SAYS but what they DO that matters.
Yes, the great American navy. Look at the picture in comment #380 above. Sailors all returned.

The Persian Gulf is not a place Americans can treat as their own lake. The extreme sanctions introduced after the U.S. unilaterally tore up the internationally agreed upon JCPOA treaty should be removed. The removal of sanctions can be sold as a humanitarian gesture in light of Covid-19. The regime there is desperate and dangerous. Sober civilian politicians are not in charge — on either side. New technology makes American ships vulnerable as never before.

War is not necessary.
Yes, the great American navy. Look at the picture in comment #380 above. Sailors all returned.

The Persian Gulf is not a place Americans can treat as their own lake. The extreme sanctions introduced after the U.S. unilaterally tore up the internationally agreed upon JCPOA treaty should be removed. The removal of sanctions can be sold as a humanitarian gesture in light of Covid-19. The regime there is desperate and dangerous. Sober civilian politicians are not in charge — on either side. New technology makes American ships vulnerable as never before.

War is not necessary.

What most people do not realize is that the majority of the Persian Gulf is inside Iranian territorial waters.
While shipping should be free to travel through, like Saudi oil tankers, it is not automatic that warship, including US warships, should be free to travel through Iranian territory.
1. They are doing that now. Do you honestly believe that Russian interest is to save US interest or their own? Russia and China as a team is trying to take over the world as world power. Pushing US away because we are now considered as weak and ignorant. They are now selling weapons in Asia like Philippines leaving US.
We used to be the white shining armor saving the world from bullies and disasters. In just 3 short years. We no longer the power and influences what we used to be. Because of Trump making enemies all over even our close allies.
2. I doubt it. Russian interest will always be Russian interest that wants to destroy US. That will NEVER NEVER change.

But thank you for your input.


BUT, unlike with previous administrations, our enemies and our friends are doing the right thing. Our allies have upped their contributions for their defense, some probably didn't like that. President Trump eliminated the huge ISIS Caliphate allowed by failed former President Obama. Some countries should be happy that Trump hasn't bombed nearly as many countries as did Obama who accomplished nothing.

President Trump has negotiated two far superior trade agreements which probably didn't please those countries all that much either. Trump has also reached the first step with one of our most difficult trading partners, China.

Trump did all that while cutting thousands of useless regulations allowing our economy to boom more than any other time in modern history.

Now Trump is deftly handling potentially the worst pandemic in history.

Little question why our Progressive friends get their panties in such a twist over any and every Tweet he posts. Especially since they know they don't even have a cogent candidate.
Well now it is the Iranians fault....

Wel have had

This is jus another stunt to stop blaming him for Covid response and look at something else... Anything else, couldn't b bother at this stage...

I really feel Hillary hasn't been blamed enough for this disaster, it her fult we don' have a proper President now...
Yes, the great American navy. Look at the picture in comment #380 above. Sailors all returned.

The Persian Gulf is not a place Americans can treat as their own lake. The extreme sanctions introduced after the U.S. unilaterally tore up the internationally agreed upon JCPOA treaty should be removed. The removal of sanctions can be sold as a humanitarian gesture in light of Covid-19. The regime there is desperate and dangerous. Sober civilian politicians are not in charge — on either side. New technology makes American ships vulnerable as never before.

War is not necessary.

If we do not treat the Persian Gulf as our own lake, who will and what will be the result?

The sanctions are working, why eliminate them now?

Share with us whether or not you believe Iran would be more or less dangerous after they develop a nuclear weapon.

You're right, war is not necessary. Who has started one and where?

1. The Russians will not go to war or actively defend Iran in the case of war between the U.S. and Tehran. They may provide some weapons if they can do that very quietly, but that is all.

2. Russia plays a cynical game in the Middle East. I may be wrong, but I think it is now likely on track for a slight strengthening of relations with Israel and other non-Saudi Gulf powers. Putin will not soon abandon his alliance with Syria, but Iran under the Mullahs is ... expendable. Remember, Russia’s own oil interests will not be hurt by a war in the Gulf.

1. They are doing that now. Do you honestly believe that Russian interest is to save US interest or their own? Russia and China as a team is trying to take over the world as world power. Pushing US away because we are now considered as weak and ignorant. They are now selling weapons in Asia like Philippines leaving US.
We used to be the white shining armor saving the world from bullies and disasters. In just 3 short years. We no longer the power and influences what we used to be. Because of Trump making enemies all over even our close allies.
2. I doubt it. Russian interest will always be Russian interest that wants to destroy US. That will NEVER NEVER change.

But thank you for your input.
3 short years eh ? Better try again, like say in the last 45+ years you meant to say. This disaster didn't just happen in 3 short years bud, and yes we are a weakened Nation in the eyes of the world for what has happened to us in the last 45+ years.

To judge a nation by the content of it's character is correct. Yes we are being judged.
Markle asks:
“Share with us whether or not you believe Iran would be more or less dangerous after they develop a nuclear weapon.”

Obviously the whole aim of the international JCPOA treaty was to ensure that Iran would not develop a nuclear weapon, at least over the next period. It was also meant to put the issue to rest for awhile so progress could be made on other issues. This was considered necessary by ALL the great powers because it was felt that if Iran chose to go nuclear, Saudi Arabia would do the same. Also, everybody knew that Israel had been hysterically predicting for well over a decade that the Iranians were building a bomb to use against it. Like the Iraqi “WMD” I believe these threats were always exaggerated — but not the possibility of contagion, or of an Israeli first strike.

Iran is a real nation state with a significant educated middle class. Its ruling regime was and is theocratic, but not suicidal. Its leaders saw they ran immense risks if they remained disarmed like Libya, yet perhaps greater risks if they tried to go nuclear. They seem to have settled on a policy of building massive stockpiles of conventionally armed missiles and an effective “Axis of Resistance” throughout the region.
Yes, the great American navy. Look at the picture in comment #380 above. Sailors all returned.

The Persian Gulf is not a place Americans can treat as their own lake. The extreme sanctions introduced after the U.S. unilaterally tore up the internationally agreed upon JCPOA treaty should be removed. The removal of sanctions can be sold as a humanitarian gesture in light of Covid-19. The regime there is desperate and dangerous. Sober civilian politicians are not in charge — on either side. New technology makes American ships vulnerable as never before.

War is not necessary.

If we do not treat the Persian Gulf as our own lake, who will and what will be the result?

The sanctions are working, why eliminate them now?

Share with us whether or not you believe Iran would be more or less dangerous after they develop a nuclear weapon.

You're right, war is not necessary. Who has started one and where?
More dangerous of course, and this is because of the suicide rates found in that culture. They would see any war as a way to get to Allah quickly for their rewards. They wouldn't be responsible with a nuclear weapon ever. Therefore they can never have one or develope one just as Trump has said.
So, three anonymous “defense officials” told NBC “News” they were caught off guard.

who are they?

what are their ranks?
What ever their names and ranks...

Off topic meme deleted

they aren't rich, brain-dead, gutless punks with delusions of grandeur.
MAGA yet?
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So, three anonymous “defense officials” told NBC “News” they were caught off guard.

who are they?

what are their ranks?
What ever their names and ranks...

they aren't rich, brain-dead, gutless punks with delusions of grandeur.
MAGA yet?

LOL. One is a washed-up prosecutor whose entire career is questionable, the other is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

See the difference?

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