Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

Those flying boats (video was from 2010) can only fly in ground-effect (loosely measured as no higher from the surface than the wingspan of the aircraft). There are no specs available, but there's almost no chance they will carry more weight than 2 men and Barney Fife's bullet.
Those flying boats (video was from 2010) can only fly in ground-effect (loosely measured as no higher from the surface than the wingspan of the aircraft). There are no specs available, but there's almost no chance they will carry more weight than 2 men and Barney Fife's bullet.

Check out the video. One pilot in the open, 1 machine gun, surveillance.

Much of a worry? NO! Pest like a mosquito maybe. I only posted because of the "flying gunboats" comments. They may suck but they got them, have 14 years.
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

so we should just wait until they attack a ship and try to sink it like they did to the Cole? WTF do you think the chinese or russians would do if one of their ships was attacked?
Iran didn’t do the Cole attack. That was AlQaeda. It was in all the papers. Do keep informed.
Iran didn’t do the Cole attack. That was AlQaeda. It was in all the papers. Do keep informed.

Does that make a difference? Iran stages and finances terrorist attacks. al Qaeda carries out terrorist attacks. Yeah, I see what you mean! :D
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

so we should just wait until they attack a ship and try to sink it like they did to the Cole? WTF do you think the chinese or russians would do if one of their ships was attacked?
Iran didn’t do the Cole attack. That was AlQaeda. It was in all the papers. Do keep informed.
Um, a US judge ruled the country responsible was the Sudan. Iran funded and armed the Sudan.
Iran didn’t do the Cole attack. That was AlQaeda. It was in all the papers. Do keep informed.

Does that make a difference? Iran stages and finances terrorist attacks. al Qaeda carries out terrorist attacks. Yeah, I see what you mean! :D
Like blaming the Yankees for the Astros cheating scandal. After all, they play in the same league.
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

so we should just wait until they attack a ship and try to sink it like they did to the Cole? WTF do you think the chinese or russians would do if one of their ships was attacked?
Iran didn’t do the Cole attack. That was AlQaeda. It was in all the papers. Do keep informed.
Um, a US judge ruled the country responsible was the Sudan. Iran funded and armed the Sudan.
Once again we see that black is white, truth is lie, 2+2 = 22.
Known “most wanted” Al Qaeda leaders are magically turned into ... agents of Al Qaeda’s greatest enemy, Persian Shia Iran.
God, some people are truly stupid and shameless!
Here we go again ...

“US warships will be DESTROYED if they threaten ANY Iranian vessel – Iran’s Revolutionary Guards chief”

“Iran will not hesitate to retaliate against the US Navy if it attacks any Iranian vessel, Tehran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander has warned, responding to a similar threat by Trump.

“I have ordered our naval forces to destroy any American naval force in the Persian Gulf that threatens the security of Iran’s military or non-military ships,” Major-General Hossein Salami said on Thursday, as cited by Tasnim News Agency.

“Salami was responding to US President Donald Trump, who said that he had issued an order on Wednesday to “destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”

“Last week, the US Navy accused Iranian warships of maneuvering in a “dangerous and provocative” manner near its own vessels in the Persian Gulf. Tehran rejected these claims, saying its patrol boats had to intercept and monitor the American ships because they were violating maritime protocols while navigating in the area....”

US warships will be DESTROYED if they threaten ANY Iranian vessel – Iran’s Revolutionary Guards chief

Also, here is another RT article, this one by Scott Ritter, laying out the argument for why a real war, and not just a bombastic war of words, is now looking more likely in the Gulf.

Will Trump go to war with Iran to save America’s oil industry?
Here we go again!

“US warships will be DESTROYED if they threaten ANY Iranian vessel – Iran’s Revolutionary Guards chief”
“Iran will not hesitate to retaliate against the US Navy if it attacks any Iranian vessel, Tehran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander has warned, responding to a similar threat by Trump.

“I have ordered our naval forces to destroy any American naval force in the Persian Gulf that threatens the security of Iran’s military or non-military ships,” Major-General Hossein Salami said on Thursday, as cited by Tasnim News Agency.

“Salami was responding to US President Donald Trump, who said that he had issued an order on Wednesday to “destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”

“Last week, the US Navy accused Iranian warships of maneuvering in a “dangerous and provocative” manner near its own vessels in the Persian Gulf. Tehran rejected these claims, saying its patrol boats had to intercept and monitor the American ships because they were violating maritime protocols while navigating in the area....”

US warships will be DESTROYED if they threaten ANY Iranian vessel – Iran’s Revolutionary Guards chief

Also, here is another RT article, this one by Scott Ridding, laying out the argument for why a real war, and not just a bombastic war of words, is now looking more likely in the Gulf.

Will Trump go to war with Iran to save America’s oil industry?
Wow, he sounds insane, just like our mentally ill president does.

1. The Russians will not go to war or actively defend Iran in the case of war between the U.S. and Tehran. They may provide some weapons if they can do that very quietly, but that is all.

2. Russia plays a cynical game in the Middle East. I may be wrong, but I think it is now likely on track for a slight strengthening of relations with Israel and other non-Saudi Gulf powers. Putin will not soon abandon his alliance with Syria, but Iran under the Mullahs is ... expendable. Remember, Russia’s own oil interests will not be hurt by a war in the Gulf.

1. They are doing that now. Do you honestly believe that Russian interest is to save US interest or their own? Russia and China as a team is trying to take over the world as world power. Pushing US away because we are now considered as weak and ignorant. They are now selling weapons in Asia like Philippines leaving US.
We used to be the white shining armor saving the world from bullies and disasters. In just 3 short years. We no longer the power and influences what we used to be. Because of Trump making enemies all over even our close allies.
2. I doubt it. Russian interest will always be Russian interest that wants to destroy US. That will NEVER NEVER change.

But thank you for your input.
3 short years eh ? Better try again, like say in the last 45+ years you meant to say. This disaster didn't just happen in 3 short years bud, and yes we are a weakened Nation in the eyes of the world for what has happened to us in the last 45+ years.

To judge a nation by the content of it's character is correct. Yes we are being judged.
Since when strong arm policy works? That is Trump policy being applied to Iran created enemies even with our friends and in this country against his own people the democrats. That only happened in last 3 years.

We are being judge as weak, bully, ignorant and laughing stock all over the world. That only happened in last 3 years.

Sanctions is only working to hurt the people but not to stop the development of nuclear weapons. Like I said by next year Iran would be a nuclear arm country. Courtesy of Dr. Trump.

Trump policy is the most amateur and inept incompetent the Americans has ever seen.

Soldiers are willing to fight and die for this country but don’t want to die just because of stupid foreign policies. Like in Iraq.
Well ... that was disappointing.

You said nothing about the substance of my comment, or any of my other comments in this thread. I did not ask you about your personal history, nor did I speak about my own. If you want to try again, and maybe show the relevance of your personal experiences to the topic of this thread, that might even be interesting ...
Why don't you just type what you want me to say, and I'll copy and paste it?

You don't want debate. You want instant, unthinking approval and endorsement.

How do you suppose that's going to work out?
So, you claim he's a liar, but you have no proof.
The proof is the officials coming out and saying "yeah, um , we are not doing that".

So either trump lied, or the navy officials publicly told him to go fuck himself with his "order".

There are your choices, crybaby. Tough call for a whiny cultist, I'm sure.
Really? They all told him to go fuck himself?

Odd. Perhaps it's more likely you're just making shit up like usual.

The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Wednesday applauded President Trump for instructing the U.S. Navy to “destroy” any Iranian gunboats harassing American ships in the wake of a tense encounter in the Persian Gulf.

He outranks some pompous stuffed-shirt internet dumbass.

You're dismissed.

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