Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

So they didn't tell him to go fuck himself, like you've repeatedly claimed.
Actually, what i claimed is that, if trump actually gave the order he gave, then yes, they told him publicly to go fuck himself. That's true.

Of course, the lying moron probably never actually gave that order and was just shit tweeting.
Did Trump just cross the line?????

"Trump Tells Navy To Destroy Iranian Gunboats If They ā€˜Harassā€™ American Ships

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ā€“ President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he had instructed the U.S. Navy to fire on any Iranian ships that harass it at sea, a week after 11 vessels from Iranā€™s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) came dangerously close to American ships in the Gulf.

ā€œI have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea,ā€ Trump wrote in a tweet, ....While the Navy has the authority to act in self-defense, Trumpā€™s comments appeared to go further and are likely to stoke tensions between Iran and the United States. "

A reminder....
Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the worldā€™s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

Missiles from Iran, which Obama funded and greenlighted, as he did with IEDs aimed at our soldiers.

Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism

He gave his nod to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for 7th century barbarians.

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the worldā€™s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.

The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shiaā€¦and with the Iran deal, we got answer.


Hussein doesn't have a phone and a pen any longer........just Netflix.

Actually, what Trump tweeted was "Shoot them down". Implying boats could fly.
Hmm..hows pulling out of that Iran nuclear deal working out for us? I remember when Iran was a weekly threat during the Obama administration......wait....nevermind.
Pulling out of that clusterfuck is working out great for the US, which is why you hate it, JackOfTards.

we are no longer being played the fool by the Mullahs while they continue to build their nukes. Trump slammed them with heavy sanctions, which is destroying their pathetic economy, and will eventually force the Mullahs to be overthrown by the masses.

Sux for you that you have to opine about your good old days when the Mullahs bent Barry Hussein over and had their way with him.

1. No that is not going to happen. The new generations hate the mullahs and the hardliners. It took generations for that hate to build up, they donā€™t like to be called terrorist supporters, they want better than that.
When Trump just got elected they cheered of hope. Then he applied economic sanctions that hurts their families, incomes, medical needs and financial future. That turns to hate against Trump.
the Iranians chanting death to America are the minorities in numbers. You will expect hatred towards Americans in far larger numbers this time.

2. Nuclear program. You are very wrong. Right now because of Trump they are no longer complying with the nuclear restrictions. Because of Trump stupidity they are now in full scale development of the nuke program. Sanctions doesnā€™t stopped that because they have their own resources and materials in house.

Who and where do you think the Iranā€™s and Syria get all their weapons? Iā€™m sure itā€™s not from China.

"Right now because of Trump they are no longer complying with the nuclear restrictions. "

They never were, fool.

"Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ā€˜Snapbackā€™"

Iran has been blocking inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from accessing key sites that the watchdog group has cited for having traces of undisclosed nuclear materials, fueling speculation that Tehran is again engaged in the secret construction of nuclear weapons-grade material.

Recently installed IAEA chief Rafael Griossi took the unprecedented step this week of going public about Iran's intransigence, telling Reuters on Tuesday the Islamic Republic is not living up to multiple commitments under the landmark nuclear accord.

"We have insisted and despite all our efforts we have not been able to get that [access], ..."
Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions 'Snapback'

ā€œParticularly troublesome, you have to wait 24 days before you can inspect.ā€

ā€“Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), speaking to reporters about the international nuclear agreement with Iran, Aug. 10, 2015

ā€œAt non-designated sites it will take 24 days to get an inspection.ā€

ā€“Schumer, speaking to reporters, Aug. 11

As I have always said, there were never meant to be any inspections.

Wrong again. You information came from media that is against the Iran nuclear restrictions program. are there any other countries that are involved supporting your theory? Nobody but you..... If you think you are right the Arak facilities that needed to make hard water needed to make nuclear grade plutonium was only completed late last year violating the agreement because of Trump worthless policy....... We went these over and over. I blasted you over and over.

WHY is it that your information that you supplied always comes from an unknown media? Fox News that you adored doesnā€™t even support your theory? Always. Why is that? I donā€™t even read your link anymore. I just looked at where it came from & I know that itā€™s bogus.

I'm never wrong.

Hussein planned from the start to make certain that the 7th century savages would have modern weapons, nuclear weapons.

He paid them $billions, and prevented their proxy, Hezbollah, from being arrested for selling cocaine in America.

He made certain that there would never be any real inspectons.


He lied to the nation, through Ben Rhodes, who made up the fairy tale that there were moderates in Iran, a tale told to convince morons like you.

And you were convinced....not a particularly difficult task.

You said you were never wrong. This thread is about IRAN, which when they were developing nukes was ran by Ahmadenijad (Jr. called him "mad dinner jacket"), not IRAQ which was ran by Saddam Hussein. You said you were never wrong, I just showed you where you are wrong. And, while I know that because they differ in spelling by just one letter and can be confused, you shouldn't confuse them, as they present very different threats.

Please quote where I mentioned Iraq.

You said Hussein, who was the leader of Iraq, not Iran.

In her post, Hussein was the 44th President of the US, dumbass!
So they didn't tell him to go fuck himself, like you've repeatedly claimed.
Actually, what i claimed is that, if trump actually gave the order he gave, then yes, they told him publicly to go fuck himself. That's true.

Of course, the lying moron probably never actually gave that order and was just shit tweeting.
So, if he never gave the order, why did your fictional admirals tell him to go fuck himself?

Perhaps you should just leave this thread and not come back. You're embarrassing yourself.
Here we go again ...

ā€œUS warships will be DESTROYED if they threaten ANY Iranian vessel ā€“ Iranā€™s Revolutionary Guards chiefā€

ā€œIran will not hesitate to retaliate against the US Navy if it attacks any Iranian vessel, Tehranā€™s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander has warned, responding to a similar threat by Trump.

ā€œI have ordered our naval forces to destroy any American naval force in the Persian Gulf that threatens the security of Iranā€™s military or non-military ships,ā€ Major-General Hossein Salami said on Thursday, as cited by Tasnim News Agency.

ā€œSalami was responding to US President Donald Trump, who said that he had issued an order on Wednesday to ā€œdestroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.ā€

ā€œLast week, the US Navy accused Iranian warships of maneuvering in a ā€œdangerous and provocativeā€ manner near its own vessels in the Persian Gulf. Tehran rejected these claims, saying its patrol boats had to intercept and monitor the American ships because they were violating maritime protocols while navigating in the area....ā€

US warships will be DESTROYED if they threaten ANY Iranian vessel ā€“ Iranā€™s Revolutionary Guards chief

Also, here is another RT article, this one by Scott Ritter, laying out the argument for why a real war, and not just a bombastic war of words, is now looking more likely in the Gulf.

Will Trump go to war with Iran to save Americaā€™s oil industry?

They have only been saying that for 4 decades.

Shoot down one of those flying boats and see what will happen.

Trump killed Soleimani one lousy Iranian general. Look what happened in retaliations against US military in Iraq.

1. They hit the US military airbase housing by pin point accuracy with 12+ missiles with 2 hours warning sending our troops like rats trying to save their lives ... They could have killed 100s or thousands US troops if they want to. results 110 US military
brain injuries. Slept and eat outside for several days and nights.

Who in the hell they are that they can do that to us? To the world most powerful country in the world making us look like so weak and coward.

2. They also killed several US soldiers and injuring other coalition soldiers in Iraq by Iran parasites sympathizers.

3. Iraqis wants US out of Iraq.

4. Sending coalition forces to a different camps.

5. Attack US embassy by rockets in Iraq this January.

All of that because of dumb foreign policies.
No one was supporting US not even Bibi or the impotent GOPs except Trump celebrating.
So they didn't tell him to go fuck himself, like you've repeatedly claimed.
Actually, what i claimed is that, if trump actually gave the order he gave, then yes, they told him publicly to go fuck himself. That's true.

Of course, the lying moron probably never actually gave that order and was just shit tweeting.
So, if he never gave the order, why did your fictional admirals tell him to go fuck himself?

Perhaps you should just leave this thread and not come back. You're embarrassing yourself.

Dude being tough here doesnā€™t mean anything. You have to face the real facts that Trump proved himself incompetent, inept and amateur, dishonest disgusting president.
You can defend this moron whatever and however you want Trump. Trump is Trump.
The 17 Sailors killed aboard the USS Cole by Islamic terrorists on a motorboat would probably tell you you're retarded.
I doubt it, because they are likely not whiny little trump cultists like you, and understand the difference between a destroyer on full alert with armed weapons at cruising speed, vs a ship in dock being surprise attacked. But thank you for your expert opinion, designed to shield dear leader's ego.
I'm curious -- if you get a push alert from China and Iran at the same time, whose talking point do you post first?

You are very funnyYou keep omitting Russia.
Where do you think the Iranā€™s are getting or who is Iran main arms supplier? To update how smart you are. From RUSSIA with love.

If we go to war with Iran. Who do you think the Russian will support? The Iranians.

Funny how the left suddenly believed Russia was our enemy when Hillary thought she could blame her loss on them.

Russia is and was always been an enemy of US.... Till Trump came in licking Putin boots. TRAITOR.....

Bush, Paul, Hillary, or any other presidential candidates in 2016 election could/would has by far better president than this lousy Trump.

Last edited:
Trump goes to his rallies. The democrats the democrats the democrats the democrats.
Who the hell does that against his own people the Americans? TRUMP.

LIBERATE LIBERATE LIBERATE...... save your 2nd amendments. Who the hell does that to his own people inciting violence? TRUMP.

That is clear example of a moron, disgusting unfit POTUS.

This country is suffering from the CV Pandemic on top of that we have to put up from all these stupidity from a lousy POTUS.
Did Trump just cross the line?????

"Trump Tells Navy To Destroy Iranian Gunboats If They ā€˜Harassā€™ American Ships

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ā€“ President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he had instructed the U.S. Navy to fire on any Iranian ships that harass it at sea, a week after 11 vessels from Iranā€™s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) came dangerously close to American ships in the Gulf.

ā€œI have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea,ā€ Trump wrote in a tweet, ....While the Navy has the authority to act in self-defense, Trumpā€™s comments appeared to go further and are likely to stoke tensions between Iran and the United States. "

A reminder....
Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the worldā€™s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

Missiles from Iran, which Obama funded and greenlighted, as he did with IEDs aimed at our soldiers.

Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism

He gave his nod to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for 7th century barbarians.

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the worldā€™s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.

The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shiaā€¦and with the Iran deal, we got answer.


Hussein doesn't have a phone and a pen any longer........just Netflix.

Actually, what Trump tweeted was "Shoot them down". Implying boats could fly.
Hmm..hows pulling out of that Iran nuclear deal working out for us? I remember when Iran was a weekly threat during the Obama administration......wait....nevermind.
Pulling out of that clusterfuck is working out great for the US, which is why you hate it, JackOfTards.

we are no longer being played the fool by the Mullahs while they continue to build their nukes. Trump slammed them with heavy sanctions, which is destroying their pathetic economy, and will eventually force the Mullahs to be overthrown by the masses.

Sux for you that you have to opine about your good old days when the Mullahs bent Barry Hussein over and had their way with him.

1. No that is not going to happen. The new generations hate the mullahs and the hardliners. It took generations for that hate to build up, they donā€™t like to be called terrorist supporters, they want better than that.
When Trump just got elected they cheered of hope. Then he applied economic sanctions that hurts their families, incomes, medical needs and financial future. That turns to hate against Trump.
the Iranians chanting death to America are the minorities in numbers. You will expect hatred towards Americans in far larger numbers this time.

2. Nuclear program. You are very wrong. Right now because of Trump they are no longer complying with the nuclear restrictions. Because of Trump stupidity they are now in full scale development of the nuke program. Sanctions doesnā€™t stopped that because they have their own resources and materials in house.

Who and where do you think the Iranā€™s and Syria get all their weapons? Iā€™m sure itā€™s not from China.

"Right now because of Trump they are no longer complying with the nuclear restrictions. "

They never were, fool.

"Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ā€˜Snapbackā€™"

Iran has been blocking inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from accessing key sites that the watchdog group has cited for having traces of undisclosed nuclear materials, fueling speculation that Tehran is again engaged in the secret construction of nuclear weapons-grade material.

Recently installed IAEA chief Rafael Griossi took the unprecedented step this week of going public about Iran's intransigence, telling Reuters on Tuesday the Islamic Republic is not living up to multiple commitments under the landmark nuclear accord.

"We have insisted and despite all our efforts we have not been able to get that [access], ..."
Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions 'Snapback'

ā€œParticularly troublesome, you have to wait 24 days before you can inspect.ā€

ā€“Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), speaking to reporters about the international nuclear agreement with Iran, Aug. 10, 2015

ā€œAt non-designated sites it will take 24 days to get an inspection.ā€

ā€“Schumer, speaking to reporters, Aug. 11

As I have always said, there were never meant to be any inspections.

Wrong again. You information came from media that is against the Iran nuclear restrictions program. are there any other countries that are involved supporting your theory? Nobody but you..... If you think you are right the Arak facilities that needed to make hard water needed to make nuclear grade plutonium was only completed late last year violating the agreement because of Trump worthless policy....... We went these over and over. I blasted you over and over.

WHY is it that your information that you supplied always comes from an unknown media? Fox News that you adored doesnā€™t even support your theory? Always. Why is that? I donā€™t even read your link anymore. I just looked at where it came from & I know that itā€™s bogus.

I'm never wrong.

Hussein planned from the start to make certain that the 7th century savages would have modern weapons, nuclear weapons.

He paid them $billions, and prevented their proxy, Hezbollah, from being arrested for selling cocaine in America.

He made certain that there would never be any real inspectons.


He lied to the nation, through Ben Rhodes, who made up the fairy tale that there were moderates in Iran, a tale told to convince morons like you.

And you were convinced....not a particularly difficult task.

Wrong again. Your information came from where? This is hilarious. Like I said we went these over and over. I blasted you over and over.

Where is your link from bias unknown media? You didnā€™t post it. WOW thatā€™s very funny.

Again...... Why is it that that you are the only one or any other countries that are involved or any other media are not supporting your propaganda??? Why is that?
His insane antics used to be funny. Heā€™s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570
/----/ Shoot down gunboats? Are they riding on a flying carpet?

/----/ LOL Good one.
Here we go again ...

ā€œUS warships will be DESTROYED if they threaten ANY Iranian vessel ā€“ Iranā€™s Revolutionary Guards chiefā€

ā€œIran will not hesitate to retaliate against the US Navy if it attacks any Iranian vessel, Tehranā€™s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander has warned, responding to a similar threat by Trump.

ā€œI have ordered our naval forces to destroy any American naval force in the Persian Gulf that threatens the security of Iranā€™s military or non-military ships,ā€ Major-General Hossein Salami said on Thursday, as cited by Tasnim News Agency.

ā€œSalami was responding to US President Donald Trump, who said that he had issued an order on Wednesday to ā€œdestroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.ā€

ā€œLast week, the US Navy accused Iranian warships of maneuvering in a ā€œdangerous and provocativeā€ manner near its own vessels in the Persian Gulf. Tehran rejected these claims, saying its patrol boats had to intercept and monitor the American ships because they were violating maritime protocols while navigating in the area....ā€

US warships will be DESTROYED if they threaten ANY Iranian vessel ā€“ Iranā€™s Revolutionary Guards chief

Also, here is another RT article, this one by Scott Ritter, laying out the argument for why a real war, and not just a bombastic war of words, is now looking more likely in the Gulf.

Will Trump go to war with Iran to save Americaā€™s oil industry?
Oh, Scott Ritter the pedophile.
What a piece of shit.

LOL! You better tell Tucker Carlson! His American Conservative Magazine also regularly carries articles by Scott Ritter. Why? Because Ritter often writes brilliantly about the lies of the American Empire and its ā€œsecurity state.ā€ He was the main and most informed ā€œinsiderā€ exposing Bush administration lies about ā€œWMDā€ leading up to the Iraq War, and he continued exposing these lies under Obama and Trump.

Whatever police sting he was stupid enough to fall for in 2010, the logic of his arguments and the wealth of his sources are often unmatched. Reading him in Tucker Carlsonā€™s American Conservative one day and Putinā€™s Russia Today the next can certainly be disorienting. Ignorant American Liberals and arrogant Republican Warmongers both accuse him of being a traitor, or worse. We know which category you fall into.

P.S. I donā€™t always agree with Ritter. I just recommended this article because it makes the case that this time war with Iran may be more likely than in the past.
Last edited:
Trump killed Soleimani one lousy Iranian general. Look what happened in retaliations against US military in Iraq. [MY highlight]

1. They hit the US military airbase housing by pin point accuracy with 12+ missiles with 2 hours warning sending our troops like rats trying to save their lives ... They could have killed 100s or thousands US troops if they want to. results 110 US military
brain injuries. Slept and eat outside for several days and nights.

Who in the hell they are that they can do that to us? To the world most powerful country in the world making us look like so weak and coward.

Who is your target audience for these amusing essays? Your intended audience must be people who have lived in a cave for decades and not have a clue as to what has happened in this world.

Why make such a childish effort to trivialize the importance of General Qasem Soleimani? Do you believe that no one but you knew who he was or what he did?

Who was Iranian general Qasem Soleimani who died in an airstrike ordered by Donald Trump?
Comment Aidan MilanFriday 3 Jan 2020 8:14 am

Who was Qasem Soleimani? General Soleimani, 62, was supreme leader Khameneiā€™s second in command. Soleimani was a very popular figure in Iran and was seen as a dangerous adversary by America and its allies. From 1998, he was the commander of the Quds Force ā€“ a unit in Iranā€™s Revolutionary Guards which reports directly to the supreme leader. On the topic of the generalā€™s influence, a former C.I.A. officer told the New Yorker in 2013 that Soleimani was ā€˜the single most powerful operative in the Middle East todayā€™.

Read more: Who was Iranian general Qasem Soleimani who died in airstrike ordered by Trump?


ā€œGeneral Qassem Soleimani has killed or badly wounded thousands of Americans over an extended period of time, and was plotting to kill many moreā€¦but got caught! He was directly and indirectly responsible for the death of millions of people, including the recent large number of PROTESTERS killed in Iran itself. While Iran will never be able to properly admit it, Soleimani was both hated and feared within the country. They are not nearly as saddened as the leaders will let the outside world believe. He should have been taken out many years ago!ā€


Given the importance of Soleimani, the Iran retaliation was minor, as you already knew but, it your cave....


Iran attack: US troops targeted with ballistic missiles
8 January 2020

Iran has carried out a ballistic missile attack on air bases housing US forces in Iraq, in retaliation for the US killing of General Qasem Soleimani.

More than a dozen missiles launched from Iran struck two air bases in Irbil and Al Asad, west of Baghdad.

It is unclear if there have been any casualties.

The initial response from Washington has been muted. President Trump tweeted that all was well and said casualties and damage were being assessed.

Two Iraqi bases housing US and coalition troops were targeted, one at Al Asad and one in Irbil, at about 02:00 local time on Wednesday (22:30 GMT on Tuesday). It came just hours after the burial of Soleimani, who controlled Iran's proxy forces across the Middle East.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said the attack was "a slap in the face" for the US and called for an end to the US presence in the Middle East.

Echoing him, President Hassan Rouhani said Iran's "final answer" to Soleimani's assassination would be to "kick all US forces out of the region".

Iraq's Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi said Iran warned him that an attack was imminent and only areas with US troops would be targeted. There were no reports of Iraqi casualties, he said.

Just hours after the missile strikes a Ukrainian airliner crashed in Iran shortly after take-off.

Trump goes to his rallies. The democrats the democrats the democrats the democrats.
Who the hell does that against his own people the Americans? TRUMP.

LIBERATE LIBERATE LIBERATE...... save your 2nd amendments. Who the hell does that to his own people inciting violence? TRUMP.

That is clear example of a moron, disgusting unfit POTUS.

This country is suffering from the CV Pandemic on top of that we have to put up from all these stupidity from a lousy POTUS.

Can we afford to shoot at them? Last I checked we are deeply in debt.
Bombing third world countries is good for morale, plus it sends a message to all the other third world countries not to screw around with us. On top of that it allows us to test our latest weaponry to see if improvements are needed.
Wrong again. You information came from media that is against the Iran nuclear restrictions program. are there any other countries that are involved supporting your theory? Nobody but you..... If you think you are right the Arak facilities that needed to make hard water needed to make nuclear grade plutonium was only completed late last year violating the agreement because of Trump worthless policy....... We went these over and over. I blasted you over and over.
WHY is it that your information that you supplied always comes from an unknown media? Fox News that you adored doesnā€™t even support your theory? Always. Why is that? I donā€™t even read your link anymore. I just looked at where it came from & I know that itā€™s bogus.
Well maybe it's time to blast Iran with a nuke. Just get it over and done with.
Did Trump just cross the line?????

"Trump Tells Navy To Destroy Iranian Gunboats If They ā€˜Harassā€™ American Ships

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ā€“ President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he had instructed the U.S. Navy to fire on any Iranian ships that harass it at sea, a week after 11 vessels from Iranā€™s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) came dangerously close to American ships in the Gulf.

ā€œI have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea,ā€ Trump wrote in a tweet, ....While the Navy has the authority to act in self-defense, Trumpā€™s comments appeared to go further and are likely to stoke tensions between Iran and the United States. "

A reminder....
Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the worldā€™s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

Missiles from Iran, which Obama funded and greenlighted, as he did with IEDs aimed at our soldiers.

Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism

He gave his nod to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for 7th century barbarians.

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the worldā€™s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.

The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shiaā€¦and with the Iran deal, we got answer.


Hussein doesn't have a phone and a pen any longer........just Netflix.

Actually, what Trump tweeted was "Shoot them down". Implying boats could fly.
Hmm..hows pulling out of that Iran nuclear deal working out for us? I remember when Iran was a weekly threat during the Obama administration......wait....nevermind.
Pulling out of that clusterfuck is working out great for the US, which is why you hate it, JackOfTards.

we are no longer being played the fool by the Mullahs while they continue to build their nukes. Trump slammed them with heavy sanctions, which is destroying their pathetic economy, and will eventually force the Mullahs to be overthrown by the masses.

Sux for you that you have to opine about your good old days when the Mullahs bent Barry Hussein over and had their way with him.

1. No that is not going to happen. The new generations hate the mullahs and the hardliners. It took generations for that hate to build up, they donā€™t like to be called terrorist supporters, they want better than that.
When Trump just got elected they cheered of hope. Then he applied economic sanctions that hurts their families, incomes, medical needs and financial future. That turns to hate against Trump.
the Iranians chanting death to America are the minorities in numbers. You will expect hatred towards Americans in far larger numbers this time.

2. Nuclear program. You are very wrong. Right now because of Trump they are no longer complying with the nuclear restrictions. Because of Trump stupidity they are now in full scale development of the nuke program. Sanctions doesnā€™t stopped that because they have their own resources and materials in house.

Who and where do you think the Iranā€™s and Syria get all their weapons? Iā€™m sure itā€™s not from China.

"Right now because of Trump they are no longer complying with the nuclear restrictions. "

They never were, fool.

"Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions ā€˜Snapbackā€™"

Iran has been blocking inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from accessing key sites that the watchdog group has cited for having traces of undisclosed nuclear materials, fueling speculation that Tehran is again engaged in the secret construction of nuclear weapons-grade material.

Recently installed IAEA chief Rafael Griossi took the unprecedented step this week of going public about Iran's intransigence, telling Reuters on Tuesday the Islamic Republic is not living up to multiple commitments under the landmark nuclear accord.

"We have insisted and despite all our efforts we have not been able to get that [access], ..."
Iran Caught Hiding Nuclear Work, Sparking Call for Full Sanctions 'Snapback'

ā€œParticularly troublesome, you have to wait 24 days before you can inspect.ā€

ā€“Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), speaking to reporters about the international nuclear agreement with Iran, Aug. 10, 2015

ā€œAt non-designated sites it will take 24 days to get an inspection.ā€

ā€“Schumer, speaking to reporters, Aug. 11

As I have always said, there were never meant to be any inspections.

Wrong again. You information came from media that is against the Iran nuclear restrictions program. are there any other countries that are involved supporting your theory? Nobody but you..... If you think you are right the Arak facilities that needed to make hard water needed to make nuclear grade plutonium was only completed late last year violating the agreement because of Trump worthless policy....... We went these over and over. I blasted you over and over.

WHY is it that your information that you supplied always comes from an unknown media? Fox News that you adored doesnā€™t even support your theory? Always. Why is that? I donā€™t even read your link anymore. I just looked at where it came from & I know that itā€™s bogus.
The only media I trust is either myself or anyone I know who hasn't been as asshole in the last 5 years.
Wrong again. You information came from media that is against the Iran nuclear restrictions program. are there any other countries that are involved supporting your theory? Nobody but you..... If you think you are right the Arak facilities that needed to make hard water needed to make nuclear grade plutonium was only completed late last year violating the agreement because of Trump worthless policy....... We went these over and over. I blasted you over and over.
WHY is it that your information that you supplied always comes from an unknown media? Fox News that you adored doesnā€™t even support your theory? Always. Why is that? I donā€™t even read your link anymore. I just looked at where it came from & I know that itā€™s bogus.
Well maybe it's time to blast Iran with a nuke. Just get it over and done with.
I've met people who escaped Iran...good people.
We just need to eliminate the mullahs.

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