Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.

Jeez ...

Iran declared war in 1979.
Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance
Right, but trump said he ORDERED the Navy to do this. Which probably never happened. The guy is an embarrassing liar.

Well, Trump saying he's ordered them to shoot via tweet isn't a lawful order. And, like I said, most CO's would ignore it because it's not a lawful order.

Oh? Do tell. Since when does the CinC have to go through channels?

A CO ignoring it will be peeling spuds for a long time.

Trump has to go through official channels in order to get them to fire by declaring a war. And no, firing first is not a good idea, as that is basically a declaration of war, and Iran would be in their rights to retaliate.

By the way have obviously never been in the Navy, because if a CO is brought up on charges, they don't go "peel spuds for a long time", they get courts martial, and possibly sent to Levenworth and kicked out of the Navy.
Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance
Right, but trump said he ORDERED the Navy to do this. Which probably never happened. The guy is an embarrassing liar.

Well, Trump saying he's ordered them to shoot via tweet isn't a lawful order. And, like I said, most CO's would ignore it because it's not a lawful order.

Oh? Do tell. Since when does the CinC have to go through channels?

A CO ignoring it will be peeling spuds for a long time.

Trump has to go through official channels in order to get them to fire by declaring a war. And no, firing first is not a good idea, as that is basically a declaration of war, and Iran would be in their rights to retaliate.

Too funny.

By the way have obviously never been in the Navy, because if a CO is brought up on charges, they don't go "peel spuds for a long time", they get courts martial, and possibly sent to Levenworth and kicked out of the Navy.

Yes. I merely injected a bit of Popeye levity into an essentially boring thread.
Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.

Jeez ...

Iran declared war in 1979.

Got a link? Yes, Iran and the US had close relations, but that was only up to the Iranian revolution.

I served in the US Navy from '82 to '02, and not once did I ever hear that we were at war with Iran during my service.
Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

You sure cry a lot. You're gonna need tear duct replacement surgery in about five years.
Nope. Your boy is in deep dog dodo trying to create more problems so he can get away from pandemic that he neglectedly ignored the seriousness of the CV.
Presidential policy via tweet is NOT something that most CO's I've known would use as operational guidance
Right, but trump said he ORDERED the Navy to do this. Which probably never happened. The guy is an embarrassing liar.

Well, Trump saying he's ordered them to shoot via tweet isn't a lawful order. And, like I said, most CO's would ignore it because it's not a lawful order.

Oh? Do tell. Since when does the CinC have to go through channels?

A CO ignoring it will be peeling spuds for a long time.

Trump has to go through official channels in order to get them to fire by declaring a war. And no, firing first is not a good idea, as that is basically a declaration of war, and Iran would be in their rights to retaliate.

By the way have obviously never been in the Navy, because if a CO is brought up on charges, they don't go "peel spuds for a long time", they get courts martial, and possibly sent to Levenworth and kicked out of the Navy.

I don't care what your military experience is, you're full of shit.

Will Navy Ships Really Open Fire on Harassing Iranian Gunboats? It Depends, Officials Say
The 17 Sailors killed aboard the USS Cole by Islamic terrorists on a motorboat would probably tell you you're retarded.

They can't, however. But it's okay -- we already know it.
Listen, Mr. “Two Gun” genius. The USS Cole was attacked by Al Qaeda, and NOT Iran. Iran was the main opponent of Al Qaeda in the Middle East, NOT the U.S. In recent years (since 2008 when the U.S. finally permitted real elections in Iraq and Western troops were withdrawn from Southern Shia cities on Iran’s border) Iranian-trained militia in Iraq joined in a de facto non-aggression alliance with the U.S. fighting Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda groups were earlier financed by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia to overthrow Assad’s definitely anti-“Islamic fanatic” secular state, and most anti-Assad forces ended up joining Sunni fascists in Iraq to create ISIS.

Nothing I am saying is meant to portray the Iranian regime as “good guys,” but merely to show that the U.S. has itself played a particularly bloody and reactionary role, and Iranians have long seen themselves as being victims of U.S. aggression and the ultimate target of U.S. imperialism.

Soleimani and Iran stopped all attacks on U.S. troops by the Iraqi militia they influenced under Obama. Soleimani only wanted to carefully pressure the U.S. to get its troops out of bordering Iraq — which is what the U.S. should have done on its own! But Trump and Republican politicking against the larger JCPOA agreements destroyed any chance for improvements in Iraq’s corrupt but “constitutional” state institutions. China was planning huge investments in Iraqi oil fields, desperately needed to rebuild shattered Iraqi society. Normal historically developed trade channels with Iran, now sanctioned by the U.S., were disrupted, further ruining both Iraqi and Syrian entrepreneurs. Trump’s administration is responsible for staying in Iraq, re-sanctioning Iran, killing Soleimani. The U.S. couldn’t accept it was losing power and control in Iraq. That its proxies failed in taking Damascus. It will probably restart civil war when it can in both countries, and the people will suffer still more.

daveman, you seem to know nothing and care nothing about any of the people of the Middle East. I suggest you put your guns down and think about what our long term strategy should be in this region.
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The mullahs take is seriously
They take our military seriously. They see trump and his idiot fuck trophies as marks.
Is that what they told you to say?

Well, after 8 years of Obama kowtowing to them, they're kinda used to American Presidents being weak and ineffectual.
Your Obama Tourettes Syndrome has really been flaring up lately. This is a sure sign that dear leader fatboy has been falling on his face.
Fat Boys numbers drop and he pulls a Kim. Hey, look at me. I am still relevant (to a Trumpster)

6 months and it's over.
Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.

Jeez ...

Iran declared war in 1979.

Got a link? Yes, Iran and the US had close relations, but that was only up to the Iranian revolution.

I served in the US Navy from '82 to '02, and not once did I ever hear that we were at war with Iran during my service.

We did not declare it back. Congress hasn't declared war since 1941.
Iran, China and the American left are telling each other that the United States is on the ropes and the president's orders will not be followed. The country is so divided that a defense is not possible. There is no better time for an attack.

Full out, China's only advantage in war is manpower, the most vulnerable facet. Iran is not even in the picture.

And both of you purposely omitted Russia. How cute. Let me repeat it again what I posted several times in several separate threads.

Chinas livelihoods depends heavily in our economy’s progress. If we go down China will go down. So why would they try to destroy us? In 2018 alone $540bn of goods sold to US, 2019 $346bn. You only get that kind of income from US.

If you have to point fingers who wants US destructions ........ point to Russia that’s a fact. Putin is just playing Trump weakness and stupidity.


Russia is in no financial position to support a war.
How do you know dat?

Then why are they harassing our planes and ships in the international water and air? By Far those are far more threatening than a boat.

They also caught very close to US territories Alaska that is USA.
Iran, China and the American left are telling each other that the United States is on the ropes and the president's orders will not be followed. The country is so divided that a defense is not possible. There is no better time for an attack.

Full out, China's only advantage in war is manpower, the most vulnerable facet. Iran is not even in the picture.

And both of you purposely omitted Russia. How cute. Let me repeat it again what I posted several times in several separate threads.

Chinas livelihoods depends heavily in our economy’s progress. If we go down China will go down. So why would they try to destroy us? In 2018 alone $540bn of goods sold to US, 2019 $346bn. You only get that kind of income from US.

If you have to point fingers who wants US destructions ........ point to Russia that’s a fact. Putin is just playing Trump weakness and stupidity.


Russia is in no financial position to support a war.
How do you know dat?

Through the usual channels.
Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

You sure cry a lot. You're gonna need tear duct replacement surgery in about five years.
Nope. Your boy is in deep dog dodo trying to create more problems so he can get away from pandemic that he neglectedly ignored the seriousness of the CV.
Did Rachel tell you that?
View attachment 326771

New sheriff in town. No more cowering at the feet of iran...literally
Except the Navy already publicly threw cold water all over the mentally ill president's hot air.
That means that Trumps barking is irrelevant.

The United States Navy doesn't answer to Nancy Pelosi. She is not the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

That would be President Donald J. Trump.
Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

You sure cry a lot. You're gonna need tear duct replacement surgery in about five years.
Nope. Your boy is in deep dog dodo trying to create more problems so he can get away from pandemic that he neglectedly ignored the seriousness of the CV.
Did Rachel tell you that?

He seems to have a thing going on with her.
Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.
They have been at war with us since 1979.

Via proxy and terrorism..............
The mullahs take is seriously
They take our military seriously. They see trump and his idiot fuck trophies as marks.
Is that what they told you to say?

Well, after 8 years of Obama kowtowing to them, they're kinda used to American Presidents being weak and ineffectual.
Your Obama Tourettes Syndrome has really been flaring up lately. This is a sure sign that dear leader fatboy has been falling on his face.
Trump is your President for only 5 more years. Unless the effort to overturn the 22nd Amendment goes thru as planned.
Long Live King Trump!
Way to twist the knife. Now give it a couple of yanks and make them really feel the pain.
Besides, just saying "harass" doesn't mean much of anything. Like I said, Iran sent out gunboats to mess with us when we went through the Straits of Hormuz, and that was considered "harassment".

However, because of the ROE and the fact that at the time we weren't at war with Iran, we had to wait for them to make the first overtly hostile move, which is why we just buzzed the boats on the first pass and then gave them a warning. No CO that I know of will shoot first against another ship from a country that we aren't at war with.

And yeah, I get it, lots of you conservatives think Iran is bad, but do you really want to start a war during this pandemic? If we shoot first, that is an act of war and Iran would be allowed to retaliate.

Jeez ...

Iran declared war in 1979.

Got a link? Yes, Iran and the US had close relations, but that was only up to the Iranian revolution.

I served in the US Navy from '82 to '02, and not once did I ever hear that we were at war with Iran during my service.
They didn’t inform you because they didn’t want to hear you cry again.

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