Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

So the child president either ordered his navy to "keep following existing policy" (of course, that's absurd) or they basically blew him off, publicly.

Either way... It's pretty apparent that trump is just not taken seriously by anyone but his cult.
The mullahs take is seriously. But they're telling you it's no big deal. And so, naturally, you repeat what you've been told.
Iran, China and the American left are telling each other that the United States is on the ropes and the president's orders will not be followed. The country is so divided that a defense is not possible. There is no better time for an attack.

Full out, China's only advantage in war is manpower, the most vulnerable facet. Iran is not even in the picture.

And both of you purposely omitted Russia. How cute. Let me repeat it again what I posted several times in several separate threads.

Chinas livelihoods depends heavily in our economy’s progress. If we go down China will go down. So why would they try to destroy us? In 2018 alone $540bn of goods sold to US, 2019 $346bn. You only get that kind of income from US.

If you have to point fingers who wants US destructions ........ point to Russia that’s a fact. Putin is just playing Trump weakness and stupidity.

The mullahs take is seriously
They take our military seriously. They see trump and his idiot fuck trophies as marks.
Is that what they told you to say?

Well, after 8 years of Obama kowtowing to them, they're kinda used to American Presidents being weak and ineffectual.
Your Obama Tourettes Syndrome has really been flaring up lately. This is a sure sign that dear leader fatboy has been falling on his face.
I agree,Let Iran shoot at one of our ships and kill a few Americans before we act.
Yes, i am sure the sailors are trembling in their shoes at the aight of motorboats, while standing on the deck of a destroyer.

Give me a break.

Nope, the sailors aren't scared of the boats that Iran has. How do I know? Came through the Straits of Hormuz during Desert Storm onboard the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69), and I had just gotten off the night shift and was almost asleep when the GQ alarm went off, and they said it wasn't a drill.

Well, it seems that Iran sent a couple of boats to come by and harass us. What was our response? We launched the alert aircraft, and they buzzed the boats about 200 ft off the water. They then said that the next time they got buzzed, it was going to be with missiles from the aircraft.

They turned around almost immediately and didn't fire a shot. Pissed me off too, because I lost about 2 hours of rack time. And, that was the first and last time that they hassled us during that deployment.
The mullahs take is seriously
They take our military seriously. They see trump and his idiot fuck trophies as marks.
Is that what they told you to say?

Well, after 8 years of Obama kowtowing to them, they're kinda used to American Presidents being weak and ineffectual.
Your Obama Tourettes Syndrome has really been flaring up lately. This is a sure sign that dear leader fatboy has been falling on his face.
Trump is your President for only 5 more years. Unless the effort to overturn the 22nd Amendment goes thru as planned.
Long Live King Trump!
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570
So you advocate the US NOT engage in self-protection and let Iran do whatever it wants to?

I suggest the idiot in chief consult with his generals before sending tweets while he is eating hamburgers, watching Fox and resting his bone spurs.
How do you know he hasn't - idiot.
The generals do not want the idiot using tweets to communicate defence policy. Tweets are used by immature high school boys to break up with their girlfriends, not the way countries communicate policy.
The Tweet wasn't communicating policy to DoD, genius.

It was communicating it to Iran.
Haha...true. Department of defense officials had to come out and basically say nothing has changed, policy-wise ( That's their way of telling everyone not to pay too much attention to the tweets of the crazy person in the white house).
Shhhh. Just leftists aren't supposed to pay attention. Don't tell anybody.
The mullahs take is seriously
They take our military seriously. They see trump and his idiot fuck trophies as marks.
Is that what they told you to say?

Well, after 8 years of Obama kowtowing to them, they're kinda used to American Presidents being weak and ineffectual.
Your Obama Tourettes Syndrome has really been flaring up lately. This is a sure sign that dear leader fatboy has been falling on his face.
Uh huh. Go play now, kid.
Hopefully, the Navy does the responsible thing and leadership makes up their own minds about what to do. Besides, President Bone Spurs is just as likely to change his mind tomorrow if Hannity calls and tells Don it's a bad idea.

Trumpy is only doing that to deflect how he screwed up this country from Coronavirus pandemic. I only hope that our Navy will do the smart decisions. If there’s a war in Persian gulf there will be no US ships inside the Persian gulf.

You sure cry a lot. You're gonna need tear duct replacement surgery in about five years.
I agree,Let Iran shoot at one of our ships and kill a few Americans before we act.
Yes, i am sure the sailors are trembling in their shoes at the aight of motorboats, while standing on the deck of a destroyer.

Give me a break.

Nope, the sailors aren't scared of the boats that Iran has. How do I know? Came through the Straits of Hormuz during Desert Storm onboard the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69), and I had just gotten off the night shift and was almost asleep when the GQ alarm went off, and they said it wasn't a drill.

Well, it seems that Iran sent a couple of boats to come by and harass us. What was our response? We launched the alert aircraft, and they buzzed the boats about 200 ft off the water. They then said that the next time they got buzzed, it was going to be with missiles from the aircraft.

They turned around almost immediately and didn't fire a shot. Pissed me off too, because I lost about 2 hours of rack time. And, that was the first and last time that they hassled us during that deployment.
So, in a nutshell, the mentally ill president said he ordered the Navy to destroy the gunboats, if they do it again.

And the Navy basically told him to go fuck himself.
The 17 Sailors killed aboard the USS Cole by Islamic terrorists on a motorboat would probably tell you you're retarded.
I doubt it, because they are likely not whiny little trump cultists like you, and understand the difference between a destroyer on full alert with armed weapons at cruising speed, vs a ship in dock being surprise attacked. But thank you for your expert opinion, designed to shield dear leader's ego.

Exactly. Thank you for pointing out that there is a VAST difference in a ship that is cruising on deployment, ready for anything, and one that is moored to a dock doing a refueling. The only reason they got close enough to do the damage was because the ship was docked, and the boat that did it was disguised as a garbage scow.

Hey, there were lots of times that I was overseas on deployment where we had a garbage barge tied next to us.
Iran, China and the American left are telling each other that the United States is on the ropes and the president's orders will not be followed. The country is so divided that a defense is not possible. There is no better time for an attack.

Full out, China's only advantage in war is manpower, the most vulnerable facet. Iran is not even in the picture.

And both of you purposely omitted Russia. How cute. Let me repeat it again what I posted several times in several separate threads.

Chinas livelihoods depends heavily in our economy’s progress. If we go down China will go down. So why would they try to destroy us? In 2018 alone $540bn of goods sold to US, 2019 $346bn. You only get that kind of income from US.

If you have to point fingers who wants US destructions ........ point to Russia that’s a fact. Putin is just playing Trump weakness and stupidity.


Russia is in no financial position to support a war.
defending 4+ years of divisive, criminal coup attempts
Impeachment is provided for by the Constitution as a remedy to address illegal acts or abuses of power by the prez. Let's put aside the matter of guilt or innocence. What makes Trump's impeachment criminal or a coup?

Iran, China and the American left are telling each other that the United States is on the ropes and the president's orders will not be followed. The country is so divided that a defense is not possible. There is no better time for an attack.

Full out, China's only advantage in war is manpower, the most vulnerable facet. Iran is not even in the picture.

And both of you purposely omitted Russia. How cute. Let me repeat it again what I posted several times in several separate threads.

Chinas livelihoods depends heavily in our economy’s progress. If we go down China will go down. So why would they try to destroy us? In 2018 alone $540bn of goods sold to US, 2019 $346bn. You only get that kind of income from US.

If you have to point fingers who wants US destructions ........ point to Russia that’s a fact. Putin is just playing Trump weakness and stupidity.


Russia is in no financial position to support a war.
Well that certainly is comforting.


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