Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

There sure are a lot of folks here who want to talk about anything but the topic of this thread.

I will not be sidetracked, nor defend what I consider the Obama Administration’s mistakes in the Middle East, the Ukraine or elsewhere. But we are dealing now with Trump’s errors, his administration’s dangerous and unnecessary build-up of forces in the Gulf, his profound personal capriciousness.

There are and have long been powerful special interest lobbies in D.C. that simply WANT war against Iran and the complete Balkanization of the Middle East — because they believe this will allow for complete U.S. domination (or serve Zionist interests). These forces operate regardless of the party in power. I say this not as a wealthy paleoconservative Republican ideologue like Patrick Buchanan, but because it is reality — and I am an American internationalist.

Given the present economic backdrop of an all-but-certain economic Depression (and special oil industry pressures) for the usually belligerent and now increasingly desperate U.S.A. ... WAR will become more and more tempting. Many of these pressures will exist even if Trump loses the November elections. Hillary Clinton - style neo-liberal warmongers are not in any important degree different than the neo-con warmongers and “Christian Zionists” of the present administration. Bolton, Pompeo, Pence — the names may come and go. The language may change. But the fundamental imperialist approach of our “Deep State / Security State” remains. As does popular chauvinism and “Ugly American” attitudes among our deluded people.
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what? We should let Iran continue to harass our ships with impunity is what we should do?time they do it, it is a reminder
Yes. That is precisely what we should do. Every time they circle their little motorboats around our destroyers, it reminds Iran and the world how pathetic they are.
what? We should let Iran continue to harass our ships with impunity is what we should do?time they do it, it is a reminder
Yes. That is precisely what we should do. Every time they circle their little motorboats around our destroyers, it reminds Iran and the world how pathetic they are.

As in most cases you’re wrong. Iran poking the tiger serves as a propaganda tool for them in the region. Also with Iran you give them an inch and they take a mile. The would escalate their provocations, as they have in past when left unchecked, if we don’t put a stop to it now. You’re clueless.
Ask the men who were aboard the Cole.
Not iranians, sorry.
Who was found to be behind the attack? The govt of Sudan. Who funds and arms Sudan? Iran.

So, like i said, not iranians. Hey look at that...i take you off ignore for one post, and you use it to prove me right! Thanks a bunch. Goodbye.
No, just armed and funded by Iran.

You should put me back on ignore cuz I just destroyed your bullshit.
Iran poking the tiger serves as a propaganda tool for them in the region
Haha, so they think. But when the images of their little motorboats circling a destroyer are seen, smart people know better.

We should hold fast, for now.
Sorry as it makes me, I have to agree with Donald on this one. When someone tries to intimidate you, intimidate them back.

Then why not shot down Russians fighter planes and tankers that are constantly harassing US spy planes in the international air spaces?

Why not shoot down Russian fighter planes are caught very close to US territories?
How about that?

They also constantly harass our military ships in Baltic Sea.

Those are by far more threatening than a lousy boat. How ever let them shoot those boats and will see what will happened next. Just like killing Soleimani.

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Sorry as it makes me, I have to agree with Donald on this one. When someone tries to intimidate you, intimidate them back.

Then why not shot down Russians fighter planes and tankers that are constantly harassing US spy planes in the international air spaces?

Why not shoot down Russian fighter planes are caught very close to US territories?
How about that?

They also constantly harass our military ships in Baltic Sea.

Those are by far more threatening than a lousy boat. How ever let them shoot those boats and will see what will happened next. Just like killing Soleimani.

So, you are advocating that?
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's false.
What you wrote is false. You are still distorting the truth.

"When Iran signed the multinational deal to restrain its nuclear development in return for being freed from sanctions, it regained access to its own assets, which had been frozen abroad. There was no $150 billion gift from the U.S. treasury or other countries. Iran was allowed to get its money back."
Sooo...Obama sent them pallets of cash. Exactly like I said.

Now you get to defend Obama for allowing Iran to fund international terrorism.
Whose cash was it again?
You won't get an honest answer. Mention Iran and Obama and this thread goes way out there.
She got an honest answer. She won't accept it any more than you did.
Now you get to defend Obama for allowing Iran to fund international terrorism.
We've been through this. The US was returning frozen assets as part of the negotiation to get Iran to sign the nuclear agreement................also signed by the United Kingdom, Russia, France, and China—plus Germany) and the European Union.
It was well understood they would be at liberty to spend the money the way they wanted. It was a trade-off for them not becoming a nuclear, destabilizing threat to the region.

Iran Nuclear Deal: Debunking the Myths - Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Yep. The worst part of Barry Hussein’s clusterfuck deal........he funded Iranian terrorism and the murder of US servicemen.
As we've seen in this thread, the Soy Boy King's bootlickers simply don't care.

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