Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

Those who think that Trump was just shooting off his big mouth in a tweet after watching the Fox TV report on Iran this morning, and that he really doesn’t want a war with Iran at this point may be correct.

But even assuming this is true, his tweet gives cover for any commander (already with extensive authority to take action based on their own judgement of threat) to interpret all sorts of ostensible “harassment” as an excuse to “destroy” Iranian ships. Which of course would lead the Iranians to retaliate. All U.S. naval vessels in the Gulf are vulnerable to Iranian land-based missiles. Forget torpedos and rockets launched from fast moving ships. The tweet was — in the best case — dangerous posturing.

Of course there are powerful interests that have long wanted such a war. Elements in the Military-Industrial complex, the Israelis, U.S. Oil interests now fed up with Saudi unwillingness to cut production to zero to raise oil prices, imperialist geo-strategists who know a war in the Gulf will hurt China most, etc.

Trump probably does not personally want a war (it may hurt his election prospects), but he has doubled the number of our troop and navy personel in the Gulf, and by unilaterally tearing up the international agreements with Iran and killing the Iranian #2 leader, he has set the stage for a bloody and unnecessary catastrophe.

REMEMBER THE GULF OF TONKIN. The stakes in Vietnam were mainly ideological and based on our desire not to “lose face” in the Cold War. We always want to be the “tough guy.” But the U.S. had no business or real national interest fighting that war. Our real interest would have led us to work with the nationalist HoChiMinh from the earliest days of his struggle against French colonialism, to encourage him to take a line like Tito (which he certainly was open to).

Obama was right that we need to take giant step back from taking sides in the Sunni/Shia Saudi/Iranian divide. Trump must act and not just talk about stopping “endless wars” in the Middle East. The oil in Syria belongs to Syrians, not us. We ought to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan ASAP. We should stop our own provocations in the Gulf, and withdraw our navy buildup. We should express our willingness to re-enter and renegotiate our treaty obligations with Iran. In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, we should end secondary sanctions against countries that wish to buy oil from Iran immediately, ending especially our abuse of supposedly neutral and private SWIFT banking communication systems which prevent even crucial medical trade with Iran.

Our own disgust with the Iranian regime is shared by many Iranians, but our policies leave little room for opening breeches in the Iranian political system through which Iranian pro-democratic patriots can pour themselves to overthrow the theocracy.

Given the geo-political reality and the powerful dark interests who actually are willing to gamble on war, nobody should believe anything they read or hear about the U.S. being “harassed.” In any case, none of this is an excuse for starting a shooting war!

Iran is in desperate shape and its theocratic regime has been driven into a corner. But the U.S. is not threatened by Iran, just as we were not threatened by our old ally Saddam or by HoChiMinh. The U.S. is now carrying out de facto extraordinary war sanctions against Iran and may bring bloody destruction upon them in the near future, disrupting oil shipments from the Persian Gulf entirely. This will, very conveniently for the U.S. empire, raise oil prices to save our otherwise non-competitive bankrupt domestic fracking and export oil industry, and hurt China (and virtually all our competitors except Russia).
There will be NO OFFICIAL WAR..........although the unofficial War has been going on since 9/11 as they have killed more Americans with the IED's they supplied our enemies than all those killed by small arms fire.

A few of their ships go down......they WILL BACK OFF.....unless they want to commit Suicide.
First of all “the unofficial War” that “has been going on since 9/11” should have been a political war with Sunni terrorism. Not one Iranian was involved in 9/11. Indeed, the main and only consistent enemy of Sunni terrorism all these years has been Shia Iran. The U.S. and its Gulf ally Saudi Arabia financed Sunni terrorists from the late 1970s (Afghanistan) right through the war against Assad and his (secular) Syrian regime. 9/11 terrorists were Saudis and Sunni religious extremists.

Secondly, your arrogance about the results of deadly “NO OFFICIAL WAR” U.S. military strikes against Iran is breathtaking and profoundly immoral. The Iranian regime has already shown it has the capacity and willingness to directly attack unpopular American bases in Iraq, something the Trump administration clearly did not expect. If you want “unofficial war,” expect to get “the unexpected.”

There have been no Iranian terrorist attacks in many decades on targets in the West, but Iran has showed and surprised American commanders time and again how even indirectly they can lend effective assistance to forces opposing U.S. occupation troops in the region. You don’t like American soldiers getting their limbs blown off by IEDs? Then don’t put them in harm’s way! Even U.S. aircraft carriers are vulnerable if they dare enter the Gulf (with sick sailors). Maybe you just figure on using tactical ”smart” weapons on Iran’s “cultural heritage sites” ... without declaring war? That will make Raytheon Corporation very happy! But when all those expensive missiles have been fired, what then? Go all-out Nazi and use nuclear weapons on a population that right now neither hates Americans nor loves its own corrupt rulers?
I'm well aware of the history.....I was in it..........

We should have saved the world the trouble way back then and took care of it then.

We were not allowed.

They are a terrorist supporting Nation........and have been so since Peanut Head allowed them to keep our people for over a year.

Be glad Trump is in office.......i'd have ordered their butts blown away a long time ago.
Impeachment is provided for by the Constitution as a remedy to address illegal acts or abuses of power by the prez......

Agreed, and ABUSE OF POWER, put on Display by Democrats for the last 4 years, is not protected by the Constitution.

Colluding with foreign spies working for and delivering Russian Intel Service propaganda that is intentionally used to commit FISA Court abuses and illegally spy on Americans to affect a coup based on a debunked narrative is NOT allowed in the Constitution or the Rule of law.

The Founding Fathers also had no intention of butt-hurt party members defeated in an election using Impeachment as a tool to remove the democratically elected President from office because of their hatred of him, which is what House Democrats admitted when they admitted their Impeachment voter was purely POLITICAN, based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.

Democrats turned Impeachment from being a tool provided by the Founding Fathers to be used toi remove a President who commits crimes or abuses of power into a weapon by traitors attempting to affect a coup.
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.
Barry Hussein was a warmonger, Trump has not initiated any new wars at all. You are clearly a moron.
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
You nitwits are going to have to decide on which erroneous claim you want to criticize Obama for. Appeasement or aggressiveness.

We used to hear about how he wasn't aggressive enough in fighting ISIS. When in truth he was really just trying not to alienate civilians if possible by trying to not to bomb them. A caution the Chicken Hawk-in-Chief threw to the wind.

"Some 24,287 bombs were used in Iraq and Syria, where the U.S. is helping drive ISIS militants from swaths of both countries. In 2015, the U.S. dropped 22,110 bombs in Iraq and Syria, CFR reported."

Donald Trump Is Dropping Bombs at Unprecedented Levels

Civilian Deaths in U.S. Wars Are Skyrocketing Under Trump. It May Not Be Impeachable, but It’s a Crime.
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.

1. As long as his policies and influence remain, and dunces like you continue to bow to his image, the truth need be posted about this fraud and ingrate.

2. Did you say something about wars?
After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

3. And of his policies, his singular foreign policy 'achievement'....why is it that none of your drones can answer this query?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.
Barry Hussein was a warmonger, Trump has not initiated any new wars at all. You are clearly a moron.


You are far too kind to that one.
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.

Barry, Democrats, and Snowflakes blamed Bush for everything wrong in the Obama administration, as late as 8 years after Bush was out of office. They still do it...and have attempted to give Barry credit for everything right in the Trump administration 4 years after Barry left office.

Barry and Hillary refuse to GTF Away, and every time they popped their corrupt gopher heads up and make the news snowflakes spasm ands foam at the mouth, demanding no one is allowed to talk about them because they are no longer in office.

Agreed, and ABUSE OF POWER, put on Display by Democrats for the last 4 years, is not protected by the Constitution.
I should have known you would descend in to a fit of lunacy when I brought up how the impeachment process is provided for by the Constitution. It was neither criminal or a you know.
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
You nitwits are going to have to decide on which erroneous claim you want to criticize Obama for. Appeasement or aggressiveness.

We used to hear about how he wasn't aggressive enough in fighting ISIS. When in truth he was really just trying not to alienate civilians if possible by trying to not to bomb them. A caution the Chicken Hawk-in-Chief threw to the wind.

"Some 24,287 bombs were used in Iraq and Syria, where the U.S. is helping drive ISIS militants from swaths of both countries. In 2015, the U.S. dropped 22,110 bombs in Iraq and Syria, CFR reported."

Donald Trump Is Dropping Bombs at Unprecedented Levels

Civilian Deaths in U.S. Wars Are Skyrocketing Under Trump. It May Not Be Impeachable, but It’s a Crime.

1. The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

The creation of the Disposition Matrix database is part of an effort embraced by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan to codify the targeted killing policies developed by President Barack Obama.

The database's existence was revealed in a three-part series published by The Washington Post newspaper. It noted that as of their publication, the number of civilian and militant casualties resulting from U.S. drone strikes would soon exceed the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks.

Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik has stated that 336 U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan claimed over 2,300 victims, 80% of whom were innocent civilians.

as though he had been issued a permit by Lucifer himself.

2. After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

3. And of his policies, his singular foreign policy 'achievement'....why is it that none of your drones can answer this query?

What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.
Barry Hussein was a warmonger, Trump has not initiated any new wars at all. You are clearly a moron.


You are far too kind to that one.

DL is 'special'. The Canuk has proven you can give her the link to the Whistle Blower law and post the law word for word, and she will still lie about it, claiming it says something it clearly doesn't. She, like many US TDS-suffering snowflakes, make up their own rules and own reality. ;p
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Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.
Barry Hussein was a warmonger, Trump has not initiated any new wars at all. You are clearly a moron.


You are far too kind to that one.

DL is 'special' the Canuk has proven you can give her the link to the Whistle Blower law and post the law word for word, and she will still lie about it, claiming it says something it clearly doesn't. She, like many US TDS-suffering snowflakes, make up their own rules and own reality. ;p

Sadly, she isn't the only one.

Indoctrination often proves to be indelible.
His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570
The sickness of this pathetic bastard, ie Trump is that he's under the delusion that the entire country is a reflection of those brain dead redneck fkks, that show up at his Klan rallies and hoot and holler at his every word, so he feels that he can say and do just about anything and the whole effin country is on board with his ass. WHAT A SORRY PILE OF SHIT, THIS MAN HAS BECOME.
How many fucking times do you need to be reminded that the KKK is a Democrat organization founded by and composed of DEMOCRATS. It's your history asshole so live with it!
defending 4+ years of divisive, criminal coup attempts
Impeachment is provided for by the Constitution as a remedy to address illegal acts or abuses of power by the prez. Let's put aside the matter of guilt or innocence. What makes Trump's impeachment criminal or a coup?
Removing a duly elected president without cause.
Agreed, and ABUSE OF POWER, put on Display by Democrats for the last 4 years, is not protected by the Constitution.
I should have known you would descend in to a fit of lunacy when I brought up how the impeachment process is provided for by the Constitution. It was neither criminal or a you know.
Pleas provide me the link to exactly where in the US constitution Congress is authorized to remove a President from office BASED ON CRIME OR ABUSE OF POWER (according to you) WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO PRODUCE ANY CRIME / ABUSE OF POWER, WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE, AND WITHOUT ANY WITNESSES, which is exactly what House Democrats did. They even publicly, openly admitted they did this by saying none of that was necessary to conduct a POLITICAL IMPEACHMENT.

The M*er F*ers publicly declared their Impeachment was POLITICAL, not a result of a crime or abuse of power, and your hate-driven, retarded ass STILL tries to claim in a post that their Impeachment was based on a crime or abuse of power!

You moronic sheep make up[ defenses for the Democrats they themselves have already debunked publicly.

Agreed, and ABUSE OF POWER, put on Display by Democrats for the last 4 years, is not protected by the Constitution.
I should have known you would descend in to a fit of lunacy when I brought up how the impeachment process is provided for by the Constitution. It was neither criminal or a you know.
Exonerated, forever.
Or is it that oil prices have fallen unacceptably low?

Nothing boosts oil prices quite like a Middle East shooting war! Just talking about one is usually good for a few pennies.
If you haven't noticed, since the US has become THE major player in the oil sector, prices have stabilized even with
the adverse middle east problems. So what was a problem in the past is not a problem going forward.

The US is THE major player the $60-and-up oil sector. We're not in that sector anymore.
Yeah, Capt. Obvious, shutting down the country/world has that kind of impact.
Have you noticed how much gas you've saved recently in your tank? So goes the world.
Supply and demand no matter who is THE major player.

Brent bounces back from two-decade low after US president takes aim at Iranian vessels
Financial Trimes

Oil prices also got a boost after a tweet from President Donald Trump Wednesday raised tensions with Iran.

In the short term, it's not relevant. The 'Demand' component of S&D includes the resources to satisfy demand. That's a different animal at $20 bbl than at $60. You won't see those for a couple of years, at least.
Get a boost from amping up tensions in the middle east? Wow! When did that kind of reaction with oil prices
Ok who else here would love to see these assholes harassing our ships in the Gulf on the Bottom.

The poor Troll doesn't like the fact that if they want to play this game again.......our Navy will waste them.

I vote......if they do it again......put them on the bottom.........Bottom's up..........

Anybody else..........;)
Surprised Fat Donnie didn't/hasn't blown away Chinese boats. Anytime an incident happens it's war monger mania.
You have the wrong administration, if you haven't noticed. This isn't the Obama administration.
Political BS comes from the existing. Its the go to when Fat Donnie's numbers start to tank. So transparent. Not the 1st time. Only 6 more mos can this country stand his majesty.
Obama was the war monger, not the bad orange man. Barry owns that no matter how you deflect that point.

After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year
The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

Obama isn't the President, and hasn't been for the past three years. Not once in the 8 years that Obama was President did I wake up wondering if the President had started a war to deflect from the stupid shit he did yesterday. So far, the only reason that Trump hasn't succeeding in starting an unnecessary war is because the other side has been smarter than him.

If you're still supporting Donald Trump at this point, and deflecting to Obama, I'd ask for a refund on that expensive eduction you claim to have.
Barry Hussein was a warmonger, Trump has not initiated any new wars at all. You are clearly a moron.


You are far too kind to that one.

DL is 'special' the Canuk has proven you can give her the link to the Whistle Blower law and post the law word for word, and she will still lie about it, claiming it says something it clearly doesn't. She, like many US TDS-suffering snowflakes, make up their own rules and own reality. ;p

There is a clear disconnection with truth and reality for the left. They seem to think that if they can bury their heads deep enough up their asses the truth will simply go away and history will be erased and rewritten to suit their narrative.
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