Stupid Bastard Announces Begining Of Shooting War With Iran

His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570

SHOOT DOWN???? Do the Iranians have flying gunboats now? Are there pictures?
Don’t you have a maaacre in Canada to attend to?

We let the RCMP deal with shit like this. We don't politicize it or start screaming the guy was a Conservative or a Liberal. We say the guy was a whack job. How did this happen, and how can prevent something similar? Like any normal country.
You better get it tended to instead of butting into America. Or izz you a wanna be?
Like Obama who sent them pallets of hard cash to fund their terrorism?
Thank God we now have a President looking out for us now.

Obama was such a gutless, terrorist/enemy-supporting pu$$ that he refused to demand Iran release US hostages as art of his own personal treaty because he was afraid they might walk away from the table, instead choosing to pay a ransom for them later.

And people thought Carter was an incompetent pu$$ - at least he attempted to mount a military rescue of US hostages. Barry wouldn't even ASK for their release.
How many fucking times do you need to be reminded that the KKK is a Democrat organization founded by and composed of DEMOCRATS. It's your history asshole so live with it!
Democrats and snowflakes will never stop attempting to re-write history to cover their mistakes / crimes ... instead of learning from those mistakes / crimes and never making them again.
Q; whats better to take the countrys mind off of a pandemic failure.

A: A shoot em up war with ragheads.
We are tired of reruns and the dumb ass lock down......might as well play WACK A MOLE with Ragheads for a while.

Look......we will be doing them a favor..........The fishing will be good there by the end of the summer.
Agreed, and ABUSE OF POWER, put on Display by Democrats for the last 4 years, is not protected by the Constitution.
I should have known you would descend in to a fit of lunacy when I brought up how the impeachment process is provided for by the Constitution. It was neither criminal or a you know.
“It is, therefore, ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles” - Chief Justice Roberts
You can do any damn thing you want in Canada and they will set you free.

Until we stop letting criminal Liberals / Democrats get away with their crimes here in the US they will NEVER leave for Canada, like they prose they will do every time they lose an election.

His insane antics used to be funny. He’s let the vermin take over for the warmongers.View attachment 326570
So you advocate the US NOT engage in self-protection and let Iran do whatever it wants to?

I suggest the idiot in chief consult with his generals before sending tweets while he is eating hamburgers, watching Fox and resting his bone spurs.
How do you know he hasn't - idiot.
The generals do not want the idiot using tweets to communicate defence policy. Tweets are used by immature high school boys to break up with their girlfriends, not the way countries communicate policy.
Sorry, dingus. The leftist traitor media lies to protect their commie agendas and to feed lies to it's leftist traitor sheep. So Trump is forced to tweet to communicate to real Americans. You lose.
Q; whats better to take the countrys mind off of a pandemic failure.
A: A shoot em up war with ragheads.
...sorta how Obama committed a United Nations identified International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation in the midst of a civil war without that nation's permission or request to do so....then left the troops in Syria to fight HIS war when he left the WH?

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee are still kicking themselves for giving that one to Barry.....

Q; whats better to take the countrys mind off of a pandemic failure.

A: A shoot em up war with ragheads.
We are tired of reruns and the dumb ass lock down......might as well play WACK A MOLE with Ragheads for a while.

Look......we will be doing them a favor..........The fishing will be good there by the end of the summer.
the marine life will love trump.
Barry, Democrats, and Snowflakes blamed Bush for everything wrong in the Obama administration,
Jeeez, do you have a list of old talking points to refer to before you write a post? In truth, Obama was repeatedly forced to remind critics some things he was blamed for were actually the fault of the prior the state of the economy when Obama took office and the consequent enormous budget deficits caused by it, deficits that would linger due to the depth of the recession.
Barry, Democrats, and Snowflakes blamed Bush for everything wrong in the Obama administration,
Jeeez, do you have a list of old talking points to refer to before you write a post? In truth, Obama was repeatedly forced to remind critics some things he was blamed for were actually the fault of the prior the state of the economy when Obama took office and the consequent enormous budget deficits caused by it, deficits that would linger due to the depth of the recession.

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