Stupid Saudis

Flacaltenn -

Couldn't solar in Saudi Arabia also be linked to running things like air conditioning systems?

Grid statistics (in America) show that the demand in summertime at 10PM is about 80% of day time peak.. Therefore, theoretically, in a clear weather country like S.A. you could maybe have 15 to 20% of PEAK saved by extensive solar. But for every bit more of penetration into the grid you add over that -- you must match the solar build-out with the same amount of a dependable 24 hour source and let it sit idle during the day..

Theoretically then -- the cost of EXCESS solar installed should be charged for the idled capacity of the REQUIRED PRIMARY source (such as nat gas -- coal can't be used because the shutdown and startup times are way too long).

So ENGINEERING tells you that AT MOST --- solar can be a PEAKER source (not Primary) providing about 15% of the demand at DAYTIME peaks in the right locations...

Of course the Saudis will want to use their INDOOR WINTER SKI RESORT at night --- so their grid demand curves may be a little different from ours..
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That's very well argued point, Flac, you clearly know this stuff much better than I do, so I'm going to take your word for it.

The only point I would mention is that demand in Saudi Arabia at 10PM may well be lower than in the US - given Muslims rise at around 5 a.m., in my experience not many of them are awake much after 10 PM.
Use the solar to run operations that are open just during the day - mosques, government buildings, schools...

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