Stupider By The Day

I think the Congressional Democrats are afraid of her, she shows the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party everyday and Pelosi sees her power slipping away.

I agree the Democrat leadership is concerned with her. They know she represents a large segment of voters, primarily low-information millennials with college debt. But they also know that her behavior will not help them win the presidency and could very well hurt them in congressional seats too. Nancy pants has her hands full, and I love it!
I always figured that a Representative should be at least as smart at their constituents. But considering the fact that most of them can't read or write English I can see why she thinks she's so smart.

After representatives like Louie Gohmert, you should know Republican representatives aren't too smart.
Dem's have been breaking the law and abusing government agencies to attack their opponents for decades this is nothing new.
I think it's great! The more the Moronic AOC spews her ignorance, the more conflict she causes among the Dems and the more she repels Normal People.

It's a twofer!
I think the Congressional Democrats are afraid of her, she shows the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party everyday and Pelosi sees her power slipping away.

I agree the Democrat leadership is concerned with her. They know she represents a large segment of voters, primarily low-information millennials with college debt. But they also know that her behavior will not help them win the presidency and could very well hurt them in congressional seats too. Nancy pants has her hands full, and I love it!
I always figured that a Representative should be at least as smart at their constituents. But considering the fact that most of them can't read or write English I can see why she thinks she's so smart.

In the kingdom of the blind, a one eyed man is king.
This idiot-schoolgirl knows nothing of the nature of the government to which she has been elected. I do hope the Democrats don't seek to muzzle her.

AOC reminds Trump in tweet about tax return request: 'We didn't ask you'
Who the fuck does this fucking bitch think she's talking too?

She can thank her lucky stars that she doesn't live in a communist country, because they would have her in a re-education camp by now.

Hahahahaha. Trumpybear of course. The biggest piece of shit to ever smell up the White House. Pseudo-Conns show their true nature as they long for Dictatorial powers to punish any form of dissent for their naked King. Off to the Gulags with the talkative wench.....
the word respect was never learned.

Respect is something earned. In Trumpybear's case, he gets nothing. Hell even Nixon deserved some respect for meeting with the protesters like he did.....
the word respect was never learned.

Respect is something earned. In Trumpybear's case, he gets nothing. Hell even Nixon deserved some respect for meeting with the protesters like he did.....
Nixon was a better President than most. Better than Trump? What stupidity are you getting your info from? Oh...that’s right...the Orwellian propaganda from CNN and MSNBC. I guess. As long as all white people are evil except lesbians, gays, and Clinton’s.
This idiot-schoolgirl knows nothing of the nature of the government to which she has been elected. I do hope the Democrats don't seek to muzzle her.

AOC reminds Trump in tweet about tax return request: 'We didn't ask you'
Who the fuck does this fucking bitch think she's talking too?

She can thank her lucky stars that she doesn't live in a communist country, because they would have her in a re-education camp by now.

Hahahahaha. Trumpybear of course. The biggest piece of shit to ever smell up the White House. Pseudo-Conns show their true nature as they long for Dictatorial powers to punish any form of dissent for their naked King. Off to the Gulags with the talkative wench.....
This idiot-schoolgirl knows nothing of the nature of the government to which she has been elected. I do hope the Democrats don't seek to muzzle her.

AOC reminds Trump in tweet about tax return request: 'We didn't ask you'
Who the fuck does this fucking bitch think she's talking too?

She can thank her lucky stars that she doesn't live in a communist country, because they would have her in a re-education camp by now.

Hahahahaha. Trumpybear of course. The biggest piece of shit to ever smell up the White House.

So I take it you have never been to the White House.

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