Suck It Up Libs! Federal Court Rules Electoral College Members Aren't Bound By Popular Vote

That means this time they don’t have to follow the vote per state. Like they did last time.
Technically speaking, it's perfectly constitutional for some of these states to do what they've been doing to get around the electoral college.

The problem is that what they are doing is the polar opposite of the original intent.

That, of course, begs the question of the original intentitself given that the founders truly were aware of the power and tools they left for the states. The states are the ultimate republics which have full power and authority overlooking the federal republic.

A lot of times we hear the term constitutional republic quoted as our form of government. That's not technivally correct. We're a compound republic. Meaning, again, each state is a republic in itself with full powers granted to it over the limited power of the federal republic.

I'd have likely been an anti-federalist had I been alive back then to be honest. They've been proven correct in their predictions time and time and time again.The constitution really is kind of designed to empower tyrants.
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The only reason this is an issue was that the Hildebeast won the popular vote and Trump won the EC. Flip the results (Trump wining the popular vote and Hildebeast winning the EC and therefore the White House) and the left wing loons would not utter a word.
Bad faith electors are nothing new. This is a victory for the Federalist over State Rights. Shouldn't effect the Interstate Compact unless some bad faith electors act in the future.
That means this time they don’t have to follow the vote per state. Like they did last time.

That's the way I read it so I do not understand the Suck it up Libs comment.

He may have been referring to the National Vote Pact among many states which grants their EC votes to the winner of the national vote. It looks like that end around by the DEMS is dead or dying with this ruling.
That means this time they don’t have to follow the vote per state. Like they did last time.[/QU
That's the way I read it so I do not understand the Suck it up Libs comment.

He may have been referring to the National Vote Pact among many states which grants their EC votes to the winner of the national vote. It looks like that end around by the DEMS is dead or dying with this ruling.

Actually it isn't. The states that have passed this law are states whose electors are going to go with that anyway, irregardless of this court ruling. It will be the law of unintended consequences that ends up hurting conservatives with this ruling. Every state that is undergoing political are states that are going from red to blue. It's now just a matter of time before a faithless elector in a red state changes that states vote from Republican to Democrat, and that will happen before a conservative leaning faithless elector in a blue state has the numbers that their vote will be the one that sways an election.
That means this time they don’t have to follow the vote per state. Like they did last time.

That's the way I read it so I do not understand the Suck it up Libs comment.

He may have been referring to the National Vote Pact among many states which grants their EC votes to the winner of the national vote. It looks like that end around by the DEMS is dead or dying with this ruling.
He may have been referring to the National Vote Pact among many states which grants their EC votes to the winner of the national vote. It looks like that end around by the DEMS is dead or dying with this ruling.

Not really. It just states that once you are appointed as an elector, you can vote your conscience...

Whoever gets selected as an elector will still vote the way they want to... but how they are selected isn't the issue.

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