sucks to even make this thread, ughh this new format


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
It's SO bad.

SOMEtimes I get an alert when a thread I've responded to gets responses.
SOMEtimes, there's new posts in it with NO ALERTS.
Today, a few funny things happened.
I'd be on page, say, 6 of a thread. and then go to page seven, and page 6's posts are there.
Also - I got an alert saying someone quoted my post, when their "string" of quotes they quoted didn't even include mine.

Why cant it remain simple? A one click stop - user cp - threads youre subscribed to with new posts appear bold, and boom.

Just the one simple click. Easy to follow. Never messed up on me.

This new alerts system sucks to me, I'm not goin g to threaten to leave or childish shit like that but I'll def. be using this site a lot less in favor of others.

It's SO bad.

SOMEtimes I get an alert when a thread I've responded to gets responses.
SOMEtimes, there's new posts in it with NO ALERTS.
Today, a few funny things happened.
I'd be on page, say, 6 of a thread. and then go to page seven, and page 6's posts are there.
Also - I got an alert saying someone quoted my post, when their "string" of quotes they quoted didn't even include mine.

Why cant it remain simple? A one click stop - user cp - threads youre subscribed to with new posts appear bold, and boom.

Just the one simple click. Easy to follow. Never messed up on me.

This new alerts system sucks to me, I'm not goin g to threaten to leave or childish shit like that but I'll def. be using this site a lot less in favor of others.

One has the ability to customize one's "Alerts" function. Use it.

GT's signature said:
There's no obligation, neither morally nor ethically, to accurately portray yourself under your inconsequential anonymous user handle.
I'm here for my own amusement, not as a matter of getting my real views out there. That's for friends and family, real life settings. Not a single "board name" is important enough here to discuss my true convictions with.
I keep my guard up because the internet and its users are incapable of earning my respect, because earning my respect takes a more intimate communication then text to text gargle-spladt.
In all likelihood, those that jab at each other may actually get along quite well. Those that get along on here, might detest each other irl.

Your signature speaks volumes about your lack of honesty and your disdain for internet intercourse. May I suggest an extended vacation? We'll try to miss you.

...and if you want MY respect, you'll have to learn the difference between "then" and "than". It's really quite simple.
I know the difference.

There's levels to this "giving a fuck to correct" shit that some people engage in.

Such as, mistaking "intercourse" for "discourse" like you just did, schmuck.
Anyways, to the jerk in the first response, my "preferences" in my alerts are all checked.

That is not the issue.

That it is malfunctioning, is the issue. But thanks for playing the dickhead, that was a real treat.

I know the difference.

There's levels to this "giving a fuck to correct" shit that some people engage in.

Such as, mistaking "intercourse" for "discourse" like you just did, schmuck.
Now there's no need for name calling. If you knew the difference between "then" and "than", you'd have used "than" instead of "then" in you signature.

Your second lesson for the day is:
Verbal intercourse: fucking with one another by texting, emailing or posting on the internet. Condoms are not necessary.
I know the difference.

There's levels to this "giving a fuck to correct" shit that some people engage in.

Such as, mistaking "intercourse" for "discourse" like you just did, schmuck.
Now there's no need for name calling. If you knew the difference between "then" and "than", you'd have used "than" instead of "then" in you signature.

Your second lesson for the day is:
Verbal intercourse: fucking with one another by texting, emailing or posting on the internet. Condoms are not necessary.
I dont take lessons from anonymous people who make it a habit of being douchebags.
There's a link at the top of every page called "Watched Threads" that takes you to essentially the same page as your "User CP".
There's a link at the top of every page called "Watched Threads" that takes you to essentially the same page as your "User CP".
Thank you, thank you

god bless, if theres a god

One thing - it only shows "watched" threads with unread posts. To see all watched threads, click the link at the bottom of the "Watched Threads" page, or add "/all" to the end of the URL.

"Watched" means "Subscribed".
That still doesn't explain the screwed up posting. I'll post a reply to a message on page 3, and have it show up, and then click on page 4, and it's missing, and some of the posts on page 3 are on page 4.

I also can't figure out how to quote in the response.

If I post a link:
Article grammar - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And then want to post something from the link....

An article (abbreviated ART) is a word (or prefix or suffix) that is used with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Articles specify grammatical definiteness of the noun, in some languages extending to volume or numerical scope. The articles in the English language are the and a/an, and (in some contexts) some. 'An' and 'a' are modern forms of the Old English 'an', which in Anglian dialects was the number 'one' (compare 'on', in Saxon dialects) and survived into Modern Scots as the number 'ane'. Both 'on' (respelled 'one' by the Normans) and 'an' survived into Modern English, with 'one' used as the number and 'an' ('a', before nouns that begin with a consonant sound) as an indefinite article.​

How do I quote the article? Or do I manually have to punch in {quote] [/quote}] every single time?

The longer I'm on this forum, the more I miss the old software. And how did people become some pathetic, so completely incapable of handling criticism, that 'disagree' was such a wound to their wimpy little egos, that now none of us can just disagree with a post? If this forum is going to be run by children, maybe I should look elsewhere.
That still doesn't explain the screwed up posting. I'll post a replay to a message on page 3, and have it show up, and then click on page 4, and it's missing, and some of the posts on page 3 are on page 4.

I also can't figure out how to quote in the response.

If I post a link:
Article grammar - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And then want to post something from the link....

An article (abbreviated ART) is a word (or prefix or suffix) that is used with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Articles specify grammatical definiteness of the noun, in some languages extending to volume or numerical scope. The articles in the English language are the and a/an, and (in some contexts) some. 'An' and 'a' are modern forms of the Old English 'an', which in Anglian dialects was the number 'one' (compare 'on', in Saxon dialects) and survived into Modern Scots as the number 'ane'. Both 'on' (respelled 'one' by the Normans) and 'an' survived into Modern English, with 'one' used as the number and 'an' ('a', before nouns that begin with a consonant sound) as an indefinite article.​

How do I quote the article? Or do I manually have to punch in {quote] [/quote}] every single time?

When you're in the process of responding to a post, it will load all new posts onto a single page. When you reload the pages, the thread will again sort itself to 20 post per page, or however you have it set. It may seem confusing, but the posts will remain in the correct order.

In terms of quoting, It may be that you need to type the tags. I'll get back to you on this.
That still doesn't explain the screwed up posting. I'll post a replay to a message on page 3, and have it show up, and then click on page 4, and it's missing, and some of the posts on page 3 are on page 4.

I also can't figure out how to quote in the response.

If I post a link:
Article grammar - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And then want to post something from the link....

An article (abbreviated ART) is a word (or prefix or suffix) that is used with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Articles specify grammatical definiteness of the noun, in some languages extending to volume or numerical scope. The articles in the English language are the and a/an, and (in some contexts) some. 'An' and 'a' are modern forms of the Old English 'an', which in Anglian dialects was the number 'one' (compare 'on', in Saxon dialects) and survived into Modern Scots as the number 'ane'. Both 'on' (respelled 'one' by the Normans) and 'an' survived into Modern English, with 'one' used as the number and 'an' ('a', before nouns that begin with a consonant sound) as an indefinite article.​

How do I quote the article? Or do I manually have to punch in {quote] [/quote}] every single time?

When you're in the process of responding to a post, it will load all new posts onto a single page. When you reload the pages, the thread will again sort itself to 20 post per page, or however you have it set. It may seem confusing, but the posts will remain in the correct order.

In terms of quoting, It may be that you need to type the tags. I'll get back to you on this.

Here's another issue that's happened to me consistently, Doc. The good Doc.

If I start typing my reply, but don't post it right away, an auto-save happens.

This is fine.

But when I go to finish the post or change it, even the deleted text appears in the post when I hit "post," and it remains until I do an edit.
Also, can we "request" features, or no?

Imbedding soundcloud streams would be awesome. It works like it does for youtube, except soundcloud is audio only - - - - - the imbedding makes it so no one has to follow a hard link.
It's SO bad.

SOMEtimes I get an alert when a thread I've responded to gets responses.
SOMEtimes, there's new posts in it with NO ALERTS.
Today, a few funny things happened.
I'd be on page, say, 6 of a thread. and then go to page seven, and page 6's posts are there.
Also - I got an alert saying someone quoted my post, when their "string" of quotes they quoted didn't even include mine.

Why cant it remain simple? A one click stop - user cp - threads youre subscribed to with new posts appear bold, and boom.

Just the one simple click. Easy to follow. Never messed up on me.

This new alerts system sucks to me, I'm not goin g to threaten to leave or childish shit like that but I'll def. be using this site a lot less in favor of others.


Yeah, the paging is totally fucked up.

I have some threads where going to the next page sends you to a random page, or a mixture of several pages.

This happens when you reply, and use the backtrack icon. Something goes wacky in the software. If you exit the thread, it clears up, still, what a pain.
fyi - the 'insert' tab is to the right of the video 'media' tab.

'quote' is one of the choices under 'insert'.

Yes, but it won't wrap tags around highlighted text, it will only allow you to select previous posts to quote from.

This software is faster and clearly more stable, but in terms of features, it is a HUGE step backwards from VBulletin.
That still doesn't explain the screwed up posting. I'll post a reply to a message on page 3, and have it show up, and then click on page 4, and it's missing, and some of the posts on page 3 are on page 4.

I also can't figure out how to quote in the response.

If I post a link:
Article grammar - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And then want to post something from the link....

An article (abbreviated ART) is a word (or prefix or suffix) that is used with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Articles specify grammatical definiteness of the noun, in some languages extending to volume or numerical scope. The articles in the English language are the and a/an, and (in some contexts) some. 'An' and 'a' are modern forms of the Old English 'an', which in Anglian dialects was the number 'one' (compare 'on', in Saxon dialects) and survived into Modern Scots as the number 'ane'. Both 'on' (respelled 'one' by the Normans) and 'an' survived into Modern English, with 'one' used as the number and 'an' ('a', before nouns that begin with a consonant sound) as an indefinite article.​

How do I quote the article? Or do I manually have to punch in {quote] [/quote}] every single time?

The longer I'm on this forum, the more I miss the old software. And how did people become some pathetic, so completely incapable of handling criticism, that 'disagree' was such a wound to their wimpy little egos, that now none of us can just disagree with a post? If this forum is going to be run by children, maybe I should look elsewhere.
Use the QUOTE commands.

You type:

[ Q U O T E = ARTICLE] then paste in the text you want to quote from the article; then type [ / Q U O T E ]

The [ Q U O T E ] command opens the quote.

The [ / Q U O T E ] command closes it.

If you put an "=" in the command to open, it will show the source of you quote.

[ Q U O T E = Jack Sprat ] will show up as JACK SPRAT SAID at the top of the quote box in your post.

(Please note I had to type it with spaces between each character to keep it from quoting what I typed between them.)

If done correctly, your text would come out like this:

Article such and such {you type the = and the source}... said:
An article (abbreviated ART) is a word (or prefix or suffix) that is used with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Articles specify grammatical definiteness of the noun, in some languages extending to volume or numerical scope. The articles in the English language are the and a/an, and (in some contexts) some. 'An' and 'a' are modern forms of the Old English 'an', which in Anglian dialects was the number 'one' (compare 'on', in Saxon dialects) and survived into Modern Scots as the number 'ane'. Both 'on' (respelled 'one' by the Normans) and 'an' survived into Modern English, with 'one' used as the number and 'an' ('a', before nouns that begin with a consonant sound) as an indefinite article.

Practice a bit and it becomes second nature to you.
Last edited:

Here's how to quote ^^^^

Here's what quoting looks like

In regards to posting. When you post it will show on the same page as you were on when you posted it. So for example you're on page 2 of a 4 page thread and you see something you want to respond to. After you post it you will remain on page 2 and it will load all the other posts you haven't read. It will look like your post is sitting on page 2 but as soon as you read everything and go to the next page (3) it will dump your post to the end of page 4.
To clarify my previous post, everyone else will see it on page 4, but to you it will appear to be located on the page you are currently on when you posted it
It's SO bad.

SOMEtimes I get an alert when a thread I've responded to gets responses.
SOMEtimes, there's new posts in it with NO ALERTS.
Today, a few funny things happened.
I'd be on page, say, 6 of a thread. and then go to page seven, and page 6's posts are there.
Also - I got an alert saying someone quoted my post, when their "string" of quotes they quoted didn't even include mine.

Why cant it remain simple? A one click stop - user cp - threads youre subscribed to with new posts appear bold, and boom.

Just the one simple click. Easy to follow. Never messed up on me.

This new alerts system sucks to me, I'm not goin g to threaten to leave or childish shit like that but I'll def. be using this site a lot less in favor of others.


Yeah, the paging is totally fucked up.

I have some threads where going to the next page sends you to a random page, or a mixture of several pages.

This happens when you reply, and use the backtrack icon. Something goes wacky in the software. If you exit the thread, it clears up, still, what a pain.
Yes. Using the BACK arrow at the top left of the page will sometimes send you back to the previous thread rather than to the post to which you were trying to reply.

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