Sudanese Slave Speech At Durbin Conference - A Must Read!

One other point. Since Sherri doesn't think this one mans opinion is OF VALUE AT ALL, IS RADICAL ISLAM AT THE ROOT OF ALOT OF THE CONFLICTS IN AFRICA.


We all know it has been going on there. BUT IT'S UNIMPORTANT AS WE MUST CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR EXISTING.


What is happening or has happened in Africa has nothing to do with what is happening in Israel/Palestine. All that was behind the speech in the OP was a desire of Zionists to divert attention away from Israels human rights abuses in Palestine. And it was a colossal failure.



What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine?
The man's speech is about Israel and Palestine. I guess the "good Christian woman" is not concerned with her fellow Christians because the Jews are not involved and it is her friends who murdered two millions Christians in the Sudan.

Sherri, I wish you'd read his speech. He explains that:

By exaggerating Palestinian suffering, and by blaming the Jews for it, the UN has muffled the cries of those who suffer on a far larger scale.

For over fifty years the indigenous black population of Sudan — Christians and Muslims alike — has been the victims of the brutal, racist Arab Muslim regimes in Khartoum.

In South Sudan, my homeland, about 4 million innocent men, women and children were slaughtered from 1955 to 2005. Seven million were ethnically cleansed and they became the largest refugee group since World War II.

So four million people murdered and Seven million people forced into refugee camps under horrific conditions, Sherri. Who did it? They were murdered by racist arab Muslim regimes in Khartoum and the only thing the UN can focus on is Palestine? Why? There is no genocide in Gaza or anywhere else. Never has been. Your people over there are overweight. No one is starving to death. No one is being raped by IDF soldiers, no one is being abused by IDF or any Israelis. What have any of you to complain over? Look at Darfur! There is no comparison! The UN are purposely turning a blind eye to genocide of huge proportions while straining a gnat in Gaza. Doesn't make sense to me. Does it make sense to anyone else? Why is the UN only concerned with Palestinians and bringing one ridiculous charge against Israel after another (baseless charges ) why hasn't anyone confronted them about this? What is going on here? All very important questions. I'd like some answers.

rubbish jeremiah

largest group of refugees since world war 2 was 15 million displaced germans in 1945

followed by at least 10 million displaced Indians and pakistanis in 1947

Palestinian refugees a mere one million so they don't count, or what?

too few to be important to you?

what kinda logic is that?

I was happy when south sudan became independent

but now one tribe is fighting the other within south sudan and the corruption runs into billions so I am less happy for you

true the arabs misuse the UN to distract from their own crimes which are often worse than israel

and you are doing exactly the same

why not support all refugees equally

otherwise you are bein racist aint you

and why are you wastin time here and not helpin your own people

do you have nothing better to do for your fellow south Sudanese???
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Israel isn't keeping anyone hostage - the arabs are keeping their own people in that refugee situation because they said it is their plan to drive Israelis into the Med Sea.

The Sudanese former slave is letting you know what a "real victim" looks like Kvetch! These arabs are victims of no one but their own people! Wake the heck up! - Jeri
The man's speech is about Israel and Palestine. I guess the "good Christian woman" is not concerned with her fellow Christians because the Jews are not involved and it is her friends who murdered two millions Christians in the Sudan.

Sherri, I wish you'd read his speech. He explains that:

By exaggerating Palestinian suffering, and by blaming the Jews for it, the UN has muffled the cries of those who suffer on a far larger scale.

For over fifty years the indigenous black population of Sudan — Christians and Muslims alike — has been the victims of the brutal, racist Arab Muslim regimes in Khartoum.

In South Sudan, my homeland, about 4 million innocent men, women and children were slaughtered from 1955 to 2005. Seven million were ethnically cleansed and they became the largest refugee group since World War II.

So four million people murdered and Seven million people forced into refugee camps under horrific conditions, Sherri. Who did it? They were murdered by racist arab Muslim regimes in Khartoum and the only thing the UN can focus on is Palestine? Why? There is no genocide in Gaza or anywhere else. Never has been. Your people over there are overweight. No one is starving to death. No one is being raped by IDF soldiers, no one is being abused by IDF or any Israelis. What have any of you to complain over? Look at Darfur! There is no comparison! The UN are purposely turning a blind eye to genocide of huge proportions while straining a gnat in Gaza. Doesn't make sense to me. Does it make sense to anyone else? Why is the UN only concerned with Palestinians and bringing one ridiculous charge against Israel after another (baseless charges ) why hasn't anyone confronted them about this? What is going on here? All very important questions. I'd like some answers.

rubbish jeremiah

largest group of refugees since world war 2 was 15 million displaced germans in 1945followed by at least 10 million displaced Indians and pakistanis in 1947

Palestinian refugees a mere one million so they don't count, or what?

too few to be important to you?

what kinda logic is that?

I was happy when south sudan became independent

but now one tribe is fighting the other within south sudan and the corruption runs into billions so I am less happy for you

true the arabs misuse the UN to distract from their own crimes which are often worse than israel

and you are doing exactly the same

why not support all refugees equally

otherwise you are bein racist aint you

and why are you wastin time here and not helpin your own people

do you have nothing better to do for your fellow south Sudanese???

Displaced Germans...........Displaced because of WWII as they were defeated.

Displaced in Pakistan and India..........Displaced because of RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. AKA Pakistan is Muslim and India Buddhism. The line between the countries is a LINE SEPARATING TWO DIFFERENT IDEOLOGIES. Remember Ghandi?

The Arabs were displaced by WAR as well. The Arab Nations told them to leave while they destroyed the newly formed ISRAEL. So about 750,000 of them moved out of the War Zone to wait their return after the Jews were destroyed. PROBLEM. The ARAB NATIONS LOST THE WAR. And EVERY WAR WITH ISRAEL SINCE.


Why didn't Jordan take them in? Why not Syria? Because they USE THEM AS CANNON FODDER FOR THEIR CAUSE, and for the PROPOGANDA ON THIS THREAD.

In 1967, Israel took GAZA, West Bank and the Sinai, AFTER BEING ATTACKED. They could have JUST KEPT THE LAND TAKEN AFTER BEING ATTACKED, BUT DIDN'T. They allowed them to stay, and GAVE LAND BACK only to be attacked from the same areas again.

Anyway, there will be no PEACE THERE.
Sudan - a remarkable address to the recent "Durban Conference" in New York


These are the words of Simon Deng, once a Sudanese slave. He is addressing the Durban Conference in NY, in 2011

"The UN has itself become a tool against Israel. For over 50 years, 82 percent of the UN General Assembly emergency meetings have been about condemning one state - Israel.

Is Israel a racist state? To my people, the people who know racism – the answer is absolutely not. Israel is a state of people who are the colors of the rainbow. Jews themselves come in all colors, even black. I met with Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Beautiful black Jews. So, yes … I came here today to tell you that the people who suffer most from the UN anti-Israel policy are not the Israelis but all those people who the UN ignores in order to tell its big lie against Israel: we, the victims of Arab/Muslim abuse: women, ethnic minorities, religious minorities, homosexuals, in the Arab/Muslim world."

Simon Deng, Former Sudanese Slave: Calling Israel a racist state is absurd and immoral.

Post edited for fair use, deletion of dead link and addition of valid link.

The Blacks in Sudan should lie and say they are Palestinian, so they will be flooded with cash from the West and Gulf countries, arms from various Militant groups and the UN demanding that Sudan give them their own country.
this is neither about darfur or sudan or whatever.

Oh yes it is, Mister. Yes, it is. It has EVERYTHING as in EVERYTHING to do with Israel and Palestine!

The speech in the OP is all about what a man suffered in Sudan and his personal opinion about what is happening in Israel. We all have our own personal struggles in our lives and our personal opinions about Israel and Palestine and what is happening there and opinions about the UN. He certainly has the right to his opinion, as we all do, but all we have in that speech is the opinion of a man. This man is not an attorney and he has no expertise in intl law. He was a slave and a swimmer in Sudan and he now is a lifeguard at Coney Island. Words from him about occupations and apartheid and genocide and the UN are not particularly persuasive to me.
If you're a lawyer I hope you never are elected to the bench. What a miscarriage of justice that would be.
Oh yes it is, Mister. Yes, it is. It has EVERYTHING as in EVERYTHING to do with Israel and Palestine!

The speech in the OP is all about what a man suffered in Sudan and his personal opinion about what is happening in Israel. We all have our own personal struggles in our lives and our personal opinions about Israel and Palestine and what is happening there and opinions about the UN. He certainly has the right to his opinion, as we all do, but all we have in that speech is the opinion of a man. This man is not an attorney and he has no expertise in intl law. He was a slave and a swimmer in Sudan and he now is a lifeguard at Coney Island. Words from him about occupations and apartheid and genocide and the UN are not particularly persuasive to me.
If you're a lawyer I hope you never are elected to the bench. What a miscarriage of justice that would be.

It certainly would be.
One other point. Since Sherri doesn't think this one mans opinion is OF VALUE AT ALL, IS RADICAL ISLAM AT THE ROOT OF ALOT OF THE CONFLICTS IN AFRICA.


We all know it has been going on there. BUT IT'S UNIMPORTANT AS WE MUST CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR EXISTING.


What is happening or has happened in Africa has nothing to do with what is happening in Israel/Palestine. All that was behind the speech in the OP was a desire of Zionists to divert attention away from Israels human rights abuses in Palestine. And it was a colossal failure.
Three posters in a row showing people how to divert attention away from Islamic terrorism when they know Mr. Deng's testimony is the issue.

A technique of propaganda called "turnspeak"
I just put up a story about a Gaza Pregnant woman 25 yrs old who was beaten to death by her own in laws. That one is in your own backyard, Sherri. Dig in. I'm waiting. - Jeri
I just put up a story about a Gaza Pregnant woman 25 yrs old who was beaten to death by her own in laws. That one is in your own backyard, Sherri. Dig in. I'm waiting. - Jeri

I do not live in Gaza, and I dont blame Muslims worldwide for one act of violence by a Muslim somewhere in the world.
I thought this thread was about Gaza, Sherri. Now suddenly it is about you living in the USA? Oh I think you can manage a comment here on who exactly is behind oppressing these people. Starting with their own households perhaps? Ya think?
Israel isn't keeping anyone hostage - the arabs are keeping their own people in that refugee situation because they said it is their plan to drive Israelis into the Med Sea.

The Sudanese former slave is letting you know what a "real victim" looks like Kvetch! These arabs are victims of no one but their own people! Wake the heck up! - Jeri

I hate the Khartoum Govt and all Arab Govts with a passion

I also hate islam, which is based closely on Judaism, and most but not all of Christianity

Yes the slaves in south sudan and the dafur refugees are victims purely of arabs and no one else.

How did the jeremiah in the bible help his people? Do you know?

By loudly criticising the rulers of the jewish kingdom and telling them that if they did not mend their ways, destruction and doom would follow

And he was absolutely right.

read the book of jeremiah if you don't believe me

the situation is much the same now as it was then.

I am in the tradition of the old jeremiah

you are a slave of modern Zionism which is a threat to the jewish people, including me

does that answer your question?

I had no idea you were south Sudanese

You talk like a rather ill informed American

How could you not know that Rwanda had nothing to do with islam

Some of the worst genocidal leaders were Christian priests

Stlill my attitude to you has changed knowing where you come from
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I don't understand you, Sherri. You are a mystery to me. - Jeremiah

None of us see our world or God from the same place, the same perspective. He gives each of us our very own passions and burdens, and what they are change throughout our lives. There was a time when all I could talk about was what was happening in Darfur, there was a time when all I could think or talk about was what was happening in the Congo, there was a time when all I could think about was what was happening in Lebanon, there was a time when all I could think about was prisoners in Irans prisons, and there is a time when my burden and passion is what Palestinians living under Occupation in Palestine are suffering. That man who made a speech in the OP, his burden is what the people suffering in Sudan are enduring. My burden is what Palestinians are suffering. Sherri
I don't understand you, Sherri. You are a mystery to me. - Jeremiah

None of us see our world or God from the same place, the same perspective. He gives each of us our very own passions and burdens, and what they are change throughout our lives. There was a time when all I could talk about was what was happening in Darfur, there was a time when all I could think or talk about was what was happening in the Congo, there was a time when all I could think about was what was happening in Lebanon, there was a time when all I could think about was prisoners in Irans prisons, and there is a time when my burden and passion is what Palestinians living under Occupation in Palestine are suffering. That man who made a speech in the OP, his burden is what the people suffering in Sudan are enduring. My burden is what Palestinians are suffering. Sherri

why the pals, sherri?

you are married to an Iranian I think?

what about the palestinians so grips you?

iran surely is closer to home for you, aint it?

I'm jewish so that's why I am here

But I wanna live in India because I think it is by far the loveliest place in the world NOT ruined by one or other of the Abrahamic poison faiths

even the muslims here are nice, mostly and so are the Christians too, because everyone here is brought up to respect other gods and faiths, and that respect is real and not skin deep

the jews all left for Israel long ago even tho they had no problems in india

bet they regret it now
I don't understand you, Sherri. You are a mystery to me. - Jeremiah

None of us see our world or God from the same place, the same perspective. He gives each of us our very own passions and burdens, and what they are change throughout our lives. There was a time when all I could talk about was what was happening in Darfur, there was a time when all I could think or talk about was what was happening in the Congo, there was a time when all I could think about was what was happening in Lebanon, there was a time when all I could think about was prisoners in Irans prisons, and there is a time when my burden and passion is what Palestinians living under Occupation in Palestine are suffering. That man who made a speech in the OP, his burden is what the people suffering in Sudan are enduring. My burden is what Palestinians are suffering. Sherri

why the pals, sherri?

you are married to an Iranian I think?

what about the palestinians so grips you?

iran surely is closer to home for you, aint it?

I'm jewish so that's why I am here

But I wanna live in India because I think it is by far the loveliest place in the world NOT ruined by one or other of the Abrahamic poison faiths

even the muslims here are nice, mostly and so are the Christians too, because everyone here is brought up to respect other gods and faiths, and that respect is real and not skin deep

the jews all left for Israel long ago even tho they had no problems in india

bet they regret it now

I thought I made my point in my post, I see it all as a God thing, my burdens and passions for people. No idea where tomorrow will take me, I just try to follow where Jesus leads me, that is first and foremost what matters to me. Perhaps, the man in the OP, speaking of human rights abuses in Sudan is what God is calling him to do. But I think he became sidetracked when he tried to bring Israel into what is happening in Sudan. I have no negative feelings towards him, we can all be led astray, better to feel compassion over his past and present suffering and pray for him to find healthy and constructive ways to confront continuing difficulties faced by his people in Sudan. It is not easy to always clearly see what actions are called for to confront Injustices we have a burden for. Sherri
One wonders why the 'pacifist humanitarian' poster can't be bothered to remember 'the man's name.

Well, it's not all that important, I suppose, that his name is Simon Deng - we might just as well refer to him as 'the Darfur Gandhi' : ))
None of us see our world or God from the same place, the same perspective. He gives each of us our very own passions and burdens, and what they are change throughout our lives. There was a time when all I could talk about was what was happening in Darfur, there was a time when all I could think or talk about was what was happening in the Congo, there was a time when all I could think about was what was happening in Lebanon, there was a time when all I could think about was prisoners in Irans prisons, and there is a time when my burden and passion is what Palestinians living under Occupation in Palestine are suffering. That man who made a speech in the OP, his burden is what the people suffering in Sudan are enduring. My burden is what Palestinians are suffering. Sherri

why the pals, sherri?

you are married to an Iranian I think?

what about the palestinians so grips you?

iran surely is closer to home for you, aint it?

I'm jewish so that's why I am here

But I wanna live in India because I think it is by far the loveliest place in the world NOT ruined by one or other of the Abrahamic poison faiths

even the muslims here are nice, mostly and so are the Christians too, because everyone here is brought up to respect other gods and faiths, and that respect is real and not skin deep

the jews all left for Israel long ago even tho they had no problems in india

bet they regret it now

I thought I made my point in my post, I see it all as a God thing, my burdens and passions for people. No idea where tomorrow will take me, I just try to follow where Jesus leads me, that is first and foremost what matters to me. Perhaps, the man in the OP, speaking of human rights abuses in Sudan is what God is calling him to do. But I think he became sidetracked when he tried to bring Israel into what is happening in Sudan. I have no negative feelings towards him, we can all be led astray, better to feel compassion over his past and present suffering and pray for him to find healthy and constructive ways to confront continuing difficulties faced by his people in Sudan. It is not easy to always clearly see what actions are called for to confront Injustices we have a burden for. Sherri

That is very altruistic of you, Sherri, but where is your compassion for the Israeli people who are suffering?
why the pals, sherri?

you are married to an Iranian I think?

what about the palestinians so grips you?

iran surely is closer to home for you, aint it?

I'm jewish so that's why I am here

But I wanna live in India because I think it is by far the loveliest place in the world NOT ruined by one or other of tnhe Abrahamic poison faiths

even the muslims here are nice, mostly and so are the Christians too, because everyone here is brought up to respect other gods and faiths, and that respect is real and not skin deep

the jews all left for Israel long ago even tho they had no problems in india

bet they regret it now

I thought I made my point in my post, I see it all as a God thing, my burdens and passions for people. No idea where tomorrow will take me, I just try to follow where Jesus leads me, that is first and foremost what matters to me. Perhaps, the man in the OP, speaking of human rights abuses in Sudan is what God is calling him to do. But I think he became sidetracked when he tried to bring Israel into what is happening in Sudan. I have no negative feelings towards him, we can all be led astray, better to feel compassion over his past and present suffering and pray for him to find healthy and constructive ways to confront continuing difficulties faced by his people in Sudan. It is not easy to always clearly see what actions are called for to confront Injustices we have a burden for. Sherri

That is very altruistic of you, Sherri, but where is your compassion for the Israeli people who are suffering?

We have special burdens for those God gives us burdens for. But I do not close my eyes to children attacked by either side. Last 5 yrs, close to 500 kids were killed by Israel and 1 kid killed by Hamas. I feel for all of these kids, I can even tell you how that Israeli kid died, on a bus, killed by a rocket, and his age, 16. I know more about that 1 boy then I know about most of those close to 500 Palestinian children Israel killed.

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