Sudden Silence From All Those Biden/Afghanistan Defenders

Because you are still conflating the decision to get out and the plan to evacuate the remaining 2500 troops. When for whatever reason Trump ordered the complete evacuation by Jan 15, three and a half month early, he flip-flopped when the Military objected and agreed to that minimal number and passed the whole situation on without a plan for the final pull out of our 2500 troop and other allies. He left the hard decision to his better. and his better made the hard decision to get us out.
So you are claiming Donald Trump said something should happen, whether it made sense or not,
and therefore suddenly Joe Biden's hands were tied because, of course, he could never overrule and
change whatever plans Trump had the Keystone Pipeline, for instance.
Keystone pipeline canceled after Biden had permit blocked

SO Joe Biden over ruled his own generals and sided with Donald Trump's plans for some reason.
Even though that made no sense, especially when Biden was not going to phase out our presence
in Afghanistan as Trump wanted and instead just pull the Afghan rug out from under everybody's feet.

Feel free to continue to make your asinine arguments. I don't mind seeing them. Really!
I really wonder what nimrods postulated the entire afghan army would not vanish when a pull out of the last 2500 commenced. The Generals were not wrong that a total withdrawl would be a victory for the Taliban, but that's precisely what Trump negotiated with the Taliban .... And most of us agreed.
Exactly, as our last troops pulled out of a province the Taliban took over, many times without a fight. It was not a surprise that they would try to move in. What surprised the Generals was the rapid collapse or just melting away of the Army.
Well speaking of taking care of the Army we left behind, the Surrender Accords called for the complete evacuation of the US trained Technicians who maintained their US made equipment. What deal maker!

Uniformed as ever. Of course they advised him that they could most defiantly take the entire country back from the Taliban, with enough bodies. He told them no. Then the told them to get him some workable plans to get us out. It was either that or go back to combat when the truce expired. Nobody wanted that.
Just like nobody wanted Biden to simply leave overnight and leave all our stuff behind. People included?
So you are claiming Donald Trump said something should happen, whether it made sense or not,
and therefore suddenly Joe Biden's hands were tied because, of course, he could never overrule and
change whatever plans Trump had made

The Doha Accord were not the Don saying something or making an EO, or even making a proclamation by tweet. He took action based on those accords that effected our military posture significantly. Furthermore he reduced our troop capacity 70% below the level he negotiated a mere week before he left office.

As CiC of the Worlds premiere military his hand were not tied. But it would have been very hard to go back to war, to justify the casualties, for a propped up country that was falling apart.
Exactly, as our last troops pulled out of a province the Taliban took over, many times without a fight. It was not a surprise that they would try to move in. What surprised the Generals was the rapid collapse or just melting away of the Army.
I"m not sure they were surprised. But they were tasked with a mission (supported by two presidents and the maj of Americans) that they didn't like. And prior to the actual pullout Biden was being fed "intelligence" that the collapse would not be so fast. I cannot imagine any reason any intelligent person would believe that. Biden should have been told, and some civilian in his staff should have sussed it out if he wasn't told, that any American wanting to leave should have been told to get out weeks before. But then, the DOS gave Americans months of warning to get out. And that's why, imo, if Trump had been potus when the inevitable occurred, we'd simply have a different set of critics. But then, as you noted, Trump didn't have the balls, and left it to Biden.
I know you are regularly exposed as low life lying scum, but are you now denying that the Democrats left all of the above to the savages???

Speak up, dunce.
When the Trumpybear dropped the troop level to 2500 was the plan to deny our allies in the Afghan Army the weapons necessary to fight for their country? Funding for the Afghan War and to equip and train their Army was bipartisan.
How could he? The Trump had already given away the kitchen. In fact, he cut the troop level a further 70% below the level he negotiated and left the US with just 2500 troops. Sure with about 20 to 25 thousand fresh bodies we could have started to take it all back. But that would mean combat not just radon suicide bombers.

Civilians have been caught in the middle of our ever increasing use of drones to remotely attack our suspected enemies. Every president since Clinton has increased their use and subsequently have increase the number of civilian causalities. One of the terrible lessons this 20 year occupation should teach us.
Explain why your Dear Leader Xiden ignored any and all things Trump did and got 13 Americans killed, then murdered a bunch of children and a worker who aided American forces in “retaliation”. And you are not allowed to pathetically deflect to Trump.
Explain why your Dear Leader Xiden ignored any and all things Trump

There was one thing of value that wasn't a gift to the Taliban that Trumpybear left behind for the US Military. That was the truce with the Taliban. President Biden did not ignore that at all, in fact he got the Taliban to extend it till we left.

Kabul had been rocked buy several ISIS suicide bombing during the Accord period but use to be we rallied behind our President after our troops were kill by terrorist, but not anymore. As far as our response it was par for the course. Civilians have paid the highest price in the never ending WOT by remote control.
Exactly, as our last troops pulled out of a province the Taliban took over, many times without a fight. It was not a surprise that they would try to move in. What surprised the Generals was the rapid collapse or just melting away of the Army.

They're really simple questions.
Why hide, every reader knows both the aswers and your fear of answering.

Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???

And.....exactly when did you become the low-life scummy liar that readers recognize????
They're really simple questions.
They were. Thank for your answers again. Spite and revenge were the main reasons why Benedict Donald drastically cut our troop strength a week before he left office. After of course flip-flopping on his order to completely withdraw.
They were. Thank for your answers again. Spite and revenge were the main reasons why Benedict Donald drastically cut our troop strength a week before he left office. After of course flip-flopping on his order to completely withdraw.

And you can't answer......why?
And you can't answer......why?
Already did you just don't like the answers.

Sure Joe and the Military were hamstrung by Benedict Donald's Lame Duck withdrawals, but Joe stuck to his commitment and made the most rational decision to get out under the truce and not go back to war. We'll never know how many lives going back to war would have cost but I imagine it would be well over 13 by now.
Already did you just don't like the answers.

Sure Joe and the Military were hamstrung by Benedict Donald's Lame Duck withdrawals, but Joe stuck to his commitment and made the most rational decision to get out under the truce and not go back to war. We'll never know how many lives going back to war would have cost but I imagine it would be well over 13 by now.

No, you didn't.

How about you simply answer under each question.

They're really simple questions.
Why hide, every reader knows both the aswers and your fear of answering.

Who was President for the debacle???

And.....did the sitting President have any obligation to follow a plan by the preceding President?

Why did Biden screw it up so badly???

Why do you vote for failure and injury to America???

And.....exactly when did you become the low-life scummy liar that readers recognize????
I care less what the polls say. I've been arguing to get out for 19 years.

Getting out is fine, but it needed to be done in a much more orderly and less rewarding way to the Taliban. Any moron could have done what Biden did. He essentially picked up the phone and said we are leaving on x day. Get out. He had absolutely no insight as to the repercussions of such a withdrawal. We have yet to see all the damage he did by essentially giving the Taliban billions of dollars in the form of rare metals they will sell to China. Maybe a Republican will get elected and numbskull Democrats can blame the next Taliban terrorist attack on him/her.
Getting out is fine, but it needed to be done in a much more orderly and less rewarding way to the Taliban. Any moron could have done what Biden did. He essentially picked up the phone and said we are leaving on x day. Get out. He had absolutely no insight as to the repercussions of such a withdrawal. We have yet to see all the damage he did by essentially giving the Taliban billions of dollars in the form of rare metals they will sell to China. Maybe a Republican will get elected and numbskull Democrats can blame the next Taliban terrorist attack on him/her.

If anyone moron could have done it, Trump, Bush or Obama should have. Not a one of them had the balls to do it.

You can't just pick up and leave a country after 20 years without making a mess. Any metals were not ours to give or take.
Some day, you might mature enough to realize screaming "Nazi" and "Communist" doesn't constitute debate.
Some day, you might mature enough to realize Communism has failed everywhere it's been tried, and no, it won't work here with you in charge.
Dave, Biden should certain do more to combat civilian causalities in our remote death machine.

But he learned from the best at drone-striking children: Obama.
If anyone moron could have done it, Trump, Bush or Obama should have. Not a one of them had the balls to do it.

You can't just pick up and leave a country after 20 years without making a mess. Any metals were not ours to give or take.

Wrong. Those other guys weren't morons like Biden. I had nothing to do with "balls" but with pure ignorance on his part.

We most certainly could have gotten out without leaving them with our equipment. We could have destroyed all of it for that matter as opposed to leaving it with them. There are many, many things we could have done.

Biden is an idiot and anyone that can't see that is even a bigger one. His debacle in Afghanistan is just one of many ill-conceived things he has done thus far.

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