Suffering Succotash


Sep 23, 2010

The Left Coast wants to give teacher more money:


Daffy Duck with lots of gold

MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS: California Mulls Exempting Teachers From Income Tax
Eric Owens
Education Editor
1:11 AM 03/14/2017

MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS: California Mulls Exempting Teachers From Income Tax

The other coast wants to make teachers dumber:

New York to eliminate literacy test for teachers in order to be more diverse
Brandon Morse

New York to eliminate literacy test for teachers in order to be more diverse

Presumably, they will meet in the middle. Richer and Dumber.

The Left Coast wants to give teacher more money:


Daffy Duck with lots of gold

MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS: California Mulls Exempting Teachers From Income Tax
Eric Owens
Education Editor
1:11 AM 03/14/2017

MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS: California Mulls Exempting Teachers From Income Tax

The other coast wants to make teachers dumber:

New York to eliminate literacy test for teachers in order to be more diverse
Brandon Morse

New York to eliminate literacy test for teachers in order to be more diverse

Presumably, they will meet in the middle. Richer and Dumber.

Dear Flanders: Dennis Miller has a bit
about there being too many lawyers and not enough teachers. So apply the rule of supply and demand. Exchange their salaries and pay teachers what lawyers get, and lawyers what teachers get. Voila problem solved!

Seriously the key is to reduce the ratio and increase the number of police and teachers per population so there are direct/accountable relationships. When people know each other, and can hire and fire who they want, then there is accountability instead of hiding behind bureaucracy as a buffer.
Teachers could be paid more if we got rid of tenure and based their pay on the free market.
The free market is no solution for the teaching profession. There is no harm in granting tenure to teachers of good character and commitment to a particular school. Granting a degree of stability in the profession is fair.
Teachers could be paid more if we got rid of tenure and based their pay on the free market.
The free market is no solution for the teaching profession. There is no harm in granting tenure to teachers of good character and commitment to a particular school. Granting a degree of stability in the profession is fair.

Really? Because my cousin who got his Ph.D. from UCLA had to leave California and go back to South Korea to get paid a good teaching salary. If teachers want good pay, they have to get rid of these:

Teachers could be paid more if we got rid of tenure and based their pay on the free market.
The free market is no solution for the teaching profession. There is no harm in granting tenure to teachers of good character and commitment to a particular school. Granting a degree of stability in the profession is fair.

Really? Because my cousin who got his Ph.D. from UCLA had to leave California and go back to South Korea to get paid a good teaching salary. If teachers want good pay ...
You just proved my point.
Teachers could be paid more if we got rid of tenure and based their pay on the free market.
The free market is no solution for the teaching profession. There is no harm in granting tenure to teachers of good character and commitment to a particular school. Granting a degree of stability in the profession is fair.

Really? Because my cousin who got his Ph.D. from UCLA had to leave California and go back to South Korea to get paid a good teaching salary. If teachers want good pay ...
You just proved my point.

And you just took mine out of context.
Not sure what teachers make nowadays, but historically it has not been a killing.
To Marion Morrison: It is quite a bit when you program in the benefits: lucrative pensions at a younger age; hence, collected for more years, days worked, etc.

The average salary for public school teachers in California is $69,324, according to

This amount is notably higher than California’s $61,818 median household income.

The average starting salary for California teachers is $41,259.​

MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS: California Mulls Exempting Teachers From Income Tax

A few years ago I read that the University of California (10 campuses) had 50 billion dollars in its pension fund alone. Most of that money came from tax dollars, and that’s just one university. Yet teachers’ unions expect taxpayers to bailout their pension plans in trouble. Years ago I suggested that higher education use the enormous amount of money in their pension funds to bailout the troubled pension funds of their union brothers and sisters instead of asking taxpayers for more.​

The Wealth Of An Empire
No-one goes into teaching for the money.
To Eloy: That is exactly why they go into teaching.
Exchange their salaries and pay teachers what lawyers get, and lawyers what teachers get.
To Emilynghiem: Both professions feed at the public trough. Lawyers have been at it for thousands of years: so they are naturally richer:

all lawyers work for the government because all lawyers do their work for the courts even if they never see the inside of a courtroom.

Lawyers double-dip by complicating the law in order to generate income for their profession. Cynics claim that lawyers built the public feed tub to sate themselves. Others claim that lawyering is the oldest profession and that is why they are so adept at acquiring a nation’s wealth. Lawyers have definitely been feeding at the public trough longer than any other profession.​

Lou Dobbs Guilty Of Blasphemy

As bad as lawyers are, teachers are not far behind:

1. Teachers’ unions are education. Whatever union officials believe passes for education.

2. The education industry has no taxation authority in the Constitution, yet it absorbs more tax dollars than any other government expenditure including the military.

3. The education industry spends tax dollars to finance an ideology most Americans abhor.

4. The education industry created a welfare state that benefits millions in the industry in addition to teachers.

5. The education industry is the political, intellectual, and economic force driving Socialism/Communism.

6. The education industry is the major philosophical force behind open-borders

7. The education industry gets billions every year to indoctrinate illegal aliens.

8. The education industry’s propaganda apparatus is committed to indoctrinating children into the joys of Socialism, multiculturalism, and collectivism.

The worst part is that teachers destroyed many more generations of children than they ever helped:

Last but not least, the real job of primary education is to first break children to the will of the government. Teaching the three R’s is relatively simple; implanting organizational skills in a youngster is much more difficult. Those who best learn the required institutional skills do very well for themselves; especially at the public feed tub under the our system of government control.​

The Wealth Of An Empire
Teachers could be paid more if we got rid of tenure and based their pay on the free market.
To AsianTrumpSupporter: First get rid of the teachers’ unions.

Incidentally, teachers brainwashing children into the joys of collectivism destroyed a helluva lot more children than they ever educated.

There are two popular held views of teachers. One is Mr. Chipping —— the other is Ichabod Crane. I always leaned towards a little-known third view. Teachers no longer beat children, but they do just as much damage with a Socialist stick:

To Eloy: That is exactly why they go into teaching.
I was a teacher and neither I nor any of my colleagues were rich. With two master's degrees and several teaching certificates and after sixteen years of teaching, I was earning $40,000 per annum.

I do not know what Donald Trump earned for his years as a real estate entrepreneur or what he paid in income tax but I would not trade one semester for the earnings of ten years property trading.
I was a teacher and neither I nor any of my colleagues were rich.
To Eloy: As an admitted teacher can I assume you and your colleagues consider this terrible man a hero:


John Dewey: Bosom Serpent of American Education
Kelly OConnell Sunday, February 24, 2013

John Dewey: Bosom Serpent of American Education
With two master's degrees and several teaching certificates and after sixteen years of teaching, I was earning $40,000 per annum.
To Eloy: Many professions require teaching degrees. The question is: Why do teaching degrees entitle teachers to tax dollars? Answer: Major and minor political parties cater to, as well as fear, the teachers’ unions because the Ministry of Propaganda is squarely on the side of teachers.

Author to Newsmax: Obama Is First ‘Union-Label’ President
Monday, August 20, 2012 09:04 PM
By: Todd Beamon and John Bachman

Author to Newsmax: Obama Is First ‘Union-Label’ President
I do not know what Donald Trump earned for his years as a real estate entrepreneur or what he paid in income tax but I would not trade one semester for the earnings of ten years property trading.
To Eloy: Nobody forces children to believe Trump’s philosophy. Indeed, teaching is the only profession that was handed the power of government.

I well-realize that most rank & file teachers are probably not Socialists, but the political clout exercised by the teaching profession is clearly oriented towards totalitarian government as designed by social engineer John Dewey. His philosophy dominates the NEA, the Dept of Education, and the AFT.

Teachers are no different than any employee working for a company that produces goods or services they personally hate. It is awfully difficult to walk away from a nice income with the best medical and pension plans.​

NOTE: There is no shortage of mean spirited Socialists in teaching who just love breaking children to collectivism.

Parenthetically, the poor are never going to live as well Socialists/Communists in government live even if they work harder because the poor do not have the institutional skills necessary to acquire sufficient income in a Socialist institution anymore than they have the skills required to gather enough of the wherewithal in any other institutional climate. When you take individual liberty, mainly expressed through freedom of choice, away from everyone as Socialism does, the poor have absolutely nothing left except Communistic Democratic party good intentions standing over them with a club in hand.

Education is unquestionably the best way to rise above poverty, but teaching the three R’s is not the purpose of a Socialist/Communist education in the United States; paying off the teachers’ unions to institutionalize the young is the real deal.

The American education establishment is only interested in identifying and rewarding those children whose personalities are compatible with Socialism. Such children are pushed forward and given material rewards after they complete their education and are deemed to be loyal Socialists —— they are welcomed to feast at the public trough. If education continues down the same road it has been traveling on since the FDR years, it is inevitable that one day soon this country will be governed by a handful of teacher’s pets. Won’t it be a wonderful country then?

As for the undeserving: They are simply given obedience training that passes for education. There is no help available for those youngsters who simply do not do well, or even belong, in an institutional setting. Such kids and American education contradict each other. The only thing that will help those youngsters in life is to teach them how to avoid being exploited by institutional types —— and that will never be taught by the government.

It is because of those kids that failing grades are taboo. Socialism/Communism itself cannot be associated with failure of any kind in the public’s mind. If a few million kids are given failing grades every year in spite of the billions of dollars spent on teaching the three R’s, opponents of the current education system would then point to solid numbers and ask “Why?” Whenever Department of Education defenders admit in doublespeak that a few kids do “fall between the cracks,” they mean that those kids just won’t be broken to the Socialist/Communist institutional bit. When funding time rolls around like clockwork, the media never reports that it has to be one big-ass crack if so many kids keep falling through it every year.

In the modern world, as well as in mediaeval times, every religion that ever controlled a government behaved in the exactly same way insofar as the children are concerned. Religion always boils down to indoctrinating the young. The leaders of Islam’s radical organizations were children once, and I’ll wager they were Islam’s most adept pupils for all the wrong reasons.

In the same vain, the Roman Catholic Church always said, “Give me the child at six and I will have it for life.” The Communist/Socialist religion is not as good as Catholicism, or any traditional religion’s priesthood held in check for that matter; so Communists must get their hands on kids at an even younger age in order to get a head start on their competitors. And that’s not the worst of it. With all of this talk about even more funding for higher education, we can see that the Socialists want to keep their neophytes in indoctrination centers until they are old enough to collect Social Security. It all goes to show what a lousy religion Socialism/Communism really is; it has to get ‘em younger and keep ‘em longer just to get the job done properly.

Leading Democrats and Republicans not only conspired in supporting Communist/Socialist indoctrination centers with lots of money, they ordered the media to spin their skullduggery into a positive score for bipartisan deceit. However, one thing does become clearer with each bipartisan vote on education and that is this: There are three kinds of sneaks —— sneaks, filthy sneaks, and legislators. It really drives me crazy trying to figure out why everyone elected to federal office thinks their office grants them a license to be a sneak? Or does high office attract those characters who are sneaks to begin with?

For those people who say “Communism in the United States is not that big of a threat,” I can only reply “No religion should exercise governmental powers, no matter how slight those powers might be.” If Socialism’s religious evolution to full-blown Communism in the United States is not frustrated before much more time goes by, it will soon have the power it requires to drop any pretense of government by and for “all of the people.” Once Communists/Socialists are in position, they will govern in the same way religious fanatics always govern. They will control and punish the heretics [It has already started with home schoolers] while they reward and pardon the faithful. If enough non-Communist Americans finally come to understand they are being taxed into supporting and promoting a religion that is not their religion, there might still be a chance to turn the US around. Unfortunately, support for Bernie Sanders shows that each year more young people are accepting Socialist/Communist doctrine as shining truth without realizing what’s happening to them.​

For those people who say “Communism in the United States is not that big of a threat,”

The leftist hordes of a communist political culture are on the march around the globe,


Campuses have become bastions of leftism and anti-Americanism

Campuses have become bastions of leftism and anti-Americanism. According to David Horowitz, the schools of education are now training teachers for social justice in every major. “An entire series of texts designed for teacher instruction and published by Columbia Teachers College is devoted to ‘teaching social justice’ in mathematics and other unlikely subjects. Its editor is Obama collaborator and unrepentant terrorist William Ayers.” (David Horowitz, “Big Agenda,” p. 117)​

#Resist, a Global Commie Totalitarian Movement
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
March 14, 2017

#Resist, a Global Commie Totalitarian Movement
I can only add that today’s teachers are Eric Hoffer’s true believers:

The True Believer (1951)
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for the lost faith in ourselves.

The True Believer: Thoughts On The Nature Of Mass Movements (1951)

For though ours is a godless age, it is the very opposite of irreligious. The true believer is everywhere on the march, and both by converting and antagonizing he is shaping the world in his own image. And whether we are to line up with him or against him, it is well that we should know all we can concerning his nature and potentialities.​


It is startling to realize how much unbelief is necessary to make belief possible. What we know as blind faith is sustained by innumerable unbeliefs.


Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a God, but never without belief in a devil.

Eric Hoffer - Wikiquote

The Left Coast wants to give teacher more money:


Daffy Duck with lots of gold

MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS: California Mulls Exempting Teachers From Income Tax
Eric Owens
Education Editor
1:11 AM 03/14/2017

MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS: California Mulls Exempting Teachers From Income Tax

The other coast wants to make teachers dumber:

New York to eliminate literacy test for teachers in order to be more diverse
Brandon Morse

New York to eliminate literacy test for teachers in order to be more diverse

Presumably, they will meet in the middle. Richer and Dumber.

It's a start.
Anyone that gets a salary from taxpayer dollars should have a union.

No government workers should have unions, ever.

It's simply counterintuitive, and counterproductive.
No government workers should have unions, ever.
To Marion Morrison: So said FDR:

The founders of the labor movement viewed unions as a vehicle to get workers more of the profits they help create. Government workers, however, don’t generate profits. They merely negotiate for more tax money. When government unions strike, they strike against taxpayers. F.D.R. considered this “unthinkable and intolerable.”​

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions
James Sherk
Updated July 23, 2014, 4:19 PM

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions -


The emergence of powerful public-sector unions was by no means inevitable. Prior to the 1950s, as labor lawyer Ida Klaus remarked in 1965, "the subject of labor relations in public employment could not have meant less to more people, both in and out of government." To the extent that people thought about it, most politicians, labor leaders, economists, and judges opposed collective bargaining in the public sector. Even President Franklin Roosevelt, a friend of private-sector unionism, drew a line when it came to government workers: "Meticulous attention," the president insisted in 1937, "should be paid to the special relations and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the Government....The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service." The reason? F.D.R. believed that "[a] strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to obstruct the operations of government until their demands are satisfied. Such action looking toward the paralysis of government by those who have sworn to support it is unthinkable and intolerable." Roosevelt was hardly alone in holding these views, even among the champions of organized labor. Indeed, the first president of the AFL-CIO, George Meany, believed it was "impossible to bargain collectively with the government."​

The Trouble with Public Sector Unions

The Trouble with Public Sector Unions > Publications > National Affairs

Most Americans fail to see that teachers’ unions are PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS.
Dangit, I typed "should" when I meant "shouldn't"

Unions are really no longer necessary in America, period.

There's enough labor laws and bureaus to insure workers get a fair shake.

This is 2017, not 1937.

Flanders, I am glad that's not the part you quoted.

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