Suicide Bomb Teams Sent to U.S.

I asked a rhetorical question. WHy don't you try something novel for you and actually try to answer it or discuss it?

one can only wonder what would have been different if Bush had concentrated on our real enemies in the hills of Afghanistan/Pakistan in 2003 instead of rushing off to invade Iraq, a secular nation that posed little to no threat to us vis a vis Islamic extremists.

Let's discuss whether or not you think that the Taliban would be holding a graduation day in the hills of eastern Afghanistan for suicide bombers if we had trained our military might on THEIR country and kept it there until the Karzai government was really functional and until AQ and the Taliban had indeed been all caught and brought to justice. Let's discuss that. I am not mindlessly Bush bashing. I am posing a legitimate point. Address it please.
I asked a rhetorical question. WHy don't you try something novel for you and actually try to answer it or discuss it?

one can only wonder what would have been different if Bush had concentrated on our real enemies in the hills of Afghanistan/Pakistan in 2003 instead of rushing off to invade Iraq, a secular nation that posed little to no threat to us vis a vis Islamic extremists.

Let's discuss whether or not you think that the Taliban would be holding a graduation day in the hills of eastern Afghanistan for suicide bombers if we had trained our military might on THEIR country and kept it there until the Karzai government was really functional and until AQ and the Taliban had indeed been all caught and brought to justice. Let's discuss that. I am not mindlessly Bush bashing. I am posing a legitimate point. Address it please.

Another rant from the Blame America First crowd
and that is all you are going to say about it? really?

and you expect people to respond when you post questions?

don't hold your breath.
and that is all you are going to say about it? really?

and you expect people to respond when you post questions?

don't hold your breath.

To you and your ilk, America is always to blame, and Pres Bush can never do anything right

While the US is at war with terrorists, you want to surrender and run away
I asked a rhetorical question. WHy don't you try something novel for you and actually try to answer it or discuss it?

one can only wonder what would have been different if Bush had concentrated on our real enemies in the hills of Afghanistan/Pakistan in 2003 instead of rushing off to invade Iraq, a secular nation that posed little to no threat to us vis a vis Islamic extremists.

Let's discuss whether or not you think that the Taliban would be holding a graduation day in the hills of eastern Afghanistan for suicide bombers if we had trained our military might on THEIR country and kept it there until the Karzai government was really functional and until AQ and the Taliban had indeed been all caught and brought to justice. Let's discuss that. I am not mindlessly Bush bashing. I am posing a legitimate point. Address it please.

Another rant from the Blame America First crowd

this reply by RSR would be a classic, textbook example of "ducking and dodging", by the way.:rofl:
this reply by RSR would be a classic, textbook example of "ducking and dodging", by the way.:rofl:

Because I do not blame America for the terroroist attacks is something to be ashamed of?

Keep up the good work MM. Libs like you will put the Dems in the teens in the July 4th poll

Oh, they are already there per Gallup

Sorry see...I made this statement:

Let's discuss whether or not you think that the Taliban would be holding a graduation day in the hills of eastern Afghanistan for suicide bombers if we had trained our military might on THEIR country and kept it there until the Karzai government was really functional and until AQ and the Taliban had indeed been all caught and brought to justice. Let's discuss that. I am not mindlessly Bush bashing. I am posing a legitimate point. Address it please.

and you ducked it and dodged it. It is really all you ever do. see...I made this statement:

Let's discuss whether or not you think that the Taliban would be holding a graduation day in the hills of eastern Afghanistan for suicide bombers if we had trained our military might on THEIR country and kept it there until the Karzai government was really functional and until AQ and the Taliban had indeed been all caught and brought to justice. Let's discuss that. I am not mindlessly Bush bashing. I am posing a legitimate point. Address it please.

and you ducked it and dodged it. It is really all you ever do.

uh huh, you sink deeper into your world of delusion and denial by the day my friend.
more ducking and dodging. can you address my point or not?

If not, I understand completely. I keep hoping that one day you will surprise me.
more ducking and dodging. can you address my point or not?

If not, I understand completely. I keep hoping that one day you will surprise me.

I understand you walk in step with your party - they have a long hsitory of attacking their own country
We all know Clinton did nothing to fight terrorism -

No. It seems as though you are the only person who still makes such a false claim. Hello brick wall. I posted this before you seem to refuse to accept it. Clinton did many things in his attempt to fight terrorism. It is a fact. Did you forget all of those links that I supplied?

Four followers of the Egyptian cleric Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman were captured, convicted of the World Trade Center bombing in March 1994, and sentenced to 240 years in prison each. The purported mastermind of the plot, Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, was captured in 1995, convicted of the bombing in November 1997, and also sentenced to 240 years in prison. One additional suspect fled the U.S. and is believed to be living in Baghdad

… the federal budget on anti-terror activities tripled during Clinton's watch, to about $6.7 billion. After the effort to kill bin Laden with missiles in August 1998 failed — he had apparently left a training camp in Afghanistan a few hours earlier — recent news reports have detailed numerous other instances, as late as December 2000, when Clinton was on the verge of unleashing the military again. In each case, the White House chose not to act because of uncertainty that intelligence was good enough to find bin Laden, and concern that a failed attack would only enhance his stature in the Arab world.

President Clinton also ordered a "terrorism threat assessment of every federal facility in the country," which had "already begun" when, in February 1995, the Clinton Administration introduced a counter-terrorism bill in the Senate (S. 390) and the House of Representatives (H.R. 896). Note: this was before the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Oklahoma City bombing on April 19 that year.

President Clinton's proposals would have expanded pre-trial detention and allowed more federal wiretaps of terrorism suspects, eased deportation of foreigners convicted of crimes, allowed the detention of aliens convicted or suspected of crimes, let the President criminalize fund-raising for terrorism, and revived visa denial provisions to keep dangerous people out of the US.

Beginning on Aug. 7, 1998, the day that al Qaeda destroyed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Clinton directed a campaign of increasing scope and lethality against bin Laden's network that carried through his final days in office.

• In addition to a secret "finding" to authorize covert action, which has been reported before, Clinton signed three highly classified Memoranda of Notification expanding the available tools. In succession, the president authorized killing instead of capturing bin Laden, then added several of al Qaeda's senior lieutenants, and finally approved the shooting down of private civilian aircraft on which they flew.

• The Clinton administration ordered the Navy to maintain two Los Angeles-class attack submarines on permanent station in the nearest available waters, enabling the U.S. military to place Tomahawk cruise missiles on any target in Afghanistan within about six hours of receiving the order.

• Three times after Aug. 20, 1998, when Clinton ordered the only missile strike of his presidency against bin Laden's organization, the CIA came close enough to pinpointing bin Laden that Clinton authorized final preparations to launch. In each case, doubts about the intelligence aborted the mission.

• The CIA's directorate of operations recruited, trained, paid or equipped surrogate forces in Pakistan, Uzbekistan and among tribal militias inside Afghanistan, with the common purpose of capturing or killing bin Laden. The Pakistani channel, disclosed previously in The Washington Post, and its Uzbek counterpart, which has not been reported before, never bore fruit. Inside Afghanistan, tribal allies twice reported to their CIA handlers that they fought skirmishes with bin Laden's forces, but they inflicted no verified damage.

• Operatives of the CIA's Special Activities Division made at least one clandestine entry into Afghanistan in 1999. They prepared a desert airstrip to extract bin Laden, if captured, or to evacuate U.S. tribal allies, if cornered. The Special Collection Service, a joint project of the CIA and the National Security Agency, also slipped into Afghanistan to place listening devices within range of al Qaeda's tactical radios.

The lines Clinton opted not to cross continued to define U.S. policy in his successor's first eight months. Clinton stopped short of using more decisive military instruments, including U.S. ground forces, and declined to expand the reach of the war to the Taliban regime that hosted bin Laden and his fighters after 1996.

Not until the catastrophe of Sept. 11 -- when terrorists used hijacked airliners to destroy the World Trade Center and damage the Pentagon -- did President Bush obliterate those boundaries.
so why don't you just admit that you are unable or unwilling to address my point?

and then, ask yourself, why ANYONE should then feel compelled to EVER address any of YOUR points.
No. It seems as though you are the only person who still makes such a false claim. Hello brick wall. I posted this before you seem to refuse to accept it. Clinton did many things in his attempt to fight terrorism. It is a fact. Did you forget all of those links that I supplied?

Four followers of the Egyptian cleric Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman were captured, convicted of the World Trade Center bombing in March 1994, and sentenced to 240 years in prison each. The purported mastermind of the plot, Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, was captured in 1995, convicted of the bombing in November 1997, and also sentenced to 240 years in prison. One additional suspect fled the U.S. and is believed to be living in Baghdad

… the federal budget on anti-terror activities tripled during Clinton's watch, to about $6.7 billion. After the effort to kill bin Laden with missiles in August 1998 failed — he had apparently left a training camp in Afghanistan a few hours earlier — recent news reports have detailed numerous other instances, as late as December 2000, when Clinton was on the verge of unleashing the military again. In each case, the White House chose not to act because of uncertainty that intelligence was good enough to find bin Laden, and concern that a failed attack would only enhance his stature in the Arab world.

President Clinton also ordered a "terrorism threat assessment of every federal facility in the country," which had "already begun" when, in February 1995, the Clinton Administration introduced a counter-terrorism bill in the Senate (S. 390) and the House of Representatives (H.R. 896). Note: this was before the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Oklahoma City bombing on April 19 that year.

President Clinton's proposals would have expanded pre-trial detention and allowed more federal wiretaps of terrorism suspects, eased deportation of foreigners convicted of crimes, allowed the detention of aliens convicted or suspected of crimes, let the President criminalize fund-raising for terrorism, and revived visa denial provisions to keep dangerous people out of the US.

Beginning on Aug. 7, 1998, the day that al Qaeda destroyed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Clinton directed a campaign of increasing scope and lethality against bin Laden's network that carried through his final days in office.

• In addition to a secret "finding" to authorize covert action, which has been reported before, Clinton signed three highly classified Memoranda of Notification expanding the available tools. In succession, the president authorized killing instead of capturing bin Laden, then added several of al Qaeda's senior lieutenants, and finally approved the shooting down of private civilian aircraft on which they flew.

• The Clinton administration ordered the Navy to maintain two Los Angeles-class attack submarines on permanent station in the nearest available waters, enabling the U.S. military to place Tomahawk cruise missiles on any target in Afghanistan within about six hours of receiving the order.

• Three times after Aug. 20, 1998, when Clinton ordered the only missile strike of his presidency against bin Laden's organization, the CIA came close enough to pinpointing bin Laden that Clinton authorized final preparations to launch. In each case, doubts about the intelligence aborted the mission.

• The CIA's directorate of operations recruited, trained, paid or equipped surrogate forces in Pakistan, Uzbekistan and among tribal militias inside Afghanistan, with the common purpose of capturing or killing bin Laden. The Pakistani channel, disclosed previously in The Washington Post, and its Uzbek counterpart, which has not been reported before, never bore fruit. Inside Afghanistan, tribal allies twice reported to their CIA handlers that they fought skirmishes with bin Laden's forces, but they inflicted no verified damage.

• Operatives of the CIA's Special Activities Division made at least one clandestine entry into Afghanistan in 1999. They prepared a desert airstrip to extract bin Laden, if captured, or to evacuate U.S. tribal allies, if cornered. The Special Collection Service, a joint project of the CIA and the National Security Agency, also slipped into Afghanistan to place listening devices within range of al Qaeda's tactical radios.

The lines Clinton opted not to cross continued to define U.S. policy in his successor's first eight months. Clinton stopped short of using more decisive military instruments, including U.S. ground forces, and declined to expand the reach of the war to the Taliban regime that hosted bin Laden and his fighters after 1996.

Not until the catastrophe of Sept. 11 -- when terrorists used hijacked airliners to destroy the World Trade Center and damage the Pentagon -- did President Bush obliterate those boundaries.

With all that "fighting of terrorism" - OBL said Clinton proved Amercia was a paper tiger - and we got 9-11

Thanks Bill - your legacy is set in stone
so why don't you just admit that you are unable or unwilling to address my point?

and then, ask yourself, why ANYONE should then feel compelled to EVER address any of YOUR points.

What point?

That Amervcia is to blame?

You do that very well without my help
What point?

That Amervcia is to blame?

You do that very well without my help

I asked you to discuss what might be different if we had concentrated on the Taliban and AQ in Afghanistan instead of invading Iraq. Are you capable of forming any coherent thought about that topic?
I asked you to discuss what might be different if we had concentrated on the Taliban and AQ in Afghanistan instead of invading Iraq. Are you capable of forming any coherent thought about that topic?

Are these troops on vacation then

Small US units lure Taliban into losing battles
By Scott Baldauf | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

QALAT, AFGHANISTAN – It's mid- morning on June 21, and Lt. Timothy Jon O'Neal's platoon has just been dropped onto a dusty field north of a mud-walled village of Chalbar. Their mission: to check out reports that a local Afghan Army commander has defected to the Taliban and burned the district headquarters, and is prepared to fight.
Within minutes, it becomes clear that the reports are true, and the platoon is in trouble. The radio crackles with Taliban fighters barking orders to surround the Americans. Gunfire comes from the hilltops. Lieutenant O'Neal's men are easy targets. The Taliban have the high ground.

* * *

This has been the most violent year here since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. The US Army is moving in smaller numbers to lure the Taliban out of hiding for fights they cannot win. The result: More than 1,200 enemy deaths this year, including high-level commanders. But it is also a strategy with profound risks, and one that may be difficult to sustain in Zabul Province - a region so unstable that commanders call it the "Fallujah of Afghanistan" - as current troops return home, their replacements as yet undecided.

Through interviews with soldiers of Chosen Company, of the 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry of the 173rd Airborne Brigade, the Monitor has reconstructed two recent battles that illustrate how this strategy works, and how it may have weakened the Taliban movement's effectiveness as a military force - for now.

* * *

As the Taliban start shooting, O'Neal's platoon scurries for cover. But there's no panic. "They think, without a doubt, they have us outnumbered," recalls O'Neal, a native of Jeannette, Pa., and leader of 2nd Platoon, Chosen Company. "We've got only 23 people on the ground, and I would say the Taliban had over 150 before the day was over."

But O'Neal and his men are not alone. Just to the south, 1st platoon is clearing a village; to the east, the 3rd platoon are marching toward Chalbar. O'Neal's platoon calls for close air support from nearby Apache helicopters. But on the ground, 2nd platoon will have to hold its own, and fight for every inch - uphill.

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