Suicide Crisis Among Native American Youth Prompts Federal Action

All people matter?
the looter?
The drug addict?
The drunk?
The child molester?
It's simply is not true. Genetics dictate what matters NOT people.

Of course all of those people above matters, if they have a sickness or addiction they need treatment. But none of those mentioned have anything to do with the topic of native american children committing suicide.
The children see their parents.
The parents are losers.
The children commit suicide.
Rather simple really.

Dark Fury, who hurt you in your life?
Nobody, just a harsh look at real life. Some make it some not.
You're disgusting. If you had to live under the conditions those people live, you wouldn't survive either. What a jerk.
Living a drunken drug induced life is a CHOICE. A disgusting CHOICE at that. Those people DIE. The genetics are open to those failings. That IS NOT my fault.
This is an interesting Goal by they have for 2020: Maybe it's a way to maintain connection with family and culture but still develop skills for good paying jobs.

Presently, there are 32 fully accredited Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) in the United States, with one formal candidate for accreditation. Three are in Associate Status. These TCUs offer 358 total programs, including apprenticeships, diplomas, certificates, and degrees. These programs include 181 associate degree programs at 23 TCUs, 40 bachelor’s degree programs at 11 TCUs, and 5 master’s degree programs at 2 TCUs (AIHEC).

Tribal Colleges and Universities White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education
Why not just give them some blankets infested with measles virus? Oh. Wait.

Never happened....
YES IT DID!! It most certainly did. How can you imagine it is okay to rewrite history to suit your bigoted perspective??? Next we will be told there was no Holocaust. Unbelievable.

NO, IT DIDN't have one letter from one British officer to another with no official policy and no actual accounts of actually doing it...the one story you silly people site....a fort under siege who gave a blanket to an Indian ally from the blankets in storage....there was already small pox in the area of the seige and why would they give an ally infected blankets on purpose... ...disease killed more people than combat in war......the other story...a river boat that tried to warn off the Indians that they had disease on the boat...they didn't understand the yes...I know the lies you guys push.....

and of course you listened to your lefty professors and didn't question should have.
Why not just put the Sioux, Cheyenne and Crow and Pawnee back within the same vicinity as each other and let them have it out like in the old days. They can cut each other's heads off, steal each other's women, kill each others children and food stores.

The strongest survives. The winner can ride off on the horses that irreversibly change their culture.

I love irony.

While I dont ascribe to dark furies cold hard truths, it is a cold hard truth of our existence. The winner wins and the loser loses.

A conquered people pains and miseries still echo through time. Only they can solve their problems. Sympathy is free but it won't do them much good.
Why not just give them some blankets infested with measles virus? Oh. Wait.

Never happened....
YES IT DID!! It most certainly did. How can you imagine it is okay to rewrite history to suit your bigoted perspective??? Next we will be told there was no Holocaust. Unbelievable.

okay dumby.....I never said anything about disease and the Indians, I specifically said they didn't give infected to the Indians as a form germ warfare.....

There was no genocide against the Indians, they were attacked by diseases they had no immunity to, simply by contact with Europeans.....
Why not just put the Sioux, Cheyenne and Crow and Pawnee back within the same vicinity as each other and let them have it out like in the old days. They can cut each other's heads off, steal each other's women, kill each others children and food stores.

The strongest survives. The winner can ride off on the horses that irreversibly change their culture.

I love irony.

While I dont ascribe to dark furies cold hard truths, it is a cold hard truth of our existence. The winner wins and the loser loses.

A conquered people pains and miseries still echo through time. Only they can solve their problems. Sympathy is free but it won't do them much good.

Human Beings care for each other and help each other find a way to overcome things, we are not unfeeling artificial robots. We do have empathy and we have desire and feelings and for those reasons when a community is struggling we band together to help each other not to hurt each other. We are not indifferent, that is why when natural disasters happen groups of people volunteer to help. Just because you don't feel empathy or Dark Fury wants to poison a group of children doesn't make it ok or all right.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

Jiddu Krishnamurti
Of course all of those people above matters, if they have a sickness or addiction they need treatment. But none of those mentioned have anything to do with the topic of native american children committing suicide.
The children see their parents.
The parents are losers.
The children commit suicide.
Rather simple really.

Dark Fury, who hurt you in your life?
Nobody, just a harsh look at real life. Some make it some not.
You're disgusting. If you had to live under the conditions those people live, you wouldn't survive either. What a jerk.
Living a drunken drug induced life is a CHOICE. A disgusting CHOICE at that. Those people DIE. The genetics are open to those failings. That IS NOT my fault.

And you're able to live because the Government feeds you. Being a troll is a CHOICE!

The social problems of our Native Americans are usually on the back burner; the Native American people were pushed off, aside, & out of the way long ago and most stay that way as far as getting our attention and the attention of the government. It is in no way a simple issue: it is a complex issue and the result of generations of bad policies toward these people.

To wish upon them death and dissolution is beyond contemptible. All cultures should be helped to survive: their culture, their history, their language, etc., it should all be treasured as it is the history of humanity.

In literal terms, John Donne's poem refers to the invidual, but in broader terms, it refers to humanity. When we allow any culture, any languge, any people to die out, we diminish ourselves.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
John Donne
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Seriously, the problems that plague them.... Only they can solve, for themselves. Leave them alone and either let them sort it out or let evolution do what it does.

We all must know the past, learn from the past and remember the past and most importantly.....let go of the past or evolution will see that you are the past.
The social problems of our Native Americans are are usually on the back burner; the Native American people were pushed off, aside, out of the way long ago and most stay that way as far as getting our attention and the attention of the government. It is in no way a simple issue: it is a complex issue and the result of generations of bad policies toward these people.

To wish upon them death an dissolution is beyond contemptible. All cultures should be helped to survive: their culture, their history, their language, etc., it should all be treasured as it is the history of humanity.

In literal terms, John Donne's poem refers to the invidual, but in broader terms, it refers to humanity. When we allow any culture, any languge, any people to die out, we diminish ourselves.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
John Donne

Wow, beautiful words.

The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, home to the Oglala Sioux Tribe in South Dakota, is in a state of crisis. Over the past year, 14 school-age children on the reservation have killed themselves.

At the time of their suicides, four of those children were attending Pine Ridge School. On Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Education announced that the Bureau of Indian Education school, which has some 800 K-12 students, has received $218,000 in emergency funds to help its students deal with that trauma.

The school requested the grant money through the Education Department’s Project SERV (School Emergency Response to Violence). With the funds, Pine Ridge will be able to hire an additional counselor and social worker for the next 12 months, better implement a Lakota-based healing program and bring in cultural teachers to provide monthly lessons on healing processes, according to information provided by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

The 183 Bureau of Indian Education schools nationwide, which are overseen by the federal government, face a number of daunting challenges. Suicide rates among young Native Americans are disproportionately high, while high school graduation rates are disproportionately low. Many BIE school facilities are old and in poor condition.

Between August 2014 and April 2015, Pine Ridge School saw a "significant increase" in suicide attempts and counseling referrals, according to the Education Department. But currently, the school has only two counselors on staff, said Nedra Darling, a spokesperson for the Department of the Interior.

"During the end of the School Year 2014-2015 the mood was somewhat in a mourning state," Darling wrote HuffPost, adding that school personnel were spending "a great amount of time" providing mental health counseling to students and staff.

"However, as graduation approached the mood lifted and many believe it is time to move forward to teach these children to celebrate life," Darling wrote.

The Education Department touted the grant as part of the Obama administration's overall push to improve life for Native youth. The White House launched its Generation Indigenous initiative in February in an effort to remove barriers for this population through new investments and opportunities to engage.

“We are heartbroken about the tragic loss of life and are committed to working with the Pine Ridge community as it heals. These funds will help Pine Ridge School’s continued efforts to restore the learning environment in the face of these great tragedies,” said William Mendoza, director of the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education, in Wednesday's press release. “This Administration is committed to supporting tribes in their work to meet the needs of their students. We all must do more to address the challenges across Indian Country.”

John Yellow Bird Steele, president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, declared a state of emergency on the reservation in response to the youth suicides in February.

More: Native American School Mourning 4 Student Suicides Gets Emergency Federal Aid

Poverty and suicide are common among Native Americans. They aren't all rich Injuns with casinos.

Very sad.
Why is it sad? Evolution strains out the backward the retarded and the idiots. It's natures way of cleaning the gene pool.

And people need to quit being so damn arrogant to think that they know what is good and right for someone else's culture, life etc etc etc.

You wanna feel bad for them, feel free or guilty or whatever.

They will be much better served by spending 500 bucks at the local casino then by some guilty wanker who thinks they have all the answers. The natives need native solutions
And people need to quit being so damn arrogant to think that they know what is good and right for someone else's culture, life etc etc etc.

You wanna feel bad for them, feel free or guilty or whatever.

They will be much better served by spending 500 bucks at the local casino then by some guilty wanker who thinks they have all the answers. The natives need native solutions

Indifference does not resolve a problem for a community, it's not arrogant to love and care for each other.
The social problems of our Native Americans are usually on the back burner; the Native American people were pushed off, aside, & out of the way long ago and most stay that way as far as getting our attention and the attention of the government. It is in no way a simple issue: it is a complex issue and the result of generations of bad policies toward these people.

To wish upon them death and dissolution is beyond contemptible. All cultures should be helped to survive: their culture, their history, their language, etc., it should all be treasured as it is the history of humanity.

In literal terms, John Donne's poem refers to the invidual, but in broader terms, it refers to humanity. When we allow any culture, any languge, any people to die out, we diminish ourselves.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were:
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
John Donne

Them Indians been living on the plains for a thousand generations.. You would think they know how to protect themselves from the cold?

Maybe a tepee and a village would help? I don't know, nor pretend to know. I know that a people who lived on the Great Plains for thousands of years and suddenly can't protect themselves from the cold is on it evolutionary way out.
It's arrogant to think you know what's best for them.
I don't think anyone said they know what's best for them. What they have said is that the matter needs attention: I'm pretty sure the Native American community would agree....they are not happy that their children are commiting suicide.

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