suit against Giuliani has bombshell allegations: Rudy told victim he was "selling pardons" for $2M (that he & Trump split) & she has recordings of it

It looks bad for Giuliani, and for Trump and others.

Giuliani was allegedly recorded making racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic remarks
According to the complaint, Giuliani went on “sexist, racist, and antisemitic” rants which were recorded by Dunphy.

The remarks allegedly included “derogatory comments about Jewish men” and “their penises,” which he argued were “inferior,” as well as racist comments about Black and Hispanic men beating women because “it’s in their culture.”

“Jews want to go through their freaking Passover all the time, man, oh man. Get over the Passover. It was like 3,000 years ago,” he said during one alleged rant. “The red sea parted, big deal. It’s not the first time that happened.”

Giuliani also allegedly made sexual comments about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


Giuliani allegedly claimed Trump was selling pardons for $2 million and bragged he had ‘immunity’ from the law

Giuliani allegedly told Dunphy that he and then-President Trump were selling presidential pardons for $2 million, which the two men would split:

Giuliani also allegedly bragged that his powerful connections meant he did not have to follow the law.

Following discussions over whether Giuliani would have to register as a foreign agent due to a “foreign business opportunity,” Giuliani ultimately told Dunphy “that he was able to break the laws” because he had “immunity.”


Dunphy was given access to emails from Trump, White House officials, and other prominent figures

As part of her role for Giuliani included sorting through his emails, Dunphy was allegedly given access to his email account and thousands of potentially sensitive emails.

Dunphy was given access to emails from Trump, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch, Fox News stars Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “presidential candidates for Ukraine,” and many others, which according to the complaint are still stored on Dunphy’s computer.
Wow. Lots of phone records to back it up.

In any other administration, this would be a shocker.

Throw it on the pile with the others. They're keeping the law busy, that's for damn sure.

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Durham pulled a Comey. Just like Comey did to Hillary....he found no crimes committed yet went public and bashed her.

Durham found no crimes committed, yet he came out and bashed th FBI even though he and two juries of 12 found no evidence of any crimes that he brought to court....

have you actually read the Durham report....?
It's a growing trend that even when there's evidence of a crime ... "no evidence of a crime" is anywhere to be found. It's not a good trend.

Hillary literally destroyed damning evidence, which is against the law, but there's "no evidence" of a crime. You don't find that alarming?
It's a growing trend that even when there's evidence of a crime ... "no evidence of a crime" is anywhere to be found. It's not a good trend.

Hillary literally destroyed damning evidence, which is against the law, but there's "no evidence" of a crime. You don't find that alarming?
The FBI was able to find nearly all the government emails missing, by deleted files via unscrambling files, and by searching the files of all govt emails of govt staff and workers she communicated with, to retrieve any emails that were missing in her records turned over.
The FBI was able to find nearly all the government emails missing, by deleted files via unscrambling files, and by searching the files of all govt emails of govt staff and workers she communicated with, to retrieve any emails that were missing in her records turned over.
But it's STILL against the law to hide evidence, and Hillary got away with it scot-free. If you or I were under investigation and we did that with our phones and computers ... we'd be busted in a heartbeat.
But it's STILL against the law to hide evidence, and Hillary got away with it scot-free. If you or I were under investigation and we did that with our phones and computers ... we'd be busted in a heartbeat.
We "do it" all the time when we get a new phone or tablet.
For a bit of perspective, there are major Democrats and Leftists on this board who still claim that there is no evidence of ballot box stuffing...even with the existence of the 2000 Mules tape.

They do not believe what they SEE! Rational discussion with such people is not possible.

As for the Plaintiff referenced in this thread. You can be sexually assaulted once. If you come back for two years of it...your case is preposterous. I will listen to the tapes if they are ever released, but accusations like this must be taken with a grain of salt. Why the fuck would Donald Trump SELL pardons? He voluntarily gave up hundreds of millions of dollars in earnings to be a candidate, then President. And he could be compromised by a million dollars? Simply not believable.
For a bit of perspective, there are major Democrats and Leftists on this board who still claim that there is no evidence of ballot box stuffing...even with the existence of the 2000 Mules tape.

They do not believe what they SEE! Rational discussion with such people is not possible.

As for the Plaintiff referenced in this thread. You can be sexually assaulted once. If you come back for two years of it...your case is preposterous. I will listen to the tapes if they are ever released, but accusations like this must be taken with a grain of salt. Why the fuck would Donald Trump SELL pardons? He voluntarily gave up hundreds of millions of dollars in earnings to be a candidate, then President. And he could be compromised by a million dollars? Simply not believable.
Dude… the 2000 Mules tape was horse shit.

You still falling for that?
She was not told to preserve those.
Let's just use a tiny bit of common sense. Hillary catches wind that she's under investigation, so she destroys her cellphone and erases all of her emails from her private, home computer. Why would she do that unless she had a lot to hide. And why is a high ranking member of the government using her private server to conduct official, government business? That in and of itself is extremely suspicious. Why can't you people just admit when one of your gods or goddess have done wrong?
Maybe, not that I think the Fat Orange Shit Giblet/Conman would not do it. But to have an actual email or recording of it. I have my doubts.
They do not have that on tape. Her lawyer on one of the nightly commentators last night said there were no tapes of that.....

BUT THERE WAS A WITNESS TO GIULIANI SAYING SUCH, which was that Ukrainian Lev Parnus guy..... According to this lady's attorney.

This Parnus guy in this link from a year or two ago...

The claim of Giuliani selling Pardons for two million was in mainstream news a year or more ago.... No actual proof of it, if memory serves me...

Parnus could have been the one Giuliani offered getting him a pardon perhaps? I dunno? The splitting the $2 million with Trump could have been just part of a Giuliani scam on Parnus?

As far as her affairs with Giuliani and him using her at 23 yrs old.... She just seems like she chose the situation.... She was not 16 or even 19, or even 20.... though I think she said Giuliani was her lawyer for another case? That would be highly unethical, a d being her boss as well but....but something doesn't sit right yet with this with all the truly happy looking pictures I saw of her and Giuliani together.....

Yes he did all those things with her she has on tape, and I haven't heard them yet so that is still a bit left opened but if true....he's a really messed up guy now... Not that we on the left didn't see this long ago....
It looks bad for Giuliani, and for Trump and others.

Giuliani was allegedly recorded making racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic remarks
According to the complaint, Giuliani went on “sexist, racist, and antisemitic” rants which were recorded by Dunphy.

The remarks allegedly included “derogatory comments about Jewish men” and “their penises,” which he argued were “inferior,” as well as racist comments about Black and Hispanic men beating women because “it’s in their culture.”

“Jews want to go through their freaking Passover all the time, man, oh man. Get over the Passover. It was like 3,000 years ago,” he said during one alleged rant. “The red sea parted, big deal. It’s not the first time that happened.”

Giuliani also allegedly made sexual comments about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


Giuliani allegedly claimed Trump was selling pardons for $2 million and bragged he had ‘immunity’ from the law

Giuliani allegedly told Dunphy that he and then-President Trump were selling presidential pardons for $2 million, which the two men would split:

Giuliani also allegedly bragged that his powerful connections meant he did not have to follow the law.

Following discussions over whether Giuliani would have to register as a foreign agent due to a “foreign business opportunity,” Giuliani ultimately told Dunphy “that he was able to break the laws” because he had “immunity.”


Dunphy was given access to emails from Trump, White House officials, and other prominent figures

As part of her role for Giuliani included sorting through his emails, Dunphy was allegedly given access to his email account and thousands of potentially sensitive emails.

Dunphy was given access to emails from Trump, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch, Fox News stars Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “presidential candidates for Ukraine,” and many others, which according to the complaint are still stored on Dunphy’s computer.
I think the Red Sea parting would still be a pretty big deal.
Dude… the 2000 Mules tape was horse shit.

You still falling for that?
What, exactly, do you mean? The videotapes were taken from GOVERNMENT SOURCES. People are seen stuffing ballot boxes with envelopes in the middle of the night. It is against the law to cast a vote for anyone but yourself and members of your immediate household. You may not agree that these illegal shenanigans changed the outcome of the election, but are you truly saying that WHAT YOU SEE ON THE VIDEOS DID NOT OCCUR?

Are you a fucking idiot, or what?
What, exactly, do you mean? The videotapes were taken from GOVERNMENT SOURCES. People are seen stuffing ballot boxes with envelopes in the middle of the night. It is against the law to cast a vote for anyone but yourself and members of your immediate household. You may not agree that these illegal shenanigans changed the outcome of the election, but are you truly saying that WHAT YOU SEE ON THE VIDEOS DID NOT OCCUR?

Are you a fucking idiot, or what?
What we saw on the videos was some guy legally dropping off ballots

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