suit against Giuliani has bombshell allegations: Rudy told victim he was "selling pardons" for $2M (that he & Trump split) & she has recordings of it

It's a growing trend that even when there's evidence of a crime ... "no evidence of a crime" is anywhere to be found. It's not a good trend.

Hillary literally destroyed damning evidence, which is against the law, but there's "no evidence" of a crime. You don't find that alarming?
what damning evidence did Hillary destroy? Her personal emails, after her lawyers removed all of her govt emails to give copies to the State dept for the National archives.

Hillary's personal emails were NOT SUBPOENAED by Congress, only her govt emails about Benghazi and Lybia were subpoenaed by them.

the missing govt emails Comey found afterwards not turned in by her lawyer....were emails that did not transfer correctly when she and staff upgraded their devices and servers and ended up a scrambled mess and thrown in to an obscure file, that the FBI was able to unscramble.
what damning evidence did Hillary destroy? Her personal emails, after her lawyers removed all of her govt emails to give copies to the State dept for the National archives.

Hillary's personal emails were NOT SUBPOENAED by Congress, only her govt emails about Benghazi and Lybia were subpoenaed by them.

the missing govt emails Comey found afterwards not turned in by her lawyer....were emails that did not transfer correctly when she and staff upgraded their devices and servers and ended up a scrambled mess and thrown in to an obscure file, that the FBI was able to unscramble.
She destroyed her phone, and she tampered with the computer that held evidence that she was conducting government business on her personal computer. Her lawyers are hired to protect her. By removing ANY emails, they tampered with evidence, as there was a good possibility that they removed damning evidence. Conflict of interest and tampering with evidence. Plus, she had no business using her unsecured, personal computer to conduct government transactions in the first place.
The Durham report is a fizzle, rube. A nothing burger.

Five years...and nothing.

It looks bad for Giuliani, and for Trump and others.

Giuliani was allegedly recorded making racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic remarks
According to the complaint, Giuliani went on “sexist, racist, and antisemitic” rants which were recorded by Dunphy.

The remarks allegedly included “derogatory comments about Jewish men” and “their penises,” which he argued were “inferior,” as well as racist comments about Black and Hispanic men beating women because “it’s in their culture.”

“Jews want to go through their freaking Passover all the time, man, oh man. Get over the Passover. It was like 3,000 years ago,” he said during one alleged rant. “The red sea parted, big deal. It’s not the first time that happened.”

Giuliani also allegedly made sexual comments about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


Giuliani allegedly claimed Trump was selling pardons for $2 million and bragged he had ‘immunity’ from the law

Giuliani allegedly told Dunphy that he and then-President Trump were selling presidential pardons for $2 million, which the two men would split:

Giuliani also allegedly bragged that his powerful connections meant he did not have to follow the law.

Following discussions over whether Giuliani would have to register as a foreign agent due to a “foreign business opportunity,” Giuliani ultimately told Dunphy “that he was able to break the laws” because he had “immunity.”


Dunphy was given access to emails from Trump, White House officials, and other prominent figures

As part of her role for Giuliani included sorting through his emails, Dunphy was allegedly given access to his email account and thousands of potentially sensitive emails.

Dunphy was given access to emails from Trump, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch, Fox News stars Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “presidential candidates for Ukraine,” and many others, which according to the complaint are still stored on Dunphy’s computer.

Rudy is old and pathetically insecure. IMO he lies constantly.
For a bit of perspective, there are major Democrats and Leftists on this board who still claim that there is no evidence of ballot box stuffing...even with the existence of the 2000 Mules tape.

They do not believe what they SEE! Rational discussion with such people is not possible.

As for the Plaintiff referenced in this thread. You can be sexually assaulted once. If you come back for two years of it...your case is preposterous. I will listen to the tapes if they are ever released, but accusations like this must be taken with a grain of salt. Why the fuck would Donald Trump SELL pardons? He voluntarily gave up hundreds of millions of dollars in earnings to be a candidate, then President. And he could be compromised by a million dollars? Simply not believable.
"the 2000 Mules tape".......... :auiqs.jpg: :rofl: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
There were a lot of “suspect” pardons given out

Just sayin
It's a growing trend that even when there's evidence of a crime ... "no evidence of a crime" is anywhere to be found. It's not a good trend.

Hillary literally destroyed damning evidence, which is against the law, but there's "no evidence" of a crime. You don't find that alarming?

Democrats are not subject to penalties from breaking US law.
She destroyed her phone, and she tampered with the computer that held evidence that she was conducting government business on her personal computer. Her lawyers are hired to protect her. By removing ANY emails, they tampered with evidence, as there was a good possibility that they removed damning evidence. Conflict of interest and tampering with evidence. Plus, she had no business using her unsecured, personal computer to conduct government transactions in the first place.
She and staff destroyed their phones AFTER THEY DID TRANSFER UPDATES to their new devices from their old devices, for security purpose, is what Comey/FBI found in their investigation. Nothing nefarious Comey etc determined.

Files were scrambled and misplaced in to obscure files that did not transfer correctly during the updates.... Which the FBI found and were able to decipher.I

The FBI determined that her lawyers did not remove govt files that were not turned over to The State Dept, nor was there any communication from Clinton asking them to.

Clinton was subpoenaed for Lybia and Benghazi documents at the time.

Her entire server was not subpoenaed until months later, in August.
It looks bad for Giuliani, and for Trump and others.

Giuliani was allegedly recorded making racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic remarks
According to the complaint, Giuliani went on “sexist, racist, and antisemitic” rants which were recorded by Dunphy.

The remarks allegedly included “derogatory comments about Jewish men” and “their penises,” which he argued were “inferior,” as well as racist comments about Black and Hispanic men beating women because “it’s in their culture.”

“Jews want to go through their freaking Passover all the time, man, oh man. Get over the Passover. It was like 3,000 years ago,” he said during one alleged rant. “The red sea parted, big deal. It’s not the first time that happened.”

Giuliani also allegedly made sexual comments about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


Giuliani allegedly claimed Trump was selling pardons for $2 million and bragged he had ‘immunity’ from the law

Giuliani allegedly told Dunphy that he and then-President Trump were selling presidential pardons for $2 million, which the two men would split:

Giuliani also allegedly bragged that his powerful connections meant he did not have to follow the law.

Following discussions over whether Giuliani would have to register as a foreign agent due to a “foreign business opportunity,” Giuliani ultimately told Dunphy “that he was able to break the laws” because he had “immunity.”


Dunphy was given access to emails from Trump, White House officials, and other prominent figures

As part of her role for Giuliani included sorting through his emails, Dunphy was allegedly given access to his email account and thousands of potentially sensitive emails.

Dunphy was given access to emails from Trump, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch, Fox News stars Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, “presidential candidates for Ukraine,” and many others, which according to the complaint are still stored on Dunphy’s computer.
Ruh roh.

Those darn computers. :lmao:
Wow. Lots of phone records to back it up.

In any other administration, this would be a shocker.

Throw it on the pile with the others. They're keeping the law busy, that's for damn sure.

This is the first one I've heard of that might have any teeth.

Surprised we're not hearing more.
This is the first one I've heard of that might have any teeth.

Surprised we're not hearing more.
The lawsuit claims and accusations, reads like a porn movie script, for very old men still trying to get their jollies taken care of..... By girls 50 years younger

Hardly anything the main stream media can read out loud of the suit filing claims, with TVs viewing audience of all ages.

It's just too, graphic to the msm.... But your internet and tabloid sources like the NY Post should be having a heyday with it and it should be all over the place in your realm, like the Hunter pics were.
Giuliani also abused his position as Ms. Dunphy’s lawyer to pressure her into sex. In one instance, for example, Giuliani promised Ms. Dunphy that he would give her $300,000 if she would forgo her legal rights in connection with her pending case and “fuck me like crazy.” This statement was recorded.

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