Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

The Partisan Dem Embeds in the DOJ and FBI used tabloid level opposition research by the favored candidate's party and campaign to do a political hatchet job on the opposition candidate. The source's claims are fictitious and the "corroborating" news story was a plant by the source - so it's just circular fake reasoning.

Worse Than Watergate.
That they were looking at him in 2013 has nothing to do with using an unverified dossier by a biased person to obtain FISA approval in 2016. If it was the root, the FBI and DOJ are screwed.

NO moron..........

First, all we have is Nunes word that the dossier was the SOLE reason for the FISA warrant to be RENEWED.......which then begs the question how was it ORIGINALLY obtained.....

Second, at the very fucking best, if the warrant was obtained "illegally" then Trump may be off the hook in court, BUT what does the gathered intelligence STILL states about his criminal behavior?

Hey douchenozzle, read the fucking memo. It doesn't look good for you lefties and the media now that a little sunlight is being shed.

Here is the entire memo, including cover letter, in two downloadable low compression JPEG files:

Nunes Memo Cover.jpg

Nunes Memo.jpg
Neat. Nobody on the committee is accused of breaking the law so your point doesn't mean shit.

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



View attachment 174596


Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Show us anywhere in that memo that states the warrant was obtained illegally, liar.
Any patriotic citizen, regardless of party affiliation, will find the revelations in the memo very disturbing. Essentially, we're talking about two major crimes: One, senior officials in the FBI and DOJ allowed a Dem-funded hit piece--the Steele dossier--to be used as the main justification for wiretapping a member of Trump's campaign staff. Two, the FBI and the DOJ never informed the FISA judge that they were using an oppo-research dossier that was paid for by the Democrats; they led the judge to believe that the dossier was their own product, which in turn led the judge to assume that its information had been adequately vetted.

This makes Watergate look like child's play.

Don't expect the radical, rude, juvenile liberals on this board to do anything but deny and deflect on this matter.
Which is a good thing. There should be clear evidence to be able to seek warrants. Possibly by Judges not questioning this is how we ended up here.
Remember Adam Schiff and others screaming this will damage national security and give up sources and methods?? Pretty obvious they lied Bigly. Anyone claiming otherwise is a partisan hack.
It may very well damage the credibility of the FBI for some time and of the Justice Department, and it may make some judges more skeptical about their presentations of probable cause for warrants, and it may even raise questions about the legitimacy of warrants issued to the FBI in other cases, but in the long run it will strengthen national security by protecting our justice system from those, even those in very high office, who would subvert it for political purposes.

I agree with the second part, it will strengthen the system and ensure those who try and circumvent the laws, including the current administration.

However I don't think this will harm the FBI too much, not the average agent going to court or investigating terror etc. Hell, the FBI have single handedly saved countless Canadian lives, there's no politics in lives saved.
If there was widespread participation among the top officials in the effort to mislead the FISA court in issuing the warrants, it will help to define the culture at the FBI for some and this will lead to some attorneys whose clients are charged or even convicted of unrelated federal crimes to question the legitimacy of FBI applications for warrants and greater skepticism among some federal judges in granting them. If the FBI is reformed, this will pass in time.
(CNN)House Republicans, with the approval of President Donald Trump, on Friday released a disputed GOP intelligence memo that alleges FBI abuses of its surveillance authority.
This says it all, a republican fellatio fest for tRUMP.

The memo is the most explicit Republican effort yet to discredit the FBI's investigation into Trump and Russia, alleging that the investigation was infused with an anti-Trump bias under the Obama administration and supported with political opposition research.

And again, another fellatio fest for "the grophenfhurer"
A FISA court granted a warrant to monitor former Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page and approved three subsequent renewals, according to the memo.
Who the tRUMP administration claims was not really someone that they recognized as important in their group.
They just know how to lie so well and the base loves the lie.
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:lol: Nothing burger
Issuing warrnts based on info Hillary purchased from Russian intelligence is far from nothing unless you are a piece of shit liberal that hates America.
No thanks pussy. No crying here. Just stating facts. Liberal turds will go to any lengths to get their way. In this case you pathetic fucks colluded with Russia.
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

Very troubling when we have the president attacking the FBI and Department of Justice.

... Blah-Blah-Blah

Perhaps instead of attacking them ... He should turn them into his personal thugs and spies ... :dunno:

The information released in this memo has been declassified.
It may damage their reputation, but it does not damage national security or its methods, other than bias has obviously been used in this instance.We already knew everything pretty much except McCabes admitting without the dossier they wouldn’t get a fisa warrant.
Remember Adam Schiff and others screaming this will damage national security and give up sources and methods?? Pretty obvious they lied Bigly. Anyone claiming otherwise is a partisan hack.
It may very well damage the credibility of the FBI for some time and of the Justice Department, and it may make some judges more skeptical about their presentations of probable cause for warrants, and it may even raise questions about the legitimacy of warrants issued to the FBI in other cases, but in the long run it will strengthen national security by protecting our justice system from those, even those in very high office, who would subvert it for political purposes.
I disagree..............this information was Classified..............regardless of what the information was...................I consider the release of Classified material to the media a clear an present danger to the United matter how trivial..........and this is not limited just to this case.........Leaks in our Gov't have become common place to the media outlets............and it needs to end.
I understand that. It took a presidential order.

The FBI and intel agencies fired him for releasing this information to the press........He was a paid informant.........WHO VIOLATED THE LAWS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

WHY DIDN'T THEY TRY HIM FOR IT.....................He's guilty as sin.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

Well Here it is… Quite a bit to digest:

· The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the initial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

· Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

· The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

· DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.

Before all the spin starts on both sides, take some time to get all the facts. I will do the same.

House Intelligence memo released: What it says

who cares what it says? it was made up by the white house and nunes aids to try to get Donald's fat butt out of trouble.


Wow! People really do believe anything the media tells them don't they?
So, according to the memo, the proper officials at the FBI and the DOJ signed off on the warrant application, and a judge reviewed and approved it.

We already knew that, but that’s all you need to know. Everything else is partisan cherry picking of the facts.

Fuck Nunes, fuck Ryan and especially fuck Trump. They all went against the law enforcement and intelligence communities. I hope Trump gets buried by this.
A warrant based on fake information
Which you didn't include in your post
So who is cherry picking now?
That’s one source of information. Where’s the rest of the evidence presented to the judge who signed the warrant? Why wouldn’t Nunes include it all? :eusa_think:
Cliff notes are always a snippet of the larger
Don't worry little snowflake it will all come out.
I found it extremely disappointing, after all the hype I expected something. Anything. But not nothing.
Well I agree, it is just normal behavior for the Dirty Demos.

But I'm glad they got busted
What did they get busted for? Opposition research like Don Jr. was looking for in a meeting with Russians?

Using a fake dossier to obtain a FISA warrant for starters.
Was the dossier fake or just unverified? I understand parts of it were in fact verified but not all of it.
It may damage their reputation, but it does not damage national security or its methods, other than bias has obviously been used in this instance.We already knew everything pretty much except McCabes admitting without the dossier they wouldn’t get a fisa warrant.
Remember Adam Schiff and others screaming this will damage national security and give up sources and methods?? Pretty obvious they lied Bigly. Anyone claiming otherwise is a partisan hack.
It may very well damage the credibility of the FBI for some time and of the Justice Department, and it may make some judges more skeptical about their presentations of probable cause for warrants, and it may even raise questions about the legitimacy of warrants issued to the FBI in other cases, but in the long run it will strengthen national security by protecting our justice system from those, even those in very high office, who would subvert it for political purposes.
I disagree..............this information was Classified..............regardless of what the information was...................I consider the release of Classified material to the media a clear an present danger to the United matter how trivial..........and this is not limited just to this case.........Leaks in our Gov't have become common place to the media outlets............and it needs to end.
The President has the authority to declassify information, which he did regarding this Summary of Evidence. This was legal, as opposed wto what Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Rice, Comey, Steele, etc... have done...
I wouldn't call that pos a classified. The whole dossier was made up and written on the cuff.
The information released in this memo has been declassified.
It may damage their reputation, but it does not damage national security or its methods, other than bias has obviously been used in this instance.We already knew everything pretty much except McCabes admitting without the dossier they wouldn’t get a fisa warrant.
Remember Adam Schiff and others screaming this will damage national security and give up sources and methods?? Pretty obvious they lied Bigly. Anyone claiming otherwise is a partisan hack.
It may very well damage the credibility of the FBI for some time and of the Justice Department, and it may make some judges more skeptical about their presentations of probable cause for warrants, and it may even raise questions about the legitimacy of warrants issued to the FBI in other cases, but in the long run it will strengthen national security by protecting our justice system from those, even those in very high office, who would subvert it for political purposes.
I disagree..............this information was Classified..............regardless of what the information was...................I consider the release of Classified material to the media a clear an present danger to the United matter how trivial..........and this is not limited just to this case.........Leaks in our Gov't have become common place to the media outlets............and it needs to end.
I understand that. It took a presidential order.

The FBI and intel agencies fired him for releasing this information to the press........He was a paid informant.........WHO VIOLATED THE LAWS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

WHY DIDN'T THEY TRY HIM FOR IT.....................He's guilty as sin.
The FBI did not want to 'try' a fellow collaborator who could easily screw them. It was best to sever ties...
Neat. Nobody on the committee is accused of breaking the law so your point doesn't mean shit.

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



View attachment 174596

so instead of evidence that the foreign guy Putin, we get evidence of the foreign guy Steele interfered in our election. And the dems were in on it. LOL. too fking funny. traitors.

so instead of evidence that the foreign guy Putin, we get evidence of the foreign guy Steele interfered in our election. And the dems were in on it. LOL. too fking funny. traitors.

How so, dope? This wasn't public during the election.
Who specifically are you talking about? Steele? If so, I totally agree.
The information released in this memo has been declassified.
It may damage their reputation, but it does not damage national security or its methods, other than bias has obviously been used in this instance.We already knew everything pretty much except McCabes admitting without the dossier they wouldn’t get a fisa warrant.
Remember Adam Schiff and others screaming this will damage national security and give up sources and methods?? Pretty obvious they lied Bigly. Anyone claiming otherwise is a partisan hack.
It may very well damage the credibility of the FBI for some time and of the Justice Department, and it may make some judges more skeptical about their presentations of probable cause for warrants, and it may even raise questions about the legitimacy of warrants issued to the FBI in other cases, but in the long run it will strengthen national security by protecting our justice system from those, even those in very high office, who would subvert it for political purposes.
I disagree..............this information was Classified..............regardless of what the information was...................I consider the release of Classified material to the media a clear an present danger to the United matter how trivial..........and this is not limited just to this case.........Leaks in our Gov't have become common place to the media outlets............and it needs to end.
I understand that. It took a presidential order.

The FBI and intel agencies fired him for releasing this information to the press........He was a paid informant.........WHO VIOLATED THE LAWS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

WHY DIDN'T THEY TRY HIM FOR IT.....................He's guilty as sin.
He was working behind the scenes. Many of them were. You don’t remember what came out just a week before the election, other than Clinton revelations?
Neat. Nobody on the committee is accused of breaking the law so your point doesn't mean shit.

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



View attachment 174596

so instead of evidence that the foreign guy Putin, we get evidence of the foreign guy Steele interfered in our election. And the dems were in on it. LOL. too fking funny. traitors.

so instead of evidence that the foreign guy Putin, we get evidence of the foreign guy Steele interfered in our election. And the dems were in on it. LOL. too fking funny. traitors.

How so, dope? This wasn't public during the election.
Who specifically are you talking about? Steele? If so, I totally agree.
The information released in this memo has been declassified.
It may damage their reputation, but it does not damage national security or its methods, other than bias has obviously been used in this instance.We already knew everything pretty much except McCabes admitting without the dossier they wouldn’t get a fisa warrant.
It may very well damage the credibility of the FBI for some time and of the Justice Department, and it may make some judges more skeptical about their presentations of probable cause for warrants, and it may even raise questions about the legitimacy of warrants issued to the FBI in other cases, but in the long run it will strengthen national security by protecting our justice system from those, even those in very high office, who would subvert it for political purposes.
I disagree..............this information was Classified..............regardless of what the information was...................I consider the release of Classified material to the media a clear an present danger to the United matter how trivial..........and this is not limited just to this case.........Leaks in our Gov't have become common place to the media outlets............and it needs to end.
I understand that. It took a presidential order.

The FBI and intel agencies fired him for releasing this information to the press........He was a paid informant.........WHO VIOLATED THE LAWS OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.

WHY DIDN'T THEY TRY HIM FOR IT.....................He's guilty as sin.
Yes. I'm talking about Steele
After these revelations, the lefties here are determined an demanding they go down with the ship. Clinton loyalty to the end.

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