Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Conspiring with a known, desperate biased foreign spy to attempt to undermine / overthrow the President / Interfere in a US election...

Conspiracy - Obama administration, DOJ, FBI...



View attachment 174596


Known illegally acquiring of FISA warrants to illegally spy on the opposing political Presidential candidate and his team during a Presidential election ('Watergate on Mega-steroids)...

Show us anywhere in that memo that states the warrant was obtained illegally, liar.

Memo doesn't have to say it's illegal.

Lying to court, or presenting false information to the court in order to obtain the warrant is illegal.

Do you need any further explanation, or you got it?

What false information?
the dossier. but that's yesterday's news. today is that we will finally get the FISA application. wahooo

It's Fake? Who says.
the Congress.
Is anyone surprised the left wing corrupted and abused government agencies for political gain? When the American people punished the left by taking away control of the House and Senate the Obama administration simply side stepped congress and the people's representatives and pursued their agenda via other means. Well now there's a mess to clean up in their wake.

Remember you guys shit your pants because you thought Obama was trying to get the FBI to drop the case against Hillary? It's funny that today you are totally ok with Trump trying to get the FBI to drop the case about him colluding with Russia. That's ok?
Actually the fbi has as well.
Show us anywhere in that memo that states the warrant was obtained illegally, liar.

Memo doesn't have to say it's illegal.

Lying to court, or presenting false information to the court in order to obtain the warrant is illegal.

Do you need any further explanation, or you got it?

What false information?
the dossier. but that's yesterday's news. today is that we will finally get the FISA application. wahooo

It's Fake? Who says.
the Congress.
Remember this?
In a damaging revelation made late in her testimony today, Monica Goodling disclosed that right before she took a leave of absence from the Department of Justice, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales personally attempted to shape her future testimony to Congress about the U.S. attorney purge.

Did Gonzales Obstruct Justice By Attempting To ‘Shape’ Goodling’s Testimony?

I'm just remembering how corrupt the Bush administration was and Republicans didn't care one bit.
What. I remember was our ire over her being given a pass for the very things others have ended up in prison for.
Is anyone surprised the left wing corrupted and abused government agencies for political gain? When the American people punished the left by taking away control of the House and Senate the Obama administration simply side stepped congress and the people's representatives and pursued their agenda via other means. Well now there's a mess to clean up in their wake.

Remember you guys shit your pants because you thought Obama was trying to get the FBI to drop the case against Hillary? It's funny that today you are totally ok with Trump trying to get the FBI to drop the case about him colluding with Russia. That's ok?
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.
You are a liar

We Read The Republicans' Secret Memo So You Don't Have To | HuffPost

Nothing burger

You let Huffpo inform you and form your opinions? Surprise!!!!!! Not.
Is anyone surprised the left wing corrupted and abused government agencies for political gain? When the American people punished the left by taking away control of the House and Senate the Obama administration simply side stepped congress and the people's representatives and pursued their agenda via other means. Well now there's a mess to clean up in their wake.

Remember you guys shit your pants because you thought Obama was trying to get the FBI to drop the case against Hillary? It's funny that today you are totally ok with Trump trying to get the FBI to drop the case about him colluding with Russia. That's ok?

There is no case, you freaks conned the court into issuing illegal wire taps using a biased discredited dossier funded by Hillary.
And the dossier that clinton had steele lie about was the gospel.....right?
jebus christo, you are just bat shit crazy! :lol:

No, that would be you. A FISA Warrant was issued because the Judge was led yo believe in the veracity of the "Dossier". A "Dossier" that is completely false.

This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.
dude, it's been confirmed all over the place. ask any GOP congress person.

It hasn't. Search it up and post it.
read the fking memo.
I'm glad this memo is released. So Republicans can keep showing their obstructionist asses to public.

Very troubling when we have the president attacking the FBI and Department of Justice.

They are a part of our checks and balances. Without them, presidents would be allowed to run authoritian regimes.

The FBI ha been corrupted before. Should we pretend that it can't happen or hasn't happened? A corrupt "check and balance" is not a check or balance. They are not above being checked and balanced either.

I hope it hasn't happened again, but I am not naive enough to dismiss it.

FBI may be corrupt. But what makes Republicans and Trump qualified to deal with the corruption? They're all partisan hacks who only care about their.

They were 100 % behind the FBI when they were investigating Hilary's emails. They were upstanding people.

Now that FBI are the villains.

The left was all behind Comey when he cleared Clinton...then they vilified him when he reopened the case.

Here you are talking partisanship?
I can compare this to Geraldo Rivera's TV spectacular about opening Capone's vault.

And the dossier that clinton had steele lie about was the gospel.....right?
jebus christo, you are just bat shit crazy! :lol:

No, that would be you. A FISA Warrant was issued because the Judge was led yo believe in the veracity of the "Dossier". A "Dossier" that is completely false.

This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.

LOL, this is where your entire world falls apart the entire "Dossier is unproven and has been for over a year. It was the ONLY evidence used to get a FISA Warrant. That makes any and ALL evidence or potential evidence null and void because it was illegally obtained. You guys are having a BAD week.

Oh yes, you do know that the burden of proof rests on the accuser right? You DO know that right? You DO know it's out there since October of 2016 and none of it has been proven true, you DO know that right? Moron.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.


Need I remind the reader that eastt65 is insane?
Hillary paid for a false file to be created so that she could spy on and further falsely discredit Trump during the election
The FBI DOJ and FISA went along and I want to puke and cry at same time
American politics never looked more soiled and sullied
I can compare this to Geraldo Rivera's TV spectacular about opening Capone's vault.

And the dossier that clinton had steele lie about was the gospel.....right?
jebus christo, you are just bat shit crazy! :lol:

No, that would be you. A FISA Warrant was issued because the Judge was led yo believe in the veracity of the "Dossier". A "Dossier" that is completely false.

This is where your whole delusional house of cards fails.

You all retardedly believe the dossier to be completely false.

The truth is, you don't know that.

LOL, this is where your entire world falls apart the entire "Dossier is unproven and has been for over a year. It was the ONLY evidence used to get a FISA Warrant. That makes any and ALL evidence or potential evidence null and void because it was illegally obtained. You guys are having a BAD week.
Lying doesn’t help you. Parts of the dossier were confirmed.
Remember this?
In a damaging revelation made late in her testimony today, Monica Goodling disclosed that right before she took a leave of absence from the Department of Justice, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales personally attempted to shape her future testimony to Congress about the U.S. attorney purge.

Did Gonzales Obstruct Justice By Attempting To ‘Shape’ Goodling’s Testimony?

I'm just remembering how corrupt the Bush administration was and Republicans didn't care one bit.

Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

The memo's biggest claim is that then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee that no FISA warrant would have been issued relating to one-time Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without the so-called Steele dossier -- the work of a former British spy named Christopher Steele that was being secretly funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign. The House Intelligence Committee was not made aware of the financing behind the Steele dossier during its investigation.

That could be a big deal. Except, we don't know for sure that the timeline of events -- and the reporting on who said what when -- in the Nunes memo correlates with the objective truth. Why? Because the actual FISA court warrants are classified. And because Democratic sources familiar with the Intelligence Committee testimony suggested Friday that McCabe did not, in fact, say that the FISA warrant would have never been issued if not for the Steele dossier.

McCabe admitted to reliance on the Steele dossier -- portions of which have never been confirmed by the FBI! And he didn't tell the Intelligence Committee who was paying for the memo! And a bunch of Justice Department officials -- including current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- signed off on one of these FISA warrants!

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

It might be! But, here's the thing: We -- and Trump -- have no way of knowing that because, not to beat a dead horse, but a) The FISA warrants in question are still classified and b) We don't know for sure that what Nunes said McCabe said is the full picture.

hashtag #releasethememo has been a steady drumbeat for Republicans convinced, like Trump, that something's rotten in the Justice Department. Democrats have, on the other hand, lined up in unanimous opposition to the release of the memo -- suggesting it represents not only a break with the apolitical way in which the Intelligence Committee has operated in the past but also creates a real threat to the country going forward.

The FBI is run by a man named Christopher Wray. He was Trump's hand-picked successor after the President fired James Comey. Rosenstein, who is tasked with overseeing the investigation into Russia's attempted meddling in the 2016 election because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself, is, like Wray, a pick of Trump's Justice Department.
And yet, both men opposed the release of the Nunes memo.

So. The FBI, which is run by a man Trump hand-picked to run it, says the memo commits the sin of omission and, by doing so, doesn't present a totally accurate picture. I haven't heard a good explanation from conservatives for that fact. Is Wray also part of the deep state conspiracy against Trump? If so, why did Trump pick him? If not, why didn't Trump listen to him?.

So, can we all go home now?

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