Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says

Well the investigation will continue. And now republicans won't be able to whine that this info that came out will end the investigation, because, of course, it won't have.
This drives a huge stake in the heart of any continuing investigation of Trump, especially since going into year 2 the Democrats still can't even produce evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation...

...and since this Summary of EVIDENCE proves that to get an excuse to start up an investigation the DOJ and FBI had to conspire / collude with a foreign spy who was, as the FBI assessed, desperate to prevent Trump from winning the they (Obama, Hillary, FBI, DOJ...) were.

This is the biggest 'boomerang' to date, coming back to hit the conspirators right in the throat! Every one of them involved should be PERP-WALKED immediately...

This drives a huge stake in the heart of any continuing investigation of Trump, especially since going into year 2 the Democrats still can't even produce evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation...

...and since this Summary of EVIDENCE proves that to get an excuse to start up an investigation the DOJ and FBI had to conspire / collude with a foreign spy who was, as the FBI assessed, desperate to prevent Trump from winning the they (Obama, Hillary, FBI, DOJ...) were.

You are a flaming retard, dude.

The Page FISA application in question was from Oct of 16.

The counterintelligence investigation into Russian meddling and Trump involvement started in Jul of 16.

It obviously was not what started the investigation.

true... but if he didn't spread Vladimir's word, Sergei wouldn't have anything to say.
putin's will has been going strong as long as mueller is active. you don't get it.
No, it hasn’t. Read the memo and what the fbi said. Geeesh.
Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

The memo's biggest claim is that then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee that no FISA warrant would have been issued relating to one-time Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without the so-called Steele dossier -- the work of a former British spy named Christopher Steele that was being secretly funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign. The House Intelligence Committee was not made aware of the financing behind the Steele dossier during its investigation.

That could be a big deal. Except, we don't know for sure that the timeline of events -- and the reporting on who said what when -- in the Nunes memo correlates with the objective truth. Why? Because the actual FISA court warrants are classified. And because Democratic sources familiar with the Intelligence Committee testimony suggested Friday that McCabe did not, in fact, say that the FISA warrant would have never been issued if not for the Steele dossier.

McCabe admitted to reliance on the Steele dossier -- portions of which have never been confirmed by the FBI! And he didn't tell the Intelligence Committee who was paying for the memo! And a bunch of Justice Department officials -- including current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- signed off on one of these FISA warrants!

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

It might be! But, here's the thing: We -- and Trump -- have no way of knowing that because, not to beat a dead horse, but a) The FISA warrants in question are still classified and b) We don't know for sure that what Nunes said McCabe said is the full picture.

hashtag #releasethememo has been a steady drumbeat for Republicans convinced, like Trump, that something's rotten in the Justice Department. Democrats have, on the other hand, lined up in unanimous opposition to the release of the memo -- suggesting it represents not only a break with the apolitical way in which the Intelligence Committee has operated in the past but also creates a real threat to the country going forward.

The FBI is run by a man named Christopher Wray. He was Trump's hand-picked successor after the President fired James Comey. Rosenstein, who is tasked with overseeing the investigation into Russia's attempted meddling in the 2016 election because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself, is, like Wray, a pick of Trump's Justice Department.
And yet, both men opposed the release of the Nunes memo.

So. The FBI, which is run by a man Trump hand-picked to run it, says the memo commits the sin of omission and, by doing so, doesn't present a totally accurate picture.

So, can we all go home now?

the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.
one was Rossenstein.
Yates, Boerte, Comey and Rosentine and McCabe.....all were part of the FISA Applications.
All of them should be prosecuted.

I want to hear what THE FISA Judge has to say.
Where's the part where Trump was wiretapped? None of you have answered the question. It is a very simple question.
so you think that will be written down? LOL you are truly stupid. it's called FISA Warrant, but don't let that stop your stupidity.
As I suspected, you do not know who the warrants were for.

They were for Carter Page. None were for Trump. This is no secret. Sorry.
he never said they were. Nor did I.
You lied. Period.
The absurdity of the memo?

The memo is a cherrypicked version of the facts that then makes as its main charge that the FBI cherrypicked the information they gave to the FISA judges.

So NYCARBINEER, YOU have seen ALL the information that this memo is based on? Are you telling us you have privileged information and you are sharing that with the general public?
The ONLY people that can do that are people that have been vetted to see ALL the information contingent on their sworn oath not to reveal it.
Again you've taken that oath and have seen all the information and now tell us it is "cherrypicked"?
HOW do you know unless you are vetted and if you are you are NOW in violation of your oath NOT to reveal any contents of confidential information!
Are you aware that this board is monitored for just such statements as you have made?
Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

The memo's biggest claim is that then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee that no FISA warrant would have been issued relating to one-time Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without the so-called Steele dossier -- the work of a former British spy named Christopher Steele that was being secretly funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign. The House Intelligence Committee was not made aware of the financing behind the Steele dossier during its investigation.

That could be a big deal. Except, we don't know for sure that the timeline of events -- and the reporting on who said what when -- in the Nunes memo correlates with the objective truth. Why? Because the actual FISA court warrants are classified. And because Democratic sources familiar with the Intelligence Committee testimony suggested Friday that McCabe did not, in fact, say that the FISA warrant would have never been issued if not for the Steele dossier.

McCabe admitted to reliance on the Steele dossier -- portions of which have never been confirmed by the FBI! And he didn't tell the Intelligence Committee who was paying for the memo! And a bunch of Justice Department officials -- including current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- signed off on one of these FISA warrants!

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

It might be! But, here's the thing: We -- and Trump -- have no way of knowing that because, not to beat a dead horse, but a) The FISA warrants in question are still classified and b) We don't know for sure that what Nunes said McCabe said is the full picture.

hashtag #releasethememo has been a steady drumbeat for Republicans convinced, like Trump, that something's rotten in the Justice Department. Democrats have, on the other hand, lined up in unanimous opposition to the release of the memo -- suggesting it represents not only a break with the apolitical way in which the Intelligence Committee has operated in the past but also creates a real threat to the country going forward.

The FBI is run by a man named Christopher Wray. He was Trump's hand-picked successor after the President fired James Comey. Rosenstein, who is tasked with overseeing the investigation into Russia's attempted meddling in the 2016 election because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself, is, like Wray, a pick of Trump's Justice Department.
And yet, both men opposed the release of the Nunes memo.

So. The FBI, which is run by a man Trump hand-picked to run it, says the memo commits the sin of omission and, by doing so, doesn't present a totally accurate picture.

So, can we all go home now?

the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.

You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???
What a stupid question. Are you a fool? Especially after I posted what it takes to get a FISA warrant.
Al Green: DisMembers Of Congress. I,,Al Gore,,I mean, Green, stand here, here by, declaring dat we now need to imbleach,,impend?,,no Impeach President Bush on this German Dociea Thingy now dat da ebidence haz been presented!!!
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.


Need I remind the reader that eastt65 is insane?

so what does that make you?

A. Observant and honest, but I've always been so.

That you don't recognize that is understandable, and telling.
Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

The memo's biggest claim is that then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee that no FISA warrant would have been issued relating to one-time Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without the so-called Steele dossier -- the work of a former British spy named Christopher Steele that was being secretly funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign. The House Intelligence Committee was not made aware of the financing behind the Steele dossier during its investigation.

That could be a big deal. Except, we don't know for sure that the timeline of events -- and the reporting on who said what when -- in the Nunes memo correlates with the objective truth. Why? Because the actual FISA court warrants are classified. And because Democratic sources familiar with the Intelligence Committee testimony suggested Friday that McCabe did not, in fact, say that the FISA warrant would have never been issued if not for the Steele dossier.

McCabe admitted to reliance on the Steele dossier -- portions of which have never been confirmed by the FBI! And he didn't tell the Intelligence Committee who was paying for the memo! And a bunch of Justice Department officials -- including current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- signed off on one of these FISA warrants!

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

It might be! But, here's the thing: We -- and Trump -- have no way of knowing that because, not to beat a dead horse, but a) The FISA warrants in question are still classified and b) We don't know for sure that what Nunes said McCabe said is the full picture.

hashtag #releasethememo has been a steady drumbeat for Republicans convinced, like Trump, that something's rotten in the Justice Department. Democrats have, on the other hand, lined up in unanimous opposition to the release of the memo -- suggesting it represents not only a break with the apolitical way in which the Intelligence Committee has operated in the past but also creates a real threat to the country going forward.

The FBI is run by a man named Christopher Wray. He was Trump's hand-picked successor after the President fired James Comey. Rosenstein, who is tasked with overseeing the investigation into Russia's attempted meddling in the 2016 election because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself, is, like Wray, a pick of Trump's Justice Department.
And yet, both men opposed the release of the Nunes memo.

So. The FBI, which is run by a man Trump hand-picked to run it, says the memo commits the sin of omission and, by doing so, doesn't present a totally accurate picture.

So, can we all go home now?

the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.

You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???
What a stupid question. Are you a fool? Especially after I posted what it takes to get a FISA warrant.

they get easily confused.
House Intelligence memo released: What it says

* The Steele dossier formed an essential part of the intial and all three renewal FISA applications against Carter Page.

* Andrew McCabe confirmed that no FISA warrant would have been sought from the FISA Court without the Steele dossier information.

* The political origins of the Steele dossier were known to senior DOJ and FBI officials, but excluded from the FISA applications.

* DOJ official Bruce Ohr met with Steele beginning in the summer of 2016 and relayed to DOJ information about Steele's bias. Steele told Ohr that he, Steele, was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected president and was passionate about him not becoming president.


In 2016 Ohr meets with Steele, determines he is extremely biased and 'desperate for Trump not to become President'.
- Ohr tells the leadership of the FBI this information. Both the leadership of the FBI and DOJ knew this to be the case!

The FBI and DOJ then seek FISA warrants to SPY ON THE POLITICAL OPPOSITION PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS TEAM DURING A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION using the KNOWN unverified dossier provided by a KNOWN biased foreign spy ... 'desperate' to prevent Trump from becoming President ... as their basis to obtain FISA Warrants to do so.


So if I hate my neighbor and know he grows pot illegally in his basement and I turn him in. The charges won't stick because I didn't like him?

They won't if you spin stories about him getting your dog to pee on your bed when he didn't.
Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

The memo's biggest claim is that then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee that no FISA warrant would have been issued relating to one-time Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without the so-called Steele dossier -- the work of a former British spy named Christopher Steele that was being secretly funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign. The House Intelligence Committee was not made aware of the financing behind the Steele dossier during its investigation.

That could be a big deal. Except, we don't know for sure that the timeline of events -- and the reporting on who said what when -- in the Nunes memo correlates with the objective truth. Why? Because the actual FISA court warrants are classified. And because Democratic sources familiar with the Intelligence Committee testimony suggested Friday that McCabe did not, in fact, say that the FISA warrant would have never been issued if not for the Steele dossier.

McCabe admitted to reliance on the Steele dossier -- portions of which have never been confirmed by the FBI! And he didn't tell the Intelligence Committee who was paying for the memo! And a bunch of Justice Department officials -- including current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- signed off on one of these FISA warrants!

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

It might be! But, here's the thing: We -- and Trump -- have no way of knowing that because, not to beat a dead horse, but a) The FISA warrants in question are still classified and b) We don't know for sure that what Nunes said McCabe said is the full picture.

hashtag #releasethememo has been a steady drumbeat for Republicans convinced, like Trump, that something's rotten in the Justice Department. Democrats have, on the other hand, lined up in unanimous opposition to the release of the memo -- suggesting it represents not only a break with the apolitical way in which the Intelligence Committee has operated in the past but also creates a real threat to the country going forward.

The FBI is run by a man named Christopher Wray. He was Trump's hand-picked successor after the President fired James Comey. Rosenstein, who is tasked with overseeing the investigation into Russia's attempted meddling in the 2016 election because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself, is, like Wray, a pick of Trump's Justice Department.
And yet, both men opposed the release of the Nunes memo.

So. The FBI, which is run by a man Trump hand-picked to run it, says the memo commits the sin of omission and, by doing so, doesn't present a totally accurate picture.

So, can we all go home now?

the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.

You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???
You mean this Larry Sinclair?

Obama accuser has long rap sheet
Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

The memo's biggest claim is that then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee that no FISA warrant would have been issued relating to one-time Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without the so-called Steele dossier -- the work of a former British spy named Christopher Steele that was being secretly funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign. The House Intelligence Committee was not made aware of the financing behind the Steele dossier during its investigation.

That could be a big deal. Except, we don't know for sure that the timeline of events -- and the reporting on who said what when -- in the Nunes memo correlates with the objective truth. Why? Because the actual FISA court warrants are classified. And because Democratic sources familiar with the Intelligence Committee testimony suggested Friday that McCabe did not, in fact, say that the FISA warrant would have never been issued if not for the Steele dossier.

McCabe admitted to reliance on the Steele dossier -- portions of which have never been confirmed by the FBI! And he didn't tell the Intelligence Committee who was paying for the memo! And a bunch of Justice Department officials -- including current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- signed off on one of these FISA warrants!

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

It might be! But, here's the thing: We -- and Trump -- have no way of knowing that because, not to beat a dead horse, but a) The FISA warrants in question are still classified and b) We don't know for sure that what Nunes said McCabe said is the full picture.

hashtag #releasethememo has been a steady drumbeat for Republicans convinced, like Trump, that something's rotten in the Justice Department. Democrats have, on the other hand, lined up in unanimous opposition to the release of the memo -- suggesting it represents not only a break with the apolitical way in which the Intelligence Committee has operated in the past but also creates a real threat to the country going forward.

The FBI is run by a man named Christopher Wray. He was Trump's hand-picked successor after the President fired James Comey. Rosenstein, who is tasked with overseeing the investigation into Russia's attempted meddling in the 2016 election because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself, is, like Wray, a pick of Trump's Justice Department.
And yet, both men opposed the release of the Nunes memo.

So. The FBI, which is run by a man Trump hand-picked to run it, says the memo commits the sin of omission and, by doing so, doesn't present a totally accurate picture.

So, can we all go home now?

the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.

You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???
What a stupid question. Are you a fool? Especially after I posted what it takes to get a FISA warrant.

they get easily confused.

Nothing confusing about it at all. You still haven't proved the veracity of the "Dossier"" ;) WE both know that you're lying about it.
Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

The memo's biggest claim is that then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee that no FISA warrant would have been issued relating to one-time Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without the so-called Steele dossier -- the work of a former British spy named Christopher Steele that was being secretly funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign. The House Intelligence Committee was not made aware of the financing behind the Steele dossier during its investigation.

That could be a big deal. Except, we don't know for sure that the timeline of events -- and the reporting on who said what when -- in the Nunes memo correlates with the objective truth. Why? Because the actual FISA court warrants are classified. And because Democratic sources familiar with the Intelligence Committee testimony suggested Friday that McCabe did not, in fact, say that the FISA warrant would have never been issued if not for the Steele dossier.

McCabe admitted to reliance on the Steele dossier -- portions of which have never been confirmed by the FBI! And he didn't tell the Intelligence Committee who was paying for the memo! And a bunch of Justice Department officials -- including current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- signed off on one of these FISA warrants!

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

It might be! But, here's the thing: We -- and Trump -- have no way of knowing that because, not to beat a dead horse, but a) The FISA warrants in question are still classified and b) We don't know for sure that what Nunes said McCabe said is the full picture.

hashtag #releasethememo has been a steady drumbeat for Republicans convinced, like Trump, that something's rotten in the Justice Department. Democrats have, on the other hand, lined up in unanimous opposition to the release of the memo -- suggesting it represents not only a break with the apolitical way in which the Intelligence Committee has operated in the past but also creates a real threat to the country going forward.

The FBI is run by a man named Christopher Wray. He was Trump's hand-picked successor after the President fired James Comey. Rosenstein, who is tasked with overseeing the investigation into Russia's attempted meddling in the 2016 election because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself, is, like Wray, a pick of Trump's Justice Department.
And yet, both men opposed the release of the Nunes memo.

So. The FBI, which is run by a man Trump hand-picked to run it, says the memo commits the sin of omission and, by doing so, doesn't present a totally accurate picture.

So, can we all go home now?

the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.

You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???

Larry Sinclair? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey douchenozzle, read the fucking memo

I DID....I read it thoroughly and it reminded me of Geraldo Rivera's opening up Al Capone's vault fiasco,

So, after peeing my pants a bit from laughing, I had to leave the forum to go change.........
Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

So, can we all go home now?

the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.

You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???
What a stupid question. Are you a fool? Especially after I posted what it takes to get a FISA warrant.

they get easily confused.

Nothing confusing about it at all. You still haven't proved the veracity of the "Dossier"" ;) WE both know that you're lying about it.

I don't have to prove the "veracity of the dossier". the people who have that responsibility have said it is largely substantiated.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

let me know when you give a damn that every word out of Donald's mouth is a lie and we can talk more about "proof"
Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

The memo's biggest claim is that then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee that no FISA warrant would have been issued relating to one-time Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without the so-called Steele dossier -- the work of a former British spy named Christopher Steele that was being secretly funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign. The House Intelligence Committee was not made aware of the financing behind the Steele dossier during its investigation.

That could be a big deal. Except, we don't know for sure that the timeline of events -- and the reporting on who said what when -- in the Nunes memo correlates with the objective truth. Why? Because the actual FISA court warrants are classified. And because Democratic sources familiar with the Intelligence Committee testimony suggested Friday that McCabe did not, in fact, say that the FISA warrant would have never been issued if not for the Steele dossier.

McCabe admitted to reliance on the Steele dossier -- portions of which have never been confirmed by the FBI! And he didn't tell the Intelligence Committee who was paying for the memo! And a bunch of Justice Department officials -- including current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- signed off on one of these FISA warrants!

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

It might be! But, here's the thing: We -- and Trump -- have no way of knowing that because, not to beat a dead horse, but a) The FISA warrants in question are still classified and b) We don't know for sure that what Nunes said McCabe said is the full picture.

hashtag #releasethememo has been a steady drumbeat for Republicans convinced, like Trump, that something's rotten in the Justice Department. Democrats have, on the other hand, lined up in unanimous opposition to the release of the memo -- suggesting it represents not only a break with the apolitical way in which the Intelligence Committee has operated in the past but also creates a real threat to the country going forward.

The FBI is run by a man named Christopher Wray. He was Trump's hand-picked successor after the President fired James Comey. Rosenstein, who is tasked with overseeing the investigation into Russia's attempted meddling in the 2016 election because Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself, is, like Wray, a pick of Trump's Justice Department.
And yet, both men opposed the release of the Nunes memo.

So. The FBI, which is run by a man Trump hand-picked to run it, says the memo commits the sin of omission and, by doing so, doesn't present a totally accurate picture.

So, can we all go home now?

the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.

You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???
You mean this Larry Sinclair?

Obama accuser has long rap sheet

Obama is gay, who cares. Reggie Love is a more likely lover for him and then of course there is this picture of Obama holding hands with a Pakistani man.

Update: The latest Analysis From CNN:

What the Nunes memo actually proves (Not much) - CNNPolitics

Selected Excerpts

Actually, that could be trouble for the FBI

So, can we all go home now?

the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.

You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???
What a stupid question. Are you a fool? Especially after I posted what it takes to get a FISA warrant.

they get easily confused.

Nothing confusing about it at all. You still haven't proved the veracity of the "Dossier"" ;) WE both know that you're lying about it.
You insist on ignoring the FACT that a number of people here, including myself, have shown that there is no evidence that the FISA warrants relied entirely on the "Dossier""
the Steele dossier has been largely confirmed. Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI. and that dossier wasn't initially a dem project. it was oppo research for a GOP candidate.

as to the FISA warrant, this was a renewal of the FISA warrant on Carter Page, who was long a subject of surveillance because of his shady dealings with Russian spies.

You wrote: "Steele was the only person who saw Donald's corruption who was decent enough to report it to the FBI"

So if I were to report to the FBI that YOU were the ONLY one to have seen:
" Obama having sex in the backseat of a limousine with Larry Sinclair in 1999 after he met Obama at a Chicago nightclub. They left together in a limo. Obama then obtained cocaine and crack and Sinclair performed oral sex on him. He will take a lie detector test to back up his claims.
Minnesota Man Says He Used Cocaine and Had Oral Sex With Barack Obama
that would be more than enough evidence to for FISA warrant against Obama???
What a stupid question. Are you a fool? Especially after I posted what it takes to get a FISA warrant.

they get easily confused.

Nothing confusing about it at all. You still haven't proved the veracity of the "Dossier"" ;) WE both know that you're lying about it.

I don't have to prove the "veracity of the dossier". the people who have that responsibility have said it is largely substantiated.

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

let me know when you give a damn that every word out of Donald's mouth is a lie and we can talk more about "proof"

He lies all the time, the difference is that Obama and Hillary are every bit as bad. I've already posted the fact that the "Dossier" is unconfirmed. The memo ALSO makes that clear.

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