Summary of Evidence Released - What It Says


Page left the campaign in September of 16.

You dopes don't even know the basics of this matter.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

The only warrant was specific to Page.
Hillary and the FBI collaborated with a foreign spy working with Russians, a spy they assessed to be a lying anti-Trump extremist desperate to prevent Trump from becoming President ... like they were...

Sure, dope. That's why they got a warrant on a guy that wasn't even with the campaign any longer just 20 days before the election.
Or why the FBI didn't leak a word to the public about their investigation into Trump/Russia; while they very publicly opened investigations into Hillary's email server ... twice ... once after early voting had already begun.

What more proof is needed to show how rightarded conservatives are?

The NYT published the fact that Hillary was using a private email server. It wasn't the FBI that made it public information. The investigation into her emails began only after it had already become public knowledge.

On the other hand, the last thing the FBI wanted was for the public to learn that it was conducting espionage against the Trump campaign.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
The FBI was investigating Trump long before he was elected.

Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.
You don't know that. That may be true or it may not be. It's still under investigation.
Yeah, we do know. If there was evidence, it would have been leaked.
Speculation through biased eyes.

Laughing....says the people that are bleating about an anti-Trump conspiracy when the FBI gets a warrant on a guy that isn't working for Trump.

Sorry little girl, I stand where I always stand. I need to see proof and as of yet....there is none. You seem to be in the wrong sand box honey.

Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?
It was funded by the Hillary campaign. Who else would it be about?
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

The only warrant was specific to Page.
Hillary and the FBI collaborated with a foreign spy working with Russians, a spy they assessed to be a lying anti-Trump extremist desperate to prevent Trump from becoming President ... like they were...
Nope, Hillary retained an American law firm.

It's called a "cut out" and it's used to try and hide guilt. Sorry.
Call it what you want, she retained an American law firm. No laws against that. And that American law firm hired an American research firm. No laws against that either.

That law firm paid a British spy for the dossier. That is against the law. That spy in turn paid Russian spies for malicious gossip to put in the dossier. That's also against the law.
Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?

(smile) Her inference was that my position was that it WAS about Trump and that it WAS used to spy on him. Now, I offer you the same thing I did her show where I ever said that.
Now, as to your question, it was indeed mostly Trump.
That's between you and Skylar.

Meanwhile, you asked, "you might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?"

Do you not want to answer to statements you make? Who said the dossier was only about Trump? Do you not know there are sections about Page?

The Dossier was, as everyone knows primarily about Trump. Why it used? Can you show me where I said it was only about Trump? No, you can't. skylar declined that invitation too ;)
Too bad you didn't say the dossier was primarily about Trump. But I understand why you're shifting your description of it now.

You were talking about the "Dossier ABOUT Trump..." Emphasis, yours.
Nope, Hillary retained an American law firm.

It's called a "cut out" and it's used to try and hide guilt. Sorry.
Call it what you want, she retained an American law firm. No laws against that. And that American law firm hired an American research firm. No laws against that either.

I don't have anything against the research, I do have problems with it's lack of veracity. The fact that very little of it was corroborated SHOULD make it illegal to use to get a warrant on ANYONE.
The FBI thought differently and verified some of the dossier involving Page, which is whom they sought to spy on.

As I said, very little of it had been corroborated. I'm glad we can agree on that.
Great, now if only you, or Nunes, or anyone, could prove the evidence supplied from it to the FISC included unverified material, you might have a case to make that the FISA warrant wasn't warranted.
It's called a "cut out" and it's used to try and hide guilt. Sorry.
Call it what you want, she retained an American law firm. No laws against that. And that American law firm hired an American research firm. No laws against that either.

I don't have anything against the research, I do have problems with it's lack of veracity. The fact that very little of it was corroborated SHOULD make it illegal to use to get a warrant on ANYONE.
The FBI thought differently and verified some of the dossier involving Page, which is whom they sought to spy on.

As I said, very little of it had been corroborated. I'm glad we can agree on that.
Great, now if only you, or Nunes, or anyone, could prove the evidence supplied from it to the FISC included unverified material, you might have a case to make that the FISA warrant wasn't warranted.

It's all unverified, turd. Congress asked McCabe for the verification, and he couldn't produce a thing.
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.

You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.


Speculation through biased eyes.

Please prove it me where I’m biased.
You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.


Speculation through biased eyes.

Laughing....says the people that are bleating about an anti-Trump conspiracy when the FBI gets a warrant on a guy that isn't working for Trump.

Sorry little girl, I stand where I always stand. I need to see proof and as of yet....there is none. You seem to be in the wrong sand box honey.

Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?

Why don’t you answer my 3 questions?
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.

You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.

In other words, you can't name a crime Trump or his administration committed. Who cares about your rationalizations for lying?

Well dude. Why don’t you answer my 3 questions?

Then explain why he is going all over the place scared like a puppy screaming no collusions no collusions no collusions. Normally people shut the fuck up.
It didn't. You poor, poor fools simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the point.
well sure it did, it got special counsel.

No, dope. The FBI investigation began in July of 16, well before the warrant began.That is the same investigation that Mueller took over after Trump fired Comey.

You honestly don't know that?

No one said that Comey used the warrant to justify his investigation. He used it to justify surveiling the Trump campaign. There never was any legitimate justification for Comey's investigation. It was done on Obama's orders to dig up dirt he could use to defeat Trump.
No one said that Comey used the warrant to justify his investigation. He used it to justify surveiling the Trump campaign. There never was any legitimate justification for Comey's investigation. It was done on Obama's orders to dig up dirt he could use to defeat Trump.


There was no surveillance of the Trump campaign. There was never a warrant on any member of the campaign, the transition or the administration.
And Flynn did not actually lie. They interrogated him for hours and forced him to mentally recall a date he had disclosed in a disclosure document, and Flynn got the date Wrong.

Anyone see a problem with that?

The FBI needs reigned in. PERIOD!

Now that we know The FBI was trying to Nullify The Election with their “Insurance Policy” I am pretty sure that any petty thing the FBI has tried to brand their targets with is going to be long forgotten when they start being further exposed.

That and it was all obtained dishonestly and will be thrown out. Also this is why everyone they went after is walking free, because they cannot prosecute anyone. It’s just for show and to support their narrative.

Where did Nunez "admit" that? Please post a link. They plead guilty to lying, and nothing else. As usual, you only prove that you're a lying douchebag.

They admitted they lied to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and Russia.

As for the link on what Nunes admitted.....I already did. Here's the quote:

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said Monday that the FBI had disclosed possible political backing for a Trump-Russia dossier in October 2016, but a controversial GOP memo released last week did not mention it.

Look it up in this thread or online.

Flynn lied about having talked to the ambassador, not about "contacts between the Trump team and Russia." You're spinning what is going on in your typical sleazy dishonest fashion.

"Disclosed it" to who?

And Flynn did not actually lie

That's right. He pled guilty because he really wasn't.

He plead guilty because defending himself drove him into bankruptcy, asshole

Sure, dope.
Laughing....says the people that are bleating about an anti-Trump conspiracy when the FBI gets a warrant on a guy that isn't working for Trump.

Sorry little girl, I stand where I always stand. I need to see proof and as of yet....there is none. You seem to be in the wrong sand box honey.

Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?
It was funded by the Hillary campaign. Who else would it be about?

You should read it and see instead of arguing, dope.
then why did the warrants end up at trump?

The only warrant was specific to Page.
Hillary and the FBI collaborated with a foreign spy working with Russians, a spy they assessed to be a lying anti-Trump extremist desperate to prevent Trump from becoming President ... like they were...

Sure, dope. That's why they got a warrant on a guy that wasn't even with the campaign any longer just 20 days before the election.
Or why the FBI didn't leak a word to the public about their investigation into Trump/Russia; while they very publicly opened investigations into Hillary's email server ... twice ... once after early voting had already begun.

What more proof is needed to show how rightarded conservatives are?

The NYT published the fact that Hillary was using a private email server. It wasn't the FBI that made it public information. The investigation into her emails began only after it had already become public knowledge.

On the other hand, the last thing the FBI wanted was for the public to learn that it was conducting espionage against the Trump campaign.

You're such a retard.:cuckoo:

How would the NY Times know about an FBI investigation unless the FBI told them?
The memo has nothing to do with the investigation. It would still be underway if there were no dossier or warrant.
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
Yes. The FBI investigation began in July of 2016. Months before any warrant application, dope.
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.
You don't know that. That may be true or it may not be. It's still under investigation.
Yeah, we do know. If there was evidence, it would have been leaked.
^^^ A moron making up more shit ^^^
McCabe said without they would never have gotten the
And going on 2 years now no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation exists.

And the Democrats turned to treason, collaborating with a foreign spy they assessed to be a lying extremist...

In barely 6 months of investigations we have 4 indictments of Trump team members and 2 guilty pleas. With both Papodopoulos and Flynn admitting that they lied to the FBI about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

We know there are very serious crimes in the Trump team. We know that these crimes relate directly with Russia. The only question many such crimes exist, by whom and for how long.

Which is why the Mueller investigation will continue.

You dont' know any such thing, moron. Flynn lied about talking to the Russian ambassador. I don't recall what Papawhatshisname lied about, but it wasn't about "ties between the Trump campaign and Russia."

There is no evidence that the Trump campaign has committed any crimes whatsoever. There is none. nada, zilch.

You don’t anything either dude.

Denial from fake messiah is not an evidence. Denial from fake messiah is not a verdict ( copied this from someone here ) ...... It takes time but Mueller will get there.

If Trump did not commit crime:
1. Why he is so scared?
2. Why is he acting like he committed crimes?
3. Why not stop lying and stop interfering then let the justice do the job? If he didn’t then he is cleared if he did then like everyone else he is not above the law. He should pay for his crimes.

In other words, you can't name a crime Trump or his administration committed. Who cares about your rationalizations for lying?

Well dude. Why don’t you answer my 3 questions?

Then explain why he is going all over the place scared like a puppy screaming no collusions no collusions no collusions. Normally people shut the fuck up.
  1. He isn't scared
  2. He isn't acting like he committed any crimes.
  3. Why would anyone cooperate with a witch hunt?
The only warrant was specific to Page.
Hillary and the FBI collaborated with a foreign spy working with Russians, a spy they assessed to be a lying anti-Trump extremist desperate to prevent Trump from becoming President ... like they were...

Sure, dope. That's why they got a warrant on a guy that wasn't even with the campaign any longer just 20 days before the election.
Or why the FBI didn't leak a word to the public about their investigation into Trump/Russia; while they very publicly opened investigations into Hillary's email server ... twice ... once after early voting had already begun.

What more proof is needed to show how rightarded conservatives are?

The NYT published the fact that Hillary was using a private email server. It wasn't the FBI that made it public information. The investigation into her emails began only after it had already become public knowledge.

On the other hand, the last thing the FBI wanted was for the public to learn that it was conducting espionage against the Trump campaign.

You're such a retard.:cuckoo:

How would the NY Times know about an FBI investigation unless the FBI told them?

Go back and read it carefully. I didn't say the NYT knew about any FBI investigation. How could it when there wasn't any investigation at that point.
Laughing....says the people that are bleating about an anti-Trump conspiracy when the FBI gets a warrant on a guy that isn't working for Trump.

Sorry little girl, I stand where I always stand. I need to see proof and as of yet....there is none. You seem to be in the wrong sand box honey.

Then explain how a warrant in October is an attempt to spy on the Trump team.....when Page left the Trump team in September?

You'll have to tell me what it was in my comment to Charwin that triggered you so? You might also want to explain why the "Dossier" ABOUT Trump was used to secure the October Warrant?
Who said the dossier was only about trump?
It was funded by the Hillary campaign. Who else would it be about?
Hillary paid a law firm and we know it's about Page as well as Trump because we know what's in it.
The only warrant was specific to Page.
Hillary and the FBI collaborated with a foreign spy working with Russians, a spy they assessed to be a lying anti-Trump extremist desperate to prevent Trump from becoming President ... like they were...
Nope, Hillary retained an American law firm.

It's called a "cut out" and it's used to try and hide guilt. Sorry.
Call it what you want, she retained an American law firm. No laws against that. And that American law firm hired an American research firm. No laws against that either.

That law firm paid a British spy for the dossier. That is against the law. That spy in turn paid Russian spies for malicious gossip to put in the dossier. That's also against the law.
Stop lying. That law firm paid an American corporation. There is no law against that.
Call it what you want, she retained an American law firm. No laws against that. And that American law firm hired an American research firm. No laws against that either.

I don't have anything against the research, I do have problems with it's lack of veracity. The fact that very little of it was corroborated SHOULD make it illegal to use to get a warrant on ANYONE.
The FBI thought differently and verified some of the dossier involving Page, which is whom they sought to spy on.

As I said, very little of it had been corroborated. I'm glad we can agree on that.
Great, now if only you, or Nunes, or anyone, could prove the evidence supplied from it to the FISC included unverified material, you might have a case to make that the FISA warrant wasn't warranted.

It's all unverified, turd. Congress asked McCabe for the verification, and he couldn't produce a thing.
Stop lying. I already posted the parts that were verified.

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