Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
the people in taiwan cooperate with the govt much more than those in this country......yea i know i was shocked too....

Yes, Taiwan is a homogeneous society where people share common cultural values.

The United States is not.

Furthermore, Taiwan is a small island that can control who enters. We cannot (obviously!).

And the Taiwanese government can give orders to the whole nation.

The United States is a bunch of semi-independent states that can and do tell the federal government to go to Hades. Our governors are little dictators.

There is no comparison between the two nations.

The United States can control who enters the country. Most people enter the country through air travel, the same way they enter Taiwan. Most people who cross the land border with Canada or Mexico cross at specific checkpoints where travel can easily be stopped. The United States is not much different from Taiwan except that it is lot farther away from where the infection started in China. John Hopkins University predicted that Taiwan, because of its proximity to China, its extensive trade and travel links with China, would suffer the worse effects of the pandemic of any country in the world.

Taiwan proved that proper government policy in quarantining the country from the outside world could succeed in protecting its citizens from the pandemic. The United States could have done what Taiwan did. The United States is wealthier and has the 2nd largest military on the planet. All it would have taken is proper government planning to implement and do what TAIWAN did. Any disadvantages the United States had by having a land border with Mexico or Canada could easily be covered by the Military.

But lets be clear, the virus came to the United States primarily through AIR TRAVEL. There was little to no spread caused by people crossing the Canadian or Mexican border on foot, in a car or on a train. Even if it was a significant threat, the means to block it, and seal those entry points are there. And no, someone crossing the desert on foot from Mexico to Arizona is not going to be major means of transmitting the virus.

Major difference seeing the U.S. is a lot bigger and let not forget China had hid the seriousness of the virus long enough that it infected the U.S. and many other countries around the World.

Taiwan does not and never will have the same amount of Sea and Air Traffic the U.S., so it is ridiculous to compare the U.S. to Taiwan but let me ask if we had legit numbers from China do you think they did or are doing a better job containing the virus they let allow to escape and infect the World?
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
the people in taiwan cooperate with the govt much more than those in this country......yea i know i was shocked too....

Yes, Taiwan is a homogeneous society where people share common cultural values.

The United States is not.

Furthermore, Taiwan is a small island that can control who enters. We cannot (obviously!).

And the Taiwanese government can give orders to the whole nation.

The United States is a bunch of semi-independent states that can and do tell the federal government to go to Hades. Our governors are little dictators.

There is no comparison between the two nations.

The United States can control who enters the country. Most people enter the country through air travel, the same way they enter Taiwan. Most people who cross the land border with Canada or Mexico cross at specific checkpoints where travel can easily be stopped. The United States is not much different from Taiwan except that it is lot farther away from where the infection started in China. John Hopkins University predicted that Taiwan, because of its proximity to China, its extensive trade and travel links with China, would suffer the worse effects of the pandemic of any country in the world.

Taiwan proved that proper government policy in quarantining the country from the outside world could succeed in protecting its citizens from the pandemic. The United States could have done what Taiwan did. The United States is wealthier and has the 2nd largest military on the planet. All it would have taken is proper government planning to implement and do what TAIWAN did. Any disadvantages the United States had by having a land border with Mexico or Canada could easily be covered by the Military.

But lets be clear, the virus came to the United States primarily through AIR TRAVEL. There was little to no spread caused by people crossing the Canadian or Mexican border on foot, in a car or on a train. Even if it was a significant threat, the means to block it, and seal those entry points are there. And no, someone crossing the desert on foot from Mexico to Arizona is not going to be major means of transmitting the virus.

Major difference seeing the U.S. is a lot bigger and let not forget China had hid the seriousness of the virus long enough that it infected the U.S. and many other countries around the World.

Taiwan does not and never will have the same amount of Sea and Air Traffic the U.S., so it is ridiculous to compare the U.S. to Taiwan but let me ask if we had legit numbers from China do you think they did or are doing a better job containing the virus they let allow to escape and infect the World?

The United States is larger than Taiwan in territory and population, but it is also larger than Taiwan in resources that can be used to defend and quarantine the country in the event of a pandemic. Australia is almost the size of the United States in Territory with a population the size of Taiwan, yet they have done nearly as well as Taiwan in protecting their citizens.

John Hopkins University actually predicted that TAIWAN would be the country in the world that would suffer the worst effects of the Pandemic due to is closer trade and travel links with China. But Taiwan put in effective defensive measures on January 20, 2020 which is the chief reason it has gone through the pandemic nearly unscathed.

TAIWAN's intelligence unit informed the United States of what it was finding in China and that the World Health Organizations information was grossly inaccurate. Had Trump listened to Taiwan and followed Taiwan's lead in protecting the country, over 99% of the people who died from Covid-19 in the United States would still be alive today.

Finally, regardless of arguments about geography and size, none of that can come close to accounting for ZERO deaths in Taiwan since June 1, 2020 vs 181,000+ in the United States since June 1, 2020. The United States is now averaging 2,200 deaths EVERY DAY while no one has died in Taiwan since May 11, 2020.

This is a national security, national defense issue and Taiwan only spends a tiny fraction on that compared to the United States. The United States had the resources to stop this from effecting the country, but TRUMP did nearly nothing!

Trump stated it was just "disappear". Trump then said we should close down for a few weeks and then open up for EASTER. "LETS MAKE EASTER SHINE" Trump stated. As we approach Christmas, nearly 300,000 Americans are dead from Covid-19 and by Christmas day we may be seeing 3,000 dead every day!

Then lets look at the top 15 countries for covid-19 deaths per capita and covid-19 infections per capita:

01. Andorra
02. Montenegro
03. Luxembourg
04. San Marino
05. Czech Republic
06. Bahrain
07. Belgium
08. Qatar
09. Armenia
10. United States
11. Slovenia
12. Georgia
13. Panama
14. Switzerland
15. Israel

01. Belgium
02. San Marino
03. Peru
04. Andorra
05. Italy
06. Spain
07. North Macedonia
08. Bosnia
09. United Kingdom
10. Argentina
11. United States
12. Montenegro
13. Mexico
14. France
15. Slovenia

Notice that country size has nothing to do with it. Countries big and small are effected. What matters is government policy and implementing techniques EARLY to stop the spread of the virus.
The moderator who moved this thread out of the politics forum must be a TRUMPER. They moved it to the Health forum to try and bury it because its bad news for Trump. But this is the most serious political issue facing the country at the moment. Government policy is why there are over 2,000 people dying everyday in the United States and it should be put back in the politics forum to be discussed.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I remember Trump wanting to close down people from China entering the U.S. and a lot of people ridiculed him for it. And that was right at the beginning of the pandemic. With all the people we get entering and leaving the country every day I am not sure what else could have been done. Government did what it could to educate the public on what to do on a personal basis. Now it is a wait for the vaccine.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I remember Trump wanting to close down people from China entering the U.S. and a lot of people ridiculed him for it. And that was right at the beginning of the pandemic. With all the people we get entering and leaving the country every day I am not sure what else could have been done. Government did what it could to educate the public on what to do on a personal basis. Now it is a wait for the vaccine.

Again, you do what TAIWAN did on January 20, 2020. TAIWAN CLOSED ALL TRAFFIC FROM ALL COUNTRIES DOWN, not just one country like China. TAIWAN closed everything down PERIOD!

Then there is this:

Man fined $3,500 for breaking Taiwan quarantine for 8 seconds

Taiwanese authorities have slapped a $3,500 fine on a man who broke quarantine regulations for just eight seconds.

The man, a migrant worker from the Philippines, was quarantining in a hotel in Kaohsiung City when he briefly stepped out of his room into the hallway, the city's Department of Health told Taiwan's official Central News Agency (CNA).

The man was caught on CCTV by hotel staff, who contacted the Department of Health, CNA reported. The department fined him 100,000 Taiwan dollars -- around $3,500.

Under Taiwan's quarantine rules people are not allowed to leave their rooms, no matter for how long.

People in quarantine should not think they won't be fined for leaving their hotel room, the Department of Health said, according to CNA.

Man fined $3,500 for breaking Taiwan quarantine for 8 seconds (
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
What did Taiwan do that trump did not do?

he did everything a president could do
Maybe I'm wrong, but I remember Trump wanting to close down people from China entering the U.S. and a lot of people ridiculed him for it. And that was right at the beginning of the pandemic. With all the people we get entering and leaving the country every day I am not sure what else could have been done. Government did what it could to educate the public on what to do on a personal basis. Now it is a wait for the vaccine.

Again, you do what TAIWAN did on January 20, 2020. TAIWAN CLOSED ALL TRAFFIC FROM ALL COUNTRIES DOWN, not just one country like China. TAIWAN closed everything down PERIOD!

Then there is this:

Man fined $3,500 for breaking Taiwan quarantine for 8 seconds

Taiwanese authorities have slapped a $3,500 fine on a man who broke quarantine regulations for just eight seconds.

The man, a migrant worker from the Philippines, was quarantining in a hotel in Kaohsiung City when he briefly stepped out of his room into the hallway, the city's Department of Health told Taiwan's official Central News Agency (CNA).

The man was caught on CCTV by hotel staff, who contacted the Department of Health, CNA reported. The department fined him 100,000 Taiwan dollars -- around $3,500.

Under Taiwan's quarantine rules people are not allowed to leave their rooms, no matter for how long.

People in quarantine should not think they won't be fined for leaving their hotel room, the Department of Health said, according to CNA.

Man fined $3,500 for breaking Taiwan quarantine for 8 seconds (
Does trump have the authority to do that in America?
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.

Are you dead yet?
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
What did Taiwan do that trump did not do?

he did everything a president could do

Taiwan shut down or quarantined all travel into their country starting on January 20, 2020. Taiwan didn't just shut down travel from one country, they shut down or quarantined travel from all 197 countries including their own citizens living around the world. To be effective against a pandemic, this is the minimum you need to do and you have to do it rapidly before the virus penetrates into a countries population.

Trump never did any of this. There was a travel ban on one country in the early days which is essentially useless given the nature of international travel and the way a pandemic spreads. Trump added more restrictions in March, but by then it was already way too late. Trump basically did nothing, even though he knew as early as February 7, 2020 that the virus was airborne and could be passed easily through tiny aerosols suspended in the air. He made fun of and discouraged the wearing of mask. He NEVER enacted the defense Production act to mass produce PPE protective gear and develop and mass produce rapid testing. He failed to develop and enforce a national program on lockdowns and enforce re-opening only when transmission levels showed it was safe to do so.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I remember Trump wanting to close down people from China entering the U.S. and a lot of people ridiculed him for it. And that was right at the beginning of the pandemic. With all the people we get entering and leaving the country every day I am not sure what else could have been done. Government did what it could to educate the public on what to do on a personal basis. Now it is a wait for the vaccine.

Again, you do what TAIWAN did on January 20, 2020. TAIWAN CLOSED ALL TRAFFIC FROM ALL COUNTRIES DOWN, not just one country like China. TAIWAN closed everything down PERIOD!

Then there is this:

Man fined $3,500 for breaking Taiwan quarantine for 8 seconds

Taiwanese authorities have slapped a $3,500 fine on a man who broke quarantine regulations for just eight seconds.

The man, a migrant worker from the Philippines, was quarantining in a hotel in Kaohsiung City when he briefly stepped out of his room into the hallway, the city's Department of Health told Taiwan's official Central News Agency (CNA).

The man was caught on CCTV by hotel staff, who contacted the Department of Health, CNA reported. The department fined him 100,000 Taiwan dollars -- around $3,500.

Under Taiwan's quarantine rules people are not allowed to leave their rooms, no matter for how long.

People in quarantine should not think they won't be fined for leaving their hotel room, the Department of Health said, according to CNA.

Man fined $3,500 for breaking Taiwan quarantine for 8 seconds (
Does trump have the authority to do that in America?

When it comes to National Security and International Travel, he is in charge. He does not need authorization from Congress for such action just like he does not need it for military action or even to launch a Nuclear Missile. Opening or re-opening a school in a certain state would be a different matter that he would not control, but he could certainly influence and provide leadership on.
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.

Are you dead yet?

Are you a mindless troll?
Taiwan shut down or quarantined all travel into their country starting on January 20, 2020. Taiwan didn't just shut down travel from one country, they shut down or quarantined travel from all 197 countries including their own citizens living around the world.
Thats not true

But if you have a supporting link post it
When it comes to National Security and International Travel, he is in charge.
So you think trump should have imposed an absolute ban on entry to the US for all persons of all nationalities?

Is that what you are demanding?
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.

Are you dead yet?

Are you a mindless troll?

The SCIENCE tells you that LESS than 2% of infections are fatal. The SCIENCE tells you that the vast mjority who die have 1 or more critical underlying conditions It's NOT the big bad bogeyman that Prog trolls like keep screaming it is.
Taiwan shut down or quarantined all travel into their country starting on January 20, 2020. Taiwan didn't just shut down travel from one country, they shut down or quarantined travel from all 197 countries including their own citizens living around the world.
Thats not true

But if you have a supporting link post it

Your not allowed to just get on an airplane, land in Taiwan, walk out of the airport and go wherever you want. If your allowed into the country at all, you have to spend 14 days in quarantine. This is why Taiwan is the GOLD standard for success in fighting the pandemic. A man that broke his quarantine for 8 seconds was fined the equivalent of $3,200 dollars.
When it comes to National Security and International Travel, he is in charge.
So you think trump should have imposed an absolute ban on entry to the US for all persons of all nationalities?

Is that what you are demanding?

Is the method Taiwan used and makes sense to be done during a dangerous global pandemic. Had the United States done what Taiwan did, less than 200 Americans would have died from covid-19.
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.

Are you dead yet?

Are you a mindless troll?

The SCIENCE tells you that LESS than 2% of infections are fatal. The SCIENCE tells you that the vast mjority who die have 1 or more critical underlying conditions It's NOT the big bad bogeyman that Prog trolls like keep screaming it is.

That is one in 50 people dead for a highly transmissible disease. Deaths from seasonal flu are less than 1 in a thousand.

Finally, 33% of everyone that gets infected with this virus are left with long term symptoms that could last the rest of their lives and shorten their life expectancy.

310,000 Americans are dead now from a virus that killed its first American 9 months and 13 days ago. The United States is now losing about 3,000 people a day from the virus.

Meanwhile in Taiwan, no one has died from the Virus in over 7 months! NO ONE! For people living in TAIWAN, everything is open. Bars, Clubs, Concerts, sporting events, school, life is NORMAL!

The U.S. response to this virus is the example of what not to do, while the TAIWAN response is the gold standard for what to do. TAIWAN did nearly everything right, while the United States did nearly everything wrong.
The results of who died and who didn't in each country are the proof of who was right and who was wrong.
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.

Are you dead yet?

Are you a mindless troll?

The SCIENCE tells you that LESS than 2% of infections are fatal. The SCIENCE tells you that the vast mjority who die have 1 or more critical underlying conditions It's NOT the big bad bogeyman that Prog trolls like keep screaming it is.

That is one in 50 people dead for a highly transmissible disease. Deaths from seasonal flu are less than 1 in a thousand.

Finally, 33% of everyone that gets infected with this virus are left with long term symptoms that could last the rest of their lives and shorten their life expectancy.

310,000 Americans are dead now from a virus that killed its first American 9 months and 13 days ago. The United States is now losing about 3,000 people a day from the virus.

Meanwhile in Taiwan, no one has died from the Virus in over 7 months! NO ONE! For people living in TAIWAN, everything is open. Bars, Clubs, Concerts, sporting events, school, life is NORMAL!

The U.S. response to this virus is the example of what not to do, while the TAIWAN response is the gold standard for what to do. TAIWAN did nearly everything right, while the United States did nearly everything wrong.
The results of who died and who didn't in each country are the proof of who was right and who was wrong.

Less than 2% mortality. Take your mask and get the picture.
Is the method Taiwan used and makes sense to be done during a dangerous global pandemic. Had the United States done what Taiwan did, less than 200 Americans would have died from covid-19.

of course you are posting nonsense

Hawaii tried that and it lasted about one week

do you see biden doing anything close to that?
Is the method Taiwan used and makes sense to be done during a dangerous global pandemic. Had the United States done what Taiwan did, less than 200 Americans would have died from covid-19.

of course you are posting nonsense

Hawaii tried that and it lasted about one week

do you see biden doing anything close to that?

Biden can't do anything yet. We'll see what the situation is on January 20, 2020. The most important thing TAIWAN did is what they did in the first few days after January 20, 2020 when they blocked travel and quarantined anyone they let in for 14 days. You have to ACT EARLY to prevent the virus from penetrating the country's population and creating "community spread". The United States has had community spread for 9 months now with 300,000 dying because of it. TAIWAN never had community spread, which is why their system works and makes sense.

Again, the Federal Government has the authority to shut down travel into the United States from any place around the world. Unfortunately, that would not do much now since the virus has already spread too widely through the U.S. population. Had the United States did what TAIWAN did back in January of 2020, the United States would be like TAIWAN and not in this mess and 300,000 more Americans would still be alive.

Unfortunately its too late to do that and the United States is the largest spreader of the VIRUS on the planet. BIDEN's only options by the time he gets in will be to continue Vaccine distribution, increase testing, increase production of PPE and encourage more use of PPE by all American citizens.

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