Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.

Are you dead yet?

Are you a mindless troll?

The SCIENCE tells you that LESS than 2% of infections are fatal. The SCIENCE tells you that the vast mjority who die have 1 or more critical underlying conditions It's NOT the big bad bogeyman that Prog trolls like keep screaming it is.

That is one in 50 people dead for a highly transmissible disease. Deaths from seasonal flu are less than 1 in a thousand.

Finally, 33% of everyone that gets infected with this virus are left with long term symptoms that could last the rest of their lives and shorten their life expectancy.

310,000 Americans are dead now from a virus that killed its first American 9 months and 13 days ago. The United States is now losing about 3,000 people a day from the virus.

Meanwhile in Taiwan, no one has died from the Virus in over 7 months! NO ONE! For people living in TAIWAN, everything is open. Bars, Clubs, Concerts, sporting events, school, life is NORMAL!

The U.S. response to this virus is the example of what not to do, while the TAIWAN response is the gold standard for what to do. TAIWAN did nearly everything right, while the United States did nearly everything wrong.
The results of who died and who didn't in each country are the proof of who was right and who was wrong.

Less than 2% mortality. Take your mask and get the picture.

Your mask prevents YOU from spreading the virus to other people, but only provides very limited protection for yourself. The primary reason you where a mask is TO PROTECT OTHER PEOPLE FROM YOUR GERMS!

1 in 50 dead is very dangerous. Would you get on a plane that had a 1 in 50 chance of crashing? If every American got the virus, with a 2% mortality rate, that would be over 6 million dead Americans.
Is the method Taiwan used and makes sense to be done during a dangerous global pandemic. Had the United States done what Taiwan did, less than 200 Americans would have died from covid-19.

of course you are posting nonsense

Hawaii tried that and it lasted about one week

do you see biden doing anything close to that?

Biden can't do anything yet. We'll see what the situation is on January 20, 2020. The most important thing TAIWAN did is what they did in the first few days after January 20, 2020 when they blocked travel and quarantined anyone they let in for 14 days. You have to ACT EARLY to prevent the virus from penetrating the country's population and creating "community spread". The United States has had community spread for 9 months now with 300,000 dying because of it. TAIWAN never had community spread, which is why their system works and makes sense.

Again, the Federal Government has the authority to shut down travel into the United States from any place around the world. Unfortunately, that would not do much now since the virus has already spread too widely through the U.S. population. Had the United States did what TAIWAN did back in January of 2020, the United States would be like TAIWAN and not in this mess and 300,000 more Americans would still be alive.

Unfortunately its too late to do that and the United States is the largest spreader of the VIRUS on the planet. BIDEN's only options by the time he gets in will be to continue Vaccine distribution, increase testing, increase production of PPE and encourage more use of PPE by all American citizens.
I dont think the experience of Taiwan is practical in the US

off hand I think Taiwan has only one international airport m

its a small island with a small population

and frankly I dont think you see the lawlessness that we have here
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
the people in taiwan cooperate with the govt much more than those in this country......yea i know i was shocked too....

Yes, Taiwan is a homogeneous society where people share common cultural values.

The United States is not.

Furthermore, Taiwan is a small island that can control who enters. We cannot (obviously!).

And the Taiwanese government can give orders to the whole nation.

The United States is a bunch of semi-independent states that can and do tell the federal government to go to Hades. Our governors are little dictators.

There is no comparison between the two nations.

The United States can control who enters the country. Most people enter the country through air travel, the same way they enter Taiwan. Most people who cross the land border with Canada or Mexico cross at specific checkpoints where travel can easily be stopped. The United States is not much different from Taiwan except that it is lot farther away from where the infection started in China. John Hopkins University predicted that Taiwan, because of its proximity to China, its extensive trade and travel links with China, would suffer the worse effects of the pandemic of any country in the world.

Taiwan proved that proper government policy in quarantining the country from the outside world could succeed in protecting its citizens from the pandemic. The United States could have done what Taiwan did. The United States is wealthier and has the 2nd largest military on the planet. All it would have taken is proper government planning to implement and do what TAIWAN did. Any disadvantages the United States had by having a land border with Mexico or Canada could easily be covered by the Military.

But lets be clear, the virus came to the United States primarily through AIR TRAVEL. There was little to no spread caused by people crossing the Canadian or Mexican border on foot, in a car or on a train. Even if it was a significant threat, the means to block it, and seal those entry points are there. And no, someone crossing the desert on foot from Mexico to Arizona is not going to be major means of transmitting the virus.
I just looked at a map of Taiwan and you're an idiot.
Is the method Taiwan used and makes sense to be done during a dangerous global pandemic. Had the United States done what Taiwan did, less than 200 Americans would have died from covid-19.

of course you are posting nonsense

Hawaii tried that and it lasted about one week

do you see biden doing anything close to that?

Biden can't do anything yet. We'll see what the situation is on January 20, 2020. The most important thing TAIWAN did is what they did in the first few days after January 20, 2020 when they blocked travel and quarantined anyone they let in for 14 days. You have to ACT EARLY to prevent the virus from penetrating the country's population and creating "community spread". The United States has had community spread for 9 months now with 300,000 dying because of it. TAIWAN never had community spread, which is why their system works and makes sense.

Again, the Federal Government has the authority to shut down travel into the United States from any place around the world. Unfortunately, that would not do much now since the virus has already spread too widely through the U.S. population. Had the United States did what TAIWAN did back in January of 2020, the United States would be like TAIWAN and not in this mess and 300,000 more Americans would still be alive.

Unfortunately its too late to do that and the United States is the largest spreader of the VIRUS on the planet. BIDEN's only options by the time he gets in will be to continue Vaccine distribution, increase testing, increase production of PPE and encourage more use of PPE by all American citizens.
I dont think the experience of Taiwan is practical in the US

off hand I think Taiwan has only one international airport m

its a small island with a small population

and frankly I dont think you see the lawlessness that we have here

TAIWAN is a country of 25 million people. that is not small. It is larger the biggest states in the United States with the exception of California. Whether TAIWAN has 1 or 20 international airports makes no difference. The United States has the ability to ban or quarantine all travel from international airports, sea ports, and border crossings. The banning part is the easiest. How many people you let in through quarantine methods of 14 days isolation is where more resources would come into play. But you can adjust that level based on what you have available for the job.

The only issue the United States has that TAIWAN does not is the person illegally walking across the border in a remote area or driving across the border in a remote area. Those numbers though when they happen are TINY, unlikely to be enough to contribute to community spread, if these people were infected, and could be easily controlled through testing and contact tracing.

The lawlessness that the United States has is irrelevant to situation if you do what TAIWAN did to prevent the virus from penetrating into the country. The United States given its achievements in World War II, the Cold War, Space Race, is the country that has the best resources and knowledge to handle a problem of the magnitude.

But the United States can't exercise that capability when the President fails to lead.
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
the people in taiwan cooperate with the govt much more than those in this country......yea i know i was shocked too....

Yes, Taiwan is a homogeneous society where people share common cultural values.

The United States is not.

Furthermore, Taiwan is a small island that can control who enters. We cannot (obviously!).

And the Taiwanese government can give orders to the whole nation.

The United States is a bunch of semi-independent states that can and do tell the federal government to go to Hades. Our governors are little dictators.

There is no comparison between the two nations.

The United States can control who enters the country. Most people enter the country through air travel, the same way they enter Taiwan. Most people who cross the land border with Canada or Mexico cross at specific checkpoints where travel can easily be stopped. The United States is not much different from Taiwan except that it is lot farther away from where the infection started in China. John Hopkins University predicted that Taiwan, because of its proximity to China, its extensive trade and travel links with China, would suffer the worse effects of the pandemic of any country in the world.

Taiwan proved that proper government policy in quarantining the country from the outside world could succeed in protecting its citizens from the pandemic. The United States could have done what Taiwan did. The United States is wealthier and has the 2nd largest military on the planet. All it would have taken is proper government planning to implement and do what TAIWAN did. Any disadvantages the United States had by having a land border with Mexico or Canada could easily be covered by the Military.

But lets be clear, the virus came to the United States primarily through AIR TRAVEL. There was little to no spread caused by people crossing the Canadian or Mexican border on foot, in a car or on a train. Even if it was a significant threat, the means to block it, and seal those entry points are there. And no, someone crossing the desert on foot from Mexico to Arizona is not going to be major means of transmitting the virus.
I just looked at a map of Taiwan and you're an idiot.

TAIWAN is 90 miles from China. The United States is nearly 5,000 miles from China.
TAIWAN is a country of 25 million people. that is not small. It is larger the biggest states in the United States with the exception of California. Whether TAIWAN has 1 or 20 international airports makes no difference.
They have only 1 international airport and that makes a big difference

25 million people is a small number compared to the United States

and in territory you could ride a motorbike from end to end of the island in half a day

so the logistics of locking down America the way they did Taiwan are formidable

besides, as you say its far too late to quarantine visitors for two weeks now when the chinese bug is everywhere already
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
the people in taiwan cooperate with the govt much more than those in this country......yea i know i was shocked too....

Yes, Taiwan is a homogeneous society where people share common cultural values.

The United States is not.

Furthermore, Taiwan is a small island that can control who enters. We cannot (obviously!).

And the Taiwanese government can give orders to the whole nation.

The United States is a bunch of semi-independent states that can and do tell the federal government to go to Hades. Our governors are little dictators.

There is no comparison between the two nations.

The United States can control who enters the country. Most people enter the country through air travel, the same way they enter Taiwan. Most people who cross the land border with Canada or Mexico cross at specific checkpoints where travel can easily be stopped. The United States is not much different from Taiwan except that it is lot farther away from where the infection started in China. John Hopkins University predicted that Taiwan, because of its proximity to China, its extensive trade and travel links with China, would suffer the worse effects of the pandemic of any country in the world.

Taiwan proved that proper government policy in quarantining the country from the outside world could succeed in protecting its citizens from the pandemic. The United States could have done what Taiwan did. The United States is wealthier and has the 2nd largest military on the planet. All it would have taken is proper government planning to implement and do what TAIWAN did. Any disadvantages the United States had by having a land border with Mexico or Canada could easily be covered by the Military.

But lets be clear, the virus came to the United States primarily through AIR TRAVEL. There was little to no spread caused by people crossing the Canadian or Mexican border on foot, in a car or on a train. Even if it was a significant threat, the means to block it, and seal those entry points are there. And no, someone crossing the desert on foot from Mexico to Arizona is not going to be major means of transmitting the virus.
I just looked at a map of Taiwan and you're an idiot.

TAIWAN is 90 miles from China. The United States is nearly 5,000 miles from China.
Taiwan is the size of a pool compared to the US.
Is the method Taiwan used and makes sense to be done during a dangerous global pandemic. Had the United States done what Taiwan did, less than 200 Americans would have died from covid-19.

of course you are posting nonsense

Hawaii tried that and it lasted about one week

do you see biden doing anything close to that?

Biden can't do anything yet. We'll see what the situation is on January 20, 2020. The most important thing TAIWAN did is what they did in the first few days after January 20, 2020 when they blocked travel and quarantined anyone they let in for 14 days. You have to ACT EARLY to prevent the virus from penetrating the country's population and creating "community spread". The United States has had community spread for 9 months now with 300,000 dying because of it. TAIWAN never had community spread, which is why their system works and makes sense.

Again, the Federal Government has the authority to shut down travel into the United States from any place around the world. Unfortunately, that would not do much now since the virus has already spread too widely through the U.S. population. Had the United States did what TAIWAN did back in January of 2020, the United States would be like TAIWAN and not in this mess and 300,000 more Americans would still be alive.

Unfortunately its too late to do that and the United States is the largest spreader of the VIRUS on the planet. BIDEN's only options by the time he gets in will be to continue Vaccine distribution, increase testing, increase production of PPE and encourage more use of PPE by all American citizens.
I dont think the experience of Taiwan is practical in the US

off hand I think Taiwan has only one international airport m

its a small island with a small population

and frankly I dont think you see the lawlessness that we have here

TAIWAN is a country of 25 million people. that is not small. It is larger the biggest states in the United States with the exception of California. Whether TAIWAN has 1 or 20 international airports makes no difference. The United States has the ability to ban or quarantine all travel from international airports, sea ports, and border crossings. The banning part is the easiest. How many people you let in through quarantine methods of 14 days isolation is where more resources would come into play. But you can adjust that level based on what you have available for the job.

The only issue the United States has that TAIWAN does not is the person illegally walking across the border in a remote area or driving across the border in a remote area. Those numbers though when they happen are TINY, unlikely to be enough to contribute to community spread, if these people were infected, and could be easily controlled through testing and contact tracing.

The lawlessness that the United States has is irrelevant to situation if you do what TAIWAN did to prevent the virus from penetrating into the country. The United States given its achievements in World War II, the Cold War, Space Race, is the country that has the best resources and knowledge to handle a problem of the magnitude.

But the United States can't exercise that capability when the President fails to lead.
when people in this country dont listen to biden are you going to say that he has failed to lead?...
when people in this country dont listen to biden are you going to say that he has failed to lead?...
We need to begin giving all voters mandatory lessons in Liberish so we can know what biden is telling us to do
biden is just another politician who will have lots of people giving him a hard time for his bullshit....
TAIWAN is a country of 25 million people. that is not small. It is larger the biggest states in the United States with the exception of California. Whether TAIWAN has 1 or 20 international airports makes no difference.
They have only 1 international airport and that makes a big difference

25 million people is a small number compared to the United States

and in territory you could ride a motorbike from end to end of the island in half a day

so the logistics of locking down America the way they did Taiwan are formidable

besides, as you say its far too late to quarantine visitors for two weeks now when the chinese bug is everywhere already

TAIWAN has four International Airports!

01. Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
02. Kaohsiung International Airport
03. Taichung International Airport
04. Taipei Songshan Airport

The United States has 149.

Whether its 4 or 149, the process of lock down and quarantine is rather simple and well within the means of the United States security apparatus.

Australia is large like the United States, but is closer to TAIWAN in terms of how the pandemic has been there. Land size is not an excuse and Australia proves that.

In fact, TAIWAN's small size and high population density should make it a SWEET SPOT for the virus.

Trump has not excuse. He had the means to seal off the country, block traffic and quarantine people. Nothing was done, while TAIWAN did everything they could. The difference is incredible.

TAIWAN has not lost any of its citizens to Covid-19 since May 11, 2020. The United States is approaching a rate of death from Covid-19 of 4,000 people every day. If you can excuse that, then you could excuse ANYTHING!
Whether its 4 or 149, the process of lock down and quarantine is rather simple and well within the means of the United States security apparatus.
Are you kidding?

the Deep State was far too busy trying to depose trump to bother with enforcing 14 day quranteens

Four international airports huh?

I learned something

but its still a very small country

and it is an independent country and not part of mainland china
Whether its 4 or 149, the process of lock down and quarantine is rather simple and well within the means of the United States security apparatus.
Are you kidding?

the Deep State was far too busy trying to depose trump to bother with enforcing 14 day quranteens

Four international airports huh?

I learned something

but its still a very small country

and it is an independent country and not part of mainland china

The United States fought the Axis powers during World War II, but drafting 16 million Americans out of their homes, jobs, and business's and sent them overseas to fight in specific theaters of war. It would take a FRACTION of that effort to secure U.S. International Airports airports and quarantine individuals the United States decides to let into the country.

If there are not enough facilities and resources to quarantine individuals then simply restrict or block access into the United States to a level that resources could support.

What Taiwan did is well within in the means of any first world country.

I'm shocked your just finding out that TAIWAN is an independent country. Of course it is. Its been independent of China for over 71 years now.

The United States has lost 330,000+ people to this virus. Taiwan has only lost 7. Taiwan has not had any deaths from this virus since May 11, 2020. In the United States, about 2,700 people on average are dying every day from the virus during the month of December 2020.

The United States has been an absolute failure at fighting this virus compared to TAIWAN.

There is NO reason, why the United States, the wealthiest country in the world, with its Superpower status and all the capabilities that go with that, could not defend its citizens as well as TAIWAN has defended its citizens.
I'm shocked your just finding out that TAIWAN is an independent country. Of course it is.

Its been independent of China for over 71 years now.

not quite

Taiwan until very recently was ruled by the KMT, founded by Sun Yat-sen , and claimed to be sole legitimate government of all of china and has since 1912

but in the early 1970s the UN and US recognized communist china as the ruling party of mainland china

and red china claimed taiwan

it can be very confusing to Americans with only a slight knowledge of history

as of today the KMT is no longer the ruling party in Taiwan

the current government has not yet formally declared independence

but I think it will someday
I'm shocked your just finding out that TAIWAN is an independent country. Of course it is.

Its been independent of China for over 71 years now.

not quite

Taiwan until very recently was ruled by the KMT, founded by Sun Yat-sen , and claimed to be sole legitimate government of all of china and has since 1912

but in the early 1970s the UN and US recognized communist china as the ruling party of mainland china

and red china claimed taiwan

it can be very confusing to Americans with only a slight knowledge of history

as of today the KMT is no longer the ruling party in Taiwan

the current government has not yet formally declared independence

but I think it will someday

Taiwan and China have been separate independent countries since 1949. It does not matter about one countries claims on the other, or their specific definition from a particular time period, or which countries have formally recognized either one.

The fact remains, people in Taiwan have not been controlled or governed in any way by people in main land China since 1949. Since 1949, you have two separate entities, each independent of the other. That is the reality, regardless of whether that fits some formal or legal definition of independence.

But in any event, irrelevant to the topic which is the failure of the United States to protect its citizens from Covid-19 in light of what TAIWAN has successfully shown is possible in fighting the pandemic. This failure is primarily the fault of Donald Trump and his administration.
Taiwan and China have been separate independent countries since 1949. It does not matter about one countries claims on the other, or their specific definition from a particular time period, or which countries have formally recognized either one.
the claims of the two governments does matter

Taiwan was kicked out of the UN and communist china given their seat

until recently taiwan claimed authority over all of china

but the current popularly elected government ran on a platform of independence from china

they have not declared independence yet and if they do china is threatening war

and its a serious threat
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
the people in taiwan cooperate with the govt much more than those in this country......yea i know i was shocked too....

Yes, Taiwan is a homogeneous society where people share common cultural values.

The United States is not.

Furthermore, Taiwan is a small island that can control who enters. We cannot (obviously!).

And the Taiwanese government can give orders to the whole nation.

The United States is a bunch of semi-independent states that can and do tell the federal government to go to Hades. Our governors are little dictators.

There is no comparison between the two nations.

The United States can control who enters the country. Most people enter the country through air travel, the same way they enter Taiwan. Most people who cross the land border with Canada or Mexico cross at specific checkpoints where travel can easily be stopped. The United States is not much different from Taiwan except that it is lot farther away from where the infection started in China. John Hopkins University predicted that Taiwan, because of its proximity to China, its extensive trade and travel links with China, would suffer the worse effects of the pandemic of any country in the world.

Taiwan proved that proper government policy in quarantining the country from the outside world could succeed in protecting its citizens from the pandemic. The United States could have done what Taiwan did. The United States is wealthier and has the 2nd largest military on the planet. All it would have taken is proper government planning to implement and do what TAIWAN did. Any disadvantages the United States had by having a land border with Mexico or Canada could easily be covered by the Military.

But lets be clear, the virus came to the United States primarily through AIR TRAVEL. There was little to no spread caused by people crossing the Canadian or Mexican border on foot, in a car or on a train. Even if it was a significant threat, the means to block it, and seal those entry points are there. And no, someone crossing the desert on foot from Mexico to Arizona is not going to be major means of transmitting the virus.
You think the military should have patrolled our entire northern and southern borders to keep people out? Gee, just think if we had a viable border wall between us and Mexico! That might actually be feasible!
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
the people in taiwan cooperate with the govt much more than those in this country......yea i know i was shocked too....

Yes, Taiwan is a homogeneous society where people share common cultural values.

The United States is not.

Furthermore, Taiwan is a small island that can control who enters. We cannot (obviously!).

And the Taiwanese government can give orders to the whole nation.

The United States is a bunch of semi-independent states that can and do tell the federal government to go to Hades. Our governors are little dictators.

There is no comparison between the two nations.

The United States can control who enters the country. Most people enter the country through air travel, the same way they enter Taiwan. Most people who cross the land border with Canada or Mexico cross at specific checkpoints where travel can easily be stopped. The United States is not much different from Taiwan except that it is lot farther away from where the infection started in China. John Hopkins University predicted that Taiwan, because of its proximity to China, its extensive trade and travel links with China, would suffer the worse effects of the pandemic of any country in the world.

Taiwan proved that proper government policy in quarantining the country from the outside world could succeed in protecting its citizens from the pandemic. The United States could have done what Taiwan did. The United States is wealthier and has the 2nd largest military on the planet. All it would have taken is proper government planning to implement and do what TAIWAN did. Any disadvantages the United States had by having a land border with Mexico or Canada could easily be covered by the Military.

But lets be clear, the virus came to the United States primarily through AIR TRAVEL. There was little to no spread caused by people crossing the Canadian or Mexican border on foot, in a car or on a train. Even if it was a significant threat, the means to block it, and seal those entry points are there. And no, someone crossing the desert on foot from Mexico to Arizona is not going to be major means of transmitting the virus.
You think the military should have patrolled our entire northern and southern borders to keep people out? Gee, just think if we had a viable border wall between us and Mexico! That might actually be feasible!

Actually, I don't think that would be necessary. Overwhelmingly, most travel is through major border crossing areas that well staffed with border patrol agents. Only a tiny number of people enter the country by walking across the border in a remote area. Not in numbers that would be enough to spread a virus in a rapid uncontrollable manner. The United States has what it needs to block travel at its international airports, sea ports, and land crossings. Its just a matter of security being given the instructions and orders to block travel or quarantine individuals in isolated locations who are let in. All they needed was Trump to follow the TAIWAN model, and we be living in a different world right now in the United States without 340,000 people dead from Covid-19.
Taiwan and China have been separate independent countries since 1949. It does not matter about one countries claims on the other, or their specific definition from a particular time period, or which countries have formally recognized either one.
the claims of the two governments does matter

Taiwan was kicked out of the UN and communist china given their seat

until recently taiwan claimed authority over all of china

but the current popularly elected government ran on a platform of independence from china

they have not declared independence yet and if they do china is threatening war

and its a serious threat

I'm talking about in terms of the people's daily lives in TAIWAN. In TAIWAN, people follow laws and pay taxes to the government in TAIWAN. They are not effected or submit anything at all to the Communist Government in Mainland China. The government in Communist China cannot not impose anything on a TAIWAN citizen either in terms of laws, taxes, etc. The government in Communist China has no more control over the average TAIWAN citizen than it does over the average U.S. citizen in the United States.

By the same measure, the government in TAIWAN has no authority or control over people living in mainland china.

You have two independent countries, completely separate in every measurable way.

UN membership, One China, Two China's, formal independence declarations, are all the equivalent of Window Dressing. Semantics, title's, names, definitions etc.

Its true that China has threatened to invade if there is a formal declaration of Independence by TAIWAN. But that is irrelevant to the reality that TAIWAN is a functioning independent country with the 21st largest military force on the planet out of the 197 countries on this planet.
Summer of Life in TAIWAN, Summer of Death in the United States!

The scale of Trump's failure to protect the United States can be accurately seen in the comparison of deaths and infections from coronavirus between TAIWAN and the United States from the period of June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020.


United States POPULATION: 332,639,102

Deaths from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 82,716

Infections from coronavirus, from June 1, 2020 to September 1, 2020:


United States: 4,429,547

On a per capita basis, for the United States to have done as well as TAIWAN over the summer, the United States would of needed to have less than 900 infections and less than 15 deaths.
the people in taiwan cooperate with the govt much more than those in this country......yea i know i was shocked too....

Yes, Taiwan is a homogeneous society where people share common cultural values.

The United States is not.

Furthermore, Taiwan is a small island that can control who enters. We cannot (obviously!).

And the Taiwanese government can give orders to the whole nation.

The United States is a bunch of semi-independent states that can and do tell the federal government to go to Hades. Our governors are little dictators.

There is no comparison between the two nations.

The United States can control who enters the country. Most people enter the country through air travel, the same way they enter Taiwan. Most people who cross the land border with Canada or Mexico cross at specific checkpoints where travel can easily be stopped. The United States is not much different from Taiwan except that it is lot farther away from where the infection started in China. John Hopkins University predicted that Taiwan, because of its proximity to China, its extensive trade and travel links with China, would suffer the worse effects of the pandemic of any country in the world.

Taiwan proved that proper government policy in quarantining the country from the outside world could succeed in protecting its citizens from the pandemic. The United States could have done what Taiwan did. The United States is wealthier and has the 2nd largest military on the planet. All it would have taken is proper government planning to implement and do what TAIWAN did. Any disadvantages the United States had by having a land border with Mexico or Canada could easily be covered by the Military.

But lets be clear, the virus came to the United States primarily through AIR TRAVEL. There was little to no spread caused by people crossing the Canadian or Mexican border on foot, in a car or on a train. Even if it was a significant threat, the means to block it, and seal those entry points are there. And no, someone crossing the desert on foot from Mexico to Arizona is not going to be major means of transmitting the virus.
You think the military should have patrolled our entire northern and southern borders to keep people out? Gee, just think if we had a viable border wall between us and Mexico! That might actually be feasible!

Actually, I don't think that would be necessary. Overwhelmingly, most travel is through major border crossing areas that well staffed with border patrol agents. Only a tiny number of people enter the country by walking across the border in a remote area. Not in numbers that would be enough to spread a virus in a rapid uncontrollable manner. The United States has what it needs to block travel at its international airports, sea ports, and land crossings. Its just a matter of security being given the instructions and orders to block travel or quarantine individuals in isolated locations who are let in. All they needed was Trump to follow the TAIWAN model, and we be living in a different world right now in the United States without 340,000 people dead from Covid-19.
Oh, bullshit! Islands like Taiwan, New Zealand and Australia were able to limit Covid by closing down travel there. You can do that when you're an island! You CAN'T do that when you have borders like the US does or most of Europe does! How many people does it take to start a pandemic? One infected person in a large group setting? They infect dozens of others. Those dozens infect dozens more. Do you have any clue how much traffic goes across our Southern and Northern borders on any given day in normal times? Do you have any clue what a shut down of that traffic would do to our economy as well as our neighbors?

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